When should the next general election be called?

  • 5 months ago
Rishi Sunak has ruled out a May poll but do you think the Prime Minister should call an election now?
00:00 For me, I would say now.
00:02 Now because, not just for me, I feel
00:05 true Englishmen, those who are from England,
00:09 who say they want a general election now.
00:12 Regarding what's been going on, it's been crazy.
00:15 You know, it's been crazy from my own point of view,
00:19 how I see the political affair of the United Kingdom is quite bonkers.
00:23 I'm not really someone that's into politics,
00:25 but I feel like right now, from what I've heard,
00:27 it should happen quite soon.
00:29 Because it seems like it's not going well so far.
00:32 It's been pretty low, apparently.
00:34 So I feel like pretty soon, because now that I can vote,
00:38 I'll probably tend to get more into politics
00:42 and then choose who to vote for.
00:44 I'm not happy with the way the politics is going on at the moment
00:48 with Rishi Sunak.
00:49 I don't think he's a particularly good Prime Minister.
00:52 And I don't think anybody...
00:54 The next election, I don't think I'll be voting, to be honest,
00:57 because I really can't think of anybody I want to vote for.
