承认影射安华滥权 旺赛夫撤回言论道歉

  • 6 months ago
八点最热报 | 土团党国会议员旺赛夫,今天赶在副首相阿末扎希提出冻结他议员资格6个月前,主动认错,承认自己影射首相安华,并愿意撤回言论,也谦卑地向国家元首苏丹依布拉欣和安华道歉。(主播:梁宝仪)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:04 The Turkish National Assembly member Wang Saifu
00:09 When the debate on the national leader Shizheng Yu was held on the 28th of last month,
00:12 he quoted Prime Minister Anhua Lanquan and raised the argument of the members of the parliament.
00:17 At that time, Wang Saifu mentioned that a person who asked about Lanquan and corruption
00:20 had to report to the national leader before the meeting every week.
00:26 Although Wang Saifu did not specify who the person was,
00:31 according to the government's convention,
00:34 the prime minister would report to the national leader before the meeting every week
00:39 to report the government's mistakes in the past week.
00:42 Therefore, his remarks were indicated as indirectly quoting Anhua Lanquan.
00:47 Vice Prime Minister Amo Zahi was supposed to raise the argument of the members of the parliament
00:51 to freeze Wang Saifu's six-month membership.
00:57 Once the membership is frozen,
00:59 Wang Saifu will lose the membership bond and all related member benefits within six months.
01:05 After the parliamentary debate,
01:07 the prime minister Zohari gave Wang Saifu a chance to explain.
01:11 He hoped that Wang Saifu could apologize before Amo Zahi raised the argument
01:15 and withdraw the accusation of Anhua Lanquan.
01:18 Let's watch a group of national media.
01:21 The Nationalist Party's MP Wang Saifu dared to ask Vice Prime Minister Amo Zahi
01:26 to freeze his six-month membership,
01:29 admitting that he had misled Anhua Lanquan
01:32 and was willing to withdraw his remarks.
01:34 He also humbly apologized to the national leaders Sudan Ibrahim and Anhua Lanquan.
01:37 I did raise the argument of the members of parliament.
01:41 I withdrew the argument of the members of parliament
01:45 and I am sorry for the statement.
01:49 I also humbly apologize to the Prime Minister
01:52 for the argument of the members of parliament.
01:55 I am sorry for the argument of the members of parliament.
02:01 Amo Zahi withdrew his argument.
02:05 The second chairman Amir Hanjar,
02:07 who was in the parliament today,
02:09 answered the Nationalist Party's MP's additional question.
02:12 He said that the Government has no plans to re-open the GST
02:15 because it is not the right time to re-open the GST.
02:18 It is not the right time to re-open the GST
02:22 especially for those with low incomes
02:24 who are facing a life-threatening challenge.
02:27 The Government will ensure that any measures taken
02:31 will not have a direct impact on the low-income families
02:34 and their welfare will continue to be protected.
02:37 Amir Hanjar said that although the inflation rate in China in 2023
02:41 is 2.5%, the food and beverage inflation rate is close to 5%.
02:46 He believes that the people feel the impact.
02:49 The Government will continue to study and assess
02:51 the need for new taxes and will not impose the tax on the poor.
02:56 This is Amir Zahi.
02:58 For more information, visit www.fema.gov
03:01 FEMA.gov
