Un tournant - 19/03/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Un tournant - 19/03/2024


00:00 [Music]
00:11 It's a turning point, clearly, it's a turning point, a hard blow also for the Kurdish independence fighters of the PKK.
00:17 The organization has been occupying positions in northern Iraq for decades,
00:22 region where the Turkish army has also set up a military base, a military base.
00:28 The result of this is the theater of a fraternal struggle between Kurds and Turks.
00:33 Ankara regularly conducts operations in the area, which provokes the wrath of Baghdad, and rightly so,
00:40 because it's a violation of Iraqi sovereignty, a violation both committed by the Kurds and by the Turks.
00:46 It had to stop, and it will stop.
00:49 The Iraqi National Security Council has decided to ban the PKK, the Kurdistan Workers' Party.
00:55 The decision was made quite public, Ankara immediately congratulated it, I quote there.
01:01 Turkey salutes the decision of the Iraqi National Security Council to designate the PKK as an organization banned in Iraq.
01:10 There is no clearer, there is no more definitive decision.
01:13 Turkish ministers of foreign affairs, of the defense, and also the heads of intelligence of the two countries
01:18 had interviews in Baghdad. A statement at the end of these interviews said very clearly, and there again, I quote,
01:24 "Turkey and Iraq have decided for the first time to fight against the terrorism of the PKK."
01:29 This is an important decision, and it means two things.
01:32 One, the Kurds of the PKK will have to leave, or will they accept to leave?
01:37 Will they create maquis on Iraqi soil?
01:40 And then the other question, the second question is, will the Turks also accept to leave?
01:44 They repeat over and over again that their presence in the region is explained by the Kurdish-based existence.
01:50 If the PKK leaves, they must also leave.
01:53 This is the logic of the agreement. The big question in fact, in transparency of all this, is where will the Kurds go?
01:59 The destination that seems the most obvious is Syria.
02:02 Now, will Damascus want to go? I'm not sure.
02:05 This would risk adding conflictuality to conflictuality. This is not the goal.
02:09 The Kurdistan of Iran, the Iraqi Kurdistan in the first place, Baghdad, would not want to.
02:16 Now, the Iranian Kurdistan, which we were talking about a moment ago, seems quite unlikely,
02:20 although there were contacts between the Revolutionary Guards and the PKK,
02:23 but going to Iran would move them considerably away from the Turkish territory.
02:27 But if this seems unlikely, let's not rule out this hypothesis.
02:32 The question of the aftermath for Kurdish independenceists is now being asked in terms that are particularly acute,
02:38 clearly for them, for the region. This is a real turning point.
02:43 (Music)