Senegal opposition candidate to emerge from shadows ahead of election

  • 6 months ago

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00:00 19 candidates will battle it out to win the hearts and minds of the Senegalese people
00:05 in the run-up to polling day. There have never been so many presidential candidates here in
00:10 Senegal but that's not the only particularity as we move into campaign season. One of the front
00:18 runners, a man called Bassir Ojo Maifai, part of the opposition, will likely begin the campaign
00:24 in detention. This is a completely unprecedented situation. He was arrested close to a year ago
00:31 after offending a magistrate with a Facebook post and it's unclear whether he will stay in
00:37 detention throughout the entire campaign season. That depends on when a new amnesty law comes into
00:44 effect and whether it will pertain to his personal situation. All big questions. Meanwhile this
00:52 campaign period will also be different from others because it will be held during the Islamic holy
00:56 month of Ramadan. That means that the usual big daytime rallies with food and music will very much
01:03 not be a feature. Political candidates will likely have to organise meetings in the evening after
01:10 iftar, that is the term for the breaking of the fast during that holy month of Ramadan.
