Driver to enter pleas on 10 counts of manslaughter

  • 6 months ago
A bus driver charged over a deadly crash in the New South Wales Hunter Valley has apologised to the victims and their families.


00:00 Well of course Brett Andrew Button fronting court today. It's only the second time he's
00:06 appeared at a courthouse in person since being charged over this deadly crash 39 weeks ago
00:12 in the Hunter Valley town of Greta. As you said a bus rolled and crashed on a guardrail
00:18 killing 10 people and 10 others seriously injured. So Brett Andrew Button facing a total
00:26 of 89 charges today. He was greeted today at Newcastle Courthouse by a large media pack
00:34 here to see him in person. Very brief in the courtroom it was. He was here for a committal
00:40 where we thought pleas would be entered. That did not happen. We got an adjournment for
00:45 further negotiations in terms of the charge certification. So very quick insight. But
00:51 then outside of court his solicitor Chris O'Brien issued a statement, read out a statement
00:58 on Brett Andrew Button's behalf apologising for what happened on that terrible night.
01:06 Here's a bit of what he had to say. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think
01:12 about what happened that day, that night. There isn't an hour that goes by where I'm
01:17 not thinking of the families that have been affected by my actions. I truly feel for anyone
01:23 involved including the emergency services. I am devastated by what has occurred and for
01:29 that I'm truly and deeply sorry. So Giselle what are the next steps from here? So next
01:37 we've got a further couple of weeks for charge certification, further negotiations back in
01:43 court on April the 3rd.
