"Twiddly Things" is a short stop-motion animation documentary about a woman suffering from Alzheimer's. This emotional f | dG1fY09teXZ2cHlqdmc
Short filmTranscript
00:00 [Music]
00:20 It's only recently that I've been able to get everything together.
00:25 And it hasn't been easy, let's put it that way.
00:30 [Music]
00:38 But it's not quite the same as it was.
00:43 [Music]
01:09 We used to have a piano, and the guy that was doing the piano would back up the thing,
01:19 and this woman would say, well the woman of course was me.
01:24 [Music]
01:41 I just stood there, I'd gone, the whole thing had gone.
01:47 And it wasn't funny at all. I couldn't remember what the hell it was all about, you know.
01:55 It was ridiculous.
01:59 Which it doesn't affect us anymore, you know.
02:03 I suppose eventually everything's okay, and you think, oh Christ, thank God they've come back.
02:15 And then, nobody knows what the hell they're talking about, neither did I, you know.
02:23 [Music]
02:52 I'm completely on my own now.
02:55 [Music]
03:01 But it's not the same.
03:04 [Music]
03:23 It's not.
03:27 It's just completely gone.
03:31 And I don't know how to do it.
03:35 So, I just sit here all day.
03:39 [Music]
04:08 [Music]