Popular social media influencer Soumya Shetty, also known as Soumya Killampally, has been taken into custody by the authorities in connection with a gold theft case. The incident occurred at flat 102 of Balaji Metro Residency in the Dondaparthy area on February 23. The flat owner, Prasad Babu, lodged a complaint with the police, alleging the theft of 150 tolas of gold ornaments from his residence. Following the complaint, law enforcement initiated an investigation. The forensic team gathered fingerprints from the flat and scrutinised the CCTV footage. As a result of their findings, suspicion arose around eleven individuals, leading to the detention and questioning of three suspects.
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#SoumyaShetty #TeluguActress #SocialMediaStar #GoldTheftCase #Arrested #CrimeNews #PoliceInvestigation #BuddingStar #ActressArrested #CrimeAlert #CelebrityCrime #GoldTheft #LegalTroubles #SocialMediaInfluencer #CrimeUpdate #TeluguCinema #CelebrityNews #LegalIssues #ActressScandal #BreakingNews
00:00 Popular social media influencer Soumya Shetty, also known as Soumya Kilampally, has been
00:09 taken into custody by the authorities in connection with the gold theft case.
00:14 The incident occurred at Flat 102 of Balaji Metro Residency in the Dondaparthi area on
00:20 February 23.
00:22 The flat owner, Prasad Babu, lodged a complaint with the police alleging the theft of 150
00:28 dollars of gold ornaments from his residence.
00:31 Following the complaint, law enforcement initiated an investigation.
00:35 The forensic team gathered fingerprints from the flat and scrutinized the CCTV footage.
00:40 As a result of their findings, suspicion arose around 11 individuals, leading to the detention
00:46 and questioning of three suspects.
00:48 One of those apprehended was Soumya Shetty, a well-known social media influencer recognized
00:53 for her engaging content on platforms like Instagram.
00:57 Soumya garnered significant popularity for her videos and had even ventured into acting,
01:02 appearing in the film Trip and currently working on the set of the movie Shivam.
01:07 It was revealed that Soumya had developed a close bond with Monika, the daughter of
01:11 the flat's owner, Janappala Prasad, over the past eight years.
01:15 During her visits to Monika's residence, Soumya allegedly took advantage of the family's
01:20 trust and repeatedly accessed their bedroom through the adjoining bathroom.
01:25 On several occasions, Soumya allegedly pilfered gold ornaments, amounting to approximately
01:31 one kilogram in total.
01:33 The theft was discovered when Monika's family returned from a wedding to find the gold missing
01:37 from their bedroom.
01:38 Soumya became the prime suspect due to her frequent visits to the bedroom and her knowledge
01:43 of the gold reserves.
01:45 Police investigations revealed that Soumya admitted to her role in the theft and authorities
01:49 managed to recover 74 grams of the stolen gold.
01:53 However, Soumya claimed that she could not return the remaining stolen gold and purportedly
01:58 threatened to harm herself if pressured by law enforcement.
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