McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Infinite Frontier Joker Black Light Edition

  • 5 months ago
McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Infinite Frontier Joker Black Light Edition
00:00 shedding some lights on the clowns next caper here's your look at the McFarland
00:04 toys DC multiverse the entertainment earth 2023 exclusive Joker infinite
00:09 frontier blacklight edition
00:13 with an unhinged grin the Joker grabs the spotlight based on his comic book
00:36 look from the infinite frontier the crazed clown featured an exclusive
00:39 eye-popping blacklight deco Joker includes a knife accessory an exclusive
00:43 card stand and a base with two battery-powered black lights also
00:47 included as a collectible art card with the Joker illustration on the front and
00:50 a certificate of authenticity on the back I wonder what hijinks he's hiding
00:55 in plain sight we will find that out in second first though I'd like to thank
00:58 the folks over at McFarland toys that did provide this sample of the infinite
01:01 frontier Joker blacklight edition which is an entertainment earth 2023
01:05 exclusive not only is an exclusive to entertainment earth but it's also
01:08 limited to only 3,000 pieces Joker though stands at about 7 inches in
01:12 height or the figures 18 centimeters tall taking the clowns colors to the
01:17 extreme sliding over the one that we're about to have a look at and bring in the
01:20 original infinite frontier Joker which happens to be one of my all-time
01:23 favorite Jokers we've gotten from McFarland's team the lankiness of the
01:26 clown here just works so well for this figure now of course they are taking of
01:30 course the exact same mold and just swapping and inverting the colors not
01:33 even in so much inverting the colors because you can see instead of having
01:36 the green vest he has a blue vest instead of having now a pink jacket and
01:39 pants he now has green for those not familiar with the blacklight edition
01:44 figures they have black light shining spotlights that then shine onto the
01:48 plastic and illuminate them we'll talk about that obviously more in a moment
01:51 first the figure comes in clear with a podium standee a little card standee that
01:56 has the Joker's name printed across the front of it even if I don't end up using
01:59 it for the blacklight edition of the Joker I like this standee so much I
02:03 might find myself pillaging it and using it for another clown the stand of course
02:07 does hold the card the card itself does have the Joker from the blacklight
02:10 edition which is also from the infinite frontier just love the look of that
02:13 Joker on the back it doesn't give you necessarily a specific read up to the
02:17 character more or less just to tell us this is to pick up authenticity it's out
02:21 of a limited run of 3,000 the one that was provided by Todd's team just happens
02:25 to be zero I'm gonna hold on to this I don't tend to put these actually inside
02:29 my trading card sheets I usually put them back in the box if I'm not planning
02:33 to use them but I do think I might end up using that standee it's too good to
02:36 put away the figure also comes in clear with his knife now this is the same knife
02:40 that we did get from the original infinite frontier joke I'm just gonna
02:42 grab that right now instead of course the traditional colors of what a knife
02:46 would be brown and silvers they treated instead to kind of more pinks and
02:50 greens that colors of the combination of colors actually does match then the kind
02:54 of colors that he's gonna have for a suit although the green isn't as dark
02:57 and vibrant of a green that he actually has on his actual suit I do like the
03:02 look of it though it certainly looks to be like something that the Joker would
03:05 be carrying around with him also looking at it too it does look like it actually
03:08 has the letter J to it I'm sure that's just my own eyes playing tricks on me
03:12 now he does have the means to hold the knife although he only has the means on
03:16 this hand the other hand literally on the other hand colored carries over the
03:20 same molding options as the original Joker in the sense that he has the
03:24 missing now eyeball on the ends of his fingers if those not familiar with the
03:27 infinite frontier Joker he doesn't lose his eye but he don't worry he ends up
03:31 retrieving it you can see the little peeper there in between his fingers
03:34 it's the one thing I do wish that they could have done a gold label edition
03:38 version this Joker just with the regular normal eyes it's just again too good of
03:43 a head sculpt too good of a body sculpt I do wish that they could have maybe
03:46 given us a version of this guy that didn't always have an eyeball in between
03:49 his tiny little piggies speaking of piggies were we speaking of piggies
03:53 bringing back in the original Joker so you guys can see the differences between
03:56 the two obviously this Joker also does possess the little pupil there inside
04:00 his his fingers and again it's an okay look I just wish that we could get
04:05 ourselves a regular version of Joker that has both peepers still in the
04:08 sockets of his eyes or his sockets of his face from a body standpoint they're
04:12 gonna be exactly the same to one another I'll tell you this I'm not super crazy
04:16 on the idea that he has a bright vibrant green suit like this I mean it looks to
04:20 be the color of like a highlighter it's very bright obviously lends the idea
04:24 that a black lights gonna be shining across it I like the more traditional
04:27 colors of the purple myself and even then the traditional colors of the
04:30 purple for this infinite frontier Joker we're kind of more the lighter violets
04:34 if anything I would have said maybe they could have gone instead of green maybe
04:38 go with a really bright pink bright pink still would have lent to the idea of
04:42 this being the clown Prince of Crime I don't know if I would say like green
04:45 works as well for the character it certainly is an eyesore when it comes
04:49 to standing this guy on the show I have probably now three maybe even four
04:53 infinite infinite frontiers the black light edition figures and all of them
04:57 have a very bright vibrancy to them we've looked at Scarecrow we've looked
05:00 at Batman from Xuronar now Joker maybe I only have three of these but I am really
05:05 liking this line I just don't know if I love the coloring of the green that they
05:08 chose with here Joker maybe if it worked for Riddler I think Riddler could have
05:12 done well with a brighter green like this but I when I think of Joker for
05:16 example I tend to think of purples and pinks and I think a bright pink probably
05:20 would have worked really well in fact like the colors that he has for his
05:22 gloves I think would have lent really well to the idea of using this color for
05:26 the majority of his body the head sculpt is still good though I mean everything
05:30 now is basically jacked up when it comes to the colors he is now missing socket
05:33 where his eye once was now as a bright pink he has some brighter pink there
05:37 around the areas of his other eye and a big pink smile going from ear to ear I
05:41 like the coloring though of the additional black that they've added
05:44 that's something that the original Joker didn't have again changing up the
05:48 concept of the colors just a little bit adding a little bit of black does make
05:52 the figure the figures head sculpt look a little bit different than just
05:55 traditionally taking the regular Joker's face love that Joker though I'm sounding
06:00 like the actual 89 film now of course the idea with this one is the idea that
06:03 you're gonna take a black light and gonna shine across this if you don't
06:06 happen to have a black light don't worry being that this is a black light
06:09 edition you get basically this entire contraption setup the setup if I'm just
06:14 gonna move aside the spotlights you basically get yourself a very large
06:17 display stand that has one peg right here that can place the Joker's feet on
06:21 top of and then on the on the sides you have these basically supporting
06:24 struts these struts by the way just gonna detach them right now didn't of
06:30 course involve some assembly when you get this first out of the packaging if
06:33 you don't look at this I didn't want to draw your attention to the fact that on
06:36 the bottoms it says a and over here it says B you get you do actually get
06:41 corresponding matching letters so you know exactly which way they're supposed
06:44 to go if you try to put them in this way you can see that the pegs don't line up
06:48 so you match B to B a to a that's simple kindergarten education right there you
06:53 just plug these in place and now you got again these little metal posts these
06:57 metal posts by the way were something also I added these just pop in place
07:00 these provided holes and then from there you're gonna get these spotlights now
07:04 the spotlights themselves already have the installed required batteries these
07:07 already are installed at the time that you buy this figure so you don't have to
07:10 worry about buying button cell batteries these simply just switch on and off on
07:15 the back there is the switch that right now it's on off we turn it on and not to
07:18 blind anybody in the process you got a fairly low-lit black light that you can
07:23 then shine across the front of the figures body you do the exact same thing
07:26 on the other side as well but these also not only it can be held in hand but the
07:30 whole purpose of them obviously is the fact that you're gonna take these metal
07:33 posts and you just clip these there's a little clip just on the back here these
07:37 clip onto the metal posts there's one and do the exact same on the other side
07:43 plug that in and now you can have the spotlights then shining on the Joker you
07:47 don't have to have them at the height that I have them right now you can
07:50 actually bring them a little bit further down if you want to you can also twist
07:53 them also a little bit too depending on how you really want to have the figure
07:56 displayed being that the spotlights though are facing this way it probably
08:00 would make some sense to have them the Joker facing this way and then when you
08:04 put them on top of that once you just switch these on like I said that will
08:08 illuminate it doesn't illuminate very brightly I will cut the lights in a
08:11 second in the studio so you guys can see what it actually looks like in the dark
08:14 and then of course you're gonna shine it on the other side as well longevity of
08:17 these lights probably isn't gonna be very long button cell batteries work okay
08:21 but you can't have them for long periods of time because the button cells
08:24 eventually start to drain I mean even in reviews I've noticed that button cell
08:27 battery powered things start to fade after a little bit of time I don't know
08:30 if they're really intended to hold the charge for very long obviously I would
08:35 have loved if these could have been plugged in some other means not maybe
08:38 like USB for example because I would also have increased the price of the
08:41 figure but again it's one of those things where you probably aren't gonna
08:44 have this always on on illumination setting it where you're gonna be
08:47 shining on the Joker again what you can also do to just gonna take Joker off his
08:52 display stand just put it off to the side here as well I happen to as well
08:55 also have myself a little black light so the black light I'm gonna shine this
08:59 also across the Joker's face you can see there's a lot more illumination
09:02 happening here that you really would be able to get the chance to see with just
09:05 using these spotlights alone you can see how brightly his eyes glow it actually
09:09 looks like he's come from hell love the way they've used the incorporation of
09:13 the glowing eyes like this I mean look how bright the hair glows for example
09:17 but I mean just look how demonic the Joker's face looks like with one of his
09:21 eye at least and a big smile down below I would love if they had found a way to
09:25 incorporate tiny little ha ha ha somewhere across the figures body so
09:29 when you shun it across you get kind of surprised to see like little like what
09:33 right here for example I thought I was maybe on to something thinking that they
09:36 had put in a little hidden message I don't know if you can see it or not
09:39 there's a that what looks to be a letter E on the side of his lapel I don't I'm
09:44 looking at everywhere else and it doesn't seem to be the case that they've
09:47 put in some sort of hidden messages but I think that would been a fun touch
09:50 especially for Joker he's always hiding clues somewhere for Batman to find the
09:54 idea of actually putting that on the actual figure would have been a really
09:57 nice touch but just again looking at how well that eyes of those eyes illuminate
10:01 obviously we'll cut the lights now and you guys can see what this looks like in
10:04 the dark taking no time at all to cut the lights once again I'm gonna turn on
10:08 my black light here so you can see how bright that shines across the front of
10:11 Joker's face now this can't be pulled off as successfully with those smaller
10:14 little spotlights that come in clear with a figure but if you happen to have
10:17 yourself a black light you can see how much better of a job this does illuminate
10:20 you're probably not gonna be also having this displayed in the darkness but it
10:24 does give you at least the chance to see how bright his face actually glows all
10:27 across the front where those eye sockets would be down below in his mouth and
10:31 again missed opportunity I feel not to have included some sort of hidden
10:34 message there in the front of the figure but still the fact it glows as brightly
10:37 as it does it's a really nice touch on McFarlane's part back now to office
10:42 lights let's get a closer look at the figures articulation if you already have
10:45 the infinite frontier Joker then you know by now what kind of articulation
10:49 this guy does possess the head rotates all the way around on a ball joint it
10:52 does look up this far looks down and moves also back and forth as well the
10:56 shoulders hinge out easily at 90 degrees you're not gonna have any problems
10:59 necessarily there you can take those arms and still rotate them all the way
11:02 around all the way around the figure does have a swivel cut at the bicep
11:06 about three-quarters the way up the figure also possesses a double hinge on
11:09 the elbow hands rotate also all the way around upper torso is on a ball joint
11:14 the legs easily split out on ratcheted joints you can take those legs yes and
11:18 move them forward sure move them back there's also a slight mild swivel at
11:22 the top of the thigh double hinge on the knee is treated to this figure not to
11:25 mention again he has the articulation in the ankles if anything I could say that
11:29 the ankles are a tad bit loose they do rock back and forth sure the figure also
11:33 does have toe articulation which is also always nice to see but it's a shame
11:37 though that the figure already has loose ankles I mean it's not as loose on this
11:40 side but it's definitely loose on this side it's a good-looking Joker it's
11:44 always been a good-looking Joker just gonna put this guy down right now and
11:47 bring back in the original infinite frontier Joker it's one it's still one
11:50 of my go-to favorite figures that McFarlane has done for the clown prince
11:53 of crime unfortunately though still that both the figures carry over the same
11:57 mold problem in the fact that he always has to have the eyeball in his hand a
12:01 swappable head sculpt with both eyes would have been something I definitely
12:04 welcome with a future release and maybe then that figure could also not have an
12:08 eyeball always in between his individual digit fingers the figure does look good
12:12 although I don't know if I like the colors of the jarring green if anything
12:16 I would have maybe gone the colors of the pink that he used for his gloves I
12:19 know usually for infinite frontier well usually for the black light edition
12:23 figures they tend to take the colors that are already there and they just
12:26 jack them up a lot I think of anything maybe the colors of the pink would have
12:30 worked better that he had for his gloves and this baby just carry that across for
12:33 his jacket and his pants and maybe done something a little bit different for his
12:36 vest but instead what they did decide to do is they went to the total extreme by
12:40 giving him a green jacket and green pants I don't know if it works as well
12:44 for Joker but it certainly would stand out on a shelf decided not to use the
12:49 spotlights as we wrap up the review here for the infinite frontier black light
12:52 edition Joker because you don't necessarily need them if space is
12:55 something that you have limitations of and you don't want to have all these
12:57 setups set up with every single black light edition character you can easily
13:01 just have the figure displayed on the shelf I mean there's nothing really to
13:04 tell you that this is just a normal looking Joker I mean the color scheme
13:06 alone will tell you that the clown Prince of Crime is a little off the
13:10 colors could have been easily closer to purple but I guess they did want to jack
13:13 up the colors and make it so far the extreme that it does look like a
13:16 completely different figure this is always still one of my favorite Jokers
13:19 that I have on my shelf still continues to be so even though I like I like the
13:23 colors more being the pink the green still works okay for Joker it's just not
13:27 a color scheme I'm used to seeing with the clown Prince of Crime what do you
13:30 guys think though of the black light edition Joker from the infinite frontier
13:33 is this one that you guys could see yourselves picking up or where do you
13:36 put the infinite frontier Joker design when it comes to DC multiverse figure
13:40 Jokers pretty high on your list pretty low on your list let me know what you
13:43 guys think of this particular mold big thank you once again to the folks over
13:46 McFarland toys that did provide this sample of the infinite frontier Joker
13:49 black light edition which was an entertainment earth exclusive 2023
13:53 limited to only 3,000 pieces if you guys did enjoy this video I want to throw
13:57 it a like if you guys are loving the content you guys are seeing love that
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14:15 thanks for watching see you guys next time
14:20 you
14:23 you
14:25 (logo thuds)
