BMRI Bagikan Dividen Rp33,06 Triliun dari Laba 2023

  • 7 months ago
PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk (BMRI) menyepakati pembagian dividen tunai Rp33,03 triliun atau setara 60% dari laba bersih tahun buku 2023 yang sebesar Rp55,06 triliun.

Adapun nilai dividen tunai tersebut disetujui dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan (RUPST) Bank Mandiri yang digelar pada Kamis (7/3/2024).


00:00 We continue with the information from the voters' election, where PT Bank Mandiri Persero TBK or BMRI will divide the dividend worth Rp33.03 trillion from the total debt in 2023.
00:11 The decision was taken in the Annual Report on March 7, 2024.
00:20 Quoted from the statement of the voters, PT Bank Mandiri Persero TBK or BMRI will divide the dividend worth Rp33.03 trillion from the total debt in 2023.
00:32 There is also a dividend dividend that is divided at 60% of the total debt in 2023 worth Rp55.1 trillion, compared to the previous year, the dividend ratio is divided by the same size.
00:46 In short, the dividend worth Rp17.18 trillion will be divided to the country that holds 60% of the PMRI shares.
00:54 The rest is divided to public shareholders with a size of Rp353.95 per share.
01:01 Since the last four years, BMRI has divided the dividend by out ratio as large as 60% of the debt. Last year, BMRI set the dividend dividend worth Rp24.7 trillion or 60% of the total debt in 2022.
01:18 Investors get a dividend worth Rp529.34 per share, while BMRI previously set the dividend worth Rp55.1 trillion throughout 2023.
01:31 This figure rose 33.7% compared to the same period last year at Rp41.2 trillion.
01:39 The dividend dividend also became the largest in history, the consolidation asset grew 9.12% annually to Rp2.174.2 trillion.
01:51 The realization of the credit distribution grew 16.3% year-on-year to Rp1.398.1 trillion.
01:59 Various sources, IDX Channel
02:07 Today, the share price index is supported by BMRI, which experienced a strong investor, although in a few minutes after the closing, the strength is more towards the limit, as well as the limit of the share price index.
02:19 Let's go straight to the first graph, we will try to see how the intraday movement for BMRI is throughout the day.
02:27 In the first opening session this morning at Rp7,150, the position experienced a strong investor compared to the previous closing position, where BMRI was closed at Rp7,100 per share.
02:41 However, a few minutes after the opening, the strength is more towards the limit, the position of BMRI was able to touch Rp7,100.
02:51 Then at 10 o'clock, it experienced a strong investor again at Rp7,150 and at 11.30 it touched the highest intraday level today at Rp7,175.
03:02 And this level is sustainable throughout the trading period until the opening of the trading session in the second session.
03:08 However, a few minutes after the opening, the strength is more towards the limit, where BMRI moves to Rp7,150, the same position at the moment experiencing a strength of 0.70%.
03:20 Let's move to the next graph, we will try to see how the movement of BMRI shares in the last few months.
03:29 You can also watch the graph on your television screen.
03:32 In August trading, it still moves at the level of Rp5,000, September at Rp6,075.
03:38 This is the price after the stock split was done a few times ago, on October 2 at Rp6,050.
03:44 And the trading in November was under pressure at Rp6,000, precisely at Rp5,900.
03:50 December, back again above Rp6,000, January at Rp6,125.
03:54 Meanwhile, in February and March trading, BMRI has experienced significant strength supported by their good performance release throughout 2023.
04:05 And also the share of the jumbo dividend that was just announced on March 7, 2024.
04:11 Now, how is it from the valuation side of the shareholder? We will try to see from some indicators.
04:16 You can also watch the next graph on your television screen.
04:20 The position of the price-to-earning ratio is around 12.16x, the PSR is at 3.87x, the PBV is at 2.57x, and the PCFR is -9.62x.
04:33 A combination of fundamental, technical, and also from the valuation side, and hopefully it can be one of your references.
04:40 [Music]
