航天史上空前创举! Space X助推火箭发射后可停回原地

  • 2 days ago
新闻报报看 | SpaceX的星舰推进器,在发射之后,还神乎奇技的速度、角度和位置,回到发射塔,并利用绰号“筷子”的机械臂,成功“夹住”返回的超重型助推器,谌称工程学的奇迹。(主播:蔡心慧、黄宇恒)


00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpot website.
00:05For those who know a little bit about rocket science and technology,
00:08when a rocket is launched into space,
00:10most of the volume and weight of the rocket itself is used to release rocket fuel.
00:15The rocket needs a large-capacity booster to push the spacecraft into the air.
00:21After the fuel is burned, the booster will leave the rocket and fall into the ocean.
00:26But such a rocket launch program is a waste of money,
00:30because the booster cannot be reused, and it takes a lot of time to find it.
00:35Have you ever thought about it?
00:37If one day these boosters land on the ground after they are launched into space,
00:42they will be back in the launch pad every day.
00:44Isn't that perfect?
00:46And today, space history has finally come to an end.
00:49Yes, SpaceX, the first American space exploration company owned by Musk,
00:55has completed this creation today and set a new record in space history.
01:00SpaceX has launched the fifth StarShip,
01:04which is equipped with a very large-capacity booster.
01:07When it fell to the ground at an altitude of 70 kilometers,
01:11SpaceX engineers used the booster's propulsion system to control the speed,
01:17angle, and position of the booster.
01:19Before it landed on the ground, SpaceX used the mechanical arm of a chopstick for the first time,
01:24and successfully clamped the super-heavy booster back into place.
01:28Let's take a look at the footage of this creation.
01:32This morning, the SpaceX StarShip was successfully launched at the Boca Chica Space Station in Texas.
01:38The staff there cheered.
01:41We have liftoff.
02:11We have liftoff.
02:12We have liftoff.
02:13We have liftoff.
02:14We have liftoff.
02:15We have liftoff.
02:16We have liftoff.
02:17We have liftoff.
02:18We have liftoff.
02:19We have liftoff.
02:20We have liftoff.
02:21We have liftoff.
02:22We have liftoff.
02:23We have liftoff.
02:24We have liftoff.
02:25We have liftoff.
02:26We have liftoff.
02:27We have liftoff.
02:28We have liftoff.
02:29We have liftoff.
02:30We have liftoff.
02:31We have liftoff.
02:32We have liftoff.
02:33We have liftoff.
02:34We have liftoff.
02:35We have liftoff.
02:36We have liftoff.
02:37We have liftoff.
02:38Are you kiddning me?
03:08The booster is perfectly landing under a red sun
03:13and writing a chapter in the history of science fiction
03:21If what you just saw wasn't a special explanation
03:24would you think it was a reverse playback of a normal rocket launch?
03:29If that's what you think, then you're right
03:31SpaceX founder Musk once said
03:33The inspiration to use mechanical arms to hold a rocket comes from chopsticks
03:38Its structure is simple and the principle is easy
03:41More importantly, for SpaceX
03:43the rocket can be reused
03:45You can check and replenish the fuel immediately
03:47The landing booster can be connected to another new spacecraft
03:52in a few days or even a few hours
03:55for the next flight
03:58Everyone knows that
04:00Musk has always wanted to immigrate to Mars
04:03Like this time, the design of the new rocket Starship
04:07is a super-large spaceship
04:10It can carry 100 astronauts
04:12instead of the traditional NASA spacecraft
04:15which can only carry 6-7 people
04:17From this comparison
04:20we can see that Starship is much bigger than a normal spacecraft
04:25in order to carry more people
04:28Why do we have to make the booster rocket spin?
04:31Why do we have to hold it by chopsticks and not let it hit the ground?
04:35The reason is very simple
04:37Because if it hits the ground, it will add weight to the rocket
04:42In order to make the rocket lighter
04:44it's better to make it spin
