Data PPI AS Melonjak, Bursa AS Kembali Turun

  • 6 months ago
Bursa Wall Street melemah semalam. Saham produsen chip melanjutkan penurunan hari kedua dua.


00:00 And next we go to the capital market, where the Wall Street stock market was weak last night.
00:05 The chip producer continues to decline on the second day.
00:08 It's also cheap.
00:12 I thought because it was cheap, I was the only one who was alone.
00:15 On the second day, Nvidia's stock was 3.2%, while the semiconductor index fell 1.8%.
00:24 One of the sentiment of the decline is the release of the US PPI index data.
00:30 Data shows that the US producer price has increased more than expected throughout February
00:35 because the price of a number of goods such as gasoline and food is skyrocketing.
00:39 This makes investors wonder or worry.
00:42 Is FedReserve waiting longer than expected to cut the flower breed?
00:47 The Fed is expected to maintain the flower breed unchanged in the next week's policy statement.
00:52 While the European stock market seems to have lost momentum in May
00:56 after reaching the highest record in the last few sessions.
01:00 The latest US economic data that is rigid, raises doubts about the time of the flower breed cut.
01:06 While the weakness in the mining sector adds to the decline,
01:09 mining is the sector that recorded the largest losses in Europe in May,
01:13 1.4% decline because the price of basic metals and precious metals was hit.
01:18 The European stock index 600 was closed to a 0.18% weakness, or 0.93 points to 506,
01:26 after recording the highest level in a long time for the third time in a row.
01:31 The result of European obligations after the PPI data was released with a 10-year German value,
01:36 which is considered a good benchmark for the European zone, reaching the highest level since March 1.
01:41 However, the delay in the euro zone inflation is expected to fill the flower breed and update the company's positive.
01:46 Still pushing the stock to 600, which has risen 5.7% over the year.
01:51 Various sources for IDX Journal.
01:53 [Music]
01:58 [Music]
