Concrete Cowboy Movie - Official Trailer - Netflix - Plot synopsis: While spending the summer in North Philadelphia, a troubled teen (Caleb McLaughlin) is caught between a life of crime and his estranged father's (Idris Elba) vibrant urban-cowboy subculture. Inspired by the novel "Ghetto Cowboy" by G. Neri.
directed by Ricky Staub
starring Idris Elba, Caleb McLaughlin, Jharrel Jerome, Byron Bowers, Lorraine Toussaint, Clifford "Method Man" Smith
release date April 2, 2021 (on Netflix)
directed by Ricky Staub
starring Idris Elba, Caleb McLaughlin, Jharrel Jerome, Byron Bowers, Lorraine Toussaint, Clifford "Method Man" Smith
release date April 2, 2021 (on Netflix)
Short film