Celtics Overpower Warriors in Remarkable Show of Dominance

  • 5 months ago
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:03 - Some Boston Celtics, Golden State Warriors action.
00:06 If we wanna call that action, John, 140 to 88.
00:10 This was over before basically,
00:12 you could even turn your television set on.
00:14 An impressive performance by the Boston Celtics.
00:16 But I gotta tell you, at 48 and 12,
00:19 they don't cease to amaze me every night.
00:20 They are that good.
00:22 - Yeah, Donnie, well, it's great to be here with you
00:25 on a Monday morning.
00:26 Ben Stevens out for commission.
00:28 You know what, the focus group said they needed
00:30 John James and Donnie Wrightside.
00:32 That's what really pumped those numbers.
00:33 So here we are, Donnie.
00:34 But talking about this game with the Celtics
00:36 and the Warriors here, the Celtics put on the gas early,
00:40 as you mentioned in the last segment,
00:41 and a 23 run midway through the game there.
00:44 They really just didn't look back.
00:45 This is the story of the season for them, Donnie.
00:48 Winning, and not just winning in a close game,
00:51 but in dominant fashion every night.
00:53 Now becoming the third, or sorry,
00:55 the first team ever, I should say,
00:57 to win three games in one season by 50 plus points.
01:01 So the Celtics are here, in the regular season at least,
01:05 in dominant fashion.
01:06 And I think, you know, we're gonna see
01:08 if they can hold it together in the postseason.
01:09 And we'll talk about those odds coming up here
01:11 in just a second.
01:12 But this was a good win for the Celtics,
01:14 because, you know, they might have some of those demons
01:16 we thought maybe lingering over from the finals
01:19 a couple years ago.
01:20 But a big win, you know,
01:22 kind of putting the Warriors to bed maybe,
01:23 and saying, "Hey, your dynasty is done.
01:25 "We're here to stay.
01:26 "We're the new big dog in town."
01:28 So I think the Celtics gotta be feeling good
01:30 after that one, Donnie.
01:31 [MUSIC]
