Bursa AS: S&P 500 dan Dow Catat Rekor Penutupan Tertinggi

  • 7 months ago
Bursa ekuitas Wall Street sumringah, dengan S&P 500 dan Dow Jones Industrial Average melesat ke rekor penutupan tertinggi semalam. Penguatan Wall Street didukung oleh investor, yang memburu saham teknologi sehari setelah kecerdasan buatan AI menggambarkan laba, dan prospek saham Nvidia yang luar biasa.


00:00 Wall Street equity stock, SUMRINGAH, with S&P 500 and Dow Jones Industrial Average, broke the highest closing record last night.
00:07 Wall Street's strength is supported by investors who hunt for technology stocks a day after AI intelligence
00:15 described the incredible NVIDIA stock market prospects.
00:19 Investors are full of enthusiasm, then buy stocks when NVIDIA soars 16.4% in a day.
00:25 After the chip design, the first quarter earnings are about three times.
00:32 The APIC's performance is now pushed by strong demand for its AI chip and beat the fourth quarter earnings expectations.
00:39 NVIDIA added US$277 billion to market capitalization and this figure beats the meta-platform's rise,
00:47 US$196 billion, and recorded the biggest profit in Wall Street history.
00:57 S&P 500 closed at the highest record, beating the 105 or 2.11% of its 5,087th share.
01:05 Dow Jones Industrial Average also broke the 456th point or 1.18% to 39,069.
01:14 This is the first time Dow Jones has ended above 39,000 points.
01:19 Nasdaq Composite Index also broke 2.96% to 16,041.
01:25 NVIDIA's 16% share pushed by global technology stock strength.
01:33 The US stock market closed at the highest level and the European stock market reached the peak level in a long time.
01:39 Let's see the full data. S&P 500 closed at the highest record, beating the 2.11% of its 5,087th share.
01:48 Dow Jones Industrial Average also broke the 1.18% to the highest level of closing in a long time, reaching 39,069.
01:57 Nasdaq Composite Index also broke the 2.96% to 16,041.
02:03 Meanwhile, Europe's Dow Jones Index increased 1.47% to 17,370.
02:09 FTSE 100 increase to 0.29% to 7,684.
02:14 And the French CIC increased 1.27% to 7,911.
02:19 From the global stock market, let's move to commodities.
02:22 To inject WTI oil, it increased 0.55% to the level of US$78.34 per barrel.
02:29 Nickel increased 2.76% to the level of US$17,396 per metric ton.
02:36 Gold increased 0.03% to the level of US$2034 per troy ounce.
02:41 And CPO increased 0.3% to US$3,956 per ton.
02:47 Meanwhile, the exchange rate of the currency is moving towards a number of currencies,
02:52 including US$15,585 per euro, 16,866 per pound sterling, 19,727 per yen, and 103.51 per pound.
