Youtuber Armaan Malik Wife Payal Malik : यूट्यूबर अरमान मलिक की पहली पत्नी पायल मलिक ने 26 अप्रैल 2023 को सीजेरियन डिलीवरी से जुड़वा बच्चों को जन्म दिया था। जिसके बाद पायल का वजन काफी ज्यादा बढ़ गया था।लेकिन बच्चों के जन्म के 8 महीनों बाद पायल ने काफी वजन कम करके शेप में आ गई थी। अपनी ट्रांसफॉर्मेशन की फोटो पायल ने सोशल मीडिया में भी शेयर की थी। जिसके बाद लोगों ने उनसे इस ट्रांसफॉर्मेशन का सीक्रेट भी पूछा था। लेकिन इन दिनों पायल अपने पतलेपन की वजह से ट्रोलर्स के निशाने पर आ गई हैं।
Youtuber Armaan Malik Wife Payal Malik: Youtuber Armaan Malik's first wife Payal Malik gave birth to twins through cesarean delivery on 26 April 2023. After which Payal's weight had increased a lot.But 8 months after the birth of her children, Payal had lost a lot of weight and got in shape. Payal also shared the photo of her transformation on social media. After which people also asked him the secret of this transformation. But these days Payal has become the target of trolls because of her thinness.
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Youtuber Armaan Malik Wife Payal Malik: Youtuber Armaan Malik's first wife Payal Malik gave birth to twins through cesarean delivery on 26 April 2023. After which Payal's weight had increased a lot.But 8 months after the birth of her children, Payal had lost a lot of weight and got in shape. Payal also shared the photo of her transformation on social media. After which people also asked him the secret of this transformation. But these days Payal has become the target of trolls because of her thinness.
#payalmalikweightlossjourney #payalmalikweightkaisekamkiya #payalmalikweightlosskaisekiya #payalmalikweigtlosskaisekare #payalmalikapnaweightlosskaiseki
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