Married At First Sight AU - Season11 Episode 30

  • 6 months ago
Married At First Sight AU - Season11 Episode 30
00:00:00 Previously...
00:00:02 I came into this with high hopes and big dreams
00:00:04 and it's ended in a devastating, shattering way.
00:00:08 Andrea and Richard made their heart-breaking exit.
00:00:12 I've never been here in my entire life.
00:00:15 And the experiment also bid farewell to Cassandra and Tristan.
00:00:23 We're ready to accept that we're just going to be friends.
00:00:26 But for some couples...
00:00:28 Do you feel admiration for Lucinda?
00:00:30 100%.
00:00:31 Do you know admiration is the gateway to love?
00:00:34 Their love continued to shine brighter than ever before.
00:00:38 I never thought that an experiment like this could really work.
00:00:43 It feels like we have made a breakthrough.
00:00:45 Sarah continued to reconnect with Tim.
00:00:48 We see right through her.
00:00:50 I just don't want to be involved anymore.
00:00:53 Cracks appeared for Eden and Jayden.
00:00:56 She said, "If you don't say what I tell you to say,
00:00:58 I'm done with you and I'm leaving you."
00:01:00 I'm not.
00:01:03 Jayden, are you starting to question
00:01:05 whether this is the right person for you?
00:01:08 It's a hard one, like...
00:01:10 So, yeah.
00:01:12 Tonight...
00:01:15 I'm alive!
00:01:16 Lauren is back.
00:01:18 What do you think is going to come from our home, Sam?
00:01:20 And don't say you're just hoping for a root.
00:01:25 Honey, I'm home.
00:01:26 Our couples pack up and head home as part of Homestays Week.
00:01:31 In you go.
00:01:32 Over two big nights...
00:01:34 Welcome home, sweetie.
00:01:36 ..our newlyweds discover how their other half lives.
00:01:40 And for some, it's an eye-opening experience.
00:01:46 It's a real bachelor's punch, this one.
00:01:48 She's not that well trained.
00:01:51 She pissed on the carpet.
00:01:54 Why did you lie?
00:01:55 Hard conversations will be had...
00:01:57 Did you think you would get away with it?
00:01:59 We're not rehashing.
00:02:01 they discuss plans for life after the experiment.
00:02:06 Is he genuinely wanting to have a stepdaughter?
00:02:09 If he's set on not moving, I feel he should tell you that now.
00:02:13 I got the impression you were basic.
00:02:17 Yeah.
00:02:18 Tori comes face-to-face with some of Jack's most beloved clients.
00:02:24 I've always kind of been, like, one of the boys.
00:02:26 I feel like when I come across a girl that only has guy friends,
00:02:29 it's usually because they're sleeping with all the boys.
00:02:32 But a last-minute disappearing act
00:02:37 threatens to derail homestays for Jaden.
00:02:41 My wife is nowhere to be seen,
00:02:44 so I'm gone by myself.
00:02:49 It's the morning after the commitment ceremony.
00:03:06 Wakey, wakey.
00:03:09 Oh, isn't this great?
00:03:11 Hey, babe, I got you a present.
00:03:15 You're going to be stupid.
00:03:17 It's all pants.
00:03:19 There you go.
00:03:20 I bet you weren't expecting that.
00:03:22 After last night's successful couch session,
00:03:26 Lucinda and Timothy are reflecting on their progress
00:03:30 over the last few weeks.
00:03:32 You did really well last night on the couch.
00:03:34 Ah, shit.
00:03:36 Sorry. Yeah, it was good.
00:03:38 Yeah.
00:03:39 No, I felt the couch session was...
00:03:42 ..was OK.
00:03:44 Timothy, the past few weeks has seen a massive breakthrough
00:03:49 as he is finally embracing his vulnerabilities.
00:03:53 Lucinda's a rock.
00:03:56 I am loving the unravelling of this gorgeous creature.
00:04:07 He is such a gorgeous man.
00:04:09 Aw!
00:04:12 Oh!
00:04:14 Oh, shit!
00:04:16 Nice, babe.
00:04:18 All of these emotional breakthroughs have melted the heart
00:04:22 of the once self-proclaimed tin man.
00:04:25 I don't know what it is. I don't know what it is.
00:04:29 I just can't hold myself together.
00:04:32 Not at all.
00:04:34 No.
00:04:35 I'm 51 years old and...
00:04:37 ..I've never really let anyone in.
00:04:40 You've been holding so much in.
00:04:43 I feel like I've wasted those years.
00:04:46 I'm just so proud of you and watching our journey and opening
00:04:52 and our genuine regard and enjoyment of each other.
00:04:56 It was really lovely.
00:04:58 While Lucinda celebrates her husband's emotional progress,
00:05:02 Timothy is feeling drained,
00:05:05 suffering an emotional hangover,
00:05:08 exhausted from opening up over the past few weeks.
00:05:12 You know, I did that session yesterday
00:05:14 and then just the last couple of days,
00:05:16 and I just feel it's too exhausting for me.
00:05:20 It's been a really hard few weeks.
00:05:24 Yeah.
00:05:26 I know Lou's really happy about me opening up,
00:05:30 but I'm just depleted.
00:05:34 I've got to get my emotions in check,
00:05:36 and it frustrates me.
00:05:38 I know what they're saying. I get it.
00:05:43 But I put things in a box and I move on.
00:05:47 And as much as it's...
00:05:50 mightn't be healthy,
00:05:55 it's the way that I can exist.
00:05:58 I'm not the sort of person that talks about my feelings.
00:06:04 It's just such a out of left field for me.
00:06:07 There's no question I've gotten a little bit softer,
00:06:11 but it's trying and taxing, letting my walls come down.
00:06:15 I can definitely feel the pressure of the experiment.
00:06:19 Even waking up today after sitting on the couch,
00:06:24 I can't...I don't have the capacity to keep going at this level.
00:06:30 This is not what I do. Like, this is just...
00:06:33 Not who you are. It's not who I am.
00:06:36 I just can't speak the way you speak.
00:06:39 I'm completely, like, drained.
00:06:42 I wanted you to know that I'm always a safe place for you to share
00:06:48 and let go and there's no judgement here.
00:06:51 You can choose exactly how you are in your life.
00:06:54 You just do you, you know, however that is.
00:06:57 And if you're happy, the world's happy around you.
00:07:01 We all see who you are. You're awesome.
00:07:05 I very much appreciate Lucinda at the moment.
00:07:09 She's been very, very supportive, very patient,
00:07:13 and I've got nothing but respect for her.
00:07:16 Yeah.
00:07:18 As Timothy reflects on a difficult but positive week...
00:07:22 (LAUGHS) There we go.
00:07:24 ..another couple's surprising session on the couch is on everyone's lips.
00:07:30 Eden and Jaden. Oh.
00:07:32 Yeah, look, that was really, really bad.
00:07:34 That was so unexpected.
00:07:36 I cried when Jaden and Eden were on the couch.
00:07:38 They've been, like, the pin-up couple since day one
00:07:40 and I'm always talking about them being, like, the strongest couple.
00:07:43 Like, yeah, last night was well off.
00:07:46 They have been, like, hiding everything.
00:07:49 They've been portraying their relationship
00:07:51 as pretty much perfect to everybody.
00:07:53 It was the first time they actually opened up.
00:07:55 But it's been happening for weeks. Yeah.
00:07:57 At the commitment ceremony,
00:08:01 Jaden confessed Eden's built-up anxiety from the experiment
00:08:05 is starting to take its toll on their relationship.
00:08:09 Eden just straight-up told me,
00:08:10 "Sarah, I'd gone out with my ex-boyfriend
00:08:12 "and they were talking shit about Tim behind his back."
00:08:15 And when I said, "Hey, I really need to address the experts with this,
00:08:19 "it needs to come up, I need to get it off my chest,"
00:08:22 she basically blew up at me and said,
00:08:25 "If you don't say what I tell you to say, I'm done with you.
00:08:28 "And I'm leaving you."
00:08:33 Um, I obviously don't ever want to make you upset,
00:08:54 and I have done so, so...
00:08:56 Yeah.
00:09:00 Yeah.
00:09:01 So that was... That's... That's it?
00:09:08 Well, yeah, I guess I said...
00:09:10 Like, I said sorry on the couch last night
00:09:12 and I said, "I don't want to make you upset,"
00:09:14 and that's... that's what it is.
00:09:16 Yeah. Yeah.
00:09:17 All right.
00:09:19 It was a pretty confronting couch session last night
00:09:22 and I am a little bit taken back by it, so, yeah.
00:09:26 Like, obviously, I won't stay for a reason,
00:09:29 I feel extremely strong about Eden.
00:09:31 But, you know, every time I try to bring my feelings up
00:09:34 and my thoughts with Eden, she kind of just shuts me down
00:09:37 and disregards everything that I said.
00:09:39 I'd like for me to be able to come to you with the problems or feelings
00:09:42 and for us to talk about it and not just get shut down. Yeah.
00:09:45 We've only got a couple of weeks left in this experiment.
00:09:48 When we move out, you know,
00:09:50 we're not going to have the experts to bring it up.
00:09:52 And I feel like the only way I can get my voice heard
00:09:55 is if I bring it up on the couch like I did last night. Yeah.
00:09:58 But in a couple of weeks when we're out of this,
00:10:00 I'm not going to be able to do that, but I still want to get my voice heard.
00:10:02 I feel like now I'm...
00:10:04 ..too nervous to say anything
00:10:07 that you're going to think that I'm telling you off.
00:10:09 You say that you're scared to say anything.
00:10:12 Well, I'm scared to do anything.
00:10:14 Every time you have a problem with something I do,
00:10:17 I accept it, I apologise for it, I learn and I fix it. Mm-hm.
00:10:21 I just...
00:10:24 Yeah.
00:10:25 I don't know. I just feel like I'm kind of stuck here.
00:10:28 I don't really know what to do.
00:10:30 (MUSIC)
00:10:33 With just a couple of weeks left in the experiment...
00:10:56 Are you excited to see my home?
00:10:59 Yeah.
00:11:00 ..our couples prepare to set off on the next chapter,
00:11:04 Homestay Week.
00:11:06 Let's go. Homestays today.
00:11:08 My bed is the most comfortable bed in the world.
00:11:11 That's what I'm excited about. You can soak it up.
00:11:13 The homestays have always been an essential part
00:11:16 of the Married at First Sight experiment.
00:11:18 Off to the Goldie.
00:11:20 Woo-hoo!
00:11:21 Actually really looking forward to showing Tori where I come from.
00:11:24 I'm going to turn your snowflake into a sun emoji.
00:11:29 What do you think?
00:11:30 I'm not a snowflake.
00:11:32 I'm excited. I need it. I want to get out of here.
00:11:35 This is the point where couples have the opportunity
00:11:38 to air any grievances that need to be put on the table
00:11:42 before final vows.
00:11:43 My favourite, Becca. It's a bit...
00:11:46 But also to make that final romantic gesture
00:11:51 to really demonstrate to their partner how they feel.
00:11:54 Are you nervous?
00:11:56 I was way more nervous to marry you.
00:11:58 I can't wait to go home.
00:12:00 I feel like everyone will be so happy for me
00:12:02 and they'll be like, "You finally found a nice-looking guy."
00:12:04 And I'll be like, "I did."
00:12:06 Ready, ready.
00:12:07 Thanks, Tim.
00:12:11 I love watching your muscles in action.
00:12:13 Did you pack that sunscreen?
00:12:16 Yeah.
00:12:17 Well, I packed some more for you anyway.
00:12:19 Thanks. Funny.
00:12:21 Yeah!
00:12:23 Thank you.
00:12:26 I'm excited to go home.
00:12:28 And while most of the couples are on their way
00:12:31 to see their partner's home turf...
00:12:34 My wife is missing.
00:12:39 bride is nowhere to be seen.
00:12:42 Oh.
00:12:47 After a frosty morning together,
00:12:50 Eden has decided to take some time away from husband Jaden
00:12:54 to clear her head.
00:12:56 But with only 90 minutes left until their flight to the Gold Coast,
00:13:01 Eden has yet to return to the apartment.
00:13:05 We're meant to be leaving in, like, 30 minutes to go.
00:13:10 And my wife, where's she gone?
00:13:13 I don't know where she is. I've got no idea where she is.
00:13:17 I'm texting Nicole.
00:13:19 I'm not quite sure what I'm supposed to do.
00:13:21 But she knows she has to be on a flight now, right?
00:13:23 Yeah, I know.
00:13:24 Well, it's literally about to leave,
00:13:26 so I don't really know what's going to happen.
00:13:28 We're just wrong. We're wrong.
00:13:32 This is marriage.
00:13:35 As their time to departure closes in,
00:13:45 Jaden is still unable to get in touch with Eden.
00:13:49 I'm going to go and make a phone call.
00:14:05 Well, this will go then.
00:14:07 My wife is nowhere to be seen.
00:14:14 So I'm on my own.
00:14:16 Homestays week is officially underway.
00:14:33 And husband Jonathan is already en route to Perth
00:14:38 to meet his wife Lauren,
00:14:40 who he hasn't seen in over a week
00:14:42 after she had to pause her time in the experiment
00:14:46 to fly back home for an emergency operation.
00:14:50 I'm alive!
00:14:53 So, Lauren, how are you?
00:14:56 I'm good. I'm good.
00:14:58 The surgery, it went well.
00:15:01 I had a blood clot in my arm.
00:15:04 But it was, like, a full success.
00:15:06 Like, they sucked that (BLEEP) out,
00:15:09 and I'm all good.
00:15:11 It's been so good being back in Perth.
00:15:14 When you've got, like, your family and stuff around you
00:15:16 and you're in your own house, like, I just feel like...
00:15:18 I just feel like myself again.
00:15:21 Pate for Jono.
00:15:24 How do you feel about Jono arriving today?
00:15:27 I'm excited about Jono arriving today.
00:15:29 I have actually, like, semi-missed him,
00:15:31 which I didn't think would happen.
00:15:33 But, like, we've been, like, texting and calling,
00:15:35 like, the whole time.
00:15:37 He's just so caring, and he's always checking up on me.
00:15:40 He's just a really good partner,
00:15:42 and I've missed, like, having him around.
00:15:46 I can't wait to show him what life is like in Perth,
00:15:49 show him a good time,
00:15:50 take him out to some of my favourite restaurants
00:15:52 and meet my friends.
00:15:53 It's a better way of him, like, getting to know me,
00:15:55 like, I'm, like, my true self in this environment.
00:16:00 (KNOCK AT DOOR)
00:16:02 (GASPS)
00:16:04 (CHUCKLES)
00:16:07 Hi!
00:16:08 How you doing?
00:16:09 How are you?
00:16:10 Not too bad.
00:16:11 (MUMBLES)
00:16:12 I haven't seen Lauren for over a week,
00:16:14 so it's good to see her again.
00:16:16 How was your flight?
00:16:18 Ah, it was pretty easy.
00:16:19 Couple movies before she left, we were doing really well.
00:16:23 We'd just started being affectionate again.
00:16:26 So, yeah, coming into the homestays,
00:16:28 I hope we can just continue getting back in that direction.
00:16:34 Cheers to you being in Perth and being in my house.
00:16:37 Thank you for having me.
00:16:38 Pleasure. I'm happy to have you here.
00:16:40 Mm.
00:16:42 I'm really excited to, like, show you around, show you Perth.
00:16:45 I just want to, like, take you to, like, a nice restaurant.
00:16:47 We'll go for drinks.
00:16:48 I'm really excited about all the stuff that you've planned.
00:16:51 It looks awesome. I'm so stoked to come.
00:16:53 It's been good being reunited with Jono.
00:16:57 When he got here, I was, like, happy to see him.
00:17:00 I think distance definitely makes the heart grow fonder.
00:17:03 What do you think is going to come from our homestay?
00:17:06 And don't say you're just hoping for a route.
00:17:08 There's more to me than that nowadays.
00:17:14 Maybe if you ask me 20 years ago.
00:17:16 Um, I...
00:17:18 I'd be gawking through a thousand years' goal.
00:17:21 Right now, we are still having a really good time.
00:17:25 When we last left, um, with intimacy,
00:17:29 we were, like, a bit more affectionate with each other,
00:17:32 and nothing else.
00:17:33 I feel like that needs to progress,
00:17:35 and maybe on the homestay.
00:17:37 There's a man in my life that's, like, really important.
00:17:41 Like, he's been with me for a really long time,
00:17:43 and he's actually in my bed right now.
00:17:46 Mm-hm.
00:17:47 Do you want to meet him?
00:17:49 Sure.
00:17:50 OK, come with me.
00:17:51 Who's this?
00:17:54 Big Ted.
00:17:56 I would genuinely, like, give him a cuddle,
00:17:58 but, like, I think he might be a bit scared,
00:18:00 so maybe shake his hand.
00:18:02 Look him in the eyes when you shake his hand.
00:18:04 Sorry, sorry, Big Ted.
00:18:06 He looks very serious, but he's not.
00:18:08 He's actually a really fun dude.
00:18:10 Big Ted is the number one man in my life.
00:18:13 He needs to like Jono.
00:18:15 That's more important.
00:18:16 He's looking the other way,
00:18:17 cos he doesn't really like you, so...
00:18:19 Look at him. He actually won't even look at you.
00:18:21 You put him that way.
00:18:22 I did not! He's got his own...
00:18:24 He's his own person.
00:18:26 Maybe one day he'll look at you in the eyes.
00:18:29 But, like, yeah, if there's going to be any kind of intimacy...
00:18:32 He's only a little boy.
00:18:36 He can't see anything like that.
00:18:38 But, I mean, he sees some shit, he's very good talker.
00:18:42 (LAUGHS)
00:18:45 In Melbourne,
00:18:50 Lucinda and Timothy are arriving at Timothy's apartment,
00:18:54 and Lucinda is thrilled to see what Timothy has to offer.
00:18:58 OK, here we are.
00:19:04 (DOG BARKS)
00:19:06 Tim's home.
00:19:11 It's not quite what I expected.
00:19:13 Um...
00:19:16 (LAUGHS)
00:19:19 I don't know what to say.
00:19:23 It's a real bachelor's pad, this one.
00:19:26 (GASPS)
00:19:27 The wall-to-wall.
00:19:29 It's pretty, um...
00:19:31 It's pretty tight.
00:19:33 There's not much space. You can't really swing a couch.
00:19:36 I had to take the doors off here.
00:19:38 Or swing a poodle in there.
00:19:40 I mean, this is going to sound a bit judgy-wudgy,
00:19:43 but it's not the sexiest bedroom in the world.
00:19:46 (LAUGHS)
00:19:47 Yeah. Look, we all do it differently.
00:19:51 My place in Byron Bay is quite the sanctuary.
00:19:54 It's just very, like, fresh and airy and...
00:19:57 sort of just feels good.
00:20:00 It's a bit of indoor/outdoor living.
00:20:03 You can hear the ocean
00:20:05 and just lots of spaciousness
00:20:07 and, like, really sort of sumptuous living.
00:20:11 So...
00:20:14 All right.
00:20:16 What's this thing?
00:20:18 It's a juicer.
00:20:19 Oh, my God, what a beast!
00:20:21 That's pretty cool.
00:20:23 Yeah, that's a juicer and that's a...that's a photocopier.
00:20:26 Oh, my God.
00:20:27 Why do you have an industrial photocopier in your lounge room?
00:20:31 I got it on a lease.
00:20:34 And when I...when I, uh, moved from one office,
00:20:38 I actually had two and I couldn't cancel the lease,
00:20:41 so I got the smallest one I could and this was it.
00:20:44 Right.
00:20:45 (LAUGHS)
00:20:48 Do you guys get a little bit smashed and do tits and ass and all that?
00:20:52 No? No? Just keep moving on?
00:20:54 Yeah, we actually do.
00:20:56 Oh, my God.
00:20:58 That was one of your friends doing a bum?
00:21:00 Yeah, yeah.
00:21:01 Oh, dear.
00:21:02 It's very Tim.
00:21:04 Um...
00:21:05 There's not really much room for a woman here,
00:21:09 but do you know what's amazing about standing here right now?
00:21:13 I can watch the biggest television in the world
00:21:17 I can do a bit of computer work, do a bit of my photocopying,
00:21:21 grab my shoes, do a bit of fridge and...
00:21:23 Like, it's just the one-stop shop.
00:21:26 Stuffed toys.
00:21:28 Yeah.
00:21:29 Who would have thought?
00:21:30 It's convenience.
00:21:32 Well, that's all the toys for the girls.
00:21:35 Of course. I thought that was for you.
00:21:38 Of course, there's the...
00:21:40 Did you really think I had a basket of stuffed toys for myself?
00:21:43 I did. I thought you might...
00:21:44 You thought I'd sit on the couch and be hugging you?
00:21:46 I mean, that looks very Tim.
00:21:48 These dogs are partially divine.
00:21:52 Get up.
00:21:55 She's not that well trained, and she pissed on the carpet.
00:21:58 Uh-oh.
00:21:59 I didn't think Matilda's toilet trained.
00:22:01 She's already done a couple of piddles on the carpet since we arrived.
00:22:07 I'm not sure the carpet can take much more.
00:22:10 Wow.
00:22:12 These are apple trees?
00:22:15 Oh, apples.
00:22:17 Yeah. This is an almond tree.
00:22:19 Wow.
00:22:20 Like the nuts.
00:22:21 Oh, wow.
00:22:22 It's a little fruit orchard out here.
00:22:24 But I'm grateful to be here.
00:22:26 I'm certainly going to enjoy this homestay and come with her,
00:22:29 be kind and keep it really light and, you know, fun and no pressure.
00:22:35 Amazing. I didn't even know blow-up spas existed.
00:22:39 And it's another insight into another aspect of Tim being here.
00:22:44 So I just want to get to know that
00:22:46 and see if I can fit into his life after the experiment.
00:22:50 Yeah.
00:22:51 Outside Eden's family apartment on the Gold Coast,
00:23:05 Jaden is waiting for his wife to arrive,
00:23:08 after she missed her flight to their hometown this morning
00:23:12 and is trying to clear her head.
00:23:15 Eden was really upset today.
00:23:18 Very anxious and very worked up.
00:23:21 She decided to go out just to get her thoughts back together
00:23:24 and then there, she missed her flight this morning.
00:23:28 I was pretty excited to come up here with her and, you know, do it together.
00:23:32 We were talking about it for so long.
00:23:35 But now I had to fly up here by myself.
00:23:37 I've spoken to her and she's on the next flight now.
00:23:39 She's almost here.
00:23:41 I think Eden's head is just all over the shoulder at the moment.
00:23:44 But I'm just going to not try and dwell on the past,
00:23:46 just try and, you know, focus on the future
00:23:48 and focus on having a good time while we're here.
00:23:50 Coming up, Lucinda finds out some hard truths.
00:24:01 What do you know about Tim and your relationship?
00:24:03 He's a doter. He loves to take care of.
00:24:07 I'm starting to realise I want a lot more for myself.
00:24:12 Eden and Jayden's homestay is off to a less than ideal start
00:24:34 as Eden missed her flight,
00:24:37 leaving Jayden anxiously awaiting her arrival
00:24:40 to their hometown on the Gold Coast.
00:24:43 (WIND BLOWS)
00:24:45 We made it.
00:25:08 (BIRDS CHIRP)
00:25:10 Yeah, waiting (BLEEP) ages.
00:25:15 I need to go get the keys. Three hours later, how about we go?
00:25:20 Yeah, it was a bit of a chaotic morning.
00:25:24 I was pretty upset.
00:25:28 And I needed time apart from him to think about how I feel.
00:25:32 And, um, yeah.
00:25:36 (GRUNTS)
00:25:38 I feel like we've been bickering quite a bit over the last couple of weeks.
00:25:47 Oh, OK.
00:25:50 And, um, that upset me
00:25:54 because my feelings for Jayden are quite genuine.
00:25:57 I definitely think our issues need to be addressed
00:26:01 in order for us to resolve them.
00:26:04 Alrighty, what do I wear?
00:26:06 After a cold arrival to the homestays...
00:26:10 Yay! Come on, Cubby! Come on! Yay!
00:26:14 ..Eden and Jayden decide to clear the air
00:26:17 with a stroll along the beach.
00:26:19 Ready? Set.
00:26:21 Good boy!
00:26:26 I feel like I shut down conversations
00:26:30 that are, like, rehashing the past.
00:26:33 Come on! Come here, cub!
00:26:35 Good boy!
00:26:37 Oh, he came to me! Good boy!
00:26:39 He came to me, eh? My new best friend.
00:26:43 I don't think bringing up the same incidences from the past
00:26:47 helps us to move forward.
00:26:49 Up, up! Good boy.
00:26:52 Good boy.
00:26:54 I just want to apologise and then move on
00:26:59 because our relationship is very important to me,
00:27:01 so I'd be pretty shattered if it didn't work out.
00:27:04 How are you feeling?
00:27:07 I think the first, like, four or six weeks,
00:27:09 I felt like, "This is easy. Like, this is so fine."
00:27:13 And then I think when all, like, the outside noise
00:27:16 and everything kind of came and I think retreat became really hectic,
00:27:19 that's where it became really hard for me
00:27:22 and I was quite stressed and uncomfortable
00:27:24 a lot of the time for the last, like, two weeks.
00:27:26 Really? Don't say.
00:27:27 But I think, like, being back here is just really nice to...
00:27:31 Yeah. ..feel back to, like, who I am as well.
00:27:34 I also just think that we've both got out
00:27:37 all of our annoyances about each other... Yeah, I know.
00:27:40 ..and it's just, like, time to do what we have to do
00:27:43 to not annoy each other and...
00:27:44 Do what we said we were going to do. Yeah.
00:27:46 Do what the experts told us to do, really. Yeah, and then move on.
00:27:48 Yeah, I kind of... And not dwell on it.
00:27:50 For us, a lot of our little disagreements were pretty little,
00:27:55 so we didn't... And we never addressed them, yeah.
00:27:57 We didn't really address them because they were so little.
00:27:59 But last week got to a point where, OK,
00:28:02 they're getting a little bit bigger each week.
00:28:04 That was really, really getting to me.
00:28:07 I'm sorry for snapping. I know I need to not snap. Yeah.
00:28:10 Yeah, I've said this, like, ten times.
00:28:12 So, yeah, it is what it is.
00:28:14 I can't change the past, I've already done it,
00:28:18 so I just need to try not to snap.
00:28:19 I'm not asking you to change the past, we're just discussing it
00:28:21 because the experts, they want us to talk about it some more.
00:28:23 Yeah. So instead of just trying to apologise
00:28:25 and shut the whole conversation down last week...
00:28:27 I'm not... I just don't know what else to say, I'm just saying I'm sorry.
00:28:29 I know, we're just discussing it because that's what they want.
00:28:31 Yeah, yeah, so I'm saying I'm sorry for snapping
00:28:33 and I need to try not to snap in the future. Yeah.
00:28:35 I don't really know what else to say, though.
00:28:37 But, yeah. Yeah.
00:28:41 Um...
00:28:43 I'm trying to talk out things with Eden,
00:28:45 go over her problems and talk about how we're going to move forward,
00:28:48 but all she wants to do is apologise,
00:28:50 that way she can move straight on and it doesn't get talked about.
00:28:53 You know what the experts are like,
00:28:55 they ask us to talk about these things and be open.
00:28:57 They definitely didn't ask us to rehash the same situations ten times,
00:29:01 so I won't be doing that.
00:29:03 I'm not doing that.
00:29:06 I care for Eden a lot.
00:29:09 I'm head over heels and I really do want things to work out with her.
00:29:13 But we can't move forward
00:29:16 if we can't talk things out when they happen.
00:29:21 In Perth, Lauren is taking Jonathan
00:29:28 to meet her best friend Mackenzie for the first time,
00:29:31 as she was unable to attend their wedding.
00:29:34 So off we go, hey? About to meet Mackenzie.
00:29:38 I'm excited! (LAUGHS)
00:29:40 (SCREAMS)
00:29:42 This'll be fun. Yeah, it's going to be fun.
00:29:44 Today we're meeting up with my best friend Mackenzie.
00:29:49 (SIGHS)
00:29:50 The hot seat. (LAUGHS)
00:29:52 We've been friends for, like, over 15 years,
00:29:55 and she's like a sister to me.
00:29:57 And, yeah, I'm just really excited for her to meet Jonathan.
00:29:59 When the two of us get together, it's like...
00:30:02 I just feel sorry for whoever the other person is.
00:30:05 (LAUGHS)
00:30:06 I'm nervous.
00:30:09 Lauren has described Mackenzie as being just like her,
00:30:13 only more full-on. Yes.
00:30:16 Like, I'm really looking forward to today,
00:30:18 but also part of me is just a bit, like, 'God.'
00:30:21 Where is she? Oh, that's good.
00:30:24 What angle is she coming from?
00:30:26 (SQUEAKS)
00:30:30 (LAUGHS)
00:30:36 Finally, it's my time to shine.
00:30:38 (LAUGHS)
00:30:40 Mackenzie, do you think you're going to like Jonathan?
00:30:46 Oh, Jonathan.
00:30:47 (SQUEAKS)
00:30:49 (BLEEP)
00:30:50 This is crazy. Like, this is wild.
00:30:53 Mack knows, like, everything that's been going on.
00:30:56 Like, she gets a play-by-play of, like, every second of the experiment.
00:30:59 Her opinion is, like, paramount.
00:31:02 It's really important that she likes Jonathan,
00:31:04 and if she doesn't, if she thinks he's a loser,
00:31:06 then we've got to put Jonathan in the bin.
00:31:09 Poor Jonathan.
00:31:11 I'm actually so excited for you guys to meet.
00:31:14 Cos I feel like you'll get along.
00:31:16 Oh, that's good.
00:31:17 Just from, like, screenshots of messages and all that kind of stuff,
00:31:22 like, he's seeming not that, like, yeah, interesting,
00:31:26 doesn't stand up for himself, her, bit of an arc.
00:31:30 Um...
00:31:31 Yeah, nothing, like, amazing.
00:31:35 Except for him dead.
00:31:37 My expectation's not high.
00:31:39 Like, as...
00:31:42 Like, as low as that, like, as low as it gets, you know?
00:31:45 I can see her!
00:31:46 Lauren and Jono?
00:31:51 Right match? No.
00:31:53 I don't think you'd naturally match them together, would you?
00:31:57 I can see her!
00:32:11 She looks so good!
00:32:13 Lauren, she needs to be kept on her toes.
00:32:18 She needs someone that can handle the wrath.
00:32:21 Hello. Hi.
00:32:22 How's it going? Nice to meet you.
00:32:24 I don't think, like, I don't think he's that.
00:32:27 Cheers, guys. Cheers.
00:32:29 Nice to meet you. You too.
00:32:31 He could just be totally different.
00:32:33 Or maybe he's just boring, I don't know. We'll see.
00:32:35 So talk me through it, guys.
00:32:38 Um... OK, well, the wedding day was so fun.
00:32:41 Like, there was chemistry, like, we got along really well.
00:32:44 And then obviously, yeah, it just kind of came crashing down at one point.
00:32:48 Shocker.
00:32:49 We'd have, like, a few good weeks and then a few horrible weeks,
00:32:54 and it was just, like, up and down.
00:32:56 I feel like the thing that's our biggest issue right now
00:32:58 is our energy doesn't match.
00:33:00 He's, like, soft-spoken and he's quite gentle.
00:33:03 You're too nice.
00:33:06 I need... I need you to, like, really, like, challenge me.
00:33:09 I don't know. I just... I'm going to rip you apart.
00:33:13 It's not going to be good.
00:33:15 And that was something that I struggled to have in a partner.
00:33:18 You give me no passion. You give me nothing.
00:33:20 You just give me, like... like autopilot.
00:33:23 I need to see opinions on things and feelings about things
00:33:29 and heightened emotions about some things, and let's get angry.
00:33:33 It's, like, a good person, like, a good... a genuinely good human.
00:33:37 But, like, I, from the start, have said, like,
00:33:42 I need someone that's going to, like, stand up and, like, stand up for me
00:33:45 and, you know, be assertive and, like, confident, all this stuff.
00:33:49 I just felt like I needed, like, a team-mate who was going to back me.
00:33:53 And so it kind of didn't seem...
00:33:55 Like, I just had it in my mind that Jono wasn't backing me,
00:33:58 so, like, any situation that would arise,
00:34:00 I'd be, like, thinking that you were against me.
00:34:03 Are you always this kind of calm and reserved?
00:34:07 Like, when you've been with someone longer, you know,
00:34:09 and you're more comfortable, is there, like, have you been...
00:34:12 I don't know. Angry?
00:34:14 LAUGHTER
00:34:15 I love how you say it like that. I'm asking...
00:34:17 Is she meaning angry? Yeah. OK. Like, angry, tough?
00:34:20 I was actually... When I was 20, I was super aggressive and abrasive
00:34:26 to the point where it was bad,
00:34:28 so I tried for, like, 20 years to not be like that.
00:34:32 My fight style is, like, yelling and, like, you know what I'm like.
00:34:36 So you don't need to tell me. Yeah, exactly. I'm crazy.
00:34:39 But...
00:34:40 I like the calm side now. I don't want to be, like, aggressive.
00:34:44 I was always concerned that maybe I was a little too much for Jono.
00:34:49 Can you handle that moment? Her at her...
00:34:52 Yeah. ..fieriest.
00:34:54 100%.
00:34:55 I feel like we're both different people.
00:34:59 You do need someone who's a bit calmer.
00:35:02 I see, like, so much hope there for us.
00:35:06 The beginning of the experiment,
00:35:11 I felt like maybe Jono is, like, a bit, like, too soft,
00:35:15 and so I feel like I really kind of went hard on him.
00:35:19 Yeah, I probably should have just learned from him.
00:35:23 OK, I'm going to go to the little men's room.
00:35:26 Don't say that! Oh, my God.
00:35:28 Don't say that.
00:35:29 So the pressure's on. What do you think?
00:35:32 Do you think he's a knob?
00:35:36 Yeah. Really? Yeah. This is huge. Huge.
00:35:43 Way better. Way better than I thought.
00:35:47 So I've got your seal of approval? Yeah.
00:35:49 He's good because, like, he calms me.
00:35:51 You can tell, I reckon you can tell in his eyes that he's, like, comfortable.
00:35:55 I reckon if you, like, take it down a notch...
00:35:58 I've known you for 15 years and you still sometimes make me so anxious.
00:36:02 Do I? God, yes.
00:36:04 Do you like him? Yeah. Do you? Yeah.
00:36:08 Oh, my God. I honestly didn't know.
00:36:11 I reckon you've just got to give him a little bit more of a go.
00:36:14 I am surprised. Mark's like, "No, he's amazing.
00:36:17 "You just need to, like, realise that."
00:36:21 I actually was like, "If Marco doesn't approve or, like,
00:36:25 "doesn't think he's right for me, like, I would be done."
00:36:28 And she literally was like...
00:36:30 What did she say?
00:36:32 I'm glad that today went well with Marco and Jono.
00:36:37 I've loved it. Like, I'm proud to have him with me
00:36:40 and, like, introduce him to people and, yeah,
00:36:43 it really, like, gives me the warm fuzzies.
00:36:49 We're weirdly looking for each other's eyes.
00:36:51 No.
00:36:52 I avoid that at all costs. That's cute.
00:36:56 You avoid it, actually. That's cute.
00:36:58 In Melbourne, Timothy and Lucinda have organised a catch-up
00:37:08 with Timothy's friends, Rachel and Shane.
00:37:11 So you two have been getting along pretty well, from what I've heard?
00:37:15 So well. Yeah, we've had no issues.
00:37:18 It's been quite a beautiful journey,
00:37:20 the last couple of weeks, actually.
00:37:22 Homestay's about figuring out whether, you know, you can co-exist,
00:37:26 and I've been on my own for so long.
00:37:30 The man can't...just doesn't know what to do with a woman.
00:37:33 LAUGHTER
00:37:34 I'm happy to be back in Melbourne.
00:37:36 It's a place that I feel safe and it's a place that I feel at home,
00:37:40 but I am definitely feeling overwhelmed today
00:37:43 with somebody else in my space.
00:37:45 I do get stuck in my way, so...
00:37:48 And you like routine and you've felt really flat back here, haven't you?
00:37:51 Yeah. Since yesterday. Really? Why?
00:37:54 I just haven't had, like, just a break.
00:37:57 Why? Are you just emotionally exhausted? Is that what it is?
00:38:00 I was heavy leaving Sydney, coming back.
00:38:03 I was, you know, I was carrying baggage from Sydney,
00:38:07 and then I get in and it's's just pressure.
00:38:11 I feel I put pressure on myself.
00:38:13 You're emotionally drained. I think that's what it is.
00:38:17 I thought coming to Melbourne would make me feel better.
00:38:21 But just talking and...
00:38:25 ..about my feelings and emotions and digging into things,
00:38:30 it's just exhausting.
00:38:33 I just need time.
00:38:35 I just need...I just need space, you know?
00:38:40 I was quite excited the last couple of weeks
00:38:43 cos these walls were starting to come down. Yeah.
00:38:46 And I was like, "Oh, my gosh."
00:38:48 I love it that you got to see that side of him. I know.
00:38:51 I love that. You don't love it? No, I don't.
00:38:54 I love it that you got to see that.
00:38:56 I've been very grateful to see that. Yeah.
00:38:58 You broke through all your walls
00:39:01 and you came out and showed Lucinda and...
00:39:05 She's so beautiful. ..everybody who you really are.
00:39:08 It's one of your greatest qualities. Exactly.
00:39:10 Don't like it, hate it. You have empathy in spades. Yeah.
00:39:13 And nobody gets to see it, usually.
00:39:15 So... Yeah.
00:39:17 ..why can't you embrace it? That's what people love about you.
00:39:20 I don't know. Yeah. I just want to get away from it.
00:39:23 And the experiment is all about it.
00:39:25 It's a sign of weakness to you, isn't it? Yeah.
00:39:27 Yes. And I think it's the opposite.
00:39:29 Absolutely. I think that's current. Yeah.
00:39:31 Vulnerability and... Mm-hm.
00:39:33 know, opening those parts of yourself.
00:39:37 Anyway... I'm really, really proud of you for that.
00:39:40 What we like to see.
00:39:42 Yes.
00:39:44 I don't see any negatives to your opening up.
00:39:47 All I see is the positives.
00:39:49 I just can't function like that.
00:39:51 But I just think that if you did it more often,
00:39:55 it wouldn't be so pent up inside of you.
00:39:57 I just think it's a healthier way to live. Yeah.
00:40:00 I don't want you to feel ashamed of it.
00:40:02 I want you to embrace it and I want you to do it more.
00:40:05 Clearly, everyone likes emotional Tim.
00:40:09 But Tim doesn't like emotional Tim.
00:40:11 Yeah.
00:40:14 While Timothy and Rachel excuse themselves,
00:40:18 Lucinda takes the opportunity to learn more about Timothy.
00:40:23 What do you know about Tim in relationship?
00:40:26 What's worked for Tim is...
00:40:28 ..he's a doter.
00:40:31 He loves to take care of.
00:40:37 OK. Yeah.
00:40:41 He loves to, um...
00:40:46 ..have somebody to nurture.
00:40:50 And be the, um, protector.
00:40:55 OK. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
00:40:59 I'm surprised to hear that.
00:41:02 For the right woman, Tim would be open to showing up
00:41:05 in all the ways - protecting, providing.
00:41:08 Has that been my experience? No.
00:41:10 I mean, I would love a, you know, a protector
00:41:14 and a gorgeous man nurturing, you know, me
00:41:17 and somebody that, you know, holds space for me
00:41:21 and protects me and, yeah, I mean, those qualities seem...
00:41:25 Yeah, it's beautiful.
00:41:28 Where I'm at in my life, I don't want some casual situationship
00:41:33 where I am sort of not even getting my basic needs met.
00:41:39 I'm a strong, independent woman, but I'm very much in my feminine as well.
00:41:44 And I, you know, I do like feeling that I'm celebrated,
00:41:48 that I'm desired, um, that I'm valued, that I'm assured.
00:41:54 Just knowing that somebody's got my back and they're really into me,
00:41:58 I absolutely know what I want.
00:42:01 And it's a little bit bittersweet to say it,
00:42:04 but at this stage I'm starting to realise I want a lot more for myself.
00:42:09 Coming up...
00:42:11 What's going on with the relationship?
00:42:13 ..Jaden's brother, Mitch, gets to the bottom
00:42:16 of Eden and Jaden's relationship.
00:42:19 Eden's not great with the sort of the confrontation
00:42:22 of just having disagreements.
00:42:24 But we're still close and everything's still good, so...
00:42:27 If I was being controlled by a woman, that would be me.
00:42:31 See you later.
00:42:32 On the Gold Coast, after an uncomfortable chat
00:42:38 about their issues, Eden and Jaden are getting ready
00:42:42 to have a barbecue lunch with Jaden's parents at his family home.
00:42:49 I haven't seen Jaden's parents since the wedding day.
00:42:52 I just feel like there's going to be a lot of pressure,
00:42:54 all the families are asking us how we're going.
00:42:56 OK, let's go do it.
00:42:58 Joining them is Jaden's brother, Mitch.
00:43:01 Hello. How are you?
00:43:02 Oh, the big E. Oh, the little E.
00:43:04 The big E. What's happening?
00:43:06 What's going on, mate?
00:43:07 Cool. Good to see you.
00:43:08 Hello. How are you, love?
00:43:09 Well, how are you? Good, how are you?
00:43:10 Good, thank you. How are you, mate?
00:43:12 Good to see you again. Good to see you, mate.
00:43:13 And Eden's father, Phil.
00:43:15 Hello.
00:43:16 So the last few days had been really tense.
00:43:19 But I also think we've talked about it.
00:43:22 It doesn't need to be talked about again now.
00:43:24 We can move forward from it.
00:43:26 You guys have done well to get this far.
00:43:29 Yeah, we did.
00:43:30 There's a lot of couples that are leaving and arguing,
00:43:33 having problems, so I think we're doing...
00:43:35 We're all right. We're not perfect.
00:43:37 You're not perfect.
00:43:38 No couple is perfect.
00:43:40 Yeah, exactly.
00:43:41 Let's go sit down while the old boy cooks the barbecue, eh?
00:43:44 I just don't want to keep rehashing things
00:43:46 and just have a nice family barbecue with Jaden's family
00:43:49 because I definitely want to make a good impression.
00:43:52 I see a strong future with Jaden and I,
00:43:55 so I don't want his family not to like me.
00:43:58 So how's the homestay been at your place?
00:44:03 Yeah, it's actually been good.
00:44:06 It's been nice.
00:44:08 We had a good time.
00:44:13 Are you excited that you're getting to the end or nervous?
00:44:16 Excited.
00:44:17 You've got two more weeks to go
00:44:19 and then you've got a big decision to make.
00:44:21 Yeah.
00:44:22 I don't think it's that much of a decision
00:44:24 unless something huge happens the next two weeks.
00:44:26 Yeah.
00:44:27 Homestay is a big thing, definitely.
00:44:33 To get to see the true colours of a person.
00:44:36 What else has been going on with the relationship?
00:44:39 Any negative?
00:44:42 Oh, yeah, there's negatives.
00:44:44 Hm?
00:44:45 The last two or three weeks
00:44:49 is where we've come into a little bit of trouble, I think.
00:44:52 Yeah, I feel like there's obviously things that we both do
00:44:57 that annoy each other.
00:44:59 But, yeah, we figured it out in the end.
00:45:03 Yeah.
00:45:05 So what's it about?
00:45:07 What are you up to?
00:45:09 I think Eden's not great with the confrontation
00:45:14 of just having disagreements or arguments.
00:45:16 No. I'd rather just not have them.
00:45:18 Yeah.
00:45:19 But we're still close and everything's still good, so...
00:45:23 Eden, again, shutting down conversations.
00:45:29 I want the kind of family interaction, you know,
00:45:31 talking about this, talking about that,
00:45:33 talking and expressing our feelings
00:45:35 and talking about the problem
00:45:37 and getting their take and their perspective on our relationship.
00:45:40 But I can't.
00:45:42 We need to talk about a bit more of the relationship.
00:45:45 I think, obviously, I've been, I guess, getting snappy with things
00:45:51 in the last couple of weeks.
00:45:53 You know, it just happens sometimes and I need to stop doing it.
00:45:56 So as long as we both work towards the things
00:45:58 that are upsetting each other,
00:46:00 cos we're both doing things that are upsetting each other,
00:46:02 so we both need to try and do better with them...
00:46:04 Yeah. ..moving forward.
00:46:06 Yeah.
00:46:07 Obviously, we still have a really close bond
00:46:09 and we still really like each other.
00:46:11 So... Yeah. Yeah.
00:46:13 Guess what? That one's perfect.
00:46:16 Exactly. Yeah.
00:46:17 Having not gotten the answers he was after...
00:46:22 Oh!
00:46:23 ..Jaden's brother Mitch wants to get to the bottom
00:46:26 of what's going on with Jaden in his relationship.
00:46:30 Tell me what's been going on with you. How's it all going?
00:46:32 Eden is, like, really struggling.
00:46:34 She has, like, mad social anxiety.
00:46:36 So we're going to, like, the retreat.
00:46:38 She knows there'll be lots of people there.
00:46:40 She just freaks out and she's, like, crying and all that kind of stuff.
00:46:42 Which is fine, I'm learning to deal with it.
00:46:44 But, like, now, that paired with being in the experiment for so long,
00:46:47 it's building up and it's, like, got to the point
00:46:49 where she's starting to take it out on me and being real snappy
00:46:51 and stuff like that.
00:46:53 Everything that I try and bring up or try and talk to her about,
00:46:56 she shuts down and shuts down the conversation.
00:46:58 She doesn't want to talk about these things. Why not?
00:47:00 I don't know. It's just, like, I don't know.
00:47:03 She knows she's done the wrong thing.
00:47:05 She'll try and get out of it by just shutting down the conversation.
00:47:07 Which girl's side do I know? We weren't talking about it.
00:47:10 I'm just a little bit concerned.
00:47:12 I mean, there could definitely be issues,
00:47:14 and I think Eden's trying to hide as much stuff as she possibly can.
00:47:17 In any relationship, you want to be able to be yourself
00:47:20 and speak your mind and be open.
00:47:23 So when you can't do that, it dims your light.
00:47:25 So, yeah.
00:47:27 And then there was the whole thing where, like,
00:47:30 I do so much things for her,
00:47:32 but she ended up turning around and getting really angry
00:47:35 and blowing up and saying,
00:47:37 "Well, why don't you just do something nice for me
00:47:39 "for once in your life?"
00:47:41 So... But it was making it very hard for me, trying to deal with that.
00:47:45 I want to address the doubts,
00:47:47 fix it so that me and Eden will stay strong for a long time.
00:47:51 Yeah, that's a hard... That's a hard position to be in.
00:47:54 Yeah. I know you're not me,
00:47:56 but, man, I would struggle if I had a woman trying to control me.
00:47:59 Yeah. I'd just...
00:48:01 Oh, yeah. Yeah.
00:48:03 I'd be biting it in the arse straightaway.
00:48:05 I think Jaden, he just needs to nip it in the bud
00:48:08 and, yeah, sort it out quickly.
00:48:10 Because if I was being controlled by a woman,
00:48:12 oh, that'd be me.
00:48:14 See you later.
00:48:16 Yeah, it's... It's shitty, but...
00:48:18 Mmm.
00:48:20 Coming up...
00:48:22 This whole experience, I haven't felt welcome.
00:48:25 I've tried my best, but, Tim, you haven't let me in.
00:48:30 I don't know what you want. I'm just... I can't...
00:48:33 There's too many words.
00:48:35 I've got nothing left.
00:48:37 In Perth, after receiving the seal of approval
00:48:50 from best friend Mackenzie yesterday,
00:48:53 Lauren and Jonathan are waking up
00:48:55 feeling much closer in their relationship.
00:48:58 Yes, you consummated the homestay.
00:49:01 It had been a long, long while.
00:49:03 I think it had been, like, since the honeymoon.
00:49:06 Jono. Yo.
00:49:09 Lemon hat or Cooper's hat?
00:49:11 I think the most people do apart of homestays
00:49:16 is obviously Jono meeting Mackenzie.
00:49:18 I think the lemon hat.
00:49:20 The lemon hat? The lemon hat's fun.
00:49:22 And her liking him and giving him the tick of approval.
00:49:26 That's been really important,
00:49:28 because it made me realise that I had been hard on him.
00:49:32 Should probably put my wedding ring on.
00:49:35 At the beginning of the experiment,
00:49:37 I just didn't think that Jono and I were a good match,
00:49:41 and so I just wasn't making any kind of effort.
00:49:44 A lemon for a lemon.
00:49:46 But as time's gone on and we've gotten to know each other more...
00:49:51 Oh, look at the water!
00:49:54 It's amazing. How good is it?
00:49:56 I'm realising that, like, Jono has all these amazing qualities
00:50:00 that I need in a person.
00:50:01 I need to cleanse my sins. I need to baptise myself.
00:50:04 I feel the ocean is good for that. Yeah.
00:50:06 It can wash away anything. Totally.
00:50:08 Yesterday, Mackenzie gave me the two thumbs up.
00:50:12 Yeah, things are going really well.
00:50:16 We're having fun, we're laughing.
00:50:19 We had a bit of a cuddle in the water, which was nice.
00:50:24 Homestays has been really good for us.
00:50:26 We're becoming more affectionate.
00:50:28 I'm really happy.
00:50:30 This is going to be so yummy. Yeah, I know.
00:50:34 Knowing that the way to Lauren's heart is through her stomach,
00:50:38 Jonathan wants to impress his wife by showing off his culinary skills.
00:50:43 Oh, baby, look at that.
00:50:45 Yeah. That gets me...
00:50:48 ..corny.
00:50:52 Lauren and I are just really happy.
00:50:55 I feel closer to Lauren now than I ever have.
00:50:58 I do really like her.
00:51:00 I've never been with a man that can cook.
00:51:04 I've never been with a chick who can cook. Really?
00:51:09 Well, you found the love of your life.
00:51:11 I just hope every day from now on,
00:51:15 Lauren and I just get a bit closer together.
00:51:18 I can see what the future looks like.
00:51:20 So, yeah, I'm really excited.
00:51:22 Is it good? It's really good.
00:51:26 I've had so much fun in the last couple of days.
00:51:31 It's been good, hey? It's been awesome.
00:51:34 As soon as I got here, you just looked beautiful and happy.
00:51:38 It was nice.
00:51:39 If we can keep going in the same trajectory,
00:51:45 I guess we come a lot closer.
00:51:48 One of my personalities could come out and change their minds.
00:51:52 One of the 37? Yeah.
00:51:54 It's been a really good homestay.
00:51:56 We've really enjoyed each other's company, we've had no issues.
00:51:59 We've just been getting along really well.
00:52:01 I like this one.
00:52:02 Whatever one this one is, the last couple of days...
00:52:04 I don't know what this one is. ..if she can hang around for a bit more.
00:52:08 At the rate I am now, I want to stay together.
00:52:12 I'm realising that I've got someone that I need instead of want.
00:52:18 Now I'm interested in making it work.
00:52:21 There could be a future for us.
00:52:23 Imagine that's the rest of your life.
00:52:26 Well, it is, cos we're married and you...
00:52:29 ..suck shit.
00:52:31 In Melbourne, despite his friends encouraging him to open up yesterday,
00:52:43 Timothy is still not used to having another person in his home.
00:52:48 And Lucinda is feeling the distance between them.
00:52:52 I'm feeling for Tim.
00:52:55 I think he's having a huge emotional release hangover,
00:52:59 a vulnerability hangover,
00:53:00 for all that he's been processing the last week or two.
00:53:03 And I'm just very wary.
00:53:09 Is there anything I can do? No.
00:53:12 And, you know, I don't want to poke the bear,
00:53:15 because emotions and feelings aren't his natural domain.
00:53:19 Nice to do a little tidy up of the...
00:53:23 The garden. Yeah.
00:53:26 What happens when you go away? How all your plants die?
00:53:30 Everything dies. Oh.
00:53:32 How are you feeling?
00:53:35 Flat today.
00:53:37 All right, Tim.
00:53:39 How did you feel waking up this morning, honestly?
00:53:43 Honestly? Yeah, not good.
00:53:45 Homestays, from my understanding, are supposed to be fun,
00:53:51 and you get to show your life and be exciting.
00:53:56 Homestays, yeah, it's just not comfortable for me.
00:54:01 What's going on? Yeah, I just feel flat.
00:54:04 What do you feel flat about? I don't know.
00:54:07 Some mornings I just want to get up and just say nothing,
00:54:10 and I get in these moods where I just need my space,
00:54:15 and I don't even have my space here now.
00:54:19 I think with the week, of it just being emotionally draining,
00:54:24 and then coming back...
00:54:27 ..I do need a lot of, like, alone time.
00:54:34 Sometimes I just want to be, you know, me and the dogs, you know?
00:54:39 Get up. They don't talk. Yeah.
00:54:43 It's really good that you can articulate up,
00:54:46 and this is what you're feeling, and it's totally fine.
00:54:50 You've been really opening up with vulnerability,
00:54:52 and it's not your natural domain, and that's exhausting,
00:54:55 and I get up, I do. Yeah.
00:54:58 Yeah, clear your head a bit. Yeah, I just need to clear my...
00:55:01 Yeah. ..clear my head, so...
00:55:04 ..yeah.
00:55:07 Yeah, it's a bit hard for him.
00:55:10 There's a part of me that has been quite excited
00:55:15 the last couple of weeks, like, "Oh, walls are coming down.
00:55:18 "Let's keep on that continuum."
00:55:21 But it's a little bit of an accordion, you know?
00:55:27 Walls come down, then, you know, walls come up.
00:55:31 Tim is somebody that really needs a lot of space to himself.
00:55:36 The best thing I can do is just leave him be a bit today.
00:55:41 As dusk begins to settle...
00:55:45 (PHONE RINGS)
00:55:47 You have reached the message bank of...
00:55:52 ..Lucinda is home alone in Timothy's apartment,
00:55:56 while Timothy is out with a friend.
00:55:59 Tim said, "I'm just going to go out for an hour."
00:56:02 It's been a few hours, and there's been no communication since.
00:56:08 Hanging out with a friend all night really speaks volumes
00:56:12 that it's about him not wanting to see me.
00:56:15 Shane's words keep ringing in my ear.
00:56:21 What's worked for Tim is he's a doter.
00:56:26 He loves to take care of.
00:56:29 He loves to be the protector.
00:56:35 I don't see Tim making much effort.
00:56:39 I do want to do my life with somebody that is willing
00:56:43 and wanting to do their life with me.
00:56:46 Cookie!
00:56:50 I wanted to come here with all the love and joy.
00:56:53 But being at home, staying, feeling abandoned,
00:56:57 it is disappointing.
00:57:00 It feels like he's a little bit put out by me being here at the moment.
00:57:06 I just don't know where to go from here.
00:57:19 Last night, Timothy returned home late after catching up with a friend.
00:57:26 Despite telling Lucinda he needed some time alone.
00:57:31 Last night, I just felt quite abandoned in his apartment with his dogs.
00:57:36 Yeah, it was disappointing.
00:57:39 In an effort to talk things through with Timothy,
00:57:44 Lucinda has organised a private picnic.
00:57:49 (Cookies crunching)
00:57:52 Most of the homestays have been pretty minimal tips.
00:57:57 Yeah, with a dribbling of gravy.
00:58:00 Like, just kind of sloppy jollops.
00:58:03 I haven't felt that welcomed.
00:58:06 Very sweet.
00:58:08 I haven't felt that he's really wanted to be around me.
00:58:11 Cool, cool.
00:58:12 Nice one.
00:58:14 I get the vibe he really can't be bothered.
00:58:19 Um...
00:58:31 OK.
00:58:39 Obviously there's something going on.
00:58:41 So what's going on?
00:58:43 You said to me, "I'm going away for one hour,"
00:58:46 and you were back seven or eight hours later, you know,
00:58:49 and I felt hurt about that, Tim.
00:58:52 I just felt sort of not communicated with,
00:58:55 and it was my understanding you didn't want to see anybody.
00:58:59 That's why I gave you the time with the dogs, you know,
00:59:02 but it just felt...
00:59:05 I didn't feel considered, you know, in that.
00:59:12 Well, you know, the way that I see homestays
00:59:16 is you sort of...
00:59:18 you come here and come into...and see my life.
00:59:22 But when we got in...we got into Melbourne,
00:59:25 I wasn't feeling good. I was drained.
00:59:28 It just felt a little bit like a contradiction
00:59:31 because you said you didn't want to see anybody
00:59:34 and you just really wanted to be left alone.
00:59:38 You were feeling really low energy,
00:59:41 and I just wanted to support that, all of that.
00:59:44 This whole experience, I haven't felt welcome.
00:59:54 I've tried my best to come into your world
00:59:57 and get to know you in all the ways,
00:59:59 but, Tim, you haven't let me in.
01:00:02 You know, I've barely been let into your world.
01:00:05 You've been giving me this whole energy
01:00:08 of I'm a hindrance to your space.
01:00:11 And I don't want to poke you or ask too many questions
01:00:15 because I know you get sensitive and the walls come up.
01:00:19 Like, sometimes you're damned if you do
01:00:22 and you're damned if you don't, with you.
01:00:24 I told you I'm flat. I told you last week.
01:00:29 And that's what I get so shitty at.
01:00:31 It's like, everyone wants you to be all this emotional thing,
01:00:35 but you don't want the other side of it,
01:00:37 which is draining.
01:00:39 But, Tim, this last two months, you're often feeling flat.
01:00:43 Like, I find you very moody, generally.
01:00:48 And I get it's tough for you,
01:00:50 but at the same time, I need to have fun, enjoy.
01:00:54 Well, then, you know what? Then absolutely.
01:00:56 Then be free and just be happy because it ain't my life.
01:00:59 I've got problems. I don't need to look for them.
01:01:03 I get that, Tim. I'm not here to say...
01:01:05 I just don't think you do get it. OK.
01:01:07 That's my thoughts. I don't think you do.
01:01:10 I'm not into this emotional journey.
01:01:13 I didn't expect that I'd have to go through all of that
01:01:18 on the experiment.
01:01:19 I didn't think I'd have to dig that deep.
01:01:34 Lou's an emotional person.
01:01:36 She loves talking about her feelings.
01:01:38 And digging into all this emotional side...
01:01:44's confronting. It's...
01:01:49 It's just not comfortable for me.
01:02:02 I've got my own way of dealing with stuff.
01:02:05 That's what I've been taught from...
01:02:11 ..yeah, a long time ago.
01:02:14 You know what? I should have never dug into last week.
01:02:27 I'm actually... I'm just...
01:02:29 (BLEEP)
01:02:30 I don't know what you want. I'm just... I can't...
01:02:35 There's too many words. I just... I can't.
01:02:37 I don't know what else to do.
01:02:39 I don't know what to say. I've got no words.
01:02:42 Oh, (BLEEP) me.
01:02:50 Oh...
01:02:58 (SIGHS)
01:03:00 I've got nothing left.
01:03:07 I'm just over it.
01:03:11 Hey, Tim. I just don't want to (BLEEP) talk!
01:03:19 (BLEEP) me!
01:03:23 (BLEEP) me.
01:03:34 I'm going to catch an Uber. I'm going. I'm out. I'm done.
01:03:41 The teen man is back?
01:03:58 Yeah.
01:04:01 (SIGHS)
01:04:08 I think at the heart and soul of it,
01:04:11 emotional language is not Tim's jam.
01:04:15 He's sort of tried it on for size, and he's decided it's not for him.
01:04:22 I feel deeply for him that he does not have the capacity.
01:04:34 Those gates around his heart and soul must be really lonely, you know?
01:04:40 And, like, what an ache. Like, what a sad state of affairs.
01:04:45 I'm not angry. I'm not.
01:04:51 Am I disappointed? Well, you know, let me mean a little bit, you know,
01:04:57 cos I held hope in moments.
01:05:02 But I deserve better than this.
01:05:05 I do.
01:05:07 I've worked very hard to be the woman I am.
01:05:13 This is not what I want for me in partnership.
01:05:21 I am not going to superimpose myself upon somebody that doesn't want or celebrate me.
01:05:32 (GENTLE MUSIC)
01:05:34 I do adore Tim. I do, you know, wish and hope for the best.
01:05:39 But what I'm getting and what he's got to give,
01:05:44 respectfully, it's not for me.
01:05:48 I am defining what I want in my life,
01:05:52 and it's very different to this.
01:06:00 I know what I've done. I know what I've given.
01:06:03 I know I have done my best.
01:06:06 Tomorrow night...
01:06:10 Tim called me, said, "Somebody rescue me."
01:06:13 ..home stays continue, and Tim's friend Ben is back.
01:06:18 He's just incredibly inappropriate.
01:06:20 Why did you lie?
01:06:21 Um...
01:06:22 Did you think you would get away with it? I feel like I...
01:06:24 Why'd you flay your nostrils when you said that?
01:06:26 I don't like when you interrupt a story.
01:06:28 But will Ben's pot-stirring derail Sarah and Tim?
01:06:32 We've spoken about this so many times.
01:06:35 I've been trying so hard, Tim.
01:06:37 Oh, jeez.
01:06:39 Don't roll your eyes.
01:06:41 Is Rich proving too immature for Jade's family?
01:06:45 That's my biggest concern. He effectively walks into a family.
01:06:48 Yeah.
01:06:49 Does he realise it's not just sunshine and roses?
01:06:52 Five more.
01:06:53 Five?!
01:06:54 Push, push, push.
01:06:55 Tori's visit to the Gold Coast goes from bad...
01:06:58 I got the impression you're basic.
01:07:00 Yeah.
01:07:01 worse.
01:07:02 Anyone that makes their coffee order,
01:07:04 their personality is not my kind of person.
01:07:06 Um, no.
01:07:08 she comes face-to-face with Jack's nearest and dearest clients.
01:07:13 I feel like when I come across a girl that only has guy friends,
01:07:16 it's usually because they're sleeping with all the boys.
01:07:19 Jack wasn't backing me up.
01:07:23 Right now I'm questioning my relationship with Jack.
01:07:31 (MultiCom Jingle)
01:07:33 [MUSIC]
