Butoh-dance crossing over avantgarde minimal live-music crossing over live-painting crossing over butoh crossing over analog non-linear overcrossing... "niwa" is the japanese word for garden, and there never was a blueprint, or a choreography, or a rehearsal: intermedial conversation by free improvisation in realtime, totally undigital, and done in a heterarchic mind-set at AUSLAND in Berlin on 10th of March 2004.
Video taping wasn't planned: by circumstances unknown young Frenchman Yoann Trellu surfaced out of the blue and suddenly handled the dancer's very japanese DV-camera from the controlroom of the venue, sitting in an elevated spot where he couldn't move... such he did a tremendous job. The trombonist's audio recording is superb, you might want to listen through headphones... of course, besides containing areas of near or total silence, you don't have to call it music.
MAYUMI FUKUZAKI https://vereinflechtwerk.wordpress.com/programm-kuenstler-details-2017/#MayumiFukuzaki https://vimeo.com/channels/mfukuzaki
AXEL DÖRNER https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axel_D%C3%B6rner
TOSHIHIRO KOIKE https://fuigokoike.hibarimusic.com/english.html
MARCUS HEESCH https://discogs.com/artist/5844624-Marcus-Heesch
https://www.keyframed.net/index.html https://www.nationaltheatrescotland.com/profile/yoann-trellu
BUTOH https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butoh
Video taping wasn't planned: by circumstances unknown young Frenchman Yoann Trellu surfaced out of the blue and suddenly handled the dancer's very japanese DV-camera from the controlroom of the venue, sitting in an elevated spot where he couldn't move... such he did a tremendous job. The trombonist's audio recording is superb, you might want to listen through headphones... of course, besides containing areas of near or total silence, you don't have to call it music.
MAYUMI FUKUZAKI https://vereinflechtwerk.wordpress.com/programm-kuenstler-details-2017/#MayumiFukuzaki https://vimeo.com/channels/mfukuzaki
AXEL DÖRNER https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axel_D%C3%B6rner
TOSHIHIRO KOIKE https://fuigokoike.hibarimusic.com/english.html
MARCUS HEESCH https://discogs.com/artist/5844624-Marcus-Heesch
https://www.keyframed.net/index.html https://www.nationaltheatrescotland.com/profile/yoann-trellu
BUTOH https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butoh