同一天在乔治亚州造势 拜登特朗普锁定关键摇摆州

  • 7 months ago
八点最热报 | 美国总统大选长达8个月的“马拉松式竞选”已经开跑,几乎肯定会代表民主党和共和党出战的拜登和特朗普,昨天同时现身关键战场,也就是乔治亚州,为两人再次较量打响第一炮。(主播:蔡心慧)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:04 The marathon race for the U.S. presidential election has begun.
00:09 Biden and Trump, who will almost certainly represent the Democratic Party and Republican Party,
00:14 yesterday showed up at the key battlefield, which is Georgia,
00:19 to fight for the first shot again.
00:22 Although Georgia has always been a traditional Republican ballot box,
00:25 in the last election, Biden successfully turned the tables and won with less than 12,000 votes,
00:31 becoming one of the key states for Biden to defeat Trump.
00:35 Georgia is also the state that Trump named as the state that has been accused of election fraud.
00:41 Now, the Democratic Party and Republican Party all see this state as the key swing battlefield for the next election.
00:49 U.S. President Biden and former President Trump went to Georgia on Saturday to make a scene for the November presidential election.
00:56 The two continued to attack each other.
00:58 Biden warned during a speech that if Trump returns to the White House,
01:02 the U.S. will face terrible consequences and will call Trump a dictator.
01:08 He bragged about calling Xi Jinping a king.
01:12 He called Putin and he said, "Do whatever the hell you want to our allies."
01:17 I'm not making these quotes up.
01:21 When he says he wants to be a dictator, I believe him.
01:24 Faced with Biden's fierce attack, Trump did not hesitate to counterattack at the meeting of supporters,
01:30 and called on all Americans to stand up and overthrow Biden.
01:33 Trump also mocked Biden's worst state of the union speech since he took office last Thursday.
01:40 And to all Americans, whether you are a Republican, an independent, or a disillusioned Democrat, of which there are many,
01:48 all you have to do is watch that horrible state of the union.
01:51 That was the worst president in history, making the worst state of the union speech in history.
01:57 But if you're a disillusioned Democrat, of which there are many, today I extend an open hand, an open invitation,
02:03 and I ask you to join us on the noble quest of saving our country.
02:10 Saving our country.
02:13 Together we will turn the page forever on the miserable nightmare of the Biden presidency.
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