Consider This: Graduate Employment — The Cost of Weak Beginnings

  • 6 bulan lalu
In 2021, 48.6% of Malaysian graduates were overqualified for their jobs. A lack of jobs that aligned with their qualifications had forced them to opt for low- or semi-skilled jobs with subpar starting pay, which then had significant long-term impact on their salary progression. This is according to a recently released Khazanah Research Institute report titled ‘Shifting Tides: Charting the Career Progression of Malaysia’s Skilled Talents’ which focused on the challenges faced by Malaysian graduates during their transition from higher education into the workforce. On this episode of #ConsiderThis Melisa Idris speaks to KRI Deputy Director of Research, Hawati Abdul Hamid, and KRI Research Associate, Dr Mohd Amirul Rafiq Abu Rahim.


