• 19 hours ago
Oh no! It looks like the Sprunki have ended up in Squid Game! 😱 How will they handle all the challenges? But our little friends are ready for anything! πŸ’ͺ Not everyone will make it to the end, but the winner will receive a huge cash prize! πŸ’°πŸŽ‰ Wait… is one of the players pregnant?! 🀰 Aqua, are you okay? How are you planning to give birth right in the middle of Squid Game?! 😡 Watch now to see who will win these intense challenges! πŸ†πŸ”₯

00:00 Pinki On the Beach
00:43 Squid Game Begins
00:53 Red Light, Green Light
01:58 Aqua Is Giving Birth
03:00 Tele Surgery
03:34 Carousel Mingle Challenge
04:51 Platform Challenge
06:00 Dalgona Challenge
07:31 Flip (Dakji) Challenge
08:17 Player Graveyard

#sprunki #squidgame #paper #cardboard #gamebook


00:00:00Poor Pinky! She's all washed up! Literally!
00:00:05She's in good hands with Yonghee! I hope!
00:00:09See? She's even giving you a check-up!
00:00:15Now what do we have here?
00:00:21Our Sprunky friends, old and new!
00:00:24Wow! How many can you fit in here?
00:00:28Telly, Wendy, Brud and Skye!
00:00:33While you're here, let's get you guys ready!
00:00:40That's right! You're just in time for the Squid Game Challenge!
00:00:47Okay, who wants to win the piggy bank?
00:00:50Okay, who wants to win the piggy bank?
00:00:55Well then, let's get the game started!
00:00:59Can you escape Yonghee's gaze?
00:01:05It's target practice, but who's first?
00:01:12Tunner, I'd keep running if I were you!
00:01:16Is he sleeping? Yeah, he's sleeping.
00:01:21Either way, let's get him out of here!
00:01:26Okay everyone, let's go! And watch out for that hole!
00:01:32Poor Durple can't feel his legs! Wait, is he even half-legs?
00:01:39Uh-oh, now what's he up to?
00:01:46Guess this ain't such a safe house!
00:01:51Hurry, you're almost at the finish line!
00:01:55You did it! Now back to the piggy bank!
00:02:01Oh, Aqua! Your Aqua broke! Let's get you to the hospital!
00:02:09Ooh, someone get this girl a warm blanket stat!
00:02:12No time! We gotta clear off all this ice!
00:02:19Hey look, it's baby Telly!
00:02:23And he's not alone!
00:02:28And this one looks just like you!
00:02:35Did you hear that? I think it sounds like triplets!
00:02:39Ooh, can you make out who it is?
00:02:44It's baby Gray! And he's all ready for the squid game!
00:02:52Aw, the proud papa's here to see you!
00:03:00He's so happy, he exploded!
00:03:04Wow, good thing we're already at the hospital!
00:03:09I'm sure he doesn't need all these spare parts!
00:03:18Ooh, I don't think that piece belongs there! Much better!
00:03:23Well, let's put this puzzle back together!
00:03:26All better! Now let's bring the whole family together!
00:03:31Okay, okay, it's time to get back to the squid game!
00:03:36Spinning wheel! Turn, turn, turn!
00:03:45And the number of the day is three!
00:03:49Okay, musical chair rules! Run!
00:03:53Uh-oh, it's nap time, Clucker!
00:03:56Oh, careful! That symbol thing is sticking out!
00:04:00Round and round you go! Where it stops, soon we'll know!
00:04:06It's two! Now run, everyone!
00:04:10What's in here, anyway?
00:04:12Oh, who turned the lights off in here?
00:04:15It's nothing a little flashlight can't help!
00:04:19One of these things is not like the others!
00:04:24Vineria! Skye! Let's get out of here!
00:04:29Good news for Skye, this guy's vegan!
00:04:33Anyone else expecting a Scooby-Doo challenge?
00:04:37Oh, no!
00:04:40Oh, no!
00:04:43Oh, no!
00:04:46Anyone else expecting a Scooby-Doo chase?
00:04:51For our next game, we need teams of two!
00:04:56Pull the lever! We're about to downsize!
00:05:01Hope you guys can hold your breath!
00:05:08Ooh, we should really clear this clog!
00:05:16Speaking of clogs, Bailey looks stuffed up!
00:05:21You know, you should really chew your food!
00:05:26Can you breathe? I mean, you've got gills!
00:05:30These guys, however, are a different story!
00:05:36Yeah, you should really get on out of here!
00:05:41Well, they had to come out somewhere!
00:05:46Remember to wash those tweezers!
00:05:49Sure you don't want to use a plunger?
00:05:56Ah, breathe in all that good air!
00:06:00I'd say you guys earned a little snack break!
00:06:03But this time, we're gonna play with our food!
00:06:09Scratch and see what Dalgona candy you've got!
00:06:13You got the square! Rip along the line!
00:06:20Don't even need scissors or anything!
00:06:26But will it pass inspection? Guard?
00:06:31Well, I guess so!
00:06:33Okay, you're next!
00:06:35Ooh, this one looks like a circle!
00:06:43Once again, take it and rip along the non-dotted line!
00:06:54Will the guard accept this one?
00:06:56Great success!
00:06:58Next up, a triangle!
00:07:00Rather fitting for round three!
00:07:04Scratch that! That's more than three sides!
00:07:08This will really test your ripping skills!
00:07:15Well, two out of three ain't bad!
00:07:18And it could still pass!
00:07:20Oh, no, it did not.
00:07:22Well, it's bedtime!
00:07:30Next up, it's a race over the rainbow!
00:07:33Ooh, is that a pot of gold?
00:07:36No, not quite.
00:07:42Now we roll!
00:07:44Come on, snake eyes!
00:07:46Let's spin them around and see where they land!
00:07:53Uh-oh! That doesn't look good!
00:07:55And neither does that!
00:07:59Maybe Telly here will have better luck!
00:08:02Either way, time to throw down the paper!
00:08:06Yes! You get to go through the exit!
00:08:13Ooh, a graveyard!
00:08:15Wish I'd brought flowers!
00:08:18Okay, how are we getting out of here?
00:08:23Oh, no! Aqua!
00:08:27Maybe she's just sleeping.
00:08:29We should make sure.
00:08:31Don't worry, we just need to put her back together!
00:08:37See? She's as good as new!
00:08:39Let's get out of here!
00:08:44We're in the money! We're in the money!
00:08:47We've got a lot of what it takes to get along!
00:08:52Seems like everyone's having a good time!
00:08:55Oh, no!
00:08:57We've got a lot of what it takes to get along!
00:09:00Seems like everyone's got squid game on the brain these days!
00:09:10And it looks like young he's ready for our first game!
00:09:16Anyone else here feeling flatter than usual?
00:09:19Ooh, piggy bank!
00:09:21Let's grab that dome!
00:09:24Oh, looks like we gotta play games first!
00:09:30First off, let's help the guard clean up.
00:09:35You know, that last one might be tricky.
00:09:40But where'd they end up?
00:09:43Guess a guard's gotta eat!
00:09:46Careful, don't want to upset that stomach!
00:09:53This is a dirty job, but at least the pay's good!
00:10:02Still, we should probably get those players out!
00:10:08Especially before they get digested!
00:10:14I mean, they can only hold their breath so long!
00:10:23Guess it's better to give than to receive,
00:10:26at least for this pig!
00:10:30Looks like young he's ready for round two!
00:10:36She might not have eyes in the back of her head,
00:10:40but those two red ones are more than enough!
00:10:45She's already found her next target!
00:10:49Okay, single file, groups of two people!
00:10:54Uh-oh, young he doesn't look too good!
00:10:58Why don't we see what makes her tick?
00:11:03I wonder if her eyes are giving her trouble!
00:11:07Ooh, a broken wire!
00:11:09And we're out of duct tape!
00:11:11Guess chewing gum's the next best thing!
00:11:14Hook everything back up!
00:11:18Let's see if it works!
00:11:21Make sure her head's screwed on tight!
00:11:24Looks like the games are about to restart!
00:11:28But we're already the winners here!
00:11:37Okay, let's see if she can do it!
00:11:41Okay, next up, a shape game!
00:11:44Uh, we need some assistance?
00:11:48Let's see, you get a square!
00:11:53And you get a circle!
00:11:59Player number three gets a triangle!
00:12:01Seems fitting!
00:12:05So, by process of elimination,
00:12:07So, by process of elimination, you get...
00:12:10Pinky? From Sprunky?
00:12:13How on earth did she get in here?
00:12:17Well, I'm sure we can get her out!
00:12:22Coloring rules! Stay within the lines!
00:12:28Now Pinky is out and about!
00:12:32But now it's time everyone presents their shapes!
00:12:40Everything seems good so far!
00:12:46Now the square! Or is it a rhombus?
00:12:51Uh-oh, looks like it's got a tear!
00:12:54Well, you win some, you lose some!
00:12:57And we always win!
00:13:02Next up, it looks like everybody needs to choose some stairs!
00:13:11Of course, you can never know just where a path could take you!
00:13:20It looks like you've picked the green door!
00:13:23And behind door number one...
00:13:27You lose!
00:13:32Time to get ready for round two!
00:13:36Well, follow that yellow brick road!
00:13:44Today sure is a busy one for young he!
00:13:48Another loser!
00:13:50Well, maybe third time's the charm!
00:13:55At least the stairs match, that's a good sign!
00:14:00Uh-oh, I might have spoken too soon!
00:14:05What you waiting for? Ditch that bomb!
00:14:08Wanna bite?
00:14:13Always knew he'd blow up!
00:14:15Our piggy bank is eating well tonight!
00:14:23Next up is a balloon game!
00:14:25Ooh, I think they're filled with slime!
00:14:30Let's take a look inside!
00:14:37There's something in there!
00:14:39It looks like a little marble!
00:14:41Let's check the others!
00:14:47Come on, we gotta dig deep!
00:14:49Look, a blue marble!
00:14:54How much you wanna bet there's a green one in here?
00:15:00Okay, we've got our marbles all in a row!
00:15:05So now it's time for a little game!
00:15:08Try to help the marble reach the finish line!
00:15:13And you should probably miss those holes!
00:15:17Well, guess it's on to round two!
00:15:21Another hole-in-one?
00:15:23Maybe you should stick to golf!
00:15:26Well, maybe the third time's the charm!
00:15:33Ah-ha, you made it!
00:15:35Show her what she won!
00:15:39Let's hope that piggy's still got room!
00:15:43Okay, everyone, it's time to go home!
00:15:46Let's hope that piggy's still got room!
00:15:49Okay, everybody, get on those blocks!
00:15:54Does the number match the marbles?
00:15:57This guy's safe!
00:16:01This guy's another story!
00:16:05Ah, that's not good.
00:16:07Is he about to be lunch?
00:16:09Spin to find out!
00:16:11We got a three!
00:16:13He's okay... for now.
00:16:17That means you get two steps back!
00:16:20But he's not out of the woods yet!
00:16:24Now that's five steps for young he!
00:16:31Well, either way, at least we get a prize!
00:16:37Careful, it looks like piggy's about to pop!
00:16:41Our next game's taking us over the rainbow!
00:16:44Choose a ball,
00:16:46pop, and, well, hope you don't fall!
00:16:51So yeah, everybody watch your step!
00:16:56Well, so far, this bridge seems safe!
00:17:02Still, we don't want things too easy!
00:17:09But how do we get them back?
00:17:13But how do we get them to the other side?
00:17:17Well, I guess we can always switch bridges!
00:17:25Okay, we gotta make a final choice!
00:17:30Yay! We found the final step!
00:17:36Everybody's safe!
00:17:38Well, everybody who's left, that is.
00:17:41But where's our prize?
00:17:43This time, it comes with a show!
00:17:51Uh-oh, I think we broke the pig!
00:17:56Sometimes, you just gotta love the exchange rate!
00:18:00Look, it's our sprunky friends!
00:18:03Hey, an eye!
00:18:05I wouldn't touch that if I were you!
00:18:12What did I tell you?
00:18:14This is just awful!
00:18:16I mean, I like slime, but not like this!
00:18:22Hold on, Mr. Black has something up his throat!
00:18:27Our sprunky friends are back, just in horror mode!
00:18:35But maybe we should keep an eye on them.
00:18:39Let's see if we can find them again!
00:18:46Oh, Gray doesn't look too happy!
00:18:50Don't worry, Mr. Sun is here to help!
00:18:56But first, we gotta help him!
00:18:59After all, Mr. Sun likes to help things shine!
00:19:04Now let's get you something to eat!
00:19:07Mmm, try some fish!
00:19:09It's brain food!
00:19:14Just don't swallow the bones!
00:19:17You too!
00:19:19Ah, Gray's back to his old ashen face!
00:19:24Unfortunately, what goes in must come out!
00:19:28Yeah, make sure you wash those hands!
00:19:32But first, we should probably clean things up!
00:19:38Come on, let's find your spot!
00:19:41You'd think they'd be color-coded!
00:19:44Hey, there's something in your hair!
00:19:47A bug!
00:19:49Let's put it with the rest of them!
00:19:52Ooh, Venaria, you don't look so happy!
00:19:57I've heard of bug-eyes, but not like this!
00:20:07Some cucumber slices should perk things up!
00:20:11While you rest, let's clean up your hair!
00:20:15I'd say you could use a haircut,
00:20:18but I'm not sure all that stuff is hair!
00:20:22Let's wash it!
00:20:24Soon, it'll be its nice green color again!
00:20:31In fact, you'll be back to your whole verdant self!
00:20:36Speaking of green, Mr. Tree is here too!
00:20:40Of course, he's brought a rainbow's worth of flowers!
00:20:45Let them bloom, and you've got some new accessories!
00:20:51Ooh, let's grab her mini-me!
00:20:57Something must have happened at band practice!
00:21:03Ooh, slime!
00:21:05Probably a bug!
00:21:07Let's put it with the rest of them!
00:21:12Ooh, slime!
00:21:14Probably best to drop this mite!
00:21:18Hold on, I think there's someone in here!
00:21:22Whoever it is, they've got big eyes!
00:21:26We should probably clean them up!
00:21:31Let them have a relaxing soak,
00:21:34and we can clear all this slime!
00:21:39I think we should match silver with silver!
00:21:45Hmm, now things are starting to look familiar!
00:21:49Ah, crafting is busy work!
00:21:52Wait, don't drink that!
00:21:55Return those eyes, and that hat too!
00:22:01It's Clucker, and he's got a surprise for you!
00:22:09Ooh, how did you hurt your face?
00:22:13Cause it sure is killing me!
00:22:18Next, this should relieve some bloating!
00:22:26You swallowed a spider to catch the fly?
00:22:30You know, you don't eat the napkin!
00:22:33Besides, we can use it to wash up!
00:22:38Wow, someone's pretty and pinky!
00:22:44And the mini-me's are here to help!
00:22:51What's under here? A kitty?
00:22:55Look, another eye!
00:22:59And a bow!
00:23:01I think it's time to make some faces!
00:23:06Let's just hope it stays that way!
00:23:13Wow, those scissors sure are sharp!
00:23:17Just what we need for our next game!
00:23:23Hey, it's our old pal Bubba Bubba Fat!
00:23:30Sadness too?
00:23:32Noticing a pattern here?
00:23:35Eh, let's see who's behind curtain number three!
00:23:39It's a little hard to make out! Hold on!
00:23:42I think it's Sky! Or it used to be!
00:23:48Don't worry, we'll fix you right up!
00:23:53Want something to bite down on?
00:23:58Eh, now let's add some aloe vera!
00:24:02You'd be surprised what this stuff can do!
00:24:07We're almost done patching you up!
00:24:12Now you can rest those eyes!
00:24:19Hey, do you smell something?
00:24:24Ooh, someone's in need of a good tongue-scraping!
00:24:29You know, it helps to chew your food!
00:24:34It also helps to stick to food!
00:24:39How do you even taste anything?
00:24:47This is gonna take some advanced scraping!
00:24:52Of course, brushing's important too!
00:24:57Rock that smile, Simon!
00:25:02Hey, who's screaming?
00:25:06It's Tunner, I think!
00:25:11There's a hit-the-nail-by-the-head joke in here somewhere!
00:25:15Now we should probably clean you up!
00:25:20Jeepers creepers, you could use some new peepers!
00:25:29The Scarecrow's not the only one who needs a brain!
00:25:33Forget the wizard, the Minimis are here to help!
00:25:38Seems simple enough, just gotta match the colors!
00:25:49Okay, we're almost done, just a few more matches!
00:25:57Hold on, I don't think that's quite right!
00:26:01Yeah, orange and gold are even better!
00:26:05Yeah, orange and gold are easy to mix up!
00:26:10Don't worry, Garnold, we'll find your match!
00:26:16We did it! And we've got a new brain!
00:26:21Bandage him up! Good thing he wears a hat!
00:26:29Good thing ol' Woxiex has got a hospital gown!
00:26:35He looks like he could use a doctor!
00:26:39At least let's make him a new mouth!
00:26:45Next, let's clear up those dry eyes!
00:26:50Talk about a full-body makeover!
00:26:55Let's see if we can find some donors!
00:26:59That's it? We're gonna need some more!
00:27:06Let's speed things up!
00:27:10Everyone's being so generous!
00:27:14Still, it's starting to become a puzzle, literally!
00:27:20Well, we just gotta take things slow!
00:27:25And look for corner pieces, gotta love corner pieces!
00:27:30Aw, now someone's back to their old limey self!
00:27:38Guess Orin needs our help next!
00:27:46Now, you might feel a slight pinch.
00:27:50But don't worry, next comes nap time!
00:27:54How about we check her brain waves?
00:27:58Ooh, that doesn't look good.
00:28:02We should take a closer look inside!
00:28:07It's not easy getting others to open up!
00:28:12Let's get rid of all this excess gunk!
00:28:18She's getting a full rework!
00:28:23Now let's just patch her up!
00:28:28Next, it's time to collect some vital organs!
00:28:32Video games really prepared us for med school!
00:28:39Quick, while everything's still fresh!
00:28:45Now just put everything in its place!
00:28:50Almost done, just need to close her up!
00:28:55Ooh, she's sounding better already!
00:29:00Okay, wake up, Sleeping Beauty!
00:29:04It's time to join your friends!
00:29:09Come on, minions, it's banana time!
00:29:14Ooh, talk about a banana split!
00:29:19Margot! Edith! Agnes!
00:29:23Who put you in here?
00:29:27Oh, how are we going to get you out of there?
00:29:31We're going to need some keys, and then some!
00:29:35Time to play some games!
00:29:39First up, it's Gru!
00:29:43How are you liking those spicy noodles?
00:29:47Maybe we should check your tongue?
00:29:53Eh, you won't miss those taste buds!
00:29:58Or this pepper?
00:30:02Or fire? Or hot sauce?
00:30:06Mustard? He is truly a wild man!
00:30:10You're feeling better? So how about a tip?
00:30:15Wow, is that a special minion cup?
00:30:21Huh, I don't think that's ice cream!
00:30:27Wait, it's Tiny Gru, just like the one we need!
00:30:31Hold on, it is the Gru we need!
00:30:37Uh-oh, that bridge doesn't look too safe!
00:30:41At least try it one at a time!
00:30:45Oh no! This is awful! What are we going to do?
00:30:49I know, time for some morning stretches!
00:30:55Come on, this guy seems pretty sturdy!
00:31:01Of course, we always could have just moved them.
00:31:05Anyway, it's time to visit the mines!
00:31:09Time to go up the tunnel!
00:31:15Yeah, always keep your head up high!
00:31:19Be careful, all sorts of things are buried around here!
00:31:28Oh, maybe we can put you back together?
00:31:33Here, a banana's the best medicine!
00:31:37Besides, you're better the way you are!
00:31:41In fact, you're just what we need!
00:31:47Ah, it's Gru Jr.'s first flight!
00:31:51Okay, who turned the baby into a cockroach?
00:31:55First, find some way to bring him down.
00:32:00Hmm, nothing beats the direct approach!
00:32:04Let's wash those bugs out of your brain!
00:32:08A brainwash, if you will!
00:32:12Eh, never mind.
00:32:16First, we gotta dig a little deeper.
00:32:20After all, bugs sure like to tunnel!
00:32:24Now let's keep them somewhere safe!
00:32:30And you just can't beat a little soap and water!
00:32:38Take a towel and dry it off.
00:32:42Not too much!
00:32:46Brains are meant to be wet, I think.
00:32:50Aw, our baby boy's feeling a lot better!
00:32:56And now you can join the others!
00:33:00Looks like the fish are fighting!
00:33:04Fighting back!
00:33:08We gotta save him!
00:33:12Oh no, a jellyfish!
00:33:16Be careful about those stingers!
00:33:20They sting!
00:33:24It looks like it's time for a little bubble power!
00:33:28Is it me or does he look like The Thing?
00:33:32More importantly, he's just as tough!
00:33:40Either way, he's just what we're looking for!
00:33:44Ooh, a minion ball pit!
00:33:48But those things are dirty!
00:33:52You could use a run in our washing machine!
00:33:56A rocket! Let's throw it in too!
00:34:00Okay, it's time to go for a spin!
00:34:08Uh-oh, it's that red sock all over again!
00:34:12A rocket's gotta blast off, and away we go!
00:34:16Careful, make a U-turn around Saturn!
00:34:20You should make a pit stop here!
00:34:24This place was practically made for you!
00:34:32Hold on, there's something beneath the surface!
00:34:36A banana!
00:34:40Just what our flag needs! And look, another rocket!
00:34:50But don't worry, you're all the rocket we need!
00:35:02Next up, someone's getting a present!
00:35:06Open it up!
00:35:10Okay, who ordered bugs?
00:35:14You know, something tells me Maxime is behind this!
00:35:18Uh-oh, it looks like this bug's heading for your eye!
00:35:22Don't worry, I'm sure we can get him out!
00:35:30Now you might feel a slight pinch!
00:35:34Oh no, looks like Mr. Roach invited some friends over!
00:35:42Now some eye drops should clear things up!
00:35:46Let's throw in a little eye enhancement!
00:35:52A laser should take care of all these pests!
00:35:56I think we just found the one thing tougher than roaches!
00:36:04Besides, that eye is a good look for you!
00:36:12Ooh, next up, it's a balloon game!
00:36:16I guess that means it's popping time!
00:36:24Keep popping until we see what's underneath!
00:36:28It's another minion!
00:36:32I'm sure he's okay!
00:36:40He's looking a little flat!
00:36:44Time for an x-ray!
00:36:48Okay, so far, everything looks fine!
00:36:52Oh no, you've got a banana stuck in your ribs!
00:36:56Here, take a nap so we can get to work!
00:37:02Next time, remember to chew your banana!
00:37:10It's not that hard, they're really soft!
00:37:16Next, have you heard of muscle relaxers?
00:37:20Well, this stuff kind of does the opposite!
00:37:32Aw, they grow up so fast, don't they?
00:37:36Okay, big guy, it's time to greet the day!
00:37:42Let's show the others your new look!
00:37:46With your powers combined, we've got...
00:37:50a key!
00:37:54Quick, grab it! Oh no, Maxim, he's back!
00:37:58Well, looks like we've got another bug to swat!
00:38:02Keep going! You almost had him! Bullseye!
00:38:06Now that's a lot of slime!
00:38:10Well, we've got our key, let's save the girls!
00:38:20You're free!
00:38:24Looks like there's smiles all around!
00:38:28Time to celebrate! Anyone up for banana splits?
00:38:32Quick, Joy, catch all of the bubbles!
00:38:36Be careful!
00:38:40That's too much! Well, you break it, you buy it!
00:38:44No money? Well then, you get the jar!
00:38:48Either way, I don't think Joy's too happy,
00:38:52and we won't be either unless we save her!
00:38:56A Kinder Joy egg?
00:39:00You think Joy's inside?
00:39:04No, but it might be a clue! A yellow piece of paper.
00:39:08Wait, there's a secret message!
00:39:16We're gonna need anxiety, and Ragatha here's gonna help!
00:39:20Let's start with a little makeover!
00:39:28Soon, you'll be our new anxiety!
00:39:32Now she's got something to show you!
00:39:36Think you should push the button, Riley?
00:39:44The emotions are all mixed up!
00:39:48Puberty will do that, so let's fix them up!
00:39:52It's easy! Match the colors to each road!
00:39:56Of course, some roads take a few turns!
00:40:08Oh, it's another matching game!
00:40:12Try to organize the balls by color!
00:40:16Match them to each emotion!
00:40:20We're almost done!
00:40:24Ooh, we've won a prize!
00:40:28Your prize is…another challenge!
00:40:32We have to save Fear!
00:40:36Looks like we're fighting fire with water!
00:40:40It's just what we need to unlock the fire extinguisher!
00:40:46Now swing yourself to safety, Fear!
00:40:50A shark!
00:40:54We need to fix up that boat!
00:40:58Knew we should have brought anti-shark repellent!
00:41:02Oh, poor Fear!
00:41:06Quick, to the emergency room!
00:41:10Don't worry, folks, we can rebuild him!
00:41:14Now this shot should help wake him up!
00:41:18Good thing, too! He's got our next prize!
00:41:22Transform me?
00:41:26Looks like Kane's getting angry!
00:41:30Looks like we've got to start brick by brick!
00:41:34Now why don't we put on a new face?
00:41:38Ooh, a new wardrobe's in order, too!
00:41:44Let's just see how angry he can get!
00:41:48He's flaming mad!
00:41:52You get another prize!
00:41:56And a new game!
00:42:00Ew, Disgust is really living up to her name!
00:42:04Let's get her back to her usual self!
00:42:08Uh-oh, your face has broken out all over!
00:42:12But it's nothing a little mask can't fix!
00:42:16Now for your makeup!
00:42:20Start with lipstick.
00:42:24And we can't forget your mascara!
00:42:28Time for some eye-roll warm-ups!
00:42:32You know, this place could use a makeover, too!
00:42:36Let's start by taking out the trash.
00:42:44let's clean up all those dust bunnies!
00:42:48And I don't like the look of that fridge slime!
00:42:52Of course, cleaning out the fridge is the best part!
00:42:56Don't tell me you don't like broccoli!
00:43:00Well, that answers that!
00:43:04Now let's clean up all the trash!
00:43:08Maybe she'll like the apple better!
00:43:12But we'll make it more to her liking!
00:43:16Chop to pieces,
00:43:20add to a bowl,
00:43:24and add some sugar.
00:43:28One lump or two, better make it five!
00:43:32Mix it together, we're making pie filling!
00:43:40I guess the crust can't be too far behind!
00:43:44Start by mixing butter with some flour.
00:43:48Take that batter
00:43:52and knead it into shape.
00:43:56Place the filling inside.
00:44:00Now we'll need to cover it up.
00:44:04Now into the oven it goes
00:44:08until it's golden brown!
00:44:12Wow, done already! Here, have a slice!
00:44:16Or better yet, the whole thing!
00:44:20And here's your prize!
00:44:24Oh, hi, embarrassment!
00:44:28How are you? Like I had to ask!
00:44:32A nice spin cycle will cheer you up!
00:44:36Uh-oh, he's stuck!
00:44:40And he's deflated too!
00:44:44It's okay, add to a TP roll and blow it up!
00:44:48And we can draw on a brand new face!
00:44:56Now let's give everyone a good look!
00:45:00Nothing's coming back up! The next prize!
00:45:04Time to help Sadness pick out some new peepers!
00:45:12While we're here, it's time for a checkup!
00:45:16Uh-oh! Well, let's take a closer look inside!
00:45:20Oh wow, Sadness, you've got an egg!
00:45:24Let's keep it comfy while it hatches!
00:45:32And look what's inside, our next prize!
00:45:36Look, it's…
00:45:40An Wii! No, don't get up!
00:45:44There's a bunch of hidden pieces around here!
00:45:48It's like a puzzle!
00:45:52So we'll have to put them back together!
00:45:56You know, I was wondering why An Wii was lying on the floor!
00:46:00Guess it's time for a little couch nap!
00:46:04In the meantime, let's check out this phone!
00:46:08Hey look, it's Pomny!
00:46:12And Hello Kitty!
00:46:16Ooh, A's here too!
00:46:20And last but not least, it's our final prize!
00:46:28We've got them all!
00:46:32So give them a good shake!
00:46:36Now twist the dial to let them all out!
00:46:40We can use them for Joy's new game!
00:46:44Get them all inside and we'll get the key we need!
00:46:52That should take care of the lock!
00:46:56And we'll take care of those chains!
00:47:00Don't worry Joy, you're almost out of there!
00:47:04Yeah, this should put a smile on your face!
00:47:08Both of yours!
00:47:12Uh-oh! Shin Sonic doesn't look too good!
00:47:16I like ribs, but save some for Sonic!
00:47:24Looks like someone needs a new heart!
00:47:28But you're in good hands with Dr. Amy!
00:47:32Besides, we've got just the cure for broken hearts!
00:47:36Our special Shin Sonic Game Book!
00:47:42Let's start by getting things cooking!
00:47:50Well, someone's sure sharing their smile today!
00:47:54A treasure chest!
00:47:58Shame we don't have the key!
00:48:02That's okay, give Sonic a trim!
00:48:06In his mouth! He's got a lot stuck in his teeth!
00:48:10Let's cut it out!
00:48:14I hope it fits! It does!
00:48:18Look at the treasure!
00:48:22It's just what we need!
00:48:26Young he! What big hands you've got!
00:48:30Looks like the squid game's about to start!
00:48:34Come on racers, to your mark!
00:48:38Let's start the countdown! And let's go!
00:48:42Hey, I saw that, Eggman!
00:48:46Get up, Amy!
00:48:50Just remember one important rule! Cheaters never prosper!
00:48:58Well, he's out of the race! It's anyone's game now!
00:49:08Well, I guess sometimes you just have a bad day!
00:49:12Come on, Amy! Here's your big chance!
00:49:16I mean, sure, you already win by default!
00:49:20Amy's such a gem!
00:49:24And speaking of gems...
00:49:28Looks like this time the gem comes to us!
00:49:32Guess I spoke too soon!
00:49:36Hey, where'd it go?
00:49:40Careful, Sonic! It's rock candy!
00:49:44Minus the candy!
00:49:48Well, it looks like we have to play a game to get it!
00:49:52We landed on teeth! Talk about compacted!
00:50:00Now we've got the teeth! Careful, he bites!
00:50:04It's okay, I think he's just hungry!
00:50:08Ramen to the rescue!
00:50:12Wow, it's the kind that comes with a fork!
00:50:16And look, dried vegetables!
00:50:20Wow, now that's classy!
00:50:24Of course, the pièce de résistance, the seasoning!
00:50:28Add water, unless you like it crunchy!
00:50:32Looks so good!
00:50:36Come on, Sonic! Wanna bite?
00:50:40See, now isn't that better than gems?
00:50:50A balloon game!
00:50:54Add a punch to liven things up!
00:50:58Come on now, third time's the charm!
00:51:02Of course, a balloon's gotta pop!
00:51:06Just look at all the fun things inside!
00:51:10And look, there's even a mini-fig!
00:51:14Let's put on a new face!
00:51:18Plus some arms!
00:51:22Your co-workers wouldn't recognize you!
00:51:26Okay then, thanks for all the slime!
00:51:30But let's clean you off!
00:51:34Much better!
00:51:38Guess clean-up comes with a tip!
00:51:42Ooh, Eggman's got eggs!
00:51:46Seems pretty on-brand!
00:51:50Guess Sonic wants to help! Let's get cracking!
00:51:54Slime inside! I wonder what's in here?
00:51:58A new Sonic head!
00:52:02Sure you don't want to try it on?
00:52:06Oh hey, this one's got flaws!
00:52:10And more slime!
00:52:14Aw, Eggman, this one's got your everything!
00:52:18Oh, if it isn't our favorite echidna!
00:52:22Granted, I don't know too many echidnas.
00:52:30We really gotta dig deep for this prize!
00:52:34Talk about a diamond in the rough!
00:52:38You sure it's real? Better test it out!
00:52:42Even better, it's just the gem we need!
00:52:46The Sonic players are putting on a show!
00:52:50It's time to put on makeup!
00:52:54It's time to light the lights!
00:52:58Guess Eggman didn't pass the audition!
00:53:02Wow, an actor's life is not for me!
00:53:06But just watch what a little pressure can do!
00:53:10Ooh, how are we gonna get it out?
00:53:14Sorry, Sonic, you might feel a slight pinch!
00:53:24Let's gather around the table. Uh, plate.
00:53:28Thirsty? We've got delicious, nutritious water!
00:53:32Combine your colors! Reach for the stars!
00:53:36Ooh, let's take some rainbow for ourselves!
00:53:40I think our friend Sponge Amy's feeling parched!
00:53:44See, a little color sure livened her up!
00:53:48And she's not the only sponge around here!
00:53:52Wow, Sonic really pops off the page!
00:53:56Er, sponge!
00:54:00A gem!
00:54:04I think there's something special about this one!
00:54:08Oh, don't you just love a gem?
00:54:12It's time to put on makeup!
00:54:16It's time to put on makeup!
00:54:20Oh, don't you just love being right?
00:54:24With all the gems combined, we've got
00:54:28a heart! And we know who needs this
00:54:32most of all! Probably should put back
00:54:36that ribcage. Now seal him up.
00:54:40I think someone's feeling a lot
00:54:44better. Come on, open your eyes!
00:54:52I think he wants breakfast!
00:54:56Cool, you've got a sprunky meal!
00:55:00But first, why not try some of this special sauce?
00:55:08Let's start with a little drizzle.
00:55:12Ooh, I think things are about to get
00:55:20Hmm, this pop has lost its fizz.
00:55:24Maybe that's because it's blocks!
00:55:28And look who's here!
00:55:32Our sprunky friends!
00:55:36Of course, there's some assembly required.
00:55:40But this meal doesn't look too happy!
00:55:44Well, at least
00:55:48you still get a toy!
00:55:52It's a game book, and we gotta save Pinky!
00:55:56Guess we're not the only ones with sprunky on the menu.
00:56:00But it looks like the customer's full.
00:56:04Well, his loss is our gain, especially with this vacuum.
00:56:14Uh-oh, I think we
00:56:18cleaned the plate too soon!
00:56:22But now it's time to shake things up!
00:56:26Ooh, it looks like a lollipop!
00:56:30And it's the best flavor,
00:56:34all of them!
00:56:38Look, there's even a prize inside!
00:56:42A key!
00:56:46It looks like it's gonna be a great day!
00:56:50Of course, things can always change!
00:56:58Mr. Sun, guess someone has their eye on you!
00:57:02And it looks like he wants to return the favor!
00:57:06But I think we should get things under control!
00:57:10Wonder Woman would be so proud!
00:57:18Besides, Mr. Sun just needs his medicine!
00:57:26Hmm, but you could still use some color.
00:57:30And what's better than a golden glow?
00:57:38Okay, a makeover like that deserves a key!
00:57:46Careful, it's terrible to waste good waste!
00:57:50But this looks like a job for rubber gloves!
00:57:58Hey, there's a familiar face in here!
00:58:02Well, half of one.
00:58:06In fact, a whole bunch of our friends are here!
00:58:14And it looks like we gotta help them find their better half!
00:58:18Just be careful crossing those wires!
00:58:22You know, I think a marker will work just as well!
00:58:26It should be easy, just match by color!
00:58:30Of course, we can still have some fun!
00:58:34After all, all the best roller coasters have loop-de-loops!
00:58:44Okay, we've collected all the faces!
00:58:48Now just add water for a quick soak!
00:58:56This key will take us over the rainbow!
00:59:00Looks like we're gardening!
00:59:04Hope you've got a green thumb!
00:59:08But don't worry, it's okay if you don't!
00:59:12Something tells me a little green's coming our way anyway!
00:59:20Just add some water and give things time to grow!
00:59:24Didn't I tell you?
00:59:28But someone can use a haircut!
00:59:32A gardener knows the importance of pruning!
00:59:36Looking good, Venaria!
00:59:40But you could use a little color!
00:59:44In fact, let's get something to really help perk you up!
00:59:58Wait, hold on a sec!
01:00:02What is this stuff?
01:00:06Nuclear waste?!
01:00:10It's supposed to be fertilizer!
01:00:14Don't worry, I'm sure we can fix things!
01:00:18I'm sure we can find some sort of antidote!
01:00:22Here, this stuff might work!
01:00:26What you need is a quick spritz!
01:00:30You'll be good as new!
01:00:34Besides, green really is your color!
01:00:38Especially when it comes in key form!
01:00:46Now it's time for a little screen time!
01:00:50But first, we're gonna need an adapter!
01:00:54Ratty's got just what we need, I hope!
01:00:58One of these spikes has to be just the thing!
01:01:08Things are always in the last place you look!
01:01:12Time to get plugged in!
01:01:16Oh, hello computer!
01:01:20You have one chance? To do what?
01:01:24Find a key?
01:01:28At least we get a token to help!
01:01:32Hope you've got some cat scratch fever!
01:01:36Okay, it's nice we're finding familiar faces!
01:01:40But remember, we need to find that key!
01:01:48We've found it!
01:01:54And we're out of here!
01:01:58Ooh, it's lunch time! How about some greens?
01:02:02Oh, delicious broccoli!
01:02:06Healthy, and looks like trees!
01:02:10But I guess they're hard to keep down!
01:02:14We hear you, everyone needs variety!
01:02:18So how about we go fishing?
01:02:22Ah, who needs worms?
01:02:26Slime's even stickier!
01:02:30Still, I'm almost
01:02:34tempted to throw some things back!
01:02:38Either way, all we need's a good recipe!
01:02:42They just need
01:02:46some time in our oven!
01:02:50Sushi? That must be some oven!
01:02:54Especially since sushi's served cold
01:02:58and raw!
01:03:02Either way, he likes it!
01:03:06And here's your tip!
01:03:10Next up, we gotta make our own maze!
01:03:14But first, we need to find some supplies!
01:03:20Lots of emphasis on the find part!
01:03:24Ooh, red paint!
01:03:28That's a good start!
01:03:32Looks like we need two more things!
01:03:36A plug!
01:03:40We're almost done! One more thing!
01:03:44Aha! A blank sheet of paper!
01:03:48Their powers combined make a printer!
01:03:52But the mixing
01:03:56fun isn't over yet!
01:04:00Throw things in and get something new!
01:04:04Like this cute toy ambulance!
01:04:08But it still needs something to drive on!
01:04:12Okay then, one road
01:04:16coming up!
01:04:20Place it where the ambulance can reach it!
01:04:24We're gonna need more turns!
01:04:28Of course, a maze needs
01:04:32dead ends! We reached our patient!
01:04:36But we still need something!
01:04:44scissors for all this twine!
01:04:52Oaxis has got our next key!
01:04:56Our sprunky friends look a little washed out!
01:05:00Don't worry, our emotion
01:05:04friends can help!
01:05:08Let's make the world a colorful place!
01:05:12Now who could use a little disgust green?
01:05:16Here's looking at you Oaxis!
01:05:20Next up is Joy's bright sunny yellow!
01:05:24I think this will suit you
01:05:32Feeling blue?
01:05:36Sadness has got you covered!
01:05:40You just know cyan is
01:05:44sky's color!
01:05:48Flip them over to see how they look!
01:05:52Looking good! And so does this key!
01:05:56Ooh, clear! I think we found them all!
01:06:00Don't worry Pinky, we'll get you out of there!
01:06:12it was all worth it just to see that smile again!
