"La inteligencia al descubierto"

  • 6 months ago
"La inteligencia al descubierto" is a documentary that delves into the various forms of intelligence, with a particular focus on creativity as a uniquely human trait. Scientists from different fields analyze intelligence, whether innate or acquired, and evaluate it using different criteria. The documentary explores the complexity of measuring human intelligence and highlights creativity as one of the most distinctive forms of intelligence in individuals. It questions the adequacy of using the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) as a sole measure of human intelligence and emphasizes the multifaceted nature of intelligence. The documentary is available for viewing on platforms like RTVE and explores the intricacies of human intelligence and creativity.

[1] https://www.elmundo.es/television/programacion-tv/programas/24841240_la-inteligencia-al-descubierto.html
[2] https://www.parqueciencias.com/historico/dia-34-la-inteligencia-al-descubierto/
[3] https://sincroguia-tv.expansion.com/programas/la-inteligencia-al-descubierto-episodio-1--vxqf-SPA
[4] https://www.rtve.es/play/videos/la-noche-tematica/noche-tematica-inteligencia-descubierto/5181819/
