Oh no The shark ate my friend's letter A. What should I do? How can I fix it now? I Know! I need a cake! Now I will make a Pool Cake for the Alphabet Lore. The letter A hid the egg inside itself. And in the egg is Barbie. No, I don't want Barbie! I'll make Opila Bird out of it using the Play Dough. Fly, my bird, fly! Crazy DIY For Alphabet Lore and Opila Bird Here! Watch it and Share ItTimestamps:0:00 The Shark Ate the Letter A0:11 Alphabet Lore Cake0:35 DIY Opila Bird/ Play Dough1:25 Opila Bird Repair/ Pop It1:47 Electric Wings2:11 Paper Opila Bird2:39 DIY Opila Lollipop/ Candy Stick3:22 Running Toy3:53 Paper Letter4:29 Alphabet Lore In The Swimming Pool/ Markers#alphabetlore #opilabird