Married At First Sight (AU) S11 x Episode 33

  • 6 months ago


00:00:00 Honey, I'm home. In you go.
00:00:04 When our couples arrived for homestays week...
00:00:07 I reckon you should give him a little bit more of a go.
00:00:09 Lauren and Jonathan's romantic connection grew.
00:00:13 Yes. I consummated the homestay.
00:00:15 I've got someone that I need instead of want.
00:00:18 There could be a future for us.
00:00:20 Going and hanging out with a friend all night,
00:00:24 it's about him not wanting to see me.
00:00:26 But Lucinda's trip to Melbourne...
00:00:28 I haven't felt welcome.
00:00:30 You haven't let me in.
00:00:31 ...saw her and Timothy's relationship implode.
00:00:34 I don't know what you want.
00:00:36 I've got nothing left.
00:00:37 As Lucinda drew a line in the sand.
00:00:41 I am not going to superimpose myself upon somebody
00:00:45 that doesn't want or celebrate me.
00:00:47 I deserve better than this.
00:00:49 I got the impression you were basic.
00:00:52 Yeah.
00:00:53 Despite a challenging homestays week...
00:00:55 Did you consummate the marriage?
00:00:57 Yeah.
00:00:59 ...Tori and Jack finally progressed their relationship.
00:01:03 I don't believe it.
00:01:04 Have you made up the sleeping thing to take the heat off?
00:01:07 I think it's fake.
00:01:08 You don't feel anything towards the...
00:01:09 You can't tell me how I feel!
00:01:12 But her friendship with Lauren was left in tatters.
00:01:16 No one at this table I would want to spend time with
00:01:18 after this experiment.
00:01:20 I really do care about you.
00:01:22 I'm devastated.
00:01:24 Sarah and Tim are our happy couple.
00:01:27 Eden was feeling the pressure...
00:01:29 I don't think I can do this anymore.
00:01:31 ...leaving Jayden and herself in a communication gridlock.
00:01:35 I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do
00:01:36 or how I'm supposed to handle that.
00:01:37 I don't think you quite understand what I'm saying.
00:01:39 I don't.
00:01:40 And I don't think you understand what I'm saying either.
00:01:42 Tonight, it's the final commitment ceremony of the experiment.
00:01:51 And a massive bombshell will be dropped.
00:01:54 Wow.
00:01:56 I'm shocked.
00:01:57 A brand new cheating allegation...
00:01:59 This is huge.
00:02:01 ...will leave one bride...
00:02:03 Um...
00:02:04 ...blindsided.
00:02:06 Are you serious?
00:02:07 That hurts.
00:02:09 What the actual ****?
00:02:18 It's the morning of the final commitment ceremony.
00:02:22 After more than eight weeks in the experiment...
00:02:25 All right, let's get going.
00:02:27 I need a coffee.
00:02:28 ...tonight is the final time our couples will face the experts.
00:02:33 And for one husband and wife,
00:02:35 it'll be an opportunity to show everyone just how far they've come.
00:02:40 Hello.
00:02:41 Hey.
00:02:42 Hey, sweetie.
00:02:43 Looking good.
00:02:45 I feel really good about tonight.
00:02:47 I feel like Tim and I are in a good spot.
00:02:50 We had a really good dinner party.
00:02:52 We were just, like, all over each other, but just having a good time.
00:02:54 I think we were just enjoying being in a good place.
00:02:58 And, yeah, we tried our best to just focus on us.
00:03:01 I had so much fun last night.
00:03:03 Yeah.
00:03:04 I feel like for the most part, we were just kind of, like, giggling to ourselves.
00:03:07 Yeah.
00:03:08 It was really fun.
00:03:11 I'm really happy to be in the place that I am with Sarah right now.
00:03:14 It's been a tumultuous journey.
00:03:19 But we've finally kind of come to this place where we're just, like,
00:03:22 yeah, all over each other, laughing together.
00:03:25 I'm just excited to show off, like, where we're at, you know, how far we've come.
00:03:29 Just feels like a sort of the guinea star to a relationship.
00:03:33 It's like we're in the honeymoon phase.
00:03:35 (LAUGHS)
00:03:37 Sarah and Tim may have escaped the drama last night,
00:03:41 but the dinner party highlighted issues in one couple's relationship
00:03:45 that the group hadn't seen before.
00:03:48 So confused.
00:03:50 I mean, I am interested to see what happened with those two tonight.
00:03:54 They did seem a little bit off.
00:03:56 They both didn't seem like themselves, you know?
00:03:59 Eden and Jayden had a fairy tale start to the experiment.
00:04:03 (CHEERING)
00:04:05 Without speaking too soon, is she hopefully the one?
00:04:08 But Eden has at times struggled with confrontation.
00:04:12 I do sometimes get uncomfortable or anxious in a big social setting,
00:04:16 and that's evident being here.
00:04:19 And last night, Jayden's combative fight style left her distressed.
00:04:25 There have been times where I've tried to bring up things with you on homestays,
00:04:28 and you, again, have not had a bar of it and not cared.
00:04:31 I have cared. You haven't.
00:04:34 So now, going into the dinner party,
00:04:36 if I want to say something, if they ask us a question about how it is,
00:04:39 I have to be honest about it.
00:04:41 I don't want to lose you. I've never wanted to lose you,
00:04:43 so I get really scared to go to these things
00:04:45 'cause I feel like I might lose you when we attend them.
00:04:47 With it all coming to a head at the dinner party...
00:04:50 I don't want to argue with you.
00:04:51 I don't want to argue, but I absolutely want to talk about specifics.
00:04:54 Jayden, I'm a bit... No, no, no.
00:04:55 Every day, every day for the last four weeks,
00:04:57 you've told me you don't want to... you want to go,
00:04:59 but then you've ended up staying.
00:05:01 I don't think you quite understand what I'm saying.
00:05:03 I don't. I'm going to be straight up with you and honest,
00:05:05 and I don't think you understand what I'm saying either.
00:05:07 Eden was very upset last night, as was I.
00:05:11 We're both struggling, and we're not seeing eye to eye.
00:05:16 It's a bit of a shock, because this is really, in the last week or two,
00:05:19 it's the first bad that we've actually had for this whole experiment.
00:05:22 So it has taken its toll on my mind.
00:05:25 Morning. Hello.
00:05:27 But we're still here, and I am trying so hard,
00:05:30 and I am really trying to do everything I can to make Eden happy.
00:05:34 But it just doesn't seem to be enough.
00:05:37 Something's changed in the last two weeks.
00:05:44 What's changed?
00:05:46 I'm not sure what it is, to be honest.
00:05:50 OK.
00:05:53 I think the only thing that's really changed is the fact that I am now
00:05:57 sharing my thoughts and my feelings on this relationship
00:06:00 with everyone else, like I did on the couch last week.
00:06:02 Yeah.
00:06:04 And you're worried about that happening again,
00:06:07 because you think that it's going to cause arguments between us.
00:06:09 Yeah, OK, if that's what you think.
00:06:12 You don't want to go to the dinner parties, you don't want to go to this,
00:06:16 you don't want... OK, what is it then?
00:06:18 I am anxious to have a disagreement with you,
00:06:22 because I can't get out of it once I'm in it.
00:06:24 You can, like...
00:06:26 Yeah, you can very easily get out of conversations with me.
00:06:29 OK, I can.
00:06:32 Eden is very closed off with her feelings,
00:06:34 and she doesn't like to talk about them,
00:06:36 so straightaway she'll shut the conversation down.
00:06:38 But, you know, I like to get to the bottom of things
00:06:41 and try and fix them.
00:06:43 And the whole point of this experiment is to share what's going on
00:06:46 with the experts, with the other couples, and get their take on it,
00:06:48 and she just... she doesn't want to do it.
00:06:50 It's not confrontation, it's communication,
00:06:53 and that is exactly what the experts told us to do.
00:06:56 I can't handle it.
00:06:58 OK, so you can't handle communication?
00:07:00 With you, no, I can't. Why not?
00:07:02 Because it goes round and round and round. It doesn't.
00:07:05 OK, I'm wrong, sorry.
00:07:07 Unless I agree with Jaden's point of view,
00:07:10 he just won't stop.
00:07:12 So...
00:07:14 I feel like it probably does look like
00:07:16 I'm always shutting down conversations about my feelings
00:07:19 and about things that he has problems with,
00:07:21 but the reason I shut them down
00:07:23 is because I don't want to talk about them for 25 hours on end.
00:07:26 Can't handle the confrontation with you.
00:07:28 And this is just going to go round in circles
00:07:30 cos you don't believe me when I say that, and that's fine.
00:07:32 You don't have to believe me.
00:07:34 That's something we're going to have to bring up with the experts then.
00:07:36 That's fine.
00:07:38 Because when we try to communicate and we try to talk about things...
00:07:40 OK. want to get out of it as fast as you can.
00:07:42 It's not confrontation then. I'm sorry, it's not.
00:07:44 It's just...
00:07:46 You just try and shut down the conversation to get out of it.
00:07:48 I'm here for Eden. I like her,
00:07:50 and I want to work out things and make things work with her,
00:07:53 but we've got to be able to communicate,
00:07:55 we've got to be able to talk about things.
00:07:57 I'm not really sure where to go from here.
00:07:59 I just can't do this every single day anymore... Yeah.
00:08:02 ..where I'm hearing this. Yeah.
00:08:04 I've done nothing but try to help.
00:08:06 OK.
00:08:10 Something definitely needs to change.
00:08:12 I'm just a bit lost on how.
00:08:15 But I do really like Jayden, and I don't want to lose him.
00:08:19 And I feel like it's already happening.
00:08:22 So...
00:08:24 ..I don't really know what else to do at this point.
00:08:27 As the couples prepare to face the experts for the last time,
00:08:42 they reflect on their relationships
00:08:45 before making the important decision
00:08:47 to stay and continue to final vows
00:08:50 or leave their marriages for good.
00:08:54 And for Lauren and Jonathan,
00:08:56 homestays strengthen their bond
00:08:58 and put intimacy back on the menu.
00:09:01 Oh, baby, look at that.
00:09:05 Yeah. That gets me horny.
00:09:08 How's the intimacy with you and Jonathan?
00:09:12 Yeah, it's good. Back on track.
00:09:14 I've never been with a chick who can cook.
00:09:18 Really? Well, you found the love of your life.
00:09:21 (LAUGHS)
00:09:23 I'm feeling really close to Lauren at the moment.
00:09:27 I think our feelings are pretty strong for each other.
00:09:30 During homestays, we just clicked,
00:09:34 and the affection's sort of been coming back,
00:09:36 and there's been a bit of intimacy as well, so it's awesome.
00:09:40 At the beginning of the experiment,
00:09:42 I just didn't think that Jono and I were a good match,
00:09:45 and so I just wasn't making any kind of effort,
00:09:48 and so, like, I was happy to keep those walls up,
00:09:51 but I haven't been good at choosing relationships in the past.
00:09:55 I've been betrayed, I've been cheated on, I've been lied to,
00:09:58 so it's hard for me to, like, open up.
00:10:01 But as time's gone on and we've gotten to know each other more,
00:10:04 I think I've realised that he's a really nice guy
00:10:07 and I need a nice guy.
00:10:10 I feel like we had a good homestay.
00:10:12 Starting to see what life would look like
00:10:14 on the outside of the experiment together.
00:10:16 You know, my feelings are growing for Jono.
00:10:19 We're in the best place that we've been.
00:10:21 He's a great person and I'm lucky to have him in this experiment.
00:10:26 So, yeah, that feels good.
00:10:28 While Lauren is feeling happier than ever,
00:10:33 this morning, a bride no longer in the experiment
00:10:37 has passed on some information
00:10:40 that threatens to blow up one couple's relationship.
00:10:44 I was made privy to some information
00:10:47 and, like, it's...
00:10:51's huge.
00:10:53 Hearing this information,
00:10:56 you know, I felt this almost euphoric feeling.
00:11:00 Because it's like, you guys have been coming so hard at us for so long
00:11:06 and now it turns out you're sitting on your own little secret.
00:11:09 How the tables have turned.
00:11:12 It's like people in last houses shouldn't throw rocks
00:11:15 and I'm going to leave it at that.
00:11:17 Greetings, gents. Hey.
00:11:39 Hello, guys. Hello.
00:11:41 Hello.
00:11:42 Hello, ladies. Hi. Hello.
00:12:07 Hello.
00:12:35 Well, welcome, everyone, to the very final commitment ceremony
00:12:40 of this entire experiment.
00:12:42 Now, of course, you're all coming back
00:12:46 from having been doing your homestays,
00:12:49 which is such an important part of this experiment
00:12:51 because finally the mystery is over.
00:12:53 You have a good idea of what it would be like
00:12:56 to be able to be a part of your partner's life in the real world,
00:13:00 outside of the confines of the experiment.
00:13:03 So we're very much looking forward to hearing how that went
00:13:06 for each and every one of you.
00:13:08 You have one last shot here to use us.
00:13:12 So open up, be raw, be vulnerable
00:13:16 and use this experience wisely.
00:13:19 Now, with that being said, let's get our first couple on the couch.
00:13:23 Eden and Jayden.
00:13:33 APPLAUSE
00:13:35 Hello. Hi.
00:13:43 Well, let's go straight to that conversation last night.
00:13:48 What went down at the dinner party?
00:13:52 Because you guys didn't look very good at all.
00:13:55 Um...
00:13:59 Last night I was just trying to explain
00:14:01 that I can't handle conflict with Jayden.
00:14:03 Mm.
00:14:04 He just goes round in circles and he goes on and on and on
00:14:09 and kind of just doesn't let up and doesn't hear what I'm saying.
00:14:14 And so I've really struggled to get my point across
00:14:20 for the past however long
00:14:22 to the point where I just don't even say anything.
00:14:24 I usually just agree.
00:14:27 Because it's easier to just agree with Jayden.
00:14:29 Jayden, what's your take on last night?
00:14:33 Yeah, honestly, I don't know.
00:14:38 I'm a little bit confused about the whole thing.
00:14:40 I just feel like when I try to bring up my feelings
00:14:46 or something I have a problem with, it just doesn't get addressed
00:14:49 and I felt like the same thing was happening, yeah, last night.
00:14:56 The reason they're not being addressed is because
00:14:58 I don't want to have the conversations with you.
00:15:01 Because I know that as soon as we share our feelings about something
00:15:05 we'll get into a debate that I can't get out of.
00:15:07 I just feel like I don't have a voice.
00:15:13 Once I'm in a debate with you, the only way for me to get out
00:15:18 is to bow down and agree with you.
00:15:20 Shit.
00:15:21 [music]
00:15:23 I don't want to have the conversations with you.
00:15:36 Because I know that as soon as we share our feelings about something
00:15:39 we'll get into a debate that I can't get out of.
00:15:41 I just feel like I don't have a voice.
00:15:48 Once I'm in a debate with you, the only way for me to get out
00:15:51 is to bow down and agree with you.
00:15:53 Oh, shit.
00:15:55 OK.
00:15:58 I'm going to disagree with that.
00:16:00 When you talk about your feelings or I talk about my feelings,
00:16:05 I don't get a word in.
00:16:06 You do, definitely.
00:16:08 OK, I do now.
00:16:09 I guess.
00:16:10 [music]
00:16:17 When your partner, who you've got strong feelings for,
00:16:21 is saying, "I don't feel heard.
00:16:23 I have lost my voice,"
00:16:26 I feel like I've got to bow down to you.
00:16:29 Now, let's just suck that up.
00:16:38 Yeah, I know.
00:16:39 It's a big thing, but...
00:16:40 That's a huge thing.
00:16:42 I'm... I just...
00:16:46 And that's not right or wrong.
00:16:48 That's her reality.
00:16:49 So, while you may disagree with her,
00:16:54 that doesn't mean she doesn't feel disempowered
00:16:58 when she's around you and trying to talk.
00:17:00 So, shrugging it off and shaking your head,
00:17:05 is that validating?
00:17:06 Is that making her feel heard?
00:17:08 No, it's not, but...
00:17:14 I don't think "but" is the right response.
00:17:17 When you engage in a fight with Eden,
00:17:21 and we saw it first-hand last night,
00:17:24 you get into a state where you fire questions,
00:17:28 a bit like she's in a witness stand
00:17:33 and you're cross-examining her.
00:17:35 And you repeat the same thing over and over again.
00:17:41 For you, it's like a match.
00:17:44 You've got to be right and the other people are wrong.
00:17:47 And this is not a boxing ring.
00:17:51 This isn't about winning or losing
00:17:57 when it comes to relationships.
00:17:59 She is your partner, not your opponent.
00:18:02 And you need to know that your fight style is toxic.
00:18:07 OK, in which way?
00:18:10 It's when you try to be right,
00:18:12 when you say "but" and then start qualifying,
00:18:16 giving excuses, giving your side, talking over.
00:18:20 It doesn't matter whether it's Eden or anyone else in this room,
00:18:24 they're going to put the walls up and shut down.
00:18:28 And we saw that last night from you, Eden, didn't we?
00:18:31 Yeah.
00:18:33 I don't mean to be mean, but...
00:18:37 I don't mean to be intimidating and all that.
00:18:40 I just like to communicate.
00:18:42 And the advice that we got from Mel
00:18:44 was to communicate and over-communicate.
00:18:47 Over-communication is not about bombarding the other person
00:18:51 with your message over and over and over.
00:18:54 What I think would be more helpful here is over-listening.
00:18:59 Because what we saw last night
00:19:03 was very little empathy or active listening from you.
00:19:07 You know, I could see the frustration that you were experiencing, Eden,
00:19:10 trying to get your message across, but...
00:19:12 ..we saw no evidence of you listening to her.
00:19:18 I'm really not sure what to say to that.
00:19:22 Because a lot of the things that are being said, I do disagree with.
00:19:26 I feel like whenever she comes to me and she asks for something,
00:19:29 I address it and I work my arse off to try and fix it.
00:19:34 Yeah, there are times that I speak too much,
00:19:37 but I always try and listen and really understand how she feels.
00:19:41 I think what we're saying tonight, Jaden,
00:19:43 is that you're doing a bad job of it.
00:19:45 Well, I'm not perfect, John.
00:19:50 I'm trying.
00:19:52 I'm not asking you to be perfect, but what we are saying
00:19:55 is there's a pattern here you need to be aware of
00:19:58 that you weren't aware of.
00:20:01 So, what's your take on your fight style, how you argue?
00:20:05 Is this where I say how I feel and what I think is going on?
00:20:11 Yeah.
00:20:12 Am I just going to be told I'm wrong by you guys
00:20:14 or am I actually going to be allowed to say how I feel?
00:20:17 You said you were here to learn. Yeah, I am.
00:20:20 Then that's a defensive position.
00:20:22 I just don't want to say the wrong thing, that's all, and then...
00:20:25 I think you're being a bit childish now.
00:20:28 This really is your moment.
00:20:31 Drop the defences, open your mind and walk the talk.
00:20:36 OK, well, I feel like I'm trying my best.
00:20:42 Maybe it's not very good enough at the moment.
00:20:44 And I obviously misinterpreted what you meant by over-communicate.
00:20:50 And if you feel like you can't bring things up
00:20:54 without it turning to an argument and me going at you...
00:20:57 ..I'll just have to try and understand a bit more and listen
00:21:02 and maybe not go at you like you say.
00:21:05 Jaden, if you get something wrong in a relationship,
00:21:18 what's so bad about that?
00:21:23 I don't know. To me, it's not good enough.
00:21:26 What's so bad about that?
00:21:37 It's because you've let your partner down.
00:21:39 Ah.
00:21:50 No, it doesn't. It doesn't mean you're not good enough.
00:21:53 Definitely doesn't mean you're not good enough.
00:21:56 I feel like I'm always letting you down.
00:22:02 And if I feel like I'm not good enough,
00:22:04 of course I'm going to try and fix it
00:22:07 and get to the bottom of things.
00:22:09 Jaden, do you feel like you're a failure in this relationship?
00:22:13 Yeah.
00:22:18 I don't feel like that.
00:22:20 Now it makes sense.
00:22:34 Your interrogation style,
00:22:39 your need to solve, to push through...
00:22:45 you have to do that, because if you don't,
00:22:48 you feel not good enough, you feel like a failure.
00:22:51 Yeah, I'm always trying to progress in everything.
00:22:54 And I'm always trying to get better.
00:22:57 That's just me.
00:22:59 I mean, I think everyone can say
00:23:03 that that sort of winning mentality works in the ring.
00:23:07 But when it comes to an interview,
00:23:14 when it comes to an intimate, romantic relationship...
00:23:18 failure's OK.
00:23:22 Getting it wrong's fine.
00:23:24 Saying sorry is very, very healthy.
00:23:29 And being vulnerable is actually a hugely brave thing to do,
00:23:34 and it's the key.
00:23:36 Yeah, I didn't realise that.
00:23:42 Eden, do you feel like Jaden's good enough for you?
00:23:45 100% he's good enough. He's more than enough.
00:23:50 My feelings have grown so much.
00:23:58 I love how silly and playful and funny he is.
00:24:03 I love how outspoken and confident he is
00:24:06 and how he can, like, dominate a room like that.
00:24:09 So I'm super into him.
00:24:12 When things are good, Jaden, between the two of you,
00:24:15 how do you feel about her?
00:24:18 Excited.
00:24:21 Just excited cos I know when things are good.
00:24:27 It just makes me excited for the future,
00:24:29 to do all the things that we want to do and spend our lives together.
00:24:32 My gosh, this is so cute.
00:24:40 Nice work, guys.
00:24:42 Big revelations.
00:24:45 But we need to know about the decision, stay or leave.
00:24:49 Let's go with you first, Jaden.
00:24:52 Stay.
00:24:57 Ah.
00:24:58 Eden, what about you? Stay or leave? What have we got?
00:25:05 It actually was a hard decision for me
00:25:08 because I just didn't know whether we were going to be able to move past this.
00:25:13 But it was nice to see at the end of the conversation
00:25:20 that we did kind of get there, so I also wrote stay.
00:25:24 Oh, good.
00:25:25 I like the fact you've opened up, Jaden,
00:25:34 and there's a lot about your relationship that's very strong.
00:25:38 You're at a great time where you can really learn from tonight
00:25:41 and move forward in a different way.
00:25:44 It's over to you.
00:25:46 Thanks so much. Good work. You go back to the group.
00:26:00 Coming up...
00:26:02 ..Ridge opens his heart.
00:26:05 I haven't felt this way about a girl. Ever.
00:26:08 And later...
00:26:10 Can I just pipe in there?
00:26:12 ..Tori drops a bombshell.
00:26:15 I was made privy to some information.
00:26:28 Next up on the couch...
00:26:30 ..Jaden Ridge.
00:26:39 Howdy. Hello.
00:26:44 Hey, guys.
00:26:45 So, you've had homestays this week.
00:26:51 Jade, how did it go?
00:26:54 It went really well.
00:26:57 My family did like Ridge a lot, which was good.
00:27:01 We did the normal routine,
00:27:04 like, just to kind of show him what it's like, everyday stuff -
00:27:08 walking the dogs, gym, school drop-off.
00:27:11 But my mum and sister got very emotional.
00:27:17 What were they emotional about?
00:27:23 Um...
00:27:25 ..I guess they could see, like, how much I am falling for Ridge.
00:27:32 Oh.
00:27:33 They could tell I was really, really happy.
00:27:38 Like, I was so happy.
00:27:40 So they just got worried that if things don't go well...
00:27:47 ..that I'll crumble.
00:27:50 OK.
00:27:51 I guess things with Ridge and I aren't simple
00:27:57 cos we don't live close to each other.
00:28:00 So I guess that's kind of, like, a concern,
00:28:05 cos long distance can be tough.
00:28:07 Jade, what is it that's your biggest fear here?
00:28:13 Um...
00:28:18 It is very scary getting feelings for someone.
00:28:24 Why's that?
00:28:29 Um...
00:28:32 I guess just in case he wakes up one day and decides this isn't for him.
00:28:45 I feel like maybe he'll be out and he'll find someone that, like,
00:28:50 he matches well with and he'll think it's better and easier
00:28:54 than sticking with me.
00:28:56 Yeah.
00:28:59 Has she got something to worry about, Ridge?
00:29:05 Honestly, if you understood half of how I felt about you,
00:29:09 then you'd know that you and I, like,
00:29:11 there's nothing that's going to get between us, no-one.
00:29:14 Like, not a single person.
00:29:16 I only see you, babe.
00:29:19 Honestly, I think about you all the time,
00:29:21 and I know when I'm not going to be around you all the time,
00:29:24 I'll be thinking about you.
00:29:25 So you've got nothing to worry about, like, at all.
00:29:28 I understand what Jade's saying, cos obviously that's my concern as well,
00:29:35 the distance thing,
00:29:36 but that's why I've tried to reassure her as much as I can.
00:29:39 So I'm sort of saying to her, like, every time I come see you,
00:29:42 you come see me, we'll plan the next time we're going to see each other,
00:29:45 so there's going to be a date.
00:29:47 Just to reassure her that, you know, I'm going to make an effort,
00:29:50 I want to make this work with you,
00:29:52 and hopefully that's going to be enough until we finally get to a point
00:29:55 where it's going to be right for me to move up to Gold Coast.
00:29:58 Ridge, this is huge for you.
00:30:01 I mean, we're not just talking about a guy
00:30:05 who's already living independently,
00:30:07 maybe with his mates, moving in with a girlfriend.
00:30:09 You know, this is you at home with your parents,
00:30:13 moving to another state to live with a woman and her child.
00:30:18 Mm-hm.
00:30:19 I mean, this is about 15 steps at once.
00:30:23 Mm. But it's going to happen eventually.
00:30:25 I wasn't going to leave my parents forever.
00:30:27 I think homestays were a big, big help
00:30:30 to see where I was at in the relationship with Jade.
00:30:33 Just, like, spending that time with her, just being so perfect with her,
00:30:36 like, it all felt, like, unreal.
00:30:39 And then, like, I've never felt closer to her,
00:30:41 like, the connection I had with her, like, physically, emotionally,
00:30:44 all of it.
00:30:45 Honestly, I could see this could be it for me.
00:30:48 I was, like, this close to dropping the L-bomb.
00:30:53 Are you falling in love with Jade?
00:31:04 Yeah, it's... Yeah, I could say that, yeah.
00:31:07 I haven't felt this way about a girl, ever.
00:31:12 And that's how I know, because, like, I don't want to be around anyone else.
00:31:18 I don't want to give anyone else my attention.
00:31:21 Like, she just makes me feel, like, warm, fuzzy, like...
00:31:26 Yeah, it's a bit sick, if you... if I'm being honest.
00:31:30 LAUGHTER
00:31:32 And that's why, like, it baffles me that she says this stuff about,
00:31:35 like, "I'm going to find someone else."
00:31:37 I haven't looked at anyone else since I saw her
00:31:40 the first time she walked down the aisle.
00:31:42 None of us have looked at anyone else since Jade walked in.
00:31:45 LAUGHTER
00:31:47 Wow. Mm.
00:31:51 Jade, are you falling in love with Rich?
00:31:59 Um, I definitely feel like I am getting there.
00:32:04 Honestly, I've never felt happier.
00:32:10 So, yes.
00:32:14 I like him a lot.
00:32:16 This is so cute, I want to cry.
00:32:19 Well, I'm loving what I'm seeing right here.
00:32:23 Shall we go to the decision?
00:32:25 Jade.
00:32:27 It's obviously...
00:32:29 You know how I feel. Mm.
00:32:31 I would never say anything other than stay.
00:32:35 APPLAUSE
00:32:37 Rich, over to you.
00:32:40 I wonder. Mm.
00:32:42 Stay.
00:32:44 Yeah.
00:32:46 Well done, guys.
00:32:48 Jade said that she's worried that I'm just going to wake up one day
00:32:55 and just get up and leave.
00:32:57 I think that comes from a lot of her past traumas
00:32:59 with her previous partners,
00:33:01 but I've told her every day that I'm not her ex's, you know,
00:33:03 I'm way better.
00:33:05 So, uh, she's got nothing to worry about.
00:33:08 All right.
00:33:23 Our next couple up...
00:33:25 Lucinda and Tim.
00:33:31 APPLAUSE
00:33:33 Hey, guys. Hello. Hello.
00:33:36 How you doing?
00:33:38 Well, we witnessed the dinner party last night
00:33:42 and, frankly, it is so different
00:33:45 to what we saw the last time at the commitment ceremony.
00:33:52 Yep.
00:33:54 So, homestays has occurred,
00:33:57 something has clearly gone off the rails,
00:34:00 and we want to know what's happened.
00:34:02 Uh, I...
00:34:09 Yeah, it wasn't a good vibe at Tim's place.
00:34:13 I think that the steel gates went up pretty quickly.
00:34:20 I felt pretty uncomfortable and I felt a bit unwelcomed.
00:34:25 You know, and, yeah, there was a couple of incidences that happened
00:34:32 that I felt really disappointed in.
00:34:34 There was one particular night where Tim said to me,
00:34:40 "I'm off to hang out with my friend Mike
00:34:44 "and I'll be back in an hour."
00:34:48 His place was at about 5.36pm,
00:34:51 and I thought, "OK, cool, he'll come back, easy-breezy."
00:34:56 Seven, eight, nine, no communication,
00:34:59 ten, 11, 12, one.
00:35:02 You got home at 1.30pm...
00:35:04 ..and it was disappointing.
00:35:10 There was no communication and really...
00:35:13 ..I felt rejected.
00:35:17 Sometimes feels, Tim, like having a relationship with a brick wall,
00:35:21 you know?
00:35:22 Yeah, it's hard to sometimes get in there, you know?
00:35:28 I get it, but, you know, I openly said I wasn't feeling good.
00:35:33 Yeah, I get that. I get that.
00:35:35 So should I have communicated that I was going to stay longer?
00:35:40 I was already...
00:35:43 Timothy, I think the answer's yes.
00:35:46 Most probably, I should have, yeah.
00:35:49 Look, I didn't go into homestay with the best attitude.
00:35:58 I think Lou is really on this journey
00:36:05 with feelings and that's her jam.
00:36:11 And I get that you love digging into the feelings,
00:36:15 but that's definitely not me.
00:36:20 And the more that you dig into it,
00:36:27 the more I retreat and I need that space.
00:36:31 Lucinda, throughout this experiment,
00:36:38 you've been nothing but patient.
00:36:41 You've gone at his speed.
00:36:44 What have you missed out on here from Timothy?
00:36:48 I suppose just more consideration.
00:36:58 A bit more kindness, a bit more effort.
00:37:02 Tim's never initiated a date, really, for me.
00:37:07 So I just have felt a bit of minimum chips
00:37:11 with a drizzling of gravy on the effort.
00:37:14 And I've not really felt special or desired.
00:37:22 You know, in the end, the slow burn, he fizzled out.
00:37:33 I don't know, I feel a tiny little bit
00:37:37 that that was a bit of a catchphrase
00:37:40 that you were sort of holding on to that wasn't so true.
00:37:44 And I think really bottom line, Tim,
00:37:48 you just haven't really felt a chemistry with me.
00:37:52 And sometimes I've been like, "How about now? How about now?"
00:37:58 "How about now?" You know, trying to sort of get some sort of rise,
00:38:02 but I haven't been able to get close to Tim.
00:38:07 Yeah, you know, that's obviously been the challenge from the start.
00:38:15 But normally I'm pretty quick to cut and run.
00:38:23 So, you know, I could have handled things better.
00:38:27 But in my own way, I did make the space and time.
00:38:33 Yeah. Certainly I have enjoyed Tim immensely.
00:38:38 I do think you're a total spunk.
00:38:42 And I have held, you know, the lantern of hope.
00:38:46 Particularly interesting and beautiful and exquisite times for me
00:38:50 have been your vulnerability and letting me in.
00:38:54 It's just been so beautiful, those bits.
00:38:58 And, yeah, it's been such a treasured time, actually.
00:39:01 It's been beautiful.
00:39:03 Yeah, Lou's been very, very supportive, very patient.
00:39:14 She's always so positive.
00:39:16 And, you know, I've pushed that positivity to its absolute limits
00:39:22 over the last couple of months.
00:39:24 But I wouldn't change my match.
00:39:27 It's... It has been great.
00:39:29 Thanks, Tim. Yeah.
00:39:31 Well, it's time for us now to go to the decision.
00:39:40 Stay or leave...
00:39:43 ..Lucinda?
00:39:46 Well, I've got a little bit of sass.
00:39:52 That I wanted to share.
00:39:54 What a wild ride on this zippy marriage carch.
00:40:01 In my heart, I know I did my best from the very start.
00:40:04 Many tears I've shed from hilarity and from pain.
00:40:09 Thank God for the trusty sex toys that kept me rather sane.
00:40:13 You're a lovable brick wall, hilarious and a character of a guy.
00:40:19 But the essence of this story, Tim, is that you never really did try.
00:40:23 You've helped me grow and strengthen up and attune to what is true.
00:40:29 And I'm holding space now for a really gorgeous husband.
00:40:33 And it's no surprise that we're through.
00:40:36 So leave from me.
00:40:40 Spotlight is on you, Tim.
00:40:48 Stay or leave, what have you got for us?
00:40:50 Like Lou, the time has come.
00:40:55 But...
00:41:00's been an incredible time with Lou.
00:41:03 She has actually taught me a lot.
00:41:05 And I know for a fact that we'll always be in each other's lives.
00:41:10 My doors are always open.
00:41:13 And I love you.
00:41:16 Thanks, Lou. I really appreciate it.
00:41:18 Good luck, guys. Thank you.
00:41:28 It's been an absolute delight having you in this experiment.
00:41:30 Yeah, it really has.
00:41:31 You've brought a lot of very interesting layers to it all
00:41:34 and we are very grateful.
00:41:36 You will be missed.
00:41:39 Aw, thanks, gorgeous.
00:41:40 All the very best.
00:41:42 (APPLAUSE)
00:41:44 I actually feel really good.
00:41:53 I think it's a really honest close for Tim and I.
00:41:57 I'm going to exit this and really love the shit out of myself.
00:42:01 And, you know, hopefully I've got some sutans
00:42:04 that slip into my DMs
00:42:07 that might feel that I'm their cup of tea.
00:42:11 (MUSIC)
00:42:13 Our next couple up...
00:42:18 ..Tim and Sarah.
00:42:25 (APPLAUSE)
00:42:27 Hello. Hello.
00:42:29 Hola. Hola.
00:42:31 Alright, well, I'm not going to muck around.
00:42:33 I mean, I'm seeing two people in front of me right now
00:42:36 that are very different.
00:42:38 I think we see it, the group sees it.
00:42:40 Explain what the hell is going on.
00:42:42 (LAUGHTER)
00:42:44 Who is this couple?
00:42:46 What has happened here?
00:42:47 What has happened?
00:42:48 I don't know.
00:42:49 We're having a ball.
00:42:50 Yeah, we're having the best time.
00:42:52 It's been great.
00:42:53 What's changed?
00:42:55 And who's changed it?
00:42:56 I mean, I feel like Sarah's really put in a lot of hard yards,
00:43:03 you know, over the last couple of weeks.
00:43:05 She's really shown me that she wants to be here
00:43:07 and she wants to give me what I need out of the relationship.
00:43:11 You know, we're just laughing together a lot more and...
00:43:16 ..yeah, it's just, like, very positive vibes.
00:43:19 Oh, we can see it.
00:43:21 (LAUGHTER)
00:43:22 What do you think you've been doing differently, Sarah?
00:43:27 I think it's just, like, the feelings have changed for me,
00:43:31 so my actions are different.
00:43:33 I'm more playful with Tim.
00:43:35 I just, like, always want to be around him now.
00:43:38 Everything's clicking, everything's working,
00:43:40 and it's just getting better and better.
00:43:42 I guess two weeks ago, you were at crisis point.
00:43:47 Mm.
00:43:48 You know, there was the betrayal that happened.
00:43:51 I mean, Tim, where do you stand on it now?
00:43:55 Has Sarah won back your trust?
00:43:58 Has she repaired this?
00:44:04 Mm.
00:44:05 I feel like trust is a tricky one
00:44:09 to sort of say it's just been rectified.
00:44:12 But we're definitely on the way there, you know?
00:44:19 Like, just the way that we're hanging out
00:44:21 and enjoying each other's company
00:44:23 and we have, like, a mutual respect for each other
00:44:25 and appreciation for each other,
00:44:27 I'm really feeling valued in the relationship now,
00:44:32 and so, you know, if that continues,
00:44:35 then it'll be pretty easy to say
00:44:37 that we've fully put this behind us.
00:44:40 And for you, Sarah, how critical is rebuilding trust for you
00:44:47 in this relationship right now?
00:44:49 Oh, it's huge.
00:44:51 Like, making sure that I'm reassuring him
00:44:53 about how I feel about him.
00:44:55 You know, we're talking about future plans.
00:44:58 Just doing those things to make sure that Tim knows
00:45:01 that I am here for him and that I want him to trust me.
00:45:05 You know, you've certainly received
00:45:08 some direct feedback from the group.
00:45:11 How determined are you to prove them wrong?
00:45:14 Yeah, I mean, look, all I care about is winning Tim's trust back,
00:45:18 but if in the process it proves everybody else wrong,
00:45:21 I wouldn't be mad about it.
00:45:23 We're not mad about it either.
00:45:26 It's kind of what we're hoping for.
00:45:28 You're the comeback kids.
00:45:30 Yeah, it's awesome.
00:45:32 All right. Let's go to the decision.
00:45:36 Stay or leave?
00:45:38 Let's go with you first, Tim.
00:45:41 Well, pretty easy decision.
00:45:44 We've been having an absolute blast together,
00:45:47 so I'm going to stay.
00:45:49 Nice.
00:45:51 A strong stay.
00:45:53 And what about from you, Sarah? Stay or leave?
00:45:58 So I wrote stay.
00:46:00 Well done. Well done.
00:46:04 You know, we constantly get surprised
00:46:06 by our couples in these experiments,
00:46:09 and you're a real story of how you can do things differently quickly
00:46:14 and get very effective change.
00:46:17 Yeah. Well done. Thanks, guys.
00:46:19 Happy for you. Well done.
00:46:21 Well done. Thank you.
00:46:23 Well done.
00:46:25 Next up on the couch...
00:46:31 ...Tori and Jack.
00:46:37 Hello, hello. Hey, guys.
00:46:42 So big piece of news this week from what we heard.
00:46:47 Consummation. I think that was said last night.
00:46:51 It was the consummation of the marriage occurred.
00:46:54 It was very dramatic.
00:46:56 So do you feel different after?
00:46:58 That's a great question.
00:47:00 I can answer it easily.
00:47:02 I actually do.
00:47:06 I just felt more connected, and I am connected to you,
00:47:10 but it's on another level, I suppose.
00:47:12 For me, I think it definitely did draw me closer to you.
00:47:17 It's like the ultimate sharing of, like, your soul.
00:47:21 Mm-hmm.
00:47:22 And it's like when you give someone that energy
00:47:24 and you get the exact same energy back,
00:47:27 it's quite validating, like, it's quite a moment.
00:47:31 And I definitely felt that.
00:47:34 Yeah. Yeah.
00:47:36 So let me ask you this, Tori.
00:47:38 Did I hear correctly last night
00:47:40 that you were falling in love with this man?
00:47:43 Oh. Mmm.
00:47:45 [laughs]
00:47:47 Yeah, I could fall in love with Jack, for sure.
00:47:50 Jack, how does it feel hearing it?
00:47:55 Yeah, no, it feels really nice.
00:47:58 Like, the feeling's mutual.
00:48:00 I could absolutely fall for you, for sure.
00:48:04 Tori, you made a very big statement last night.
00:48:09 You said something to the effect of,
00:48:11 "You're not really friends with anybody in this group.
00:48:13 They're not important."
00:48:15 I absolutely said that.
00:48:20 And I said that with a lot of gusto.
00:48:22 But that was said at a point of the night
00:48:25 where I actually didn't have anything left.
00:48:28 I was, like, down and out.
00:48:31 And there have been times
00:48:34 where I've felt very isolated in this group, I won't lie.
00:48:38 I feel like I don't really have, like,
00:48:41 anyone in my corner, per se.
00:48:44 But I guess, like, that comment...
00:48:49, could have easily been tears,
00:48:52 but instead I, like, channelled it with anger.
00:48:55 [sniffles]
00:49:03 [soft music]
00:49:06 We've got your back, Tori.
00:49:13 -We do. -Yeah, we all do.
00:49:14 -We're all behind you. -You really did cop
00:49:16 an absolute firing squad last night.
00:49:18 There's absolutely no doubt about it.
00:49:19 But I hope you can see that we all really care about you.
00:49:23 And that's why I wanted to ask about the statement,
00:49:27 because it is a very strong...
00:49:30 ..very big statement.
00:49:32 And you also have mentioned how much it's hurt
00:49:35 to receive the criticism and the questioning from the group.
00:49:40 Why does it hurt?
00:49:42 Um, because...
00:49:46's been, like, constant throughout the whole experiment.
00:49:51 Like, I don't feel like we've had, like, a positive moment
00:49:56 when it comes to the group.
00:49:58 And I guess, like, that hurts.
00:50:01 It hurts because, like, this is real.
00:50:06 And I just wish, like, my judgment
00:50:11 of Jack's character could be trusted.
00:50:14 Lauren, what is it you see?
00:50:20 Because you've been very verbal in your criticism
00:50:26 of this couple.
00:50:28 Lauren, what is it you see?
00:50:43 Because you've been very verbal in your criticism
00:50:45 of this couple.
00:50:53 Yeah, look, it's what I don't see.
00:50:56 And I feel like I don't see any emotion or reaction
00:51:01 to really anything.
00:51:03 Like I said to you, Tori, I'm like, you know,
00:51:12 even just pick one of the things on the list
00:51:14 of what Jack's done or said, like,
00:51:16 I haven't really seen you react.
00:51:21 You know when you've got really deep feelings for someone
00:51:23 and, like, you hear something like, oh, that hurts
00:51:25 and you've got, you know, a bit of emotion towards something,
00:51:27 I feel like you both haven't really given any of that.
00:51:30 And maybe it's just in front of us, but like what we said
00:51:32 last night, we're like, we just don't see it.
00:51:35 And I think as well, like, when I asked Jack,
00:51:38 how do you feel about Tori, he was like,
00:51:40 he's just, like, warm or something.
00:51:42 He's a little wholesome.
00:51:44 I do feel wholesome.
00:51:46 Yes, but it's a very tepid way of describing.
00:51:50 It's odd.
00:51:52 No, I struggle.
00:51:54 I struggle verbalising these feelings.
00:51:56 The relationship's always unwrapped
00:51:58 and there's a lot of attention focused on the negative.
00:52:01 But there is a lot of positive, you know.
00:52:05 Despite what the group has been pointing out,
00:52:08 where are you guys at right now?
00:52:10 We are probably in the best place we've been in.
00:52:15 Yeah, I think we're really happy.
00:52:19 I think she's my equal.
00:52:21 I think I've met my match,
00:52:24 which is what I was coming on here to find.
00:52:27 And, yeah.
00:52:29 Well, we do need to get to a decision.
00:52:33 So let's start with Jack.
00:52:37 No surprise.
00:52:40 I'm here to the end.
00:52:47 Miss Tori.
00:52:49 Obviously stay as well.
00:52:51 Good luck, guys.
00:52:55 I cannot believe that Lauren is still coming from our relationship.
00:53:00 The constant questioning and the lack of support.
00:53:03 I'm just really over it.
00:53:05 She needs to maintain her own garden and get out of mine.
00:53:09 I need to bring up something in Lauren and not just go.
00:53:16 Our last couple on the couch, Lauren and Jonathan.
00:53:22 Welcome, guys. Welcome back, Lauren.
00:53:29 Thank you so much.
00:53:30 Very happy to have you back.
00:53:31 I'm happy to be back.
00:53:33 I'm wondering what homestays were like.
00:53:37 I would say that homestays definitely made me feel closer to Jono.
00:53:43 I feel like we just had a pretty good time.
00:53:46 Yeah.
00:53:47 We had a lot of fun and it was light-hearted and it was easy
00:53:51 and it made me feel like, yeah, I've got the right person here.
00:53:54 What a crock of **** that is.
00:53:57 And, yeah, I feel like it just set us in the right direction.
00:54:02 Jono, how was it being in Perth in her world
00:54:09 and getting to know her in her environment?
00:54:12 It was amazing.
00:54:15 Lauren was the best host and she, like, knows everyone.
00:54:19 Perth is small.
00:54:21 Yeah, it was really... I had an amazing time
00:54:29 and I think it was a changing point in our relationship.
00:54:32 Yeah, it was good. It was good for us.
00:54:34 How do you feel about Lauren?
00:54:37 I feel really close to Lauren at the moment.
00:54:41 I feel happy. I feel excited when I see her.
00:54:49 Like, whenever I look at her, I feel lucky.
00:54:54 Thanks.
00:54:56 Observing you guys last night, I believe I heard something being said
00:55:09 about intimacy being back on the table for you two.
00:55:13 It disappeared out of nowhere. I just felt closer to him.
00:55:20 I feel like those walls were dropping
00:55:22 and, yeah, I think we just had a really good time together.
00:55:25 We weren't talking about all the heavy stuff and, yeah, it just happened.
00:55:30 I want to spew.
00:55:34 It gets so awkward.
00:55:36 [laughs]
00:55:37 Can I just pipe in there?
00:55:41 Sorry to interrupt.
00:55:44 I was made privy to some information today...
00:55:50 that Jonno...
00:56:02 you had been texting Ellie.
00:56:06 Hi!
00:56:13 [laughs]
00:56:17 Can I just pipe in there?
00:56:29 Sorry to interrupt.
00:56:32 I was made privy to some information today...
00:56:36 that Jonno...
00:56:40 you had been texting Ellie.
00:56:44 Are you serious?
00:56:56 [dramatic music]
00:56:58 I'm just a little bit shocked.
00:57:07 But I text Stephen, Michael, Ellie, like, heaps of people.
00:57:13 Two gay guys, mate.
00:57:15 I do, like, keep messaging Ellie.
00:57:17 Like, Ellie reached out to me and literally every three or four days
00:57:22 she'll send a message saying...
00:57:23 Three or four?
00:57:24 Yeah, she'll be like, "How was the dinner party?"
00:57:26 or "How was the commitment ceremony?"
00:57:28 Oh, that's a bit, that's a bit tristy.
00:57:30 Every three or four days.
00:57:32 Yeah, that's a bit much.
00:57:34 But there's absolutely nothing there.
00:57:38 She's not my type.
00:57:41 It's weird though.
00:57:43 She's not my type.
00:57:45 What kind of tone was it?
00:57:46 It's literally just, "How was the commitment ceremony?"
00:57:48 Like, she just wants to gossip.
00:57:50 Like, was she asking how our commitment ceremony was?
00:57:52 No, no. Like, how's everything going?
00:57:54 And I literally just tell her whatever happened on the day
00:57:56 whenever she asks.
00:57:58 I'm really sorry.
00:58:02 Did you spend any time with Ellie, like, during the experiment
00:58:04 besides just at the dinner party?
00:58:05 No.
00:58:07 I'm just a friend and keeping people up to date.
00:58:11 Yeah, okay. I get that.
00:58:13 But I don't feel like her reaching out to you specifically
00:58:17 is, like, just because she wants a friend.
00:58:19 I mean, I'm sure she's got plenty of friends.
00:58:22 Yeah.
00:58:24 Like, my gut is that she's asking you, like,
00:58:26 what's going on at the commitment ceremony,
00:58:27 what's going on at the dinner party.
00:58:29 She wants to know what's going on with me and you.
00:58:31 No, I honestly think she just wants to gossip
00:58:33 what's going on in the experiment.
00:58:35 I think she's keen.
00:58:37 That's how I'm looking at it.
00:58:39 Ellie could have messaged me.
00:58:41 We got on really well during the experiment
00:58:43 because she didn't reach out to me.
00:58:45 Yeah.
00:58:46 And I thought me and her were friends.
00:58:47 I didn't know that you guys had a friendship.
00:58:49 So, yeah, I find it strange.
00:58:51 Jonathan, how do you feel about Ellie?
00:58:54 She's funny.
00:58:58 Like, I literally just update her
00:58:59 and we have a laugh about the experiment.
00:59:01 Do you have feelings for Ellie?
00:59:02 No, I don't.
00:59:03 I'm really sorry.
00:59:04 No, I don't.
00:59:06 I really don't.
00:59:08 And just to understand, what is it you gain
00:59:10 from maintaining contact with Ellie?
00:59:13 I don't know.
00:59:15 There's nothing to gain.
00:59:16 We have...
00:59:17 It's just a friend keeping someone updated.
00:59:19 We have a lot of spare time.
00:59:20 Was it your responsibility to keep her updated?
00:59:22 No, it's not.
00:59:24 It's a friend.
00:59:26 Like I said, I'm talking to everyone.
00:59:28 I talk to Tristan.
00:59:29 I talk to everyone.
00:59:30 I'm...
00:59:31 There is nothing there.
00:59:34 It was so innocent that it didn't cross my mind.
00:59:38 Um, you know.
00:59:40 No, I'm not getting that.
00:59:44 Where I'm sitting right now,
00:59:46 what becomes quite interesting to me
00:59:49 is that as soon as it got brought up,
00:59:52 I saw the women sitting on that couch,
00:59:57 all of you, cringe.
01:00:00 There's something wrong with that behaviour, Jonno.
01:00:06 And if you don't know that,
01:00:07 you just gotta look at this group and go,
01:00:09 "Wow, every woman in this room right now
01:00:13 "thinks I've dropped the ball.
01:00:15 "I've got it wrong,
01:00:17 "and I'm doing something behind her back."
01:00:20 I feel like as a woman, we have a gut instinct,
01:00:25 and that intuition is usually 98% to 100% right.
01:00:30 What is your intention with Ellie on the outside?
01:00:34 Like, if she's a friend, great,
01:00:35 but I personally don't get that vibe.
01:00:38 OK. Um...
01:00:40 You are wrong.
01:00:43 Lauren, does this feel like a betrayal for you?
01:00:46 Um...
01:00:48 Like, sorry, I'm just...
01:00:53 Yeah. Um...
01:00:55 Yeah.
01:00:57 She's hurt.
01:00:59 I just think it's, like, a little bit...
01:01:07 It's just a bit triggering for me, clearly.
01:01:11 Yeah, I know.
01:01:12 In the past, I've just felt like a fool.
01:01:14 Like, I've been around other women that, like,
01:01:16 were messaging my long-term partner.
01:01:19 I just think that, like, I'm just very...
01:01:28, just seriously traumatised from my past relationships,
01:01:35 and, like, it's just this. It's, like, how it all kind of started.
01:01:38 (SIGHS)
01:01:39 Lauren, does this feel like a betrayal for you?
01:01:56 Um...
01:01:59 Like, sorry, I'm just...
01:02:04 Yeah. Um...
01:02:06 She's hurt.
01:02:07 I just think it's, like, a little bit...
01:02:14 It's just a bit triggering for me, clearly.
01:02:18 Yeah, I know.
01:02:19 In the past, I've just felt like a fool.
01:02:22 Like, I've been around other women that, like,
01:02:24 were messaging my long-term partner.
01:02:27 Yeah, I know.
01:02:31 I just think that, like, I'm just very...
01:02:33 I just think that, like, I'm just very...
01:02:38 (SNIFFLES)
01:02:39, just seriously traumatised from my past relationships,
01:02:45 and, like, it's just this. It's, like, how it all kind of started.
01:02:48 (SIGHS)
01:02:54 I'm really, really sorry.
01:03:03 I thought we were doing really well.
01:03:05 Like, I feel like we're in a good place.
01:03:07 We were talking about what our future looked like together.
01:03:11 Like, you literally just had sex with me after so long,
01:03:15 and then you're messaging another girl.
01:03:17 What the actual...
01:03:20 Like, I feel hurt and betrayed.
01:03:22 I feel like I've been lied to.
01:03:29 Like, I just feel (BLEEP) stupid.
01:03:32 It's not... You don't feel stupid.
01:03:34 No, you do feel stupid. Oh, OK.
01:03:36 Like, I do feel (BLEEP) stupid. It's just humiliating.
01:03:39 I...I feel horrible, obviously.
01:03:43 Never want to make you feel that way. Yeah, I know that.
01:03:46 But...
01:03:47's not good enough for me.
01:03:50 All right.
01:03:54 We're gonna go to the decision.
01:03:59 Stay or leave?
01:04:00 Jono?
01:04:01 Let's go with you first.
01:04:04 I wrote stay.
01:04:09 Lauren, what have you got?
01:04:14 Um, I wrote stay.
01:04:19 But that was obviously before I knew about this situation.
01:04:25 I'm not going to lie to you.
01:04:27 Jono, you need to understand, this is not acceptable.
01:04:34 And it's not something that should be given the benefit of the doubt.
01:04:39 You're omitting a very important fact here,
01:04:46 which is I'm texting another woman,
01:04:49 who I met in this experiment, and you don't know about it.
01:04:53 And I'm not telling you.
01:04:55 It creates an insecurity in the relationship.
01:04:59 It erodes the foundation.
01:05:01 She may be reaching out to you, Ellie,
01:05:05 but you don't need to be reaching back to her.
01:05:08 And here's the other thing.
01:05:09 You may say to Lauren and to the group,
01:05:11 "There's nothing going on here."
01:05:13 You don't know that for Ellie.
01:05:15 You know, one of our roles is just to make sure we point out
01:05:19 when things are going wrong, and then we watch closely
01:05:22 whether you're going to put it right.
01:05:24 Jono, you have some heavy lifting to do this week.
01:05:29 So really think about this next week and use it wisely,
01:05:34 because it's a very big decision you've got to make before final vows.
01:05:38 Good luck, you guys.
01:05:43 - Thank you. - Yeah.
01:05:51 Well, well done, everybody.
01:05:53 That brings us to the end of the very final commitment ceremony
01:05:59 for this experiment.
01:06:01 And we are so grateful for how raw and honest you've all been.
01:06:06 I'm pissed off. I'm really pissed off.
01:06:10 Look, we finally built up to a good place,
01:06:13 and it's all just been kind of shut on, really.
01:06:18 In terms of this upcoming last part of the experiment,
01:06:24 you need to make a huge decision about the final vows.
01:06:29 Do you want to take this relationship into the real world?
01:06:41 Like, was he messaging her while I was in surgery?
01:06:45 Like, in hospital? Like, was he messaging her then?
01:06:48 We look forward to seeing how this next week ahead goes for you all.
01:06:55 Thanks. A wonderful night, and well done.
01:06:58 I definitely want to know more about the situation.
01:07:01 I really need to, like, get to the bottom of it
01:07:04 before I decide what to do,
01:07:06 because I just don't feel like I trust Jono right now.
01:07:09 Tomorrow night...
01:07:10 At the end of the day, I'm saying you're going to be here for me.
01:07:13 It's the final dinner party of the experiment.
01:07:16 I'm done. There's no-one else.
01:07:18 It's just going to be you for the rest of my life.
01:07:20 And true love will be celebrated.
01:07:22 There we go.
01:07:24 Ooh.
01:07:27 The honesty box. Oh, gosh.
01:07:29 Here we go.
01:07:30 It's our couple's last chance to answer the hard questions.
01:07:34 Are you falling in love with me?
01:07:36 Do you trust that I'm in this for the long haul?
01:07:38 How attracted are you to me sexually?
01:07:41 The all-important final vows.
01:07:43 Do you believe that I am over my ex?
01:07:46 Oh.
01:07:47 Hell hath no fury...
01:07:50 Cos I saw!
01:07:51 Lauren scorned.
01:07:54 How do you feel about me right now?
01:07:55 I think you're a snake.
01:07:56 Do I live up to your expectations?
01:07:58 No.
01:07:59 Do you trust me?
01:08:00 Absolutely do not trust you.
01:08:01 There is nothing going on there at all.
01:08:03 Lauren was on a warpath.
01:08:06 Can I just pipe in there?
01:08:08 Brand-new information comes to light...
01:08:11 You said that.
01:08:13 ..about her husband's text messages with Ellie.
01:08:16 This puts those texts in a whole new light.
01:08:18 Do you have feelings for Ellie?
01:08:20 Yes or no? Yes or no?
01:08:22 I... Yes or no? Yes or no?
01:08:24 I... Um...
01:08:26 Yes or no?
01:08:28 (MultiCom Jingle)
01:08:31 (MultiCom Jingle)
01:08:34 [Music]
