Who is Krisana? {Neuroscience | Psychology | Self-Healing}

  • 6 months ago
Krisana Locke :

I am a Trained Therapist, Master Meditation Teacher and Workshop Leader/Trainer, with a vast depth of experience.
I am the co-founder & co-director of Tantric Energetics®.
Since 1998, I have been leading personal development workshops and trainings worldwide, supporting many people with my deep, intense, safe, and healing work.

My work is based on helping people access Awareness and Consciousness, which are the keys to unlocking their True Potential and Happiness.

I graduated in Psychology, conducting Psychotherapy Research. I hold certifications in numerous disciplines such as Body-oriented Therapies (Bioenergetics Practitioner - Bioenergetic Body Type Training - Neo Reichian Therapist - Breath work Therapy "Breath & Body Oriented Therapist"), Systemic Constellation work (Family Constellation & Advanced trauma work), Systemic Coaching & Leadership skills, Advanced training Trauma Healing, Transpersonal Humanist Psychology, Counseling skills & Relationship Dynamics training, Hypnosis, Osho Therapist Training, Osho Active Meditations & Osho Meditative Therapies.
Tantric Energetics is a “Platform for Transformation”.
Consciousness Research & Education
Mental & Emotional Health/Wellbeing
Neuroscience ~ Psychology ~ Self-Healing
The path of Awareness & Love
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