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Hard Miles Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: HARD MILES tells the uplifting true story of the bicycling team at Rite of Passage's RidgeView Academy, a medium-security correctional school in Colorado. The film follows beleaguered coach Greg Townsend (Matthew Modine) as he rounds up an unlikely crew of incarcerated students for a seemingly impossible bike ride from Denver to the Grand Canyon.

directed by R.J. Daniel Hanna

starring Matthew Modine, Cynthia Kaye McWilliams, Jahking Guillory, Jackson Kelly, Damien Diaz, Zachary T. Robbins, Leslie David Baker, Sean Astin

release date April 19, 2024 (in theaters)
00:00 [AUDIO OUT]
00:08 Your Honor, he has shown real promise.
00:12 I'm begging this court to give him the chance to realize that.
00:15 Our charter's under state review again.
00:18 [YELLING]
00:20 We need a positive story.
00:22 What's the matter with you, huh?
00:24 Urban delinquents rehabilitated by tall trees
00:27 and bright sunlight.
00:29 The donors love that kind of stuff.
00:31 Hoods in the woods.
00:32 It'll look good on Facebook.
00:36 The Grand Canyon, are you kidding me?
00:38 Think in miles, not inches.
00:39 What's it going to clock out at, 750 miles?
00:42 Good guess, 762.
00:44 Each of these things is going to carry you across three states
00:47 to the Grand Canyon.
00:48 Hear me out, I got a plan.
00:49 Why don't we just drive?
00:51 If we drive, I can do that.
00:53 Right now, you are unfamiliar with your bicycle.
00:56 This seat is killing my tank.
00:58 Yeah, it's kind of stabbing my squeak.
01:00 You'll get used to it.
01:01 But by the end of this trip, you will become one with it.
01:05 Here we go.
01:08 Grand Canyon, huh?
01:09 You are going to learn to work together.
01:14 Let's show the state who these kids really are.
01:17 Hey, boys, when we ride together, we say ho.
01:19 Ho!
01:20 Not that steep.
01:25 You got to be kidding.
01:27 Typical cyclist.
01:29 Can't stay in your lane.
01:30 That's a good one.
01:31 Craig, if you take those boys across the desert,
01:34 they're going to fall apart.
01:36 They are going to see who they really are.
01:38 Ho!
01:39 Slow down!
01:40 I can't stop!
01:42 You guys would just listen to me.
01:44 We'll get through this.
01:45 Trust me.
01:45 Who are you, man?
01:46 You think it's easy being us?
01:48 You don't care about me.
01:49 That's not true.
01:50 You're always talking about wanting a crew.
01:54 This is our crew.
01:56 Right here.
01:57 Ho!
01:58 I don't know how you work with those kids every day.
02:09 High tolerance for pain, I guess.
02:11 Does anybody want any butt butter for your squeet?
02:19 You nasty, man.
02:20 No.
02:21 I'm going to lube up.
02:22 OK, let's not use that word.
02:23 Rick, do not get the butt butter.