• 7 months ago
My Enemy Alpha Full Movie
00:00:00 [MUSIC]
00:00:05 Can't you feel it now?
00:00:07 Drake, why haven't I sensed it before?
00:00:10 I object.
00:00:12 I'm Nala's mate.
00:00:13 Ronan? I will never marry you. You killed my father!
00:00:17 For the last time, I didn't murder your father.
00:00:19 You're only marrying me for my pack and my land.
00:00:21 Double the land, double the wolves. Makes sense for you too.
00:00:26 With Ronan gone, my father will name me after over both packs and name you as my Luna.
00:00:31 I mean it, Ronan. Nala and her pack are mine.
00:00:34 All of this for land?
00:00:38 Be quiet, Nala!
00:00:39 The men are talking.
00:00:40 Do you believe in love?
00:00:42 Yes.
00:00:43 I think we should explore more than that.
00:00:49 [MUSIC]
00:00:55 [MUSIC]
00:01:00 [MUSIC]
00:01:05 [MUSIC]
00:01:10 [MUSIC]
00:01:15 [MUSIC]
00:01:20 [MUSIC]
00:01:27 Thanks for agreeing to this, Dracon. I know it's asking for a lot.
00:01:31 You couldn't let my father banish your pack.
00:01:33 You would have been criminal to waste such a pretty face.
00:01:35 I now pronounce you...
00:01:39 I object.
00:01:40 [MUSIC]
00:01:47 Ronan?
00:01:48 [MUSIC]
00:01:53 I'm here for the bride.
00:01:54 Are you out of your mind, cousin?
00:01:56 What the hell are you doing here?
00:01:58 You'll be mine soon enough.
00:02:00 I will never marry you. You killed my father!
00:02:03 For the last time, I didn't murder your father.
00:02:05 Liar!
00:02:06 Call me a liar again, I'll tape your mouth shut.
00:02:08 You can't object. I'm already marrying Dracon.
00:02:11 I'm an Alpha. It's well within my right.
00:02:16 I call upon our wolf tribe's ancient tradition.
00:02:19 I, Ronan, of the Dark River Pack, challenge Dracon to a duel.
00:02:25 No.
00:02:26 Winner marries Nyla.
00:02:27 No! Chief Theo, please.
00:02:29 Rules are rules, Nyla.
00:02:31 Dracon, do you accept your cousin's duel?
00:02:35 Fine. I accept your challenge.
00:02:38 Nyla and Dracon's ceremony is postponed.
00:02:42 Today, Ronan and Dracon will duel for Nyla's hand and control of the Woodland Pack.
00:02:53 Last chance, Ronan. Go back to your pack and find a new Luna.
00:02:56 You don't need Nyla.
00:02:58 I don't need her. But I want her.
00:03:01 So Ronan kills your dad and now fights for your hand.
00:03:07 Ronan's twisted. He probably wants to torture me before he kills me and then take over our pack.
00:03:13 I mean, I don't want to marry Dracon either, but I pick him over Ronan.
00:03:18 [music]
00:03:20 Kick his ass, Dracon.
00:03:26 [whistle]
00:03:29 [panting]
00:03:33 [roaring]
00:03:44 [roaring]
00:03:46 Congratulations to Ronan.
00:04:05 He wins, Nyla. He claims her pack as his own.
00:04:10 This is bullshit! I deserve to be alpha of the Woodland Pack.
00:04:13 You barely laid a hand on your cousin, which proves you're not strong enough to control Nyla's pack.
00:04:18 [roaring]
00:04:20 No. No. There's no way I'm marrying Ronan. No.
00:04:30 Nyla, let me compete. Right now.
00:04:33 I challenge you, Ronan. If I win, I decide who I marry.
00:04:39 I'll have no problem pinning you beneath me.
00:04:42 And when I do, you will submit to me and this marriage.
00:04:47 You will submit to me and this marriage.
00:04:54 Let us recess before a second duel.
00:05:02 [music]
00:05:04 Thanks. Just want to beat Ronan and get this over with.
00:05:13 You must be exhausted from the stress.
00:05:19 Drink some more before you go out and fight.
00:05:24 [music]
00:05:26 This will be hand-to-hand combat.
00:05:38 No shifting.
00:05:41 First one to be pinned for three seconds loses.
00:05:44 [whistle]
00:05:47 Just give it up, Nyla. We both know you can't beat me.
00:05:52 Don't be so cocky, Ronan. You don't know me at all.
00:05:54 I'll never give in to this marriage.
00:05:56 I'll do what I have to to ensure the survival of my pack.
00:06:02 Who knows? You just might like me.
00:06:04 Like you? I don't like cowardly murderers.
00:06:11 Stronger than I thought. He's cute.
00:06:15 You understand.
00:06:17 I'm not going to let you win.
00:06:19 Stronger than I thought. He's cute.
00:06:22 You underestimating me just proves you're not worthy to be my husband.
00:06:25 [grunts]
00:06:26 [music]
00:06:31 Ronan is once again our winner.
00:06:48 Nyla's fate is sealed.
00:06:50 Get off me, Ronan.
00:06:53 You can call me Alpha.
00:06:55 I don't know what happened.
00:07:04 All of a sudden I got dizzy.
00:07:08 I feel weak.
00:07:11 Maybe I should go see a healer.
00:07:13 This has been happening a lot.
00:07:15 I'm sure it's just the stress, okay?
00:07:18 At least our pack gets to stay in the tribe.
00:07:21 You may get the title of Luna, but our pack will never accept you.
00:07:33 It's your problem, Jilene.
00:07:34 It's disgusting that our tribe is forced to merge with pathetic wolves like you.
00:07:38 You're acting like my pack wanted this.
00:07:40 We don't want anything to do with lying snakes like you.
00:07:44 If Chief were smart, he'd make me Ronan's Luna
00:07:48 and rid our tribe of your pack for good.
00:07:50 If Ronan wanted you as his Luna, he would have married you.
00:07:53 But he didn't. He wants me.
00:07:55 If Ronan wanted you as his Luna, he would have married you.
00:08:02 But he didn't. He wants me.
00:08:04 You bitch.
00:08:05 Is that the best you can do, Jilene?
00:08:07 I'm gonna make your life hell.
00:08:09 Just you wait.
00:08:11 [sighs]
00:08:13 Jilene's horrible, but she's right.
00:08:21 The Dark River Pack will hate you if you become their Luna.
00:08:25 I'm going to find a way out of this marriage, even if it kills me.
00:08:30 Uh, Dracon.
00:08:37 Maybe if we talk to your father together, he'll change his mind.
00:08:40 No. Ronan is the strongest Alpha.
00:08:43 That's all my father cares about.
00:08:45 Dracon said Chief won't change his mind.
00:08:59 Maybe you can convince Ronan.
00:09:03 I heard he's in his room.
00:09:06 [door opens]
00:09:08 You've finally come to offer yourself up to your Alpha.
00:09:15 [door closes]
00:09:20 You've finally come to offer yourself up to your Alpha.
00:09:24 You are not my Alpha.
00:09:27 We need to go tell Chief Theo that you cannot marry me.
00:09:29 Why the hell would I do that?
00:09:31 Because you don't want to marry me. You hate me.
00:09:34 There are other Packs out there that need Alphas besides mine.
00:09:36 I don't want their Packs.
00:09:37 Why?
00:09:38 I want yours.
00:09:39 Don't lie. I don't have the patience today.
00:09:41 You know I meant it when I told you I would tape your mouth shut if you called me a liar again.
00:09:45 I didn't call you a liar.
00:09:47 I asked you to be truthful.
00:09:49 You're going to be a handful.
00:09:53 All the more reason to end this torture now.
00:09:55 Okay. Look, your land border's mine.
00:09:58 Double the land, double the wolves, I'll be the strongest Alpha in the territory.
00:10:03 All of this for land?
00:10:05 Makes sense for you too.
00:10:07 You need an Alpha, I need a Luna.
00:10:09 So you want a real marriage?
00:10:11 Yes.
00:10:13 I expect a real marriage.
00:10:20 [coughing]
00:10:26 Come on. Let's go.
00:10:30 [coughing]
00:10:35 I can't shift.
00:10:39 Poison.
00:10:40 Help!
00:10:41 I'm walking my mind mate too.
00:10:43 Help!
00:10:46 [coughing]
00:10:51 Come here!
00:10:53 Hurry up!
00:10:59 We need to break down the door.
00:11:01 [coughing]
00:11:06 I can't stand anymore.
00:11:08 [coughing]
00:11:15 I got this.
00:11:17 [coughing]
00:11:23 No! I did it!
00:11:25 [coughing]
00:11:35 [coughing]
00:11:52 [panting]
00:11:55 God damn it, Ronin.
00:11:57 [coughing]
00:12:00 Ronin. Ronin.
00:12:04 [panting]
00:12:10 Why'd you save me?
00:12:12 Because I'm not a murderer.
00:12:15 Despite what you may think of me.
00:12:17 If I died, you could've married Dracar.
00:12:20 Maybe I should've let you die in there.
00:12:22 What?
00:12:35 Someone's here.
00:12:37 Ronin.
00:12:40 Show yourself.
00:12:47 He lost them?
00:12:48 Gas fucked up my senses. I can't smell anything.
00:12:51 I can't smell anything either.
00:12:53 Come on. We gotta find TPO.
00:13:16 I should kill you for failing me.
00:13:18 Nylo was supposed to be unharmed.
00:13:21 I didn't know she was in there, I swear.
00:13:23 I won't fail you again.
00:13:24 If you wanna live, bring me a mate bond enchantment spell.
00:13:27 But that's only in the Black Market.
00:13:29 If anyone finds out about this, I'll be banished.
00:13:31 Bring it to me or you'll die right now.
00:13:33 Bring it to me or you'll die right now.
00:13:37 I'll get it for you.
00:13:40 The only thing Chief honors over a duel is the bond of fated mates.
00:13:45 Everyone has heard what happened to Ronin and Nyla.
00:13:49 I have wolves hunting down the attacker.
00:13:52 As of now, we can assume it was a wolf hunter.
00:13:58 But I refuse to let the hunters have power over us.
00:14:06 So tonight, we celebrate Ronin and Nyla's engagement with this plan.
00:14:13 You sure Mary Nyla is worth it?
00:14:21 No one in her pack wants her and she kinda hates you.
00:14:24 Can you blame her, Mantell?
00:14:26 I mean, it's kinda my fault her father is dead.
00:14:29 I found a spy. Come in.
00:14:37 Okay.
00:14:38 I wasn't spying. If you wanna have a private conversation, you should do so in your bedroom.
00:14:47 I'm your alpha. Don't you ever tell me what to do again.
00:14:51 You're not my alpha yet, Ronin.
00:14:53 Mantell?
00:15:04 Oh, Ronin. There you are. I need to speak to you and Nyla.
00:15:08 I'm giving you both one week to unite your packs.
00:15:13 If successful, I will perform the marriage ceremony.
00:15:17 And if we fail?
00:15:18 We won't fail.
00:15:19 Good. Because I chose you over my son, Ronin.
00:15:23 Don't make me regret it.
00:15:29 So I have one week to call off this marriage with Ronin.
00:15:32 But he's stubborn. I don't think he's gonna budge.
00:15:34 I have just the thing to convince Ronin not to marry you.
00:15:38 Whoa. I don't wanna kill the guy.
00:15:43 Relax. It's fake. It's not real. It'll just be a little prank.
00:15:49 You just have to scare him. Bruise his ego because he will never wanna marry you if he thinks that you're insane.
00:15:56 Yes. Yes. I'll scare the asshole. He'd never let an insane Luna in his pack.
00:16:03 Already cooking up lies.
00:16:06 Maybe I should tell the chief you're defying his orders.
00:16:09 Maybe I should tell the chief you're defying his orders.
00:16:15 Look. Neither one of us wants to be the married Ronin.
00:16:18 So I'm gonna scare him with this fake knife and we're gonna go our separate ways.
00:16:22 You just need to keep your mouth shut.
00:16:25 I'll do whatever it takes for our packs not to merge.
00:16:28 So call yourself crazy or whatever. I won't say a word.
00:16:32 But if you do hurt Ronin, I'll kill you myself.
00:16:37 And if you threaten me again, I'll kill you.
00:16:41 Until my engagement is called off, consider me your acting Luna.
00:16:44 I demand you start showing me some respect.
00:16:47 You better hope you can pull off your little charade.
00:16:52 Because you won't last a day in our pack.
00:16:55 Nyla. Don't forget this.
00:16:59 [Phone ringing]
00:17:16 Yes?
00:17:18 Chief Dio, I have something urgent to report. Nyla is planning on killing Ronin.
00:17:22 What?
00:17:24 Murderer.
00:17:31 You killed my unicorn. I told him not to get too close to the sun!
00:17:34 Your unicorn? What the fuck?
00:17:36 You're trying to kill me?
00:17:38 Ronin.
00:17:39 What the fuck, Nyla?
00:17:41 You're bleeding.
00:17:43 Do you have any idea what you just did?
00:17:47 The penalty for attempting to murder an alpha is death.
00:17:51 You put both of our packs in danger by attacking me.
00:17:53 I didn't mean it.
00:17:55 Antonio told me the knife was plastic.
00:17:57 I was just trying to scare you.
00:17:59 Plastic or not, you must really want to have this marriage to do something like this.
00:18:04 Don't act like you care.
00:18:05 You're only marrying me for my pack and my land.
00:18:07 The same reasons you killed my father.
00:18:09 For the last time, I didn't kill your father.
00:18:13 Then who did?
00:18:15 You were the last one with him before he died.
00:18:17 Tell me then. Who killed him?
00:18:21 We...
00:18:22 Found him standing over my wolves.
00:18:27 He said he didn't kill them.
00:18:30 But I didn't believe him.
00:18:32 Just when I challenged him, the wolf hunter jumped out of the shadows and tried to shoot me.
00:18:37 He took the bullet.
00:18:40 That doesn't even make sense.
00:18:42 My father wouldn't have killed those wolves, nor would he have given his life for you.
00:18:46 It's the truth.
00:18:48 Nonetheless.
00:18:50 So my father saved you, and you let everyone think he was a traitor?
00:18:54 He may have saved my life, but he was still a murderer.
00:18:58 There's some wolves coming.
00:19:07 Quick.
00:19:08 For both our safety.
00:19:10 What do you want me to do?
00:19:12 Act like I'm your beloved, Alfred.
00:19:14 Hey guys!
00:19:17 Party at Blue Mountain Packhouse?
00:19:19 Nyla! Ronan!
00:19:23 What's going on here?
00:19:25 What you look like, Chief?
00:19:27 Getting to know my future Luna.
00:19:29 Nyla.
00:19:31 Is this true?
00:19:32 Because somebody told me you were planning to--
00:19:34 Planning to accept her role as my wife.
00:19:36 Ain't that right, sweetheart?
00:19:40 Well.
00:19:42 I guess this was just a misunderstanding.
00:19:46 Sorry for the interruption.
00:19:47 I'll let you two go back to doing whatever it is you were doing.
00:19:51 Kids.
00:19:52 No thank you.
00:19:57 For covering your ways.
00:19:59 I didn't ask you to.
00:20:02 I'm more than capable of handling myself.
00:20:04 Thank you.
00:20:07 Chief Theo.
00:20:08 What you saw outside.
00:20:10 The truth is, Ronan and I really shouldn't get married.
00:20:14 There was no one else for you to marry.
00:20:19 Yes.
00:20:21 There is.
00:20:23 She should marry me.
00:20:25 Because I'm her true mate.
00:20:27 I'm her true lover.
00:20:29 I'm her true husband.
00:20:31 I'm her true wife.
00:20:34 She should marry me because I'm her true mate.
00:20:36 She should marry me because I'm her true mate.
00:20:42 Dracar.
00:20:43 Don't act desperate.
00:20:44 Your cousin won the duel.
00:20:46 This marriage has been decided.
00:20:48 If I'm acting desperate, it's because Nyla's my mate.
00:20:51 I can prove it.
00:20:53 Can't you feel it, Nyla?
00:21:03 Our bond?
00:21:04 Yes.
00:21:07 Dracon is my real mate.
00:21:11 A mate bond is more powerful than a duel father.
00:21:17 We need strong mate bonds if we're going to face the Wolf Hunters.
00:21:21 Nyla should marry me.
00:21:31 Ronan's win should be recognized.
00:21:33 But I cannot deny the importance of a mate bond.
00:21:37 And we do need all the power we can get.
00:21:39 What's going on here?
00:21:40 Get your hands off of my Luna.
00:21:45 She's not going to be your Luna anymore.
00:21:46 Ronan.
00:21:48 Nyla has found her true mate.
00:21:50 And it's not you.
00:21:51 It's impossible.
00:21:52 Dracon can't be her mate.
00:21:54 It's impossible.
00:21:59 Dracon can't be her mate.
00:22:01 We all seen it with our own eyes.
00:22:03 This is the will of the Moon Goddess.
00:22:05 It is sacred.
00:22:07 So the engagement is off?
00:22:09 You gave me your word, Chief.
00:22:12 I want to be with Dracon.
00:22:14 He's my true mate.
00:22:17 Why haven't I sensed it before?
00:22:20 Who knows?
00:22:22 It's up to the Moon Goddess.
00:22:23 Father, what do you say?
00:22:26 I'm sorry, Ronan.
00:22:28 But I cannot break a mate bond.
00:22:30 Dracon will take your place as the Woodland Pact's new Alpha.
00:22:36 I didn't think it was possible for Dracon to be her mate.
00:22:58 Neither did I.
00:22:59 And it doesn't make any sense. She's not herself.
00:23:01 Because you know her so well.
00:23:03 She's tough.
00:23:05 And tenacious.
00:23:06 And I know she'd never go for somebody like that.
00:23:09 Sounds like someone's warming her up.
00:23:11 Please.
00:23:13 She's a pain in my ass.
00:23:14 A sexy pain.
00:23:16 Don't talk about her like that.
00:23:17 I could always just kill Dracon.
00:23:24 No. The Chief will send you to death. It's not worth it.
00:23:27 Where the hell is he going?
00:23:33 Looks like we're about to find out.
00:23:35 [music]
00:23:53 Tell me every detail.
00:23:57 Or I'll rip out your throat.
00:24:00 Why'd Dracon pay you off?
00:24:04 He didn't.
00:24:05 Just offered me some Moonstones.
00:24:07 What's in the bag, Viny?
00:24:10 Don't make me ask again.
00:24:12 Those are witch enchantments.
00:24:21 Magic that can be used for all sorts of mind control.
00:24:23 Mind control?
00:24:26 What would Dracon want with that?
00:24:30 [sigh]
00:24:31 If I knew you were my mate, we could have skipped that duel.
00:24:37 But now that we know, you don't have to deal with Ronan anymore.
00:24:41 You're all mine.
00:24:42 What is that?
00:24:48 You smell just like that.
00:24:51 Your wolf senses really are unmatched.
00:24:54 It's probably just sweat, but I'll clean myself up.
00:24:56 [music]
00:25:00 He smells like that deadly gas from this morning.
00:25:04 But why?
00:25:07 I gotta tell you something.
00:25:18 Can I talk to you for a second?
00:25:19 You first.
00:25:20 Why are you with Viny?
00:25:25 Caught him outside.
00:25:26 And he and Dracon were making some deals I'm sure you'd like to hear about.
00:25:30 You smell just like Dracon.
00:25:35 And just like the smoke from earlier.
00:25:38 No one was allowed in that hallway after the attack.
00:25:41 Was this part of the deal?
00:25:45 You and Dracon?
00:25:47 Getting me and Nyla killed?
00:25:48 Whoa!
00:25:50 Dracon is my mate. He'd never hurt me.
00:25:52 He's not your mate.
00:25:54 Get away from my mate or you die.
00:25:56 I mean it Ronan.
00:26:03 Nyla and her pack are mine.
00:26:05 You really plan on killing her now?
00:26:10 Drop the gun Dracon.
00:26:12 Nobody's taking Nyla from you.
00:26:16 Might as well accept the truth Ronan.
00:26:19 Nyla isn't yours anymore.
00:26:20 You and I both know Nyla's not your mate.
00:26:23 And deep down she knows it too.
00:26:25 But how can we be mates?
00:26:28 I do feel tied to Dracon.
00:26:30 Ronan.
00:26:32 Stop confusing the poor girl.
00:26:33 Dracon is her mate.
00:26:35 And that is final.
00:26:37 So.
00:26:39 If that's all you need is proof.
00:26:40 Then.
00:26:43 I'm not your mate.
00:26:44 I'm Nyla's mate.
00:27:05 Dracon's alive.
00:27:10 You all saw that Nyla was my mate first.
00:27:12 You heard her say it.
00:27:13 It's extremely rare.
00:27:15 But it's possible you both are Nyla's mate.
00:27:19 No.
00:27:20 I'm her only mate.
00:27:23 And I can prove it.
00:27:26 Back off me.
00:27:29 This charm will make any wolf believe Nyla is his mate.
00:27:37 This charm will make any wolf believe they're mated.
00:27:39 Your bond is fake.
00:27:41 I can't believe you.
00:27:45 It's disgusting to lie about something as sacred as a mate.
00:27:49 Dracon.
00:27:51 You know that kind of magic is strictly forbidden.
00:27:53 This is a misunderstanding.
00:27:55 Nyla.
00:27:56 I can't explain.
00:27:57 Dracon.
00:27:58 I didn't want to believe it but now I see the man that you truly are.
00:28:00 Did you and Viny try to kill me?
00:28:06 No.
00:28:07 Kill you?
00:28:08 Nyla.
00:28:09 You weren't supposed to have been there.
00:28:10 Where?
00:28:11 Dracon.
00:28:12 What did you do?
00:28:13 Chief Dracon.
00:28:14 Quiet!
00:28:15 I only want to hear this from my son's mouth.
00:28:17 I was next in line to be Alpha but once again you chose Ronan over your own son.
00:28:23 So I did what I had to.
00:28:25 Get out.
00:28:29 You and Viny are banished from this tribe.
00:28:31 And if you ever step foot here again I will have you locked up for life.
00:28:35 No you can't do that.
00:28:36 I'm your son.
00:28:37 It's only because you are my son that I'm letting you live.
00:28:41 Any other wolf would be executed.
00:28:43 This is all your fault.
00:28:47 Dracon.
00:28:49 Stop.
00:28:50 Nyla what are you doing?
00:28:51 You said you wanted me.
00:28:52 That was before you tried to have me killed.
00:28:54 Ronan is my mate.
00:28:55 Not you.
00:28:56 Then that's just too bad.
00:28:59 Nyla's coming with me.
00:29:04 Nyla's coming with me.
00:29:05 Dracon!
00:29:07 Enough!
00:29:08 The only reason I'm letting you live is because of the Chief.
00:29:19 Touch Nyla again and I will kill you.
00:29:24 Dracon.
00:29:26 Leave now.
00:29:28 You'll regret choosing Ronan over me.
00:29:31 (Sighs)
00:29:32 Are you both alright?
00:29:43 Yeah.
00:29:45 We're fine.
00:29:46 Are you okay?
00:29:48 That's your son.
00:29:50 (Sighs)
00:29:51 After what he has done, Dracon is no son of mine.
00:29:56 (Sighs)
00:29:57 Did you know this whole time that we were mates?
00:30:05 You know, when I touched you this morning, I could sense it.
00:30:12 But I didn't want to believe I was made into my enemy.
00:30:17 (Sighs)
00:30:18 You'll be staying with me tonight.
00:30:27 Do you expect me to sleep with you?
00:30:29 Yeah.
00:30:31 I just think that it'll be better if we're in the same bed in case Dracon comes back.
00:30:36 If you still thought I was a traitor, you should have broken off our mate bond.
00:30:39 I don't think you're a traitor, Nyla.
00:30:41 In fact, the more I get to know you, the more I wonder if I was wrong about your father.
00:30:45 Of course you were wrong.
00:30:46 My father was looking into...
00:30:48 Into what?
00:30:51 Into problems in your pack.
00:30:53 He didn't kill any wolves.
00:30:54 Problems.
00:30:56 Like what?
00:30:58 Okay.
00:31:02 Nyla.
00:31:04 Once our mate bond is sealed, we can say our wedding vows.
00:31:10 Our souls will be tied for all eternity.
00:31:14 You can trust me with anything.
00:31:16 Our souls will be tied for all eternity.
00:31:22 You can trust me with anything.
00:31:25 My father said wolves were acting suspicious.
00:31:36 From which pack?
00:31:37 All of them.
00:31:38 But...
00:31:40 He wouldn't say more.
00:31:43 He wouldn't say more.
00:31:44 Why didn't you say something sooner?
00:31:49 Would you have believed me?
00:31:50 Chief Theo didn't.
00:31:52 And I wasn't sure if I could trust you.
00:31:54 Just like you believed me when I said I didn't kill your father?
00:31:57 I was told that he had claw marks all over his body and you were standing over him.
00:32:02 What was I supposed to believe?
00:32:04 Yes, it does sound suspicious.
00:32:06 Do you believe me now?
00:32:09 Yes.
00:32:10 Yes.
00:32:15 Now that we're mates, it's like...
00:32:17 It's like I can feel your truth inside my body.
00:32:20 I think we should...
00:32:39 Explore more there.
00:32:40 I think we should...
00:32:47 Explore more there.
00:32:49 Roman.
00:32:58 Are you okay?
00:33:00 Dracon got me good earlier. It's nothing.
00:33:03 I'm sorry.
00:33:04 That must hurt. Here, let me help you.
00:33:07 I'm sorry.
00:33:08 You know you don't have to help me.
00:33:16 You got hurt saving me.
00:33:20 Besides, we're mates now.
00:33:24 Your pain is my pain.
00:33:27 You never actually said if you saw my father killing packwolves.
00:33:34 When I arrived, he was...
00:33:36 Standing over top of them.
00:33:38 Covered in blood.
00:33:40 It just made sense.
00:33:42 If he did kill any wolves, he had to have had a goddamn good reason.
00:33:47 Maybe it had something to do with the hunters.
00:33:50 Yeah.
00:33:54 There's been too many attempts on wolf lives.
00:33:56 What do you suggest we do?
00:33:57 I say we catch those parasite wolf hunters.
00:34:03 And make them tell us the truth.
00:34:05 You can get in.
00:34:18 I don't bite.
00:34:20 Hard.
00:34:22 Look, I can just find somewhere else to sleep until we're officially married.
00:34:27 I'm joking.
00:34:30 Okay. We'll be married in a week, and until then I think we can figure out a way to share a king bed.
00:34:35 Fine.
00:34:39 I'll sleep on the floor.
00:34:41 No.
00:34:42 Not with your cut.
00:34:45 We can share the bed.
00:34:48 I'll be honest.
00:34:49 Ever since I found out we were mates, my inner wolf's been screaming for you.
00:34:54 [coughs]
00:34:55 I'll be honest.
00:35:07 Ever since I found out we were mates, my inner wolf's been screaming for you.
00:35:11 Mine has too.
00:35:22 Ever since I found out we were mates, my inner wolf's been screaming for you.
00:35:26 Mine has too.
00:35:28 Don't worry. I ain't gonna make you mine until our wedding night.
00:35:32 I'm not worried.
00:35:34 I might not even let you make me yours on our wedding night.
00:35:37 [sniffles]
00:35:38 Look.
00:36:00 Fuck, man.
00:36:02 I can smell your arousal.
00:36:06 [sighs]
00:36:07 I can't help it.
00:36:10 I can't help it.
00:36:11 I can't help it.
00:36:13 [sighs]
00:36:15 [sighs]
00:36:17 [music]
00:36:45 Hi, Ronan.
00:36:46 What's the schedule for today?
00:36:47 We gotta rework our defenses.
00:36:49 Set traps for the wolf hunters.
00:36:51 You trust Nyla to do that correctly?
00:36:54 You should let me help instead.
00:36:55 And you should learn some respect.
00:36:57 Chief Theo gave us one week to work together.
00:37:00 As your acting Luna, I demand you cut the attitude.
00:37:02 Demanding?
00:37:03 You aren't my Luna yet.
00:37:05 I will be in five days.
00:37:07 And until then, I won't tolerate you flirting with Ronan either.
00:37:11 No need to be jealous, Nyla.
00:37:13 Jealous?
00:37:14 Get over yourself.
00:37:15 I just don't trust Jelene.
00:37:17 And how can we mind link?
00:37:19 I haven't accepted her as my alpha yet.
00:37:21 Mates can mind link even without being pledged to the same alpha.
00:37:24 Are you serious?
00:37:26 I can tell you guys are mind linking each other right now.
00:37:28 You're so rude.
00:37:30 [music]
00:37:32 [sighs]
00:37:35 [music]
00:37:38 [music]
00:37:39 [music]
00:37:43 I'm gonna put a wolf in each tree around the perimeter.
00:37:48 Surround the premises.
00:37:50 You be careful with that, it's old.
00:37:53 You're so damn stubborn, I told you to watch out.
00:37:56 Stubborn? I'm fine.
00:37:57 You could've hurt yourself or broke this weapon.
00:37:59 We're already low on supplies as it is.
00:38:02 Fine, I'll get out of your way.
00:38:03 Everything okay?
00:38:07 [music]
00:38:08 Ronan is so hard to get along with.
00:38:13 We had this amazing idea and all he cared about was his stupid crossbow.
00:38:17 And he said that to you?
00:38:18 I'm just trying to prove myself.
00:38:20 And he still treats me like an outsider.
00:38:22 If anything, he's a stubborn mule.
00:38:24 Stubborn mule?
00:38:25 Yes.
00:38:28 Stubborn mule.
00:38:30 You know, the funny thing about mules...
00:38:33 They're prey.
00:38:37 Come with me.
00:38:38 Sounds like I gotta teach you a lesson.
00:38:51 Teach me a lesson?
00:38:53 Hm?
00:38:55 I'd like to see you try.
00:38:56 How?
00:39:03 I just mocked you.
00:39:05 And I'm making you mine.
00:39:07 So now, anytime I touch you, it intensifies.
00:39:13 I gain more pleasure.
00:39:15 Don't be so cocky.
00:39:16 Now we're even.
00:39:28 In your mind, too.
00:39:30 I want you to accept me as your alpha.
00:39:34 Why is that so important to you?
00:39:36 We're supposed to be taking this time to merge packs.
00:39:39 But before any of your pack accepts me as alpha, you'll need to.
00:39:43 I plan to wait until after the wedding.
00:39:45 I plan to wait until after the wedding.
00:39:51 If you accept me now, you'll be able to mindlink with any wolf in my pack.
00:39:56 That could be critical to your survival.
00:39:59 Mindlinking is essential in battle.
00:40:04 [♪♪♪]
00:40:06 I, Nyla, leader of the Woodland Pack,
00:40:18 accept you, Ronin, as my alpha.
00:40:23 I pledge my life and loyalty to you.
00:40:30 I, Ronin, of the Darkriver Pack,
00:40:34 pledge my life and loyalty to you, Nyla, as my Luna.
00:40:59 All of our wolves on patrol were killed.
00:41:01 None of the hunters got caught in traps,
00:41:03 and it's possible that there's still some inside our territory.
00:41:05 I can smell them, I think.
00:41:09 It doesn't smell human, but there's an odd scent coming from outside.
00:41:13 It's him!
00:41:22 [GASPING]
00:41:24 [GRUNTING]
00:41:26 [COUGHING]
00:41:29 Nyla!
00:41:31 Ronin!
00:41:34 Nyla.
00:41:41 Baby.
00:41:43 Please.
00:41:44 Please.
00:41:46 No, no, baby.
00:41:48 Baby.
00:41:49 Baby, please.
00:41:50 Baby, please.
00:41:51 Please.
00:41:54 [WHIMPERING]
00:41:58 The poison's spreading too fast.
00:42:02 The lab report says that it's wolf's bane mixed with an unknown chemical.
00:42:05 I'm sure Nyla's only alive because of your mate, Bond.
00:42:08 We need to break her fever, or if we don't, she won't live through the night.
00:42:12 Okay.
00:42:14 We'll do that.
00:42:16 Okay.
00:42:45 Any better?
00:42:46 What did you do?
00:42:51 I used our bond to give you some of my strength.
00:42:54 Hmm.
00:42:57 It's working.
00:42:59 It took off my clothes.
00:43:03 Skin-to-skin contact increases the strength of our bond.
00:43:07 Thank you for saving me.
00:43:15 You're welcome.
00:43:16 I promise I'll never let anyone hurt you again.
00:43:21 The wolf hunters took four of our finest.
00:43:31 We need to cut them off and find out how they're getting in.
00:43:34 The wolf obviously let them in.
00:43:36 It's a traitor among our pack.
00:43:38 And the only logical suspect is Nyla.
00:43:41 How dare you?
00:43:43 Make an accusation without even having proof.
00:43:45 Isn't it obvious?
00:43:47 The hunters avoided all of our traps and new patrols.
00:43:50 The only change we've had is Nyla and her pack.
00:43:52 Watch your mouth, Jalene.
00:43:53 Accusing my Luna, that's a serious accusation.
00:43:57 You're only defending her because she's your mate.
00:43:59 It can't be coincidental that all the wolves she assigned to post got killed.
00:44:02 Nyla led the hunters here.
00:44:04 Admit it.
00:44:06 Ronan is my alpha.
00:44:10 In four days time, we will marry and I will be your Luna.
00:44:14 You never wanted to be with him.
00:44:16 Jalene, Nyla has been with me every second.
00:44:19 She was poison.
00:44:20 Where were you?
00:44:22 Anybody who has a problem with Nyla, your new Luna, can deal with me.
00:44:29 So it's settled.
00:44:39 With the hunters attacks increasing, we need to move up the wedding.
00:44:42 Ronan and Nyla will be married today.
00:44:46 Dismissed.
00:44:49 Just move them out.
00:44:54 Yeah, we'll find some more.
00:44:56 We'll find them.
00:44:57 You understand?
00:44:59 I understand.
00:45:08 Jalene, we need to talk.
00:45:11 I'm trying to set better traps.
00:45:14 Traps you won't be able to mess with.
00:45:16 So, could you please leave?
00:45:18 Why does it smell like chemicals?
00:45:26 Jalene!
00:45:31 (coughing)
00:45:33 Are you hurt?
00:45:40 No.
00:45:41 You got me just in time.
00:45:43 But if we don't put out that fire, all of our weapons will be destroyed.
00:45:49 Alright, I'm going to grab a hose so we can put the fire out.
00:45:52 (coughing)
00:45:55 (coughing)
00:45:57 Look, I know you think I caused that fire, but I didn't.
00:46:04 I just smelled the chemicals.
00:46:06 I wasn't going to say that.
00:46:08 You're running into fires, are you crazy?
00:46:10 I didn't run into the fire. I smelled the chemicals and got Jalene out.
00:46:14 It's true, Alpha. She saved me.
00:46:17 You just recovered from being poisoned, okay?
00:46:20 I don't want you putting yourself in danger.
00:46:23 I was protecting our pack.
00:46:25 You're the pack loner. You can't recklessly put yourself in danger anymore. People depend on you.
00:46:32 You do it. As pack Alpha.
00:46:34 It's different. I have to fight.
00:46:37 So do I. That's my pack too.
00:46:39 You're my Luna. And that means I'm responsible for you.
00:46:46 And as your Luna, I am responsible for you.
00:46:51 And our pack.
00:46:53 You won't lose me. You're my Alpha.
00:46:58 Ronin, do you take Nyla as your wife and Luna?
00:47:10 Do you promise to protect her with your life?
00:47:12 And bond with her as mates for all eternity?
00:47:15 I do.
00:47:18 Nyla, do you take Ronin as your husband and Alpha?
00:47:21 Do you promise to protect him with your life?
00:47:24 And bond with him as mates for all eternity?
00:47:26 I do.
00:47:28 You may kiss your mates.
00:47:31 You didn't take me by Alpha.
00:47:48 [Sigh]
00:47:49 The hunters are back. Two of the wolves are already dead.
00:48:05 Picked a hell of a time to attack.
00:48:09 No more dead wolves.
00:48:13 We're gonna make a pay.
00:48:16 Manteo, you two on me. Hunt these bastards down.
00:48:20 I should go with you too.
00:48:22 No. I need you here.
00:48:23 No. I need to be by your side.
00:48:26 You've seen me fight, Ronin. Come on.
00:48:28 Which is why I need you here. In case of a breach.
00:48:31 Please. Nyla, I won't be able to focus if I think you're in danger.
00:48:36 Fine. I'll stay here this time.
00:48:42 I'll keep an eye on her.
00:48:44 Good. Don't let her out of your sight.
00:48:46 Let's go.
00:48:48 You should wait here. It's not safe for you until we find the traitor.
00:49:02 Nonsense. I'm going to work with the patrols.
00:49:04 [Sigh]
00:49:05 Are you okay?
00:49:23 Mm? Yeah.
00:49:27 Listen, I know we haven't had much time to talk since we moved here.
00:49:34 It's okay.
00:49:35 I mean, you found your mate, you got married, became Luna.
00:49:38 Of course you don't have time for me.
00:49:40 Yeah, but I want to be there for you too.
00:49:42 You nursed me when I was poisoned.
00:49:45 Are you sure you weren't hurt?
00:49:47 [Sniff]
00:49:48 You get this while playing with wolves, babe?
00:49:54 Huh?
00:49:55 You let the traitor escape.
00:49:58 Do you know how many wolves we lost?
00:50:00 I trusted you.
00:50:01 This is why you are not smart enough to be our Luna.
00:50:04 I am sick of having to work for a spoiled, dumb bitch like you.
00:50:10 Call the hunters off. Now.
00:50:13 No.
00:50:14 You and Ronan are dead.
00:50:18 [Gunshot]
00:50:19 Don't try.
00:50:45 Don't try.
00:50:46 You're not getting out.
00:50:48 And don't try mind-linking Ronan.
00:50:53 That silver collar blocks all wolf powers.
00:50:57 Why are you helping them?
00:50:59 They're wolf hunters. They hate us.
00:51:02 The only real threat to us wolves are weak ones like you.
00:51:05 You should have never been made Luna.
00:51:08 That's what this is about?
00:51:10 You're jealous of me?
00:51:11 Did you ever wonder why our father trusted me so much?
00:51:16 Wait, what?
00:51:17 Our father?
00:51:19 Yes.
00:51:20 He was my father too.
00:51:22 He was my father too.
00:51:28 We're a sister, Antonia. If this is some kind of sick joke...
00:51:34 He had an affair with my mother.
00:51:37 And because she wasn't his precious Luna, I was hidden away like I was some kind of embarrassment.
00:51:43 But he got his punishment.
00:51:45 You killed my father?
00:51:46 Our father.
00:51:47 And I did what I had to do to get what I deserve.
00:51:50 All that's left is to kill you.
00:51:52 Oh. You know what else I did?
00:51:57 Spit it out, Antonia.
00:51:59 I have been drugging you for years with a maidsuppressor.
00:52:03 Until that idiot Ronan came along and ruined everything.
00:52:05 You bitch!
00:52:06 The moon goddess will shun you if you say another fucking word.
00:52:11 And I'll call the hunters in here.
00:52:13 I'm sure they would love to get their hands on you.
00:52:18 You're dumb as fuck if you think you're special to them.
00:52:21 They'll use you and then they'll kill you soon enough.
00:52:24 What if I told you the Wolfhuckers have been alive this whole time?
00:52:35 It's you?
00:52:36 You're working with the Wolfhunters?
00:52:38 There are no Wolfhunters.
00:52:40 Sure there are. I've seen them. I've seen them with my own eyes.
00:52:42 They've been killing our packwolves for months.
00:52:44 What you've seen is me and Antonia in disguises.
00:52:47 We hired a few rogue wolves to help.
00:52:49 And the rogues will be dead soon too.
00:52:51 What happened to the Wolfhunters?
00:52:53 A year ago I convinced your father that Chief Theo assigned me, him and Antonia
00:52:57 a secret mission to kill off the real Wolfhunters.
00:53:00 Then...
00:53:01 Then when the Wolfhunters were dead, you killed Ronan's wolves.
00:53:05 And you let my father take the fall for it.
00:53:08 And then when you tried to kill Ronan, my father saved him.
00:53:12 And here I thought you were a dumb bitch.
00:53:14 If you want to become alpha wolf, why kill your own packwolves?
00:53:18 Our pack's gotten so much weaker with my father in charge.
00:53:21 He lets any wolf into our tribe no matter how useless they are.
00:53:24 And that's why the Wolfhunters are killing off all the weak wolves.
00:53:28 I'll only have strong wolves in my tribe once I become chief.
00:53:31 Once you become chief?
00:53:32 You plan on killing your father for the title?
00:53:35 I won't need to.
00:53:36 If all goes according to plan, Ronan's sure to be dead.
00:53:39 With Ronan gone, my father will name me alpha wolf or both packs to name you as my Luna.
00:53:44 I will never marry you!
00:53:46 I put you in a trance once and you thought I was your mate.
00:53:48 I'll do it for the rest of your life if I have to.
00:53:50 Ronan is my mate!
00:53:57 Drakon!
00:53:58 Where is my Luna?
00:54:01 Wait, isn't this Viny? The guy who tried to kill you?
00:54:09 Yeah.
00:54:10 You working with the Wolfhunters now?
00:54:12 No.
00:54:13 Ronan! No, no, no, Ronan, wait.
00:54:15 We'll never find Nyla if you kill him.
00:54:17 Nyla's been missing for two hours. Her mind link is unresponsive.
00:54:22 Tell me where she is right now.
00:54:26 If I'm gonna put you six feet under...
00:54:28 Try it on, I will slit your throat!
00:54:30 Dammit, Nyla, come on. Think. Think.
00:54:36 What the fuck is wrong with you?
00:54:44 Okay, okay, okay.
00:54:45 (screams)
00:54:46 Ronan!
00:55:02 Drakon and Tonya took me.
00:55:04 And they've been using rogue wolves as decoy hunters to kill your wolves.
00:55:08 Where are you?
00:55:09 I don't know. I'm in some basement.
00:55:12 But you have to be careful. Drakon wants you dead.
00:55:15 I'm outside the house. And don't worry about Drakon. He'll be dead soon.
00:55:19 Where's my Luna?
00:55:24 Before I lose my temper.
00:55:28 Rogues answer to no one.
00:55:30 I'll handle him. Go on. I'm your baiter. You gotta trust me.
00:55:35 (dramatic music)
00:55:36 Going somewhere, sister?
00:55:53 What happened to you? We're like sisters when...
00:56:01 Shut up! I'm tired of living in your shadow.
00:56:05 Just 'cause you had a better mother than I? Better at spreading her legs for men?
00:56:10 (screams)
00:56:11 Don't talk about my mother!
00:56:14 You're right. My mother is the reason why I was chosen.
00:56:22 If you would have just told me who you are, I could have helped you.
00:56:27 But not anymore. Not after everything you've done.
00:56:29 Don't pretend to be some hero!
00:56:31 You would have abandoned me too. That's why I have to kill you.
00:56:36 And it's too late to turn back now!
00:56:38 (panting)
00:56:44 Jalene! You saved me!
00:56:46 Luna?
00:56:49 Don't make it a big deal. Just think of it as me paying you back for the Shed Fire.
00:56:53 You wouldn't hurt me now, would you?
00:56:58 (growls)
00:56:59 Nyla! Let's just put this behind us, huh?
00:57:03 (growls)
00:57:04 I promise! I promise I'll be loyal to you!
00:57:07 We were family. And it had nothing to do with our blood.
00:57:10 I loved you like a sister. But not anymore.
00:57:13 I will protect my pack. They're my real family!
00:57:16 (screams)
00:57:17 Jalene.
00:57:26 I'll be fine, Nyla.
00:57:28 Ronan's the one that needs your help.
00:57:30 Go save our Alpha.
00:57:32 Okay.
00:57:38 Ronan!
00:57:40 You guys are okay.
00:57:43 I'm fine, I'm fine. It's Jalene. She's hurt. We need to go save her. Come on.
00:57:46 (gunshot)
00:57:47 My aim could have been better, but I don't want to hurt my fiancé.
00:57:51 Dracon, stop.
00:57:52 No. Ronan dies today. Now let's move.
00:57:55 Move!
00:57:56 Go in! Come on, go!
00:58:03 Move, right in the middle.
00:58:06 Go save yourself.
00:58:10 You know what I hate most about you, Ronan?
00:58:14 You're not even smart.
00:58:16 You're just barely stronger than me, so you get to be Alpha.
00:58:19 Your father knew you didn't have what it takes to be Alpha.
00:58:22 Wolves don't respect you. Wolves respect Ronan.
00:58:25 Be quiet, Nyla. The men are talking.
00:58:30 Still thinking with your fists.
00:58:32 How sad.
00:58:34 That must sting, huh?
00:58:36 I've heard it feels like a million needles running through your veins.
00:58:39 Fuck you, Dracon.
00:58:41 So if you want to marry me, you can't kill Ronan.
00:58:45 As much as I want you, I want to be cheap more.
00:58:48 So if I have to shoot through you, I will.
00:58:50 Dracon!
00:58:51 No.
00:58:52 This ends now.
00:58:59 This ends now.
00:59:05 Dracon.
00:59:09 You will never be chief.
00:59:13 How could you kill our people?
00:59:17 After all our tribe has done for you.
00:59:19 Don't you mean after everything is taken from me?
00:59:21 I should be the Alpha. I was making our tribe stronger.
00:59:24 You abandoned me.
00:59:26 No, Dracon.
00:59:28 You abandoned me.
00:59:30 And all my values.
00:59:32 My shame in you will live forever.
00:59:35 Fuck your shame.
00:59:36 If you weren't such a weak chief, I wouldn't have been able to kill as many wolves as I did.
00:59:39 Once I become chief, I'll only have elite wolves in my pack.
00:59:42 Not cowards like you.
00:59:44 I will not let you hurt him.
00:59:48 Then you'll die too.
00:59:50 Chief, no!
00:59:52 Chief Leo.
00:59:53 Chief.
00:59:54 No, no, no.
00:59:55 Chief.
00:59:56 Chief.
00:59:57 Chief.
00:59:58 I should have never doubted you.
01:00:00 Stay with me.
01:00:01 I see how much you love our tribe.
01:00:03 I'm right here.
01:00:04 Chief.
01:00:05 Chief.
01:00:06 Chief Leo.
01:00:07 Hold on.
01:00:14 Go get help.
01:00:15 Stay, Dracon.
01:00:16 Stay with us.
01:00:17 I wish this was good enough.
01:00:19 Chief Leo.
01:00:22 Stay with me.
01:00:32 Chief, please.
01:00:33 No.
01:00:34 Chief.
01:00:35 Chief.
01:00:36 Chief Leo.
01:00:40 Chief Leo.
01:00:41 Get your hands off my father!
01:00:43 Oh my god.
01:00:46 Oh my god.
01:00:47 Come on.
01:00:48 Come on.
01:00:51 Leave him.
01:00:52 Leave him.
01:00:53 It's your fault he's dead.
01:01:00 He died saving you.
01:01:03 Dracon, stop!
01:01:07 No one else has to die.
01:01:09 It only makes sense you die first.
01:01:11 No!
01:01:12 Ronan!
01:01:15 Ronan, hold on.
01:01:36 I got you.
01:01:37 I got you.
01:01:38 What happened to Ronan?
01:01:45 He got shot by a silver bullet, so we need--
01:01:48 Hold on.
01:01:49 Did he shift?
01:01:50 Ronan's shifting might have sped up the silver.
01:01:53 At this rate, he might not survive.
01:01:55 But what about our markings?
01:01:57 I should be able to heal him like he healed me, right?
01:02:00 That's true, but he just removed the wolf's bane from you.
01:02:03 Nyla, to heal a wound this bad, it might kill you.
01:02:07 Ronan is my mate.
01:02:09 I'll do whatever it takes to heal him.
01:02:12 I'll do whatever it takes to heal him.
01:02:15 [sniffles]
01:02:16 [coughing]
01:02:29 [coughing]
01:02:31 Nyla.
01:02:46 Nyla!
01:02:49 Nyla!
01:02:50 You've been asleep for two days.
01:03:01 Mantel was convinced that a maybomb wouldn't be enough to keep you alive.
01:03:05 I don't regret it.
01:03:07 I'd do it again if it meant saving you.
01:03:10 Because you love me.
01:03:18 I do.
01:03:19 What's wrong?
01:03:37 Does your stomach hurt?
01:03:39 No.
01:03:40 I could go and get Mantel to get some more healing supplies.
01:03:45 No.
01:03:46 Ronan.
01:03:47 I think I know why our maybomb was strong enough to keep us alive.
01:03:51 Why?
01:03:55 Because I'm pregnant.
01:03:58 I'm pregnant.
01:04:05 So soon?
01:04:08 It only takes once for wolves.
01:04:10 Are you mad? I know we didn't discuss having pups, I just...
01:04:14 No.
01:04:15 No.
01:04:16 I'm not mad.
01:04:18 I'm excited.
01:04:20 I can't wait to raise a wolf pup.
01:04:25 I'm excited.
01:04:26 No one wants to bring it up, but we need to do chief and chief this.
01:04:49 Jelena and I are planning on nominating you both.
01:04:51 I'm not excited about that.
01:04:52 I'm not just saying that because I'm your baby.
01:04:54 It's only because of you two that we survived the attacks.
01:04:57 But with everything that happened with Traycon and...
01:05:00 Of course. You both should become chief and chief us.
01:05:02 There's no one else strong enough to guide all five packs of our tribe.
01:05:06 Chief Theo believed that you could lead.
01:05:09 That's why he gave you this necklace.
01:05:11 Well, thank you for nominating us.
01:05:14 It means a lot.
01:05:16 Do you accept?
01:05:18 Do you accept?
01:05:45 To the chief and chief this.
01:05:48 I'm looking forward to working with you, Alpha Manteo.
01:05:56 Never thought I'd be Alpha of the Dark River Pack.
01:05:58 Thank you for the opportunity.
01:06:00 I can't believe you're chief us now.
01:06:04 How did I get stuck following your orders again?
01:06:06 You could always be Luna.
01:06:08 I see you in Manteo.
01:06:09 I'm serious.
01:06:11 [music]
01:06:18 So, how does it feel to be chief?
01:06:21 Feels right.
01:06:23 But only because you're by my side.
01:06:26 I need you.
01:06:27 I'm all yours, Alpha.
01:06:30 Thank you all for joining us on this historic celebration.
01:06:37 May our tribe continue to prosper, and may wolves continue to rule for centuries to come.
01:06:44 To the future of our five packs.
01:06:46 To the future.
01:06:48 Dracon may have failed, but we won't.
01:06:58 I won't rest until every one of them are dead.
01:07:02 [music]
01:07:04 Ronan, you can't spend every night keeping guard over our side.
01:07:14 I know. We can never be too safe.
01:07:17 We have four guards outside the door, and our bedroom is right next door.
01:07:21 The moments that you got kidnapped by Dracon and Antonia, I've never felt that helpless.
01:07:30 I can't let that happen with Mason.
01:07:32 I would never let anything happen to our son.
01:07:36 But if you don't get sleep at night, he won't be sharp during the day.
01:07:40 And that could be just as dangerous.
01:07:42 I think we should start trying for baby number two.
01:07:51 I wouldn't mind if you know a wolf perhaps would show up.
01:07:56 [music]
01:07:58 [music]
01:08:00 (gentle music)
01:08:02 [BLANK_AUDIO]