Top 10 Best Turkish Movies With English Subtitle on YouTube

  • 6 months ago
Top 10 Best Turkish Movies With English Subtitle on YouTube
00:00 Welcome guys, here is an exciting video.
00:05 Global audiences like Turkish dramas and movies due to their exciting and real-life stories.
00:10 But everyone doesn't know and understand the Turkish language.
00:13 I have selected the best Turkish movies that you can watch on YouTube with English subtitles.
00:19 So guys, let's start without wasting any more time.
00:24 Number 10.
00:25 Everything is Love
00:27 Excited and frivolous, bride-to-be Pelin is going to marry the love of her life, Ilker,
00:33 very soon.
00:34 Everything was going good, but suddenly she came to know about her fiancé's infidelity.
00:39 Dumping him immediately, she finds herself deep in debt on top of her already broken
00:45 heart.
00:46 She begins working another job at a local cafe, where she gets to know that witty drummer
00:52 Burak, who at first she doesn't get along with, but with his help Pelin is gradually
00:58 able to open up and begin fixing all of her problems.
01:01 Burak, a young passionate man, helps her and they fall in love, but there is some conditions
01:08 that keep them from being together.
01:12 Number 9.
01:13 My Brother
01:14 It's a continuation of the story of the relationship between two siblings, Ozen and Hakan.
01:20 They are completely different people.
01:23 Although both are musicians who often perform in public, Hakan was always more hidden, did
01:29 not give a single chance to the paparazzi.
01:32 And Ozen, on the other hand, gets over pleasure from glorifying social life.
01:37 Due to the death of their father and his unique last wish, Ozen and Hakan must travel to a
01:43 fairway city to sing together like the old days they used to sing with their father.
01:49 In the way, they help an unfamiliar girl named Zeynep.
01:54 Over the journey, they become friends with each other, but as things were looking back
01:58 to normal for the two brothers, Ozen gets a shocking news.
02:03 His pics are circulating in the media over the course of the journey, and now he is threatened
02:09 by the organizers that if he doesn't turn up for the concerts, they will sue him.
02:15 Number 8.
02:16 Cute and Dangerous
02:17 It is one of the light-hearted Turkish movies about a girl, Zeliz and boy Zaruk, whose destinies
02:24 attach since childhood.
02:26 The boy helps the goons to steal the baby girl for some purpose.
02:30 Later, he falls in love with the same girl.
02:33 The girl has no idea that she is not the real child of her parent family, as the agent of
02:39 the man who has kidnapped her to grab all the wealth of his dead wife.
02:44 Later, the boy helps the girl to be free from that man's clutches and also to meet her to
02:49 real parents.
02:53 Number 7.
02:54 The Hidden Face
02:55 A successful man leads a happy life with his new lover Ace.
03:00 But one day, the ambitious old lover Sarah joins her life again with a job offer that
03:05 she cannot refuse.
03:07 The man who changed his city for his new job by taking his lover Ace with him is soon to
03:13 be destroyed by the disappearance of Ace.
03:16 Ace has left a farewell video behind, but no one can hear from Ace.
03:21 In a short time, the man trying to fill Ace's absence with Sarah finds Ace's print everywhere.
03:27 Sarah also hears voices all over the house.
03:30 The couple will gradually enter a path that is full of fear.
03:36 Number 6.
03:37 Water and Fire
03:39 This is the story of Hazmuth, a man who escaped from the unwritten laws of the East, and Yagmur,
03:45 a naive and innocent girl who is unaware of the bitter realities of life and their romance
03:50 riddled with obstacles.
03:52 Hazmuth and Yagmur, who meet on a flight in London.
03:55 Yagmur is a hairdresser studying English and Hazmuth is on the run from a blood feud.
04:02 The two begin on a bargaining affair marked by the sights and sounds of London.
04:07 It's not long before Hazmuth's family begins a Byzantine plot to separate the lovers so
04:12 that they can hitch him to a bride from the enemy family to end the feud for once and
04:18 all.
04:19 This romance tells the tale of the East and the West, of the Sun and the Moon, of Water
04:24 and Fire.
04:27 Number 5.
04:28 Love Likes Coincidences
04:31 On September morning in 1977 in Ankara, a young man rushes his pregnant wife to the
04:38 hospital for the impending birth.
04:40 He crashes into another car, whose driver is another father-to-be.
04:45 As a result of the accident, the woman in the car they hit gives birth prematurely,
04:51 resulting in both babies being born on the same day at the same hospital.
04:56 That accident becomes the first of many coincidences that will connect the fates of Oskar and
05:01 Denise, whose lives will continue to intersect throughout the lives of their childhood and
05:06 teenage years in Ankara.
05:08 Each time their paths intersect, the course of the intersection greatly transforms both
05:13 Oskar and Denise's lives.
05:15 However, their lives never fully intertwine because whatever it brings them together manages
05:21 to build a wall between them until their next encounter some 25 years on in Istanbul.
05:30 Number 4
05:31 Time of Happiness
05:32 The heroes of Turkish series Time of Happiness are called Ada and Mert.
05:38 Each of them is like a book of different genres and completely original content.
05:43 Mert is strong in spirit, he never looks to the past but only makes plans to the future.
05:50 It is impossible to make him think that hell is the exact opposite.
05:54 She lives in the past and every minute searches for loopholes that would allow the girl not
06:00 to make mistakes.
06:01 Fate decided to bring the two people together, a new stage in the life of both began.
06:07 Ada understands that doors open before her, beyond which thousands of attractive options
06:13 await her continuous prospects.
06:15 She stops being afraid of past mistakes and if she does, then Mert will pick her up and
06:21 not let her lose heart.
06:24 In turn, the guy finally dared to look back and take into account his wrongness from a
06:29 past life.
06:30 We can say that both heroes of the series, Mutalik Zamani stepped on the path to success.
06:39 Number 3
06:40 Only You
06:41 Only You movie tells the story of passionate love between a former boxer and a beautiful
06:46 blind woman.
06:47 Ali is a lonely former boxer with a tragic violent past he would like to forget.
06:53 When he meets Hazel, a beautiful blind woman, he rejects her but he can only resist her
06:59 for so long.
07:00 Hazel's unconditional acceptance of Ali and her cheerful optimism begin to break through
07:06 the wall he has built to protect himself.
07:09 As their relationship develops, it changes and enriches both of their lives.
07:14 But a shocking relevation and subsequent sacrifice will challenge everything they have done.
07:23 Number 2
07:24 Miracle in Cell No. 7
07:26 It's a tragic and yet heartfelt movie that describes the love between a mentally ill
07:30 father who is wrongfully accused of murdering a young girl and his daughter.
07:35 An autistic father, Mehmet lives with his young daughter, Ova, and his grandmother on
07:40 a hillside.
07:41 But his world is turned upside down when he is falsely charged with murdering a girl who
07:47 had died due to an accident.
07:49 Memo saved the leader of the cell and started making other cellmates doubt if he is really
07:55 faking his insanity.
07:57 After hearing what Ova said, they asked the warden to investigate about the murder.
08:02 Days after execution date, warden informed Ova how the old guy helped by the prison's
08:08 captain smuggled Memo two days before his execution.
08:13 Number 1
08:14 Delibel Baris, who is an architecture student and
08:19 makes music a hobby, is a bipolar patient and enjoys enjoying life.
08:23 When he first saw Ifsyn, he had a feeling that he had known never in his life.
08:30 Who is this girl who made him taste love?
08:33 He wants to reach this girl whose name he doesn't even know but whom he falls in love
08:38 with somehow and he reaches.
08:41 Finding Fusyn, reaching his also complete Fusyn who has nothing in her mind other than
08:47 finishing university with a degree and doing a master's in America, also needs to be convinced
08:53 of love.
08:54 Baris, who is handsome, smart and sincere, finally achieves this.
08:59 He makes Fusyn fall in love with him and they got married.
09:03 Everything is like fairy tales.
09:05 Until one day the fairy tale breaks down, Baris is a bipolar patient, the illness drives
09:10 him crazy and he finally commits suicide.
09:13 Thanks for watching our videos.
09:15 Before switching videos, hit the like and subscribe button.
09:18 This really encourages me to upload more interesting Turkish drama stories.
09:22 (upbeat music)
