United Nations: 70% of Gaza is experiencing famine

  • 6 months ago
The report issued by the United Nations warns of the imminence of a famine in northern Gaza, where approximately 70% of the population is in a situation of severe food shortages. teleSUR
00:00 United Nations organization endorsed a report that warns that more than 70% of the population
00:05 in northern Gaza face a catastrophic hunger.
00:09 The document highlights that the hunger in the region has worsened and expanded, with
00:13 79% more Gazans likely to see their situation worsen to a catastrophic level and 92% more
00:21 expected to do so by mid-July.
00:23 The United Nations Assistant Director General for Food and Agriculture, Beth Bechtol, warned
00:29 that if steps are not taken to cease hostilities and provide greater humanitarian access in
00:34 Gaza, famine will be imminent.
