Theatre Production Tax

  • 6 months ago
Theatre Production Tax
00:00 And today I particularly want to recognise the contribution of our creative industries
00:06 and the tourism that comes from orchestras, museums, galleries and theatres.
00:13 In the pandemic we introduced higher 45% and 50% levels of tax relief, which were due to
00:22 end in March 25.
00:24 They have been a lifeline for performing arts across the country.
00:29 Today in recognition of their vital importance to our national life, I can announce I am
00:35 making those tax reliefs permanent at 45% for touring and orchestral productions and
00:41 40% for non-touring productions.
00:44 Lord Lloyd Webber says this will be a once in a generation transformational change that
00:51 will ensure Britain remains the global capital of creativity.
00:56 I suspect the new theatre reliefs may be of particular interest to the shadow Chancellor,
01:05 who seems to fancy her thespian skills when it comes to acting like a Tory.
01:11 The trouble is we all know how her show ends—higher taxes, like every Labour Government in history.
