My Mate Is a Vampire Uncut Full Movie 2024

  • 6 months ago
My Mate Is a Vampire Uncut Full Movie 2024
00:00:00 [music]
00:00:05 I need to get out of here. I need to get away.
00:00:07 From what?
00:00:11 From some vampire.
00:00:15 A white stone forms a forsaken mate bond with a bloodsucker.
00:00:20 All my life I was told I couldn't mate, and now I'm suddenly bonded to some vampire.
00:00:26 I really am cursed.
00:00:28 [screaming]
00:00:30 Kaya. Kaya.
00:00:35 Okay, okay.
00:00:37 I'm not gonna hurt you.
00:00:41 What an abomination.
00:00:43 You'll be taken into my collection.
00:00:46 No!
00:00:48 We all know your mate is long dead by now.
00:00:51 No!
00:00:52 It's okay, it's me.
00:00:55 Run, Kaya. Run!
00:00:58 [music]
00:01:06 Hey guys, I'm home.
00:01:09 Is that a cake?
00:01:10 Yeah.
00:01:11 Just for the birthday boy.
00:01:15 Sweetheart, Alpha Dane was quite clear.
00:01:18 He doesn't want us keeping track of our birthdays.
00:01:20 Screw Alpha Dane, okay?
00:01:22 Just because we're living under his pack doesn't mean he owns us.
00:01:25 [screaming]
00:01:31 You see that?
00:01:33 Poor wolf with a skull can't do nothing, mate.
00:01:36 And where would your pack be without our protection exactly?
00:01:41 The Nightshade pack isn't protecting us, you're just thugs, Dane.
00:01:44 And that's Alpha Dane to you.
00:01:46 And without us thugs, you'd be long dead.
00:01:50 Your body's drunk dry by the vampires.
00:01:53 And today, all I want in return for my generous protection
00:01:59 is for the little one to spend his birthday with me.
00:02:02 Dad!
00:02:04 Hey, Alpha Dane!
00:02:05 Take me instead.
00:02:07 You're an empty vessel.
00:02:09 A husk.
00:02:10 A can of mate.
00:02:11 Why would I want you?
00:02:12 I'll do whatever you want.
00:02:14 Hmm.
00:02:15 Hmm.
00:02:26 No, Kaia.
00:02:27 Don't do this.
00:02:28 I recall you calling me disgusting.
00:02:31 Biting my hands and kicking me.
00:02:33 Ain't this an interesting change?
00:02:37 It's settled.
00:02:41 Kaia, you'll be taken into my collection.
00:02:44 No!
00:02:46 Oracle.
00:02:53 Shh!
00:02:54 I see a great weapon in the hands of Dane.
00:02:58 Something powerful enough to end the war between the vampires and werewolves.
00:03:04 For good.
00:03:06 What do we need to do?
00:03:10 You, Talon.
00:03:12 You need to be the one who steals it.
00:03:16 Tonight, Dane will die.
00:03:23 Even if that means I die with him.
00:03:26 That's unwise.
00:03:29 Who are you?
00:03:30 Who are you?
00:03:34 I'm just passing by.
00:03:36 But I can help you.
00:03:39 Why?
00:03:40 I'm a white stone with no wolf. I'm cursed.
00:03:42 Useless.
00:03:43 Cursed or not,
00:03:45 a life is a life.
00:03:47 Yeah, nice try, Nightshade.
00:03:49 Damn it.
00:03:53 A mate bond.
00:03:59 My pack is cursed. We can't form mate bonds.
00:04:02 The cords were silver, which means...
00:04:04 You're not a werewolf?
00:04:06 I'm not a werewolf?
00:04:07 I see you've got out of your high chair.
00:04:14 I'm flattered you're so eager to begin.
00:04:17 Take what you want from me, but you will never have my heart.
00:04:21 I am the Alpha of the Nightshade Pack.
00:04:24 I can have whatever I want.
00:04:27 Who said anything about wanting your heart anyway?
00:04:30 So arrogant.
00:04:31 Come on.
00:04:34 I thought you wanted to play along.
00:04:36 If I get the idea you don't want to play with me,
00:04:38 I might just lose it all.
00:04:40 But he had to stick with my original plan
00:04:43 and throw your little brother into the vampire den,
00:04:46 watch those vermin drain his blood,
00:04:48 and leave his little body empty.
00:04:51 No blood.
00:04:53 No wolf.
00:04:55 I always dreamt you'd be mine.
00:05:01 One way or another.
00:05:03 Fire! Fire!
00:05:07 What?
00:05:09 If you try to run away, I'll make sure you never walk again.
00:05:16 It's too high, you'll hurt yourself.
00:05:23 Let me go, I don't care!
00:05:24 Sleep.
00:05:25 Fucking vampire.
00:05:30 Fucking vampire kidnapper.
00:05:32 Find them!
00:05:33 I'll pay for taking what's mine.
00:05:35 I know I'm supposed to stay calm.
00:05:38 Sometimes it's not so easy for me.
00:05:41 You should lie back down.
00:05:50 I know you have a lot of questions.
00:05:52 We can get to those later.
00:05:54 Dean could wipe out my family any minute.
00:05:57 The time to answer my questions is now.
00:05:59 I'm Talon Balakun.
00:06:04 This is my family's mansion.
00:06:06 We've been at war with Dane for decades.
00:06:09 I went to steal something from him,
00:06:12 but I found you instead.
00:06:14 Couldn't just leave you there,
00:06:16 after our...
00:06:18 bond.
00:06:20 This is crazy.
00:06:25 Dean.
00:06:26 Okay, I need to get out of here.
00:06:29 I need to get away from...
00:06:31 From...
00:06:34 what?
00:06:36 Go ahead, finish.
00:06:39 Finish your sentence.
00:06:41 From some vampire.
00:06:46 [music]
00:06:48 Great, look, all my life I was told I couldn't mate,
00:06:59 and now I'm suddenly bonded to some vampire.
00:07:02 I really am cursed.
00:07:04 Oh, and I'm not?
00:07:06 You know just as well as I do that bonding across breed is forbidden.
00:07:11 You are gonna get me killed.
00:07:13 Well, then let me go.
00:07:14 I'll stay away from you. No one has to know.
00:07:16 You know I can't do that.
00:07:20 Yes, you feel it too.
00:07:23 This bond.
00:07:26 Talon.
00:07:34 I see you've brought home a little snack.
00:07:37 And she does look delicious.
00:07:40 I'm afraid she's not to share.
00:07:43 Father, she's my thrall.
00:07:46 A blood servant.
00:07:52 Finally.
00:07:54 Well, she must be very, very special.
00:07:58 Fantastic.
00:08:03 Making your father jealous, my boy.
00:08:06 [music]
00:08:08 Do not try my patience, miss.
00:08:18 That'll really set me off.
00:08:20 You'd better teach your thrall some manners, Talon.
00:08:29 Father, I will.
00:08:31 Sorry.
00:08:34 [music]
00:08:36 Kaya, you have no idea what he's capable of.
00:08:45 You have to work with me.
00:08:47 As your thrall?
00:08:48 I know what that means.
00:08:50 A servant, a blood bag.
00:08:52 I'm supposed to just hand myself over to you?
00:08:54 I mean, you brought me here, made me your inventory, and that's what?
00:08:57 All in the name of helping me?
00:08:59 Yeah, that's really kind, Talon.
00:09:01 No, I brought you here because I couldn't bear to leave you in the paws of that freak.
00:09:07 You belong to no one but yourself.
00:09:10 Kaya.
00:09:11 I'm not going to bite you.
00:09:16 And I'm not making you my thrall.
00:09:18 But to survive, you have to play the part just until we can defeat Dayne.
00:09:26 And break this bond.
00:09:28 Keep your hands off my fiancée, you mortal whore!
00:09:33 Get her off me!
00:09:34 Don't speak to him or I'll rip your arms off her, touching what's mine, do you hear that?
00:09:39 Bianca, stop it.
00:09:41 It's my thrall.
00:09:42 Excuse me, since when are you interested in having a thrall?
00:09:49 I'm not interested in having a thrall.
00:09:53 [dramatic music]
00:09:58 Prove it. Bite her.
00:10:00 I mean, she's your blood servant, isn't she?
00:10:03 Bite her.
00:10:05 Prove it. Bite her.
00:10:15 I mean, she's your blood servant, isn't she?
00:10:17 Bite her.
00:10:18 I'm not drinking from her in front of you.
00:10:21 Oh, pathetic liar.
00:10:24 Let's see what your father is going to say when he finds out you have a crush on the human.
00:10:30 Wait.
00:10:32 Come over here.
00:10:37 I said, come over here.
00:10:42 Stay still.
00:10:46 [dramatic music]
00:10:52 Trust me.
00:10:54 [Bianca grunts]
00:10:58 [Bianca grunts]
00:11:04 You didn't even swallow.
00:11:07 I'm not thirsty, Bianca, but I control her.
00:11:10 Hey.
00:11:14 If I ever see you make one eye contact with him, I will end your life.
00:11:19 Do you understand?
00:11:21 Good.
00:11:23 Whoa, hey, are you okay?
00:11:31 Don't. Don't come any closer.
00:11:34 You have no idea how hard that was.
00:11:43 I've never felt like that before.
00:11:46 Your blood.
00:11:48 Your scent.
00:11:51 It must be the bond.
00:11:53 He was protecting me.
00:11:55 No one had ever done that before.
00:11:58 I won't let him suffer.
00:12:00 Okay, okay.
00:12:02 What are you doing?
00:12:06 You're in pain. I can help.
00:12:08 It's okay.
00:12:13 [dramatic music]
00:12:17 No!
00:12:26 I won't do it.
00:12:28 I didn't want this life.
00:12:31 Zoros, he took me and changed me against my will.
00:12:39 I swore to myself I wouldn't kill like them.
00:12:43 I wouldn't drink from flesh.
00:12:45 I would never be the faithful son they would want me to be.
00:12:50 I'm sorry.
00:12:54 We're all prisoners.
00:13:07 How did you control me?
00:13:10 Father, he made a deal with the Red Witch.
00:13:16 She granted us different abilities.
00:13:19 And you can control minds?
00:13:22 Yes.
00:13:24 Mortals and wolves.
00:13:28 I'm not gonna hurt you.
00:13:31 And I'm not gonna use my power on you again.
00:13:34 So long as we convince them that you'll yield, you're safe.
00:13:39 Can you do that?
00:13:41 Can you pretend to be mine?
00:13:44 Yeah.
00:13:48 Easy there.
00:13:58 Cherry wine? I don't know what the occasion is.
00:14:02 I could, but all they do is boss me around.
00:14:05 It's better than the alternative, Taya.
00:14:08 Hey, you feeling okay? You look a little ill.
00:14:12 Fine.
00:14:15 Do you need anything from me, sir?
00:14:22 You know I am impressed.
00:14:25 Talon shaved the edges off you in less than a week.
00:14:29 Father, you wanted to see me?
00:14:31 Yes, we have a very special guest this evening, and I need your little pet to be on her best behavior.
00:14:38 She will be.
00:14:40 I didn't know we were entertaining.
00:14:42 Come see.
00:14:45 Finally, the golden boy returns.
00:14:56 I would never miss an opportunity to visit my beloved father.
00:15:01 And my sweet, sweet baby brother.
00:15:09 Andres, I've missed you too.
00:15:12 Hi. It's been way too long.
00:15:24 We're in trouble. Andres is a pure predator, which means he only drinks from the flesh.
00:15:30 And he enjoys the killing more than the flavor.
00:15:33 But I'm your thrall.
00:15:35 Yes, but thralls are human. Andres' power is in his sense of smell.
00:15:41 You're saying you can smell him a wolf?
00:15:44 Yes.
00:15:46 You prepared all this for me?
00:15:53 Oh, it gets better.
00:15:55 Ah!
00:15:57 Appetizers served.
00:16:10 [footsteps]
00:16:12 [sizzling]
00:16:22 [sizzling]
00:16:25 [sizzling]
00:16:50 Humans never have much to them, do they?
00:16:54 The flavor is just too watered down.
00:16:57 That's because you've tasted the finer things.
00:17:00 You've spoiled us, father. Sometimes I wish you hadn't.
00:17:04 Wolves, their blood is just too intoxicating.
00:17:10 Really is like a drug.
00:17:12 Help me win this war against Dane, son, and you can feast on all the wolves you like.
00:17:18 This war is between our family and the Nightshades.
00:17:22 Father, you can't just use every innocent wolf as collateral.
00:17:26 Hush, Talon. The grown-ups are talking.
00:17:30 [grunts]
00:17:32 Where did you come from, Poppyseed?
00:17:41 Oryx, Talon's thrall.
00:17:45 I did hear you'd finally grown a pair and decided to try some of the living flesh.
00:17:51 Your flavor must be strong to corrupt my little brother.
00:17:55 Get off me.
00:17:57 [snorts]
00:17:58 That's enough, Andra. She's mine.
00:18:01 Fine. I'm not a fan of eating the help anyway, especially when they look so sick.
00:18:10 You really need to take better care of your thrall, Talon.
00:18:14 [wind howling]
00:18:16 Kaya, I'm sorry. I told you I would protect you, and I--
00:18:30 Wow. Ten years of engagement, and you cannot recognize your own fiancé?
00:18:35 Talon, thank you so much for making it so easy.
00:18:43 [thud]
00:18:44 Talon, I--
00:18:55 I'm afraid my brother is tied up at the moment, but you can leave a message.
00:19:00 I'll deliver it to him when I'm done.
00:19:03 [heartbeat]
00:19:07 [heartbeat]
00:19:09 I see. You don't want to talk to me?
00:19:17 Or you like my little brother better than me?
00:19:21 You haven't given me a chance.
00:19:23 Yes. Give us a struggle. You'll make your blood thicken up.
00:19:29 You can't do this. I belong to Talon.
00:19:33 Save your little life for the others, sweetheart. I could smell you at the table.
00:19:38 You can't hide from us, little wolf.
00:19:42 Us?
00:19:43 Easy there, Andras. Dessert is meant to be savored, not devoured.
00:19:54 [groaning]
00:20:01 Bianca, please don't let him do this.
00:20:03 Who gave you the nerve to call me by my name? Filthy wolf.
00:20:07 She'll be quiet in just a moment.
00:20:10 Talon!
00:20:14 Help!
00:20:18 Andi? Paint my face with her blood.
00:20:23 As you command, Bianca.
00:20:25 No. Wait, wait, wait!
00:20:27 What?
00:20:29 I'm cursed. You know Whitestones are cursed. My blood could be rotten.
00:20:33 [laughing]
00:20:36 You hear that? This little animal thinks that it can outsmart us.
00:20:41 [groaning]
00:20:43 Come on!
00:20:51 Playtime is over. It won't hurt too much, I swear.
00:20:58 Don't touch her!
00:20:59 I'm not allowed to kill you, Talon, but that doesn't mean I can't do something about death.
00:21:08 Andras, Talon, cut it out now.
00:21:17 Have you no dignity? You are Balicans.
00:21:23 If Bianca hadn't called me in, you would have killed each other right here like a couple of dumb dogs.
00:21:28 And over what? A misbehaving thrall?
00:21:32 But she's not a thrall.
00:21:36 Go ahead, Talon. Tell father what you've been doing under his roof.
00:21:43 With this wolf.
00:21:45 He's right, father. She's not my thrall.
00:21:51 She's my mate.
00:21:53 She's not my thrall.
00:21:57 She's my mate.
00:22:00 We bonded in the light of the moon goddess herself.
00:22:05 That's impossible. You're fucking lying.
00:22:08 Well, that is just fantastic, Talon.
00:22:17 A nice little criss-cross breed bond with a Whitestone.
00:22:21 You will not bring dishonor to our family name.
00:22:24 Father, please. I want to break this bond with her.
00:22:27 Well, you needn't worry about that, son. We'll take care of that for you.
00:22:46 Gaia!
00:22:47 Your bond will die with her.
00:22:49 Oh, come now, Talon. This is all for the best.
00:22:53 You are on shaky ground with the family as it is.
00:22:56 All this for a dirty wolf.
00:22:59 I knew you were a priss and a wimp and a coward, but I didn't think you'd turn out to be a fucking traitor.
00:23:06 Stop her!
00:23:08 Stop her!
00:23:09 Andras!
00:23:23 Andras, you're not burning.
00:23:29 It's her blood.
00:23:32 With that blood, we would be unstoppable.
00:23:36 We could walk in the day and win the war against Dain in a heartbeat.
00:23:41 I'm not going to be some totem in your idiotic war.
00:23:47 Unfortunately, totems don't get a say.
00:23:50 Bring it here.
00:23:52 That blood is the key to victory for your kind.
00:23:57 It's everything we've ever wanted.
00:24:01 And you will choose a stray wolf over your history, your family.
00:24:06 I choose my mate.
00:24:12 Very well.
00:24:14 I will honour your choice.
00:24:17 Bianca, I think it's time for the shirt.
00:24:22 (door slams)
00:24:23 You do it, or put it on yourself.
00:24:37 Wait, wait, that's made of...
00:24:44 Pure silver.
00:24:46 You can't put that on him.
00:24:47 My boy, my rules, little wolf.
00:24:50 No.
00:24:51 No.
00:24:57 No!
00:25:00 (groaning)
00:25:01 No!
00:25:02 Get off!
00:25:03 Get off!
00:25:04 I am weary of your harmony!
00:25:07 Find her.
00:25:08 Leave her here alone.
00:25:10 You consider this behavior...
00:25:12 No!
00:25:13 If you find her, you'll see the difference.
00:25:16 This is what happens when you're a wolf.
00:25:19 This is what happens when you cross...
00:25:22 Father.
00:25:23 (groaning)
00:25:24 Hey, hey, Talon, Talon, look, I know it hurts, but you need to focus, please.
00:25:38 You need to focus.
00:25:39 Bite this off me, okay?
00:25:41 Talon, Talon, concentrate, please.
00:25:44 I trust you.
00:25:46 I trust you.
00:25:48 (groaning)
00:25:50 Okay, okay, wait.
00:25:54 Go, go, go.
00:25:55 I'm not going anywhere, okay?
00:25:57 I won't leave you alone.
00:26:04 Okay, okay, okay, come here.
00:26:09 Okay, okay.
00:26:14 You never take orders, do you, girl?
00:26:17 Nothing that you've been trying to say to me.
00:26:20 I've wasted his life doing so.
00:26:22 Okay.
00:26:23 (coughing)
00:26:24 Drink from me.
00:26:26 I told you, I won't drink from anyone, especially not you.
00:26:31 You have to, okay?
00:26:33 You have to.
00:26:34 You don't understand.
00:26:35 I might not be able to hold back.
00:26:37 I could kill you.
00:26:39 No one has to die today, all right?
00:26:41 Look at me.
00:26:42 I trust you.
00:26:43 I trust you.
00:26:44 Now you trust me.
00:26:46 Talon, Talon, you need to stop.
00:26:58 You need to stop.
00:27:00 I'm sorry.
00:27:10 I did too much.
00:27:11 I did too much.
00:27:12 No, I actually feel good.
00:27:15 No, it's almost like...
00:27:17 Our bodies feed off each other.
00:27:21 We need each other.
00:27:24 You're okay.
00:27:27 You're okay.
00:27:28 Well...
00:27:31 Well, this is cute.
00:27:39 I hate to interrupt this touching moment,
00:27:42 but you are invited to the table, Prize Kaya.
00:27:45 I think you might enjoy presenting this menu.
00:27:49 I see you'll be joining us for dinner after all, Kaya.
00:27:56 How very sweet of you.
00:27:59 [footsteps]
00:28:01 [bird squawks]
00:28:08 [moaning]
00:28:09 I'm ravenous.
00:28:10 As am I.
00:28:12 Starving for the chance to see the sun again.
00:28:15 Now be careful, everyone.
00:28:16 Do not drain her.
00:28:18 The effect does not last long,
00:28:20 and we may need to keep her around for a very long time.
00:28:24 Don't do this.
00:28:25 Wait.
00:28:27 Have you no shame?
00:28:29 You don't know when to quit.
00:28:31 I'm not fighting you on this, Father.
00:28:33 Actually, I'd like to join you.
00:28:36 Your juvenile lies have no effect on me.
00:28:40 What, do you think you can manipulate your poor old dad
00:28:42 when you know I have no more grace for you?
00:28:45 That was before, Father.
00:28:48 Before I tasted the blood from her body,
00:28:51 it changed me.
00:28:53 The power and the thrill I felt of it.
00:28:58 I know now this is my calling.
00:29:03 So if you'll allow me,
00:29:10 I'd like to propose a toast to my family.
00:29:14 Very well.
00:29:16 I'll give you one last chance to prove yourself.
00:29:19 Thank you, Father.
00:29:21 [soft music]
00:29:26 To family.
00:29:28 To seeing the sun again.
00:29:31 Seeing the sun again.
00:29:33 [bell rings]
00:29:35 After you, my boy.
00:29:38 I never should have trusted a bloodsucker like you.
00:29:48 [soft music]
00:29:53 ♪ ♪
00:30:00 No, no, no, no, no, no, no. How?
00:30:03 [coughing]
00:30:05 No, no, no, no, no, no, no. How?
00:30:13 [coughing]
00:30:15 You're faithful.
00:30:17 Patricide!
00:30:20 You ungrateful rat!
00:30:22 I learned from the best, Father.
00:30:25 Okay.
00:30:31 Dead man's blood knocks us out cold.
00:30:34 But you drank it too.
00:30:36 I risked it hoping your blood would protect me.
00:30:39 Even if it hadn't, it'd still give us a chance to run free.
00:30:42 Come on, we have to go.
00:30:43 The poison won't kill them.
00:30:45 It'll only give us enough time to get out of here.
00:30:47 I want to go home.
00:30:48 We need to go somewhere safe.
00:30:50 At least for now.
00:30:52 Where are we?
00:30:59 My childhood home.
00:31:01 You grew up here before...
00:31:09 Before I was made into a vampire.
00:31:13 [footsteps]
00:31:15 And also when I was turned.
00:31:20 My family was poor.
00:31:25 Barely got by, but we were happy.
00:31:30 One day a flock came into town.
00:31:32 Their leader appeared and offered my mom money.
00:31:36 Good, good money.
00:31:38 For me to join them.
00:31:42 I didn't hesitate to invite them in.
00:31:46 I always wanted to help out.
00:31:49 I had no idea who Zaros was.
00:31:55 Or what he was.
00:31:58 That night I was drunk on cherry wine with Zaros.
00:32:08 And his men came in.
00:32:11 Killed my family.
00:32:13 They killed my parents, my sisters.
00:32:17 Slashed.
00:32:20 And then they took me.
00:32:22 Tell him it wasn't your fault.
00:32:24 Right, but it... it was.
00:32:27 No, no, it wasn't.
00:32:29 It wasn't. You were trying to help them.
00:32:31 You were willing to do everything for them.
00:32:36 Just like you did for me.
00:32:39 All these years I wanted to run.
00:32:59 I always wanted to get away, but I didn't.
00:33:05 I think I was in need of something or someone to run to.
00:33:31 I've never felt this way.
00:33:34 I'm flattered.
00:33:36 No, like, not like that. Like...
00:33:40 I don't know, it's like...
00:33:44 I've been weighed down by a fog, but now...
00:33:51 But now you're light.
00:33:54 Kaya, it's this bond.
00:33:56 Tell him you're still a vampire and I'm still a werewolf.
00:33:59 Yes, but Kaya, I'm also right.
00:34:02 There's something special here.
00:34:04 This bond, our gift, it...
00:34:07 It can't be broken and we can't ignore it.
00:34:12 So where does that leave us?
00:34:16 Well, together, I hope.
00:34:25 Talon, I'm sorry for calling you a...
00:34:29 No, Kaya, it's okay. You were scared.
00:34:32 No, it's not okay.
00:34:34 I'm a Whitestone. I know just as much as anyone how it feels to be called names.
00:34:41 My mother...
00:34:45 She was killed by vampires.
00:34:52 She was killed by vampires.
00:34:55 I was ten.
00:34:58 We went to the forest to collect berries and there they were, in the trees, waiting for us.
00:35:06 My mother told me to run, but I wouldn't, so...
00:35:12 She pushed me.
00:35:14 I just remember her blood hitting the grass.
00:35:17 Then you ran.
00:35:21 I know how it feels to be the only one left.
00:35:26 That's why I didn't run when you told me to, Talon.
00:35:30 I don't want to run anymore.
00:35:33 Kaya, I promise you that soon you won't have to.
00:35:41 [Somber music]
00:35:47 [Gun cocks]
00:35:50 What were you doing here?
00:36:04 I actually came to kill you, Zarus.
00:36:07 For sending your other son to burn down my house.
00:36:10 But now seeing this, makes me think that we have common interests.
00:36:16 I did send Talon to your house, but not to start a fire.
00:36:23 Why then? And how did he get past my men?
00:36:27 I'm not great with patients.
00:36:33 Explain yourself, or a silver bullet goes into this one's brain.
00:36:38 Tell him, father.
00:36:41 All right, all right.
00:36:44 Talon can control minds.
00:36:47 That's how I knew he could get in without your knowing.
00:36:51 But the reason I sent him is that the oracle made a prophecy,
00:36:55 saying there's a weapon that can end the war between vampires and werewolves,
00:36:59 and that it's at your house. I sent him to get it.
00:37:02 A weapon.
00:37:04 Hey, I didn't want to wake you.
00:37:07 I'm just going to head out and get us some food. We could be here a while.
00:37:10 Okay, well, I'm coming with you.
00:37:12 Well, Kya, Dane's out there looking for you, and if anyone saw you, we could be here.
00:37:17 Just wait for me, okay? Be back in two hours.
00:37:21 You're still a vampire, and I'm still a werewolf.
00:37:30 It's this bond. It can't be broken, and you can't ignore it.
00:37:34 A weapon. What is it?
00:37:40 I don't know. All we knew is that it was in your hands,
00:37:45 and that it must still be, because Talon was distracted by that damn Whitestone.
00:37:50 Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Tell me where she is.
00:37:54 I don't know. They skitted off as soon as they poisoned us.
00:37:58 They could be anywhere.
00:38:00 Fuck, fuck.
00:38:01 I really don't know.
00:38:03 I guess Daddy loves the little brother more.
00:38:06 Okay. Go in.
00:38:09 No.
00:38:10 Wait.
00:38:12 I know where Talon is.
00:38:19 I'm doing this to save your brother, Talon.
00:38:48 After all, you betrayed me.
00:38:51 Talon?
00:38:57 A Whitestone forms a forsaken mate bond with a bloodsucker.
00:39:01 I was surprised.
00:39:03 You've crossed me, Kylo. But lucky for you, you're not completely useless yet.
00:39:08 You, bloodsucker. You've already caused too much trouble.
00:39:12 Cover his mouth.
00:39:15 You think I don't know about your little mind control game?
00:39:19 Daddy here spills everything.
00:39:22 Tie him to the tree outside for the sun to kill.
00:39:28 And you, you're also coming with me.
00:39:31 If either of you try to defy me, you'll find a dead body outside your door tonight in pieces.
00:39:37 And I assure you, even if you put him back together, he won't recognize your dare, Andras.
00:39:45 Talon? Talon?
00:39:50 Welcome back, sir.
00:39:57 There's another one in the trunk.
00:39:59 Bianca, take her down to Amina. Get her ready by tonight.
00:40:03 Me and Missy, we're gonna have our fun.
00:40:07 Just kill me, Dane.
00:40:13 No. Not yet. Not yet. I haven't heard you scream.
00:40:18 You will never hear me scream.
00:40:22 We'll just have to wait and see, I guess.
00:40:26 Alpha?
00:40:27 Never speak without my permission.
00:40:31 You're pregnant.
00:40:34 No, no, no, no. I can't, I can't be. That's impossible.
00:40:40 There's no denying it. He's smelling your life in her.
00:40:44 A werewolf and a vampire.
00:40:47 What an abomination.
00:40:50 Your little monster is my child now.
00:40:53 It'll be my perfect weapon who will end the war between the werewolf and the vampires.
00:40:58 For me.
00:41:00 My child is not your weapon.
00:41:03 No. And who's going to stop me? You?
00:41:06 We all know your mate is long dead by now.
00:41:09 Don't worry. I'll pamper you until you give birth.
00:41:14 Father, please!
00:41:22 If I let you go, you will run to that wolf woman and my Andras will be shot.
00:41:27 This is what's best for all of us.
00:41:29 I can't leave this world knowing she's with him. I won't be able to die.
00:41:35 I love her.
00:41:37 You fool. Don't you see she's just toying with you?
00:41:41 Close her eyes.
00:41:44 You can stay here or in one of the bedrooms upstairs with a fireplace and my medical staff.
00:41:56 Take the day to consider her.
00:41:59 Why'd they lock you up?
00:42:05 Amina didn't really appreciate me biting her ear off when she tried to force me to wear one of those skanky, slutty outfits Dane puts his girls in.
00:42:15 You bit someone's ears off?
00:42:18 Ear.
00:42:21 (laughs)
00:42:24 Oh.
00:42:28 Listen, um...
00:42:38 I didn't mean to sell you and Talon out.
00:42:42 But I was just trying to save Andras and I was mad at you.
00:42:46 Me and Talon, we were really close once.
00:42:50 Until Zaras forced this engagement on us then.
00:42:53 I mean, that's why I knew about the cabin.
00:42:56 We never really loved each other like that.
00:42:59 I mean, the way he looks at you. I mean, I've never seen him like that before.
00:43:04 I get it.
00:43:07 (grunts)
00:43:15 What the fuck?
00:43:17 No, Talon, don't die. Don't die, please. Please don't die.
00:43:22 Oh.
00:43:26 Oh.
00:43:29 What the fuck?
00:43:31 No, Talon, don't die. Don't die, please. Please don't die.
00:43:36 Kaya!
00:43:43 Kaya.
00:43:44 Talon! Talon, I can hear you!
00:43:47 No, no, no. Come in here.
00:43:51 Talon!
00:43:59 Kaya!
00:44:03 Oh my god.
00:44:05 How is this possible?
00:44:07 Where are you? Are you hurt?
00:44:08 I'm in Zane's basement. I'm fine.
00:44:10 I don't know how much time we have, but I need to tell you something.
00:44:13 Kaya, you're pregnant.
00:44:17 Kaya, you're pregnant.
00:44:24 Yeah, yeah.
00:44:25 I will find you.
00:44:28 No, I don't--my blood can only keep you safe for so long. I don't know how much time we have left.
00:44:32 Kaya, I promise. I will find you.
00:44:36 (screams)
00:44:39 I'm coming.
00:44:41 Get your fucking paws off me!
00:44:44 I heard you're not interested in joining my horde.
00:44:48 You mean becoming one of your playmates' whores?
00:44:51 Not in a million years.
00:44:54 Then maybe you'd like to try my new knife.
00:44:57 I got it from the best craftsman in town.
00:45:00 Pure dark silver. Cost me a fortune.
00:45:05 (groans)
00:45:08 But you're worth it, honey.
00:45:11 You're worth it.
00:45:15 Stop it!
00:45:17 I didn't notice you were awake, princess.
00:45:20 You're not trying to save this bloodsucker, are you?
00:45:23 I hate to admit it, but without her, I wouldn't have been able to find your now dead lover.
00:45:29 And you wouldn't be lying here on this filthy floor.
00:45:32 Just leave her alone, Dane. Please.
00:45:35 Okay. Since you asked nicely, you have until sunset to consider.
00:45:45 And I have you know, I do treat my playthings very well. Very, very well.
00:45:51 Until they develop other tastes.
00:45:56 (sniffles)
00:45:58 Are you okay?
00:46:04 Listen, he's right. I did this to you.
00:46:06 A life is a life.
00:46:08 I have a plan. But you gotta trust me, okay?
00:46:13 What do you want?
00:46:23 I need to see the Oracle. I think I'm here to fulfill a prophecy.
00:46:28 I've been waiting for you, Talon.
00:46:42 Waiting for you to come fulfill your fate.
00:46:45 Kya is no accident.
00:46:49 And you were meant to free her from Dane. And to form your bond with her.
00:46:54 Please, Oracle. I know you can help me.
00:46:57 Please make me stronger. Strong enough so that I can defeat him.
00:47:01 Oh, yes. But it comes at a price.
00:47:06 And you won't know what until you pay it.
00:47:09 For some, the price can be too bitter.
00:47:12 You could lose everything.
00:47:16 As I said, I don't set the cost of your demand.
00:47:22 Magic takes what it wants.
00:47:26 Ekho ekho zamalak.
00:47:40 Lamak lamak.
00:47:43 Bakhaz.
00:47:46 Okay, are you ready for this?
00:47:55 No, but it's our only shot.
00:47:58 What now?
00:48:02 It's Talon. He's in pain.
00:48:04 Talon, you're alive!
00:48:06 Where are you now? Are you okay? Are you safe?
00:48:10 We're not alone here, Kya.
00:48:13 There's someone else here, Kya.
00:48:19 What?
00:48:23 You killed us! You killed us all!
00:48:27 Don't listen to her, Talon. Don't listen to her.
00:48:30 Look at me. Look at me.
00:48:32 You wanted them to do it. You bet on it!
00:48:36 Look at me. Look at me, Talon. Talon, none of this is real.
00:48:39 None of this is real. The only thing that's real here is me.
00:48:42 Feel me. Okay?
00:48:45 You're okay. You're okay. You're gonna be okay.
00:48:48 Sissi?
00:48:50 What is it? What is happening?
00:49:01 I don't understand.
00:49:03 I'm coming for you, Kya. But I paid the price.
00:49:07 What are you talking about? What price?
00:49:09 I paid the price.
00:49:10 What are you talking about?
00:49:12 Talon? Talon, don't leave me. No. Talon?
00:49:18 Please. Please.
00:49:20 I'm gonna...
00:49:22 Please don't.
00:49:24 Stop.
00:49:26 No! Talon!
00:49:41 Kya, shh. You're crazy. Be quiet.
00:49:44 What's with all this fucking screaming?
00:49:48 Please, Ms. White, don't be just fucking crazy.
00:49:50 You need to get me out of here.
00:49:53 I cannot stay here any longer.
00:49:56 What are you saying?
00:49:58 Take me with you. My alpha.
00:50:02 Hmm. I see you're a very fast learner, my little bloodsucker.
00:50:08 [Distant growling]
00:50:10 You broke our bond.
00:50:25 You offered everything, Talon.
00:50:29 And you can feel it, can't you?
00:50:32 Raw strength inside you now.
00:50:36 You are stronger than ever.
00:50:40 I am coming.
00:50:45 Hey! Open up. I'm ready to talk to Dane.
00:50:48 Can someone let me out of here?
00:50:50 Oh, give it a break, you fucking...
00:50:54 [Groaning]
00:50:56 Fucking nice work.
00:50:59 That was brutal, little wolf.
00:51:06 [Whoosh]
00:51:07 Look who broke out of prison, Dane.
00:51:14 Andrus? What are you doing here?
00:51:17 The moment I heard the prophecy, it changed everything.
00:51:20 It's obvious. It's either help Talon, who would squander the weapon,
00:51:25 or side with Dane and use it to conquer the world.
00:51:29 What the hell are you talking about?
00:51:31 There's no prophecy. It's bullshit.
00:51:33 Talon didn't even steal anything that day.
00:51:35 He didn't?
00:51:36 No.
00:51:37 Slay!
00:51:43 It'll be my perfect weapon who will end the war between the werewolves and the vampires.
00:51:49 For me.
00:51:51 I'm the weapon.
00:51:56 That's right, little wolf.
00:52:02 The moment I felt your blood at work, I knew.
00:52:06 So I sent a message to Dane and invited him over.
00:52:09 Speaking of which, I really did appreciate how you sold out Talon to save me.
00:52:13 You betrayed me and you betrayed your father.
00:52:16 Right, right. Dane did tell me that the old fool killed Talon for us.
00:52:20 Tied to a tree. Not a pretty way to go.
00:52:23 But what can I say? He was never really cut out for any of this.
00:52:27 You're wrong. Talon's coming to save me and you're both fucked.
00:52:30 Oh my god. You've got to let it go. It's pathetic.
00:52:34 No? The guy's dead. And you belong to us now.
00:52:38 What was that?
00:52:46 But just think. You'd have helped the most powerful werewolf and vampire create a new world.
00:52:56 That's good for a Whitestone.
00:52:59 I'd rather rot in hell than be a part of your new world.
00:53:03 Oh, but you will. You won't be a part of it.
00:53:08 But when you give birth to our monster, we'll sacrifice your body.
00:53:13 We need to set some standards for the new kingdom, but you'll be cherished for your sacrifice.
00:53:20 Enough with the chit-chat. Take her to the tank, Andras.
00:53:23 And make yourself comfortable, Jailbird.
00:53:26 You'll be settling in for the long haul.
00:53:29 No!
00:53:30 This just isn't working out, dear.
00:53:33 But think, we could have made our own mess of things together.
00:53:37 Bianca!
00:53:39 Bianca!
00:53:42 Go!
00:53:43 Take that.
00:53:45 Talon, you two move a muscle. I swear, I'll let the whole world out.
00:53:55 Hey, hey, are you okay?
00:53:58 Listen to me. The Oracle's prophecy is never wrong. I believe in you.
00:54:04 We can find a way, okay? But you have to stop Dane and Andras, promise me.
00:54:10 Look. Look at this. It's from Andras' pocket. I'll come back for you, okay? Trust me. Go.
00:54:21 Where the fuck is he?
00:54:23 This way.
00:54:25 I felt like I could run forever. It was beautiful.
00:54:41 That fucking mind controller.
00:54:48 Bianca!
00:54:50 It's okay, it's me. It's me.
00:54:53 You're here.
00:54:55 You okay? Let's get you out of here.
00:54:57 Wait, wait, wait. We have to save Bianca. She risked her life for me. I can't leave her.
00:55:01 Kaya, there's no time.
00:55:02 No, a life is a life.
00:55:05 Okay. But I'm going alone.
00:55:08 What? No. Talon, don't.
00:55:13 Run, Kaya. Run.
00:55:16 Stop, stop, stop. Stop running. Stop.
00:55:20 Hey, hey, Bianca.
00:55:22 Bianca.
00:55:23 I'm so sorry.
00:55:25 It's okay. It's okay. You'll be fine.
00:55:28 Oh, Blushing. How about a hot silver bullet for each of you?
00:55:33 Stop running. Stop running. Stop. Stop. Stop.
00:55:40 No.
00:55:42 Kneel.
00:55:55 It's a shame, Talon. You won't get to meet your child or to see me rule the world.
00:56:02 You...
00:56:06 I didn't kill Talon. I only knocked him out so we can throw this damn thing down.
00:56:12 I just wanted Andrus to come home.
00:56:18 I was sitting in his room and I suppose I missed him.
00:56:25 I was looking through his things and I discovered that he'd been in communication with Dane.
00:56:33 I always trusted my Andrus.
00:56:36 Please. I'm here for Talon now, just like you.
00:56:43 It's too bad. I've enjoyed our little dance.
00:56:47 You're not a bad guy. Not a bad guy at all.
00:56:50 If a little bit too soft for my taste.
00:56:53 Goodbye now.
00:56:57 [Gunshot]
00:56:59 Kaya!
00:57:05 Drop it or I'll put your prince to bed.
00:57:09 Again, with all this effort. What's it all for? You never go all the way anyway.
00:57:14 You're right. I don't.
00:57:16 But I do.
00:57:18 I...
00:57:21 How did you break my command?
00:57:23 I don't know.
00:57:24 A wolf was awakened.
00:57:26 That's impossible. I don't have a wolf in me.
00:57:29 See for yourself.
00:57:31 [Music]
00:58:00 Kaya.
00:58:02 I've woken the wolf inside of me.
00:58:07 You are my chosen and your union with Talon is the key to peace between vampires and wolves.
00:58:26 Centuries ago in the great war between the vampires and the wolves, a young wolf parted the warring factions.
00:58:34 She held aloft the White Stone, demanding peace for the ultimate sacrifice.
00:58:41 Her wolf.
00:58:43 You are the direct descendant of that warrior.
00:58:48 And in return for defeating the Nightshades who brought war back into our world,
00:58:53 you are now named Alpha of White Stone.
00:58:56 Does this mean my power has been restored?
00:58:58 Yes, Kaya. For as long as you cherish peace, and cherish your child, and cherish your mate as he cherishes you.
00:59:07 And lastly, I have an offer to make you, Talon.
00:59:12 For the role your family has played in this war, I want you to give back your new strength and your power over mines.
00:59:21 If you agree, in return I will restore your bond with Kaya.
00:59:26 I would give ten times more.
00:59:30 Very well. It is done.
00:59:37 Kaya, protect this world wisely, and your child, for you are now the keeper of your kind.
00:59:46 [wind howling]
00:59:54 [electricity crackling]
01:00:01 [electricity crackling]
01:00:06 [wind howling]
01:00:15 [footsteps]
01:00:20 Kaya!
01:00:21 Hi!
01:00:22 That's my guts!
01:00:25 Everyone's talking about how you took down Dain with a bloodsucker.
01:00:28 I think the word you're looking for, Leo, is vampire.
01:00:35 I'd like to introduce you both to my mate, and the father of my child.
01:00:42 Kaya, you... you're an alpha now.
01:00:45 Come here!
01:00:48 Oh, I missed you both.
01:00:51 Are you ready?
01:01:00 More than ready.
01:01:03 [wind howling]
01:01:13 [music]
01:01:25 We're gathered here today to celebrate the joining of Kaya, alpha of the White Stone Pack,
01:01:32 and Talon, son of the Vulcan vampire family.
01:01:37 [music]
01:01:50 Kaya, before I met you, I knew only darkness.
01:01:58 But you showed me the light, and reminded me what it feels like to be alive.
01:02:05 So I promise for the rest of our lifetime, I will be that light for you.
01:02:12 [music]
01:02:23 Talon, when I met you, I had no fight left in me.
01:02:30 You saved me from a fate darker than death, and you helped me find a strength that I thought I'd lost forever.
01:02:38 [music]
01:02:46 By the power vested in me, and by the light of the Moon Goddess, I pronounce you mates for life.
01:02:54 [music]
01:03:19 [music fades]
01:03:20 [silence]
