On March 13, Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal lashed out at the PM Narendra Modi-led government over notification of rules under the CAA. The AAP chief said the implementation of the Citizenship Amendment Act ahead of the Lok Sabha polls was a "dirty vote bank politics" of the BJP. He added that with this, the government has opened the gates for the arrival of a large number of poor minorities from Pakistan and Bangladesh into India. CAA seeks to grant citizenship to undocumented non-Muslim migrants from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan who came to India before December 31, 2014. Watch the video to know more.
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00:05 After ruling for 10 years, they are talking about CA before the elections.
00:12 If they had done something good in 10 years, they would have voted for their work instead of CA.
00:19 Today, the biggest problem in front of the country is inflation and unemployment.
00:25 It is becoming difficult for anyone to run a house. It has become so expensive.
00:31 Our youth are being beaten up for employment. They are being beaten with sticks and sticks.
00:38 In such a situation, the government is talking about CA instead of finding a solution to unemployment and inflation.
00:45 This is very sad.
00:48 What is this CA?
00:51 The BJP central government says that three countries, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan,
01:00 if they want to take India's citizenship, they will be given India's citizenship.
01:09 This means that a large number of minorities will be brought to our country.
01:16 They will be given employment. Houses will be built for them. They will be settled here.
01:22 Isn't it strange?
01:26 The BJP central government is not giving employment to our children.
01:30 They want to bring people from Pakistan and give employment to their children.
01:34 Our people do not have a house.
01:37 A lot of people in India are homeless.
01:40 But the BJP wants to bring people from Pakistan and settle them in India.
01:45 They want to give them a house.
01:47 They want to give employment to their children.
01:50 They want to settle Pakistanis in the houses of our rights.
01:55 The government's government money that should be spent on the development of our country and our family,
02:01 that money will be spent on settling Pakistanis in India.
02:05 There are about 250 million to 300 million minorities in these three countries.
02:11 These three are very poor countries.
02:13 As soon as the doors of India open, a huge crowd will come to India from these three countries.
02:21 If 1.5 crore people from these 250 million to 300 million people come to India,
02:25 who will give them employment?
02:27 Where will you settle them?
02:29 Will the BJP people settle them in their homes? Will they keep them in their homes?
02:33 Will the BJP people give them employment? Who will give them employment?
02:37 So the question arises, why is the BJP doing this?
02:41 I have spoken to many people.
02:45 Some people say that this whole game is a dirty politics of making a vote bank.
02:51 If 1.5 crore people from these three countries are brought to India,
02:56 and they are chosen and settled in different parts of the country,
03:02 so that wherever the BJP votes are less,
03:06 if they are settled there by putting in the Juggis,
03:11 then a firm vote bank of the BJP will be ready and the BJP votes will increase.
03:15 And in the coming elections, not in this election,
03:18 but in the coming elections in the future, the BJP can get a much bigger election benefit.
03:23 Some people say this.
03:25 I don't know if this is true or not.
03:27 But the biggest question is why is the BJP doing this?
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04:00 The biggest thing is that the BJP government has opened the doors for Pakistanis and Bangladeshis to come to India in huge numbers.
04:09 This is very dangerous for the country.
04:11 The country wants the CAA to be withdrawn.
04:14 We will not give our children's jobs, our children's employment to the people of other countries in any condition.
04:22 And if the BJP does not agree, then it does not withdraw it.
04:27 So in this election, you vote against the BJP and express your anger.
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05:10 Bye bye.