• last year


00:00:00 [music playing]
00:00:02 Hey, Frosty!
00:00:15 Hey, Rudolph!
00:00:27 What a great June day!
00:00:30 Positively balmy!
00:00:32 Only ten below!
00:00:34 Rudolph, can the kids watch your jumping practice?
00:00:37 Sure!
00:00:39 Millie! Jilly!
00:00:42 Okay, Daddy!
00:00:45 Here we come!
00:00:47 Would you light up your nose for us, Uncle Rudolph?
00:00:56 Just once, please!
00:00:58 Okay, just once.
00:01:01 Uh, Rudolph?
00:01:08 What's the matter with your nose?
00:01:10 I... I don't know!
00:01:13 It... It's... It's going out!
00:01:17 [music playing]
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00:02:55 (dramatic music)
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00:03:00 (dramatic music)
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00:03:12 (dramatic music)
00:03:14 (dramatic music)
00:03:27 (dramatic music)
00:03:40 (dramatic music)
00:03:42 - Yes, sir, believe it or not, Rudolph's nose went out.
00:04:01 And all because of something that started
00:04:03 years and years ago.
00:04:05 And I mean years.
00:04:08 Long before I came to the North Pole,
00:04:10 all this territory was ruled over by
00:04:13 a powerful magic king of the North Pole named Winterbolt.
00:04:20 (winter bolt roaring)
00:04:25 And this terrible tyrant's powers
00:04:32 came from a scepter of solid ice.
00:04:36 (winter bolt roaring)
00:04:39 (winter bolt roaring)
00:04:42 And all the good creatures who dared defy his wickedness
00:04:46 were destroyed or driven away from their Northland home.
00:04:51 (Winterbolt laughing)
00:04:52 Old Winterbolt's tyranny lasted for ages.
00:04:56 But one day,
00:04:58 there came a being who was more than his match.
00:05:05 Lady Boreal, the queen of the Northern Lights,
00:05:10 who took on human form in order to defy Winterbolt
00:05:15 and defend the oppressed and innocent.
00:05:18 - King Winterbolt,
00:05:21 for years I have seen your malevolent cruelty.
00:05:25 And now I take human form to command thee,
00:05:28 stop this tyranny at once.
00:05:31 You've caused enough pain and unhappiness.
00:05:34 You don't frighten me.
00:05:37 Be gone.
00:05:37 (winter bolt roaring)
00:05:42 - You've had your chance, cruel monarch of the North.
00:05:46 And now I must silence you.
00:05:49 - Forever?
00:05:50 - Alas, nothing is forever.
00:05:53 But you will fall into a deep, deep sleep.
00:05:57 And so you shall remain so long as my magic burns bright.
00:06:03 (Winterbolt grunting)
00:06:06 - Too powerful for me.
00:06:10 Your force overwhelms me.
00:06:14 - And he fell into a profound sleep of many, many winters.
00:06:22 (Winterbolt snoring)
00:06:30 And eventually, Winterbolt and all his evil were forgotten.
00:06:35 The good and gentle creatures returned to the North.
00:06:40 First, the animals,
00:06:43 and then the little ones, the Kringle elves.
00:06:48 And I suppose it was Lady Boreal's good grace
00:06:54 which led me and my young bride to these Northlands.
00:07:00 The perfect place for me to build my toy factory
00:07:03 and carry out my life's mission,
00:07:07 far away from all who would stop me.
00:07:10 (gentle music)
00:07:12 And the passing years were good to all of us.
00:07:24 But Lady Boreal's monumental efforts
00:07:27 had drained her of most of her magic
00:07:29 and all of her strength.
00:07:32 She knew her days as a human were numbered.
00:07:34 - Alas, nothing is forever,
00:07:41 but in Santa, the Northlands have a kind and true leader.
00:07:47 And I may rest with ease.
00:07:50 - And she became again the magic glow
00:07:55 of the Aurora Borealis.
00:07:59 (roaring)
00:08:01 - I am awake!
00:08:13 I live again!
00:08:15 Winterbolt lives!
00:08:18 I can't wait to see what's been going on
00:08:25 while I've been resting.
00:08:27 (laughing)
00:08:29 Who is this, my magic eye of snowshoes?
00:08:43 He looks to be a king,
00:08:45 but there can be no king of the North save me.
00:08:50 I must rid my Northlands of this ho-ho-hoing creature
00:08:55 and his flock of Christmas interlopers.
00:08:58 (roaring)
00:09:00 But how?
00:09:01 Tell me, oh genie of the ice scepter.
00:09:06 (screaming)
00:09:08 - His power comes from the love he receives
00:09:15 from children all over the world.
00:09:18 - Is he as powerful as me?
00:09:22 - At the moment, far more powerful.
00:09:27 - Then I shall make the world's children
00:09:30 love me instead of him.
00:09:33 Tell me, how does he please these children?
00:09:38 - Each Christmas Eve, he sets forth in his sleigh
00:09:43 and leaves every child a toy before dawn.
00:09:50 (laughing)
00:09:51 - Is that all?
00:09:53 Genie, tell me how I might stop him from going forth.
00:09:56 - Next Christmas Eve,
00:10:00 half the snow dragons create a storm of ice and fog
00:10:06 the likes of which the North has never seen.
00:10:10 Santa will become hopelessly lost
00:10:19 and the toys will never be delivered.
00:10:24 - Bravo, excellent.
00:10:27 Then I shall set forth with my own supply of toys
00:10:31 in my own sleigh.
00:10:33 Why, I could be greater than Santa.
00:10:40 I'd give the little brats twice as many toys
00:10:44 and they would love me more.
00:10:48 They'd become lazy and dependent on me
00:10:52 and I would rule them all.
00:10:54 And when they grew up,
00:10:56 why, the whole world would be my own personal snowball.
00:11:01 - How little Winterbolt knows
00:11:06 of the ways of Santa and children.
00:11:09 There's more than just giving toys.
00:11:12 There is kindness and the loving warmth
00:11:17 of a family on Christmas morn.
00:11:19 These things cannot die.
00:11:22 I will not let them.
00:11:26 But I am so old and weak.
00:11:32 Ice and fog on Christmas Eve to hinder Santa's sleigh.
00:11:38 I must leave him something.
00:11:42 Small, I fear, to guide him on his way.
00:11:47 - And a little later that day,
00:11:57 tiny reindeer was born.
00:12:01 - Have no fear, my little one.
00:12:06 Soon your father will be home.
00:12:07 And I must rest for the moment.
00:12:11 (gentle music)
00:12:14 - Little one, I have so little magic left to leave thee.
00:12:23 Use it wisely and well.
00:12:26 On this small wolf, a magic mark I make.
00:12:32 The Christmas star cradled by a snowflake.
00:12:39 And with this secret mark,
00:12:42 the magic of the Northern Lights lives in thee.
00:12:45 How, you ask?
00:12:48 Think good thoughts and you will see.
00:12:53 Will the magic last forever, you wonder?
00:12:59 Nothing is forever, as I have often said.
00:13:04 But this magic is strong.
00:13:08 And your nose will glow so long as you use it for good.
00:13:13 If you are tempted even once to use it for an evil purpose,
00:13:18 it will be extinguished forever.
00:13:21 Do you understand?
00:13:24 - Uh-huh.
00:13:25 - And will you never use it for evil?
00:13:28 - Uh-uh.
00:13:30 - And now I leave you, little babe, to your mother's love.
00:13:38 Use your secret magic well.
00:13:41 (dramatic music)
00:13:44 - Oh, what was that?
00:13:49 Was someone here?
00:13:50 - Mm-hmm.
00:13:50 Mm-mm, mm-hmm.
00:13:53 - Can't you make up your mind, my little one?
00:13:57 - Hey, where's my boy?
00:14:00 (hooves clopping)
00:14:01 - Here, my darling.
00:14:02 - Flew 300 miles in only 15 leaps
00:14:06 when I heard the news and...
00:14:08 (laughs)
00:14:10 Will you just look at him.
00:14:12 (laughs)
00:14:13 My little buck.
00:14:14 We'll name him Rudolph.
00:14:18 (upbeat music)
00:14:21 ♪ Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer ♪
00:14:25 ♪ Had a very shiny nose ♪
00:14:28 ♪ And if you ever saw it ♪
00:14:32 ♪ You would even say it glows ♪
00:14:35 ♪ All of the other reindeer ♪
00:14:38 ♪ Used to laugh and call him names ♪
00:14:42 ♪ They never let poor Rudolph ♪
00:14:45 ♪ Join in any reindeer games ♪
00:14:49 ♪ Then one foggy Christmas Eve ♪
00:14:52 ♪ Santa came to say ♪
00:14:55 ♪ Rudolph with your nose so bright ♪
00:14:59 ♪ Won't you guide my sleigh tonight ♪
00:15:02 ♪ Then all the reindeer loved him ♪
00:15:05 ♪ As they shouted out with glee ♪
00:15:09 ♪ Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer ♪
00:15:12 ♪ You'll go down in history ♪
00:15:16 (gentle music)
00:15:28 (wind whistling)
00:15:31 - Oh, I of snow, what's this you show?
00:15:37 A red-nosed reindeer?
00:15:40 So that's how Santa defeated my snow dragons.
00:15:44 (laughs)
00:15:46 It will be a different story next Christmas Eve.
00:15:49 A red-nosed reindeer is no match for King Winterbolt.
00:15:54 (thunder booms)
00:15:58 - Hey, it's really going up.
00:16:03 - What's happening, Uncle Rudolph?
00:16:06 What's wrong with your nose?
00:16:08 - Dimmer, darker, darker, dimmer.
00:16:15 Rudolph's magic shall not glimmer.
00:16:19 Dark and dim, dim and dark.
00:16:24 No extinguished magic spark.
00:16:29 (thunder booms)
00:16:32 - Rudolph.
00:16:36 - It's all over, Frosty.
00:16:40 My nose is going.
00:16:45 I feel awful.
00:16:47 - Oh, Rudolph, your nose just can't go out.
00:16:54 Santa depends on it.
00:16:56 - Yeah, but--
00:16:58 - There's little kids all over the world
00:17:00 who'd never get any Christmas presents
00:17:02 if you didn't light the way.
00:17:04 - You're right, Frosty.
00:17:07 I can't lose my nose unless, unless--
00:17:12 - What are you trying to say?
00:17:14 - Can't remember exactly.
00:17:17 Something a pretty lady once whispered to me.
00:17:22 I, I don't know, but my nose just can't go out.
00:17:27 Don't worry.
00:17:29 (Rudolph grunting)
00:17:33 (children cheering)
00:17:38 - I'm okay now.
00:17:39 - Good old Uncle Rudolph.
00:17:43 - It's impossible that his power is greater than mine.
00:17:47 There must be a reason.
00:17:51 He has the wonder of the Aurora Borealis within him,
00:17:56 a power far greater than thine.
00:18:00 So long as he uses the nose for good,
00:18:06 it can never go out.
00:18:08 - Then I shall see that he uses it for evil.
00:18:14 - Not in these northern lands, oh, master.
00:18:19 The memory of Lady Borealis still glows here
00:18:24 and protects him.
00:18:26 - He must be made to leave the North Pole.
00:18:30 - He sets forth but once a year, Christmas Eve.
00:18:35 - I cannot wait.
00:18:38 There must be a way to make him leave now.
00:18:41 Help me, oh genie of the ice scepter.
00:18:44 Look into thy magic eye of snow.
00:18:48 There you will find the answer.
00:18:52 What's this?
00:19:02 A balloon?
00:19:03 How can a hot air balloon help me lure Rudolph away?
00:19:10 Hmm.
00:19:12 (laughing)
00:19:15 I wonder.
00:19:17 (dramatic music)
00:19:23 - Rudolph!
00:19:24 Hey, Rudolph!
00:19:25 - Hey, it's Milton.
00:19:28 - Who?
00:19:29 - The flying ice cream man.
00:19:31 He keeps his stock up here where it won't melt.
00:19:37 And this time every year, he picks up a big load
00:19:39 to take down to the seashore for the 4th of July weekend.
00:19:43 Wait till you meet him.
00:19:45 A million laughs.
00:19:47 Come on.
00:19:48 Frosty, Millie, Chilly, dinner's ready, sweethearts.
00:19:55 - Sorry, Crystal, I gotta meet somebody.
00:19:59 Rudolph says he's a million laughs.
00:20:02 - But I've got dinner on the table.
00:20:04 It'll get all warm.
00:20:06 - You can always cool it up in the ice stove.
00:20:10 Come on, a million laughs.
00:20:12 - Come on, come on.
00:20:14 - How you doing, Milton?
00:20:17 - Awful.
00:20:18 - What's wrong, Milton?
00:20:23 - I'm in love.
00:20:25 - With who?
00:20:26 You're in love with the whole circus?
00:20:33 I'd call a guy like that fickle.
00:20:35 - No.
00:20:36 Just with her.
00:20:39 Lainie Lorraine.
00:20:43 Her mother owns the circus.
00:20:48 We were gonna be married right on the high wire.
00:20:53 Hired a preacher and a net and everything.
00:20:58 - Well, what happened?
00:21:00 - Oh, the circus is going broke.
00:21:03 And another showman, a crook named Sam Spangles
00:21:08 is ready to pay off the back taxes
00:21:11 and take over the show.
00:21:13 Okay, tighten up over here.
00:21:29 So you see, Lainie can't even think about romance.
00:21:34 And if her mom's show doesn't get a big audience on the 4th,
00:21:39 it'll be sold to Sam Spangles on July 6th.
00:21:42 Lainie will have to go on the road
00:21:45 and we'll never get together.
00:21:48 - Oh, what luck.
00:21:53 Thank you, eye of snow.
00:21:56 - Rudolph will never suspect a thing.
00:21:59 First, however, I shall put a little idea
00:22:06 into Milton's empty head.
00:22:09 (whispering)
00:22:12 I don't know what to do.
00:22:24 (whispering)
00:22:26 - Hey, I just got a great idea.
00:22:31 There's only one guy who could draw the kind of crowds
00:22:35 the circus by the sea needs.
00:22:37 And that's you, Rudolph.
00:22:41 - Me?
00:22:42 - Why, the kids would just pack their tent
00:22:44 to see you and your nose in person.
00:22:46 - Oh, wow, Uncle Rudolph in the circus?
00:22:50 - Hey, wait a minute.
00:22:52 Rudolph, you just gotta go.
00:22:55 - Well, if you say so, pal.
00:22:58 Okay.
00:23:00 - It would be wonderful if we could go with him, Frosty.
00:23:06 I sure would like the twins to see a real circus.
00:23:10 - Wow, if you'd appear too, Frosty,
00:23:13 we'd have to get a bigger tent.
00:23:15 - Aw, Daddy, can we, please?
00:23:19 We'd be good.
00:23:20 - No way, the seashore on the 4th of July?
00:23:25 We'd be real misfits.
00:23:27 We'd melt in 10 seconds flat.
00:23:30 - Aw.
00:23:30 - Being snow people has its drawbacks.
00:23:35 Sometimes I feel like a real misfit.
00:23:38 - Aw, Frosty, I just forgot for a minute.
00:23:42 I'm sorry.
00:23:43 Why, I wouldn't have us any other way.
00:23:50 ♪ You are everything I've always wanted ♪
00:23:53 ♪ You are everything I've always wanted ♪
00:23:57 ♪ And I'll never let you go ♪
00:24:01 ♪ I will take deserted byways ♪
00:24:04 ♪ Dusty roads or cement highways ♪
00:24:07 ♪ Follow you through rain or sleet or snow ♪
00:24:12 ♪ In my wildest dreams ♪
00:24:14 ♪ I never dreamed I'd find somebody ♪
00:24:17 ♪ Much more than I could ever show ♪
00:24:22 ♪ You are everything I've always wanted ♪
00:24:25 ♪ More than anything ♪
00:24:27 ♪ And if there's any doubt ♪
00:24:29 ♪ Well, now you know ♪
00:24:32 ♪ You are everything I've always wanted ♪
00:24:47 ♪ More than anything ♪
00:24:48 ♪ And if there's any doubt ♪
00:24:50 ♪ Well, now you know ♪
00:24:54 ♪ If there's any doubt ♪
00:24:55 ♪ Well, now you know ♪
00:24:58 - That melting business is a nuisance,
00:25:03 but it doesn't make you all misfits, Frosty.
00:25:06 Take it from another misfit.
00:25:10 If only there was some way to make you unmeltable.
00:25:16 (whooshing)
00:25:18 - Wow, like a fairy godfather.
00:25:24 - Oh, just say I'm an old, old magical friend
00:25:29 who wishes to help.
00:25:32 Children should see a circus at least once in their lives,
00:25:39 so I will help.
00:25:41 (laughing)
00:25:45 - But what can you do, sir,
00:25:47 to stop Frosty and his family from melting?
00:25:50 - Observe.
00:25:51 Magic amulets.
00:25:55 If Frosty, Crystal, Millie, and Chilly
00:25:58 wear them about their necks, they cannot melt.
00:26:02 Even though the temperature be hot enough to melt steel,
00:26:06 still they will remain cool and icy.
00:26:11 - Wow, our troubles are over forever.
00:26:14 - No, not forever.
00:26:18 See, on each is a design.
00:26:22 The letter F four times entwined.
00:26:24 - Yeah, F, F, F, F.
00:26:30 What's that stand for?
00:26:32 - That means the amulet's magic only lasts
00:26:35 until the final firework fades on the fourth.
00:26:41 You must return here before the fireworks finish
00:26:45 or you will melt in the heat of a summer eve.
00:26:49 - But until then?
00:26:51 - Why, you will be safe.
00:26:54 - Wow, the circus.
00:26:57 - Wow.
00:27:06 - He certainly does blow in and blow out.
00:27:08 (laughing)
00:27:11 - Well, I'm delighted you're all going for a summer holiday
00:27:16 but I never heard of any icy fairy godfather.
00:27:21 - You should have seen him, sir.
00:27:24 - I wish I had.
00:27:26 Who could he be?
00:27:29 Well, I guess I'm just being overcautious.
00:27:37 You all go and have a wonderful time.
00:27:41 (cheering)
00:27:44 Just one thing.
00:27:46 - What's wrong, Frosty?
00:27:48 - It's too bad the kids have to miss
00:27:49 the fourth of July fireworks
00:27:51 but half a vacation's better than none, I guess.
00:27:55 - No, you're right.
00:27:58 Children should see fireworks.
00:28:01 Let me think.
00:28:05 And now to entwine them just a bit more
00:28:09 into a morass from which they will never escape.
00:28:12 (laughing)
00:28:15 (whispering)
00:28:19 - Say, I just got a wonderful idea.
00:28:28 Mama and I will fly my sleigh down for the fourth.
00:28:32 We'll pick up Frosty and family
00:28:34 just before the fireworks finish
00:28:36 and whisk 'em back up to the North Pole
00:28:40 by the time the last one fades.
00:28:43 - Wonderful.
00:28:44 - What a neat idea.
00:28:46 - I can't believe it.
00:28:48 Rudolph, Frosty, and now Santa.
00:28:53 Why, this really will be the greatest show
00:28:56 in the universe.
00:28:59 (laughing)
00:29:01 - It will.
00:29:02 ♪ Everything I've always wanted ♪
00:29:07 ♪ You are everything I've always wanted ♪
00:29:11 ♪ And I'll never let you go ♪
00:29:16 ♪ I will take deserted byways ♪
00:29:19 ♪ Dusty roads or cement highways ♪
00:29:22 ♪ Follow you through rain or sleet or snow ♪
00:29:27 ♪ In my wildest dreams I never dreamed ♪
00:29:31 ♪ I'd find somebody I would love much more ♪
00:29:34 ♪ Than I could ever show ♪
00:29:37 - See you in a few days.
00:29:39 ♪ You are everything I've always wanted ♪
00:29:42 ♪ More than anything ♪
00:29:44 ♪ And if there's any doubt ♪
00:29:47 ♪ Well, now you know ♪
00:29:50 - Oh, Frosty, it's lovely.
00:29:58 - Oh, look over there.
00:30:01 - It's the circus.
00:30:03 - Yup, they're starting to set up their tents.
00:30:06 - Come on, you guys, let's get this tent up.
00:30:12 - Oh, Mama, look, it's Milton.
00:30:15 - Yay!
00:30:15 - Hi, Lainie.
00:30:18 - Hi, Miss Lorraine.
00:30:20 - Oh, Mama, isn't he wonderful?
00:30:22 He's the greatest ice cream man in the world.
00:30:25 - Oh, forget him, honey.
00:30:27 There's one thing life's taught me.
00:30:29 You can't live on banana splits.
00:30:31 (upbeat music)
00:30:34 - Lainie, look who I've got for the show.
00:30:40 Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and Frosty the Snowman.
00:30:45 - In person?
00:30:46 - Well, I'll be, yahoo!
00:30:51 - Oh, Mama, we'll be a hit.
00:30:55 - What do you think of Milton now?
00:30:57 - Maybe I was wrong.
00:30:58 Milton's like the butter pecan he sells.
00:31:01 A little nuts, but mighty yummy.
00:31:04 Wahoo!
00:31:05 (gunshot)
00:31:07 - Oh, Milton.
00:31:09 - Oh, Lainie, now everything will turn out all right.
00:31:16 - Rudolph and Frosty?
00:31:18 I can't believe it.
00:31:19 - And Santa Claus, too.
00:31:21 - Santa, too?
00:31:23 What an idea for a closing act.
00:31:25 (gunshot)
00:31:26 - Ten more tickets!
00:31:28 - Why, it's just like Christmas is coming early this year.
00:31:31 Oh, Milton, everything is just perfect now.
00:31:35 - Now we got something to work for.
00:31:40 Come on with that tent.
00:31:42 Eve, ho, ho, ho!
00:31:44 Eve, ho, ho, ho!
00:31:47 - What's with the ho, ho, ho?
00:31:48 - Well, it is Christmas, isn't it?
00:31:52 ♪ Christmas in July seems early ♪
00:31:57 ♪ For a holly holiday ♪
00:32:05 ♪ In this world of holly bolly ♪
00:32:12 ♪ We need it every day ♪
00:32:20 ♪ Remember you should have the Christmas spirit ♪
00:32:25 ♪ Only for the holly year through ♪
00:32:34 ♪ Every day is just like Christmas ♪
00:32:41 ♪ As long as I'm with you ♪
00:32:47 ♪ With you ♪
00:32:50 - And I suppose they believe
00:33:06 everyone will live happily ever after.
00:33:10 Never!
00:33:15 - And now for the snow dragon.
00:33:18 Make yourselves ready, my pretties.
00:33:22 Build fury in your hearts.
00:33:33 Soon I will have a very special job for you.
00:33:36 (laughing)
00:33:45 - What is thy will, oh master?
00:33:49 - Genie of the ice scepter,
00:33:51 find me a reindeer as mean as Rudolph is kind,
00:33:55 as cunning as Rudolph is guileless,
00:33:59 as selfish as Rudolph is giving.
00:34:03 A corrupt, cunning knave of a creature
00:34:07 with ambition to equal my own.
00:34:11 - But why, oh master?
00:34:15 - All part of my plan, good Genie.
00:34:19 All part of my plan.
00:34:22 Find me such a reindeer.
00:34:26 Beyond the forest of the burned Christmas trees
00:34:31 and the hill of the broken baubles,
00:34:35 there you will find the caves of lost rejections.
00:34:42 Ask the keeper for...
00:34:44 (roaring)
00:34:47 - He's in cave number 13.
00:34:55 - I wish to see him.
00:34:57 - You ain't the only one.
00:34:59 I've been trying to throw him out all week,
00:35:01 behind in his rent he is.
00:35:03 But he's mean, and I don't fancy risking my neck.
00:35:08 - 13, you say?
00:35:11 That's right this way.
00:35:12 (laughing)
00:35:14 - Scratcher?
00:35:23 - What you want?
00:35:26 - Come forth.
00:35:27 - (laughing) Me.
00:35:30 - Very well.
00:35:31 (roaring)
00:35:34 - Hey, what's happening?
00:35:39 (roaring)
00:35:41 All right, all right for crying out loud.
00:35:49 I'll pay the rent.
00:35:51 - I don't want the rent.
00:35:55 I want Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer,
00:35:58 and you will help me.
00:36:01 - Rudolph?
00:36:02 Don't mention that name.
00:36:06 I was all set to be one of Santa's reindeer
00:36:08 when he came along.
00:36:10 - Indeed, Santa fired you to make room for Rudolph.
00:36:15 - Well, I also stole some toys
00:36:19 and ate a whole new batch of candy canes.
00:36:22 - Candy, excellent.
00:36:24 (laughing)
00:36:25 - It was all downhill from there
00:36:27 till I finally ended up in this joint.
00:36:30 - Good.
00:36:32 How would you like to work for me?
00:36:35 - Doing what?
00:36:36 - Destroying Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer.
00:36:41 - Sounds like a good job to me.
00:36:44 What do I gotta do?
00:36:45 - Oh, nothing much.
00:36:47 Spend a few luxurious days at the seashore.
00:36:51 Get to know Rudolph.
00:36:53 Lead him astray, as it were.
00:36:57 - Gee, it sounds like a pretty good idea.
00:37:00 (laughing)
00:37:02 (train horn blaring)
00:37:03 - Now, go at once and find a man named Sam Spangroose.
00:37:08 And then...
00:37:10 - Well, Miss Lorraine, we're finally ready to open.
00:37:18 - We worked night and day, kid, but we made it.
00:37:21 - Boy, running a circus is no easy job.
00:37:24 - Well, I tell ya, Blinky, it's got its ups and its downs.
00:37:29 Life with a circus is like life with a guy.
00:37:33 Sometimes you're low and sometimes you're high.
00:37:37 (upbeat music)
00:37:38 ♪ Chicken today and feathers tomorrow ♪
00:37:42 ♪ One day is good and the next day there's sorrow ♪
00:37:47 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:37:49 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:37:54 ♪ Chicken today and feathers tomorrow ♪
00:37:59 ♪ One day I lend and the next day I borrow ♪
00:38:03 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:38:05 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:38:10 ♪ I'm like a river rolling along ♪
00:38:15 ♪ A carefree river singing a song ♪
00:38:19 ♪ And where my heart is ♪
00:38:22 ♪ That is where I belong ♪
00:38:27 ♪ Chicken today and feathers tomorrow ♪
00:38:31 ♪ Life is that way ♪
00:38:33 ♪ There's some joy and some sorrow ♪
00:38:35 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:38:37 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:38:42 ♪ I'm like a river rolling along ♪
00:38:47 ♪ A carefree river singing a song ♪
00:38:51 ♪ And where my heart is ♪
00:38:53 ♪ That is where I belong ♪
00:38:58 ♪ Chicken today and feathers tomorrow ♪
00:39:03 ♪ Life is that way ♪
00:39:05 ♪ There's some joy and some sorrow ♪
00:39:07 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:39:09 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:39:14 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:39:17 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:39:20 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:39:23 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:39:27 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:39:30 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:39:33 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:39:36 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:39:39 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:39:42 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:39:45 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:39:48 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:39:53 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:39:57 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:40:00 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:40:03 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:40:06 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:40:09 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:40:12 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:40:15 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:40:18 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:40:21 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:40:24 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:40:27 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:40:30 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:40:33 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:40:36 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:40:39 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:40:42 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:40:45 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:40:48 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:40:51 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:40:54 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:40:57 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:41:00 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:41:03 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:41:06 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:41:09 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:41:12 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:41:15 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:41:18 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:41:21 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:41:24 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:41:27 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:41:30 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:41:33 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:41:36 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:41:39 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:41:42 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:41:45 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:41:48 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:41:51 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:41:54 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:41:57 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:42:00 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:42:03 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:42:06 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:42:09 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:42:12 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:42:15 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:42:18 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:42:21 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:42:24 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:42:27 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:42:30 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:42:33 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:42:36 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:42:39 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:42:42 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:42:45 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:42:48 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:42:51 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:42:54 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:42:57 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:43:00 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:43:03 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:43:06 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:43:09 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:43:12 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:43:15 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:43:18 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:43:21 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:43:24 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:43:27 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:43:30 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:43:33 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:43:36 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:43:39 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:43:42 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:43:45 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:43:48 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:43:51 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:43:54 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:43:57 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:44:00 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:44:03 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:44:06 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:44:09 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:44:12 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:44:15 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:44:18 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:44:21 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:44:24 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:44:27 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:44:30 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:44:33 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:44:36 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:44:39 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:44:42 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:44:45 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:44:48 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:44:51 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:44:54 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:44:57 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:45:00 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:45:03 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:45:06 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:45:09 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:45:12 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:45:15 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:45:18 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:45:21 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:45:24 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:45:27 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:45:30 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:45:33 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:45:36 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:45:39 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:45:42 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:45:45 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:45:48 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:45:51 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:45:54 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:45:57 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:46:00 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:46:03 ♪ I don't care what ♪
00:46:06 ♪ Long as I got my guy ♪
00:46:09 ♪ Look at you ♪
00:46:12 ♪ Rain or shine ♪
00:46:17 ♪ All before your eyes ♪
00:46:27 ♪ Rain or shine ♪
00:46:30 ♪ All before your eyes ♪
00:46:34 ♪ Rain or shine ♪
00:46:37 ♪ All before your eyes ♪
00:46:40 ♪ Rain or shine ♪
00:46:43 ♪ All before your eyes ♪
00:46:46 ♪ Rain or shine ♪
00:46:49 ♪ All before your eyes ♪
00:46:52 ♪ Rain or shine ♪
00:46:55 ♪ All before your eyes ♪
00:46:58 ♪ Rain or shine ♪
00:47:01 ♪ All before your eyes ♪
00:47:04 ♪ Rain or shine ♪
00:47:07 ♪ All before your eyes ♪
00:47:10 ♪ Rain or shine ♪
00:47:13 ♪ All before your eyes ♪
00:47:16 ♪ Rain or shine ♪
00:47:19 ♪ All before your eyes ♪
00:47:22 ♪ Rain or shine ♪
00:47:25 ♪ All before your eyes ♪
00:47:28 ♪ Rain or shine ♪
00:47:31 ♪ All before your eyes ♪
00:47:34 ♪ Rain or shine ♪
00:47:37 ♪ All before your eyes ♪
00:47:40 ♪ Rain or shine ♪
00:47:43 ♪ All before your eyes ♪
00:47:46 ♪ Rain or shine ♪
00:47:49 ♪ Don't let the parade pass you by ♪
00:48:05 ♪ With the times a-changin' change your life ♪
00:48:07 ♪ When it needs rearrangin' ♪
00:48:09 ♪ You've gotta believe in your gut ♪
00:48:13 ♪ You'll never get caught in a rut ♪
00:48:17 ♪ Don't be afraid ♪
00:48:19 ♪ You've got it made ♪
00:48:21 ♪ If you don't let the parade ♪
00:48:23 ♪ Don't let the parade pass you by ♪
00:48:26 ♪ Don't lie ♪
00:48:27 ♪ Don't let the parade ♪
00:48:30 ♪ Pass you by ♪
00:48:41 Smile, Frosty.
00:48:43 Lily says that in show business,
00:48:45 you've gotta keep smiling.
00:48:47 But I'm kinda worried that Santa won't be here on time.
00:48:51 Daddy, the show must go on.
00:48:53 That's what Aunt Lily says.
00:48:55 Okay.
00:48:57 But I got a feeling tonight there's gonna be a real wet act.
00:49:01 And it won't be the Seals.
00:49:14 I'm Sam Spangles, the circus man.
00:49:16 How can I be a circus man without a circus?
00:49:20 I think I might have an interesting proposition.
00:49:25 [laughing]
00:49:28 [crickets chirping]
00:49:33 Just do your act like you did in rehearsal, Blinky,
00:49:36 and we're bound to be a hit.
00:49:38 I'll try, Miss Lorraine. I sure will try.
00:49:41 Well, I gotta give a pep talk to the clowns.
00:49:44 Hang in there, Blinky.
00:49:47 Hey, Rudolph.
00:49:49 Huh? Scratcher?
00:49:51 Oh, the big star remembers his old buddy.
00:49:55 We were never buddies.
00:49:57 Let bygones be bygones.
00:50:00 [coughing]
00:50:01 What's the matter?
00:50:02 Boy, I am really down and out.
00:50:05 Haven't had a bite to eat in three days.
00:50:08 Think you could get me a job with the show?
00:50:12 I guess we could always use another roustabout
00:50:14 to help with the tents.
00:50:16 You're a prince, Rudolph. A prince!
00:50:20 I'll speak to Miss Lorraine.
00:50:22 Yeah, you do that, Rudolph.
00:50:24 You just do that.
00:50:26 [laughing]
00:50:28 Sucker.
00:50:30 Perfect. Perfect.
00:50:32 Everything going according to schedule.
00:50:36 Now, to tighten the net.
00:50:40 [laughing]
00:50:42 Ah, what a magnificent sleigh and team
00:50:49 the Snow Genie has created for me.
00:50:52 Instead of rain deer,
00:50:55 I have rain snakes.
00:50:59 [laughing]
00:51:02 To the top of the porch.
00:51:05 To the top of the wall.
00:51:07 Now slink away, slink away.
00:51:11 Slink away.
00:51:13 All.
00:51:15 [laughing]
00:51:17 Onward! Onward!
00:51:31 [music]
00:51:33 Ladies and gentlemen,
00:51:42 welcome to the new edition of
00:51:45 Living Lorraine Circus by the Sea.
00:51:48 [cheering]
00:51:50 Bring on the clowns!
00:51:54 [music]
00:51:56 [whistle]
00:51:58 [whistle]
00:52:00 [whistle]
00:52:02 [music]
00:52:04 Oh, oh.
00:52:06 Boy, this is a great job you got me, Rudolph.
00:52:10 Well, just do it well and I'm sure you'll get a promotion.
00:52:14 Oh, I ain't complaining, old buddy.
00:52:18 Oh, you know, Mrs. Lorraine wants me to get something out of the office wagon.
00:52:23 But it's all dark in there.
00:52:25 I think a fuse blew.
00:52:27 Will you come in with me and give me some light?
00:52:30 But I've got to do my act.
00:52:32 It won't take a minute.
00:52:34 Let me finish hauling this thing and I'll meet you over by the wagon.
00:52:38 Well, okay.
00:52:40 Oh, you really are a buddy, old buddy.
00:52:44 Oh, this is hard.
00:52:47 Oh, it's so late, Mama.
00:52:54 Poor Frosty.
00:52:57 We're doing everything we can, Papa.
00:53:00 Look up there, Mama.
00:53:03 Black as pitch.
00:53:05 Not a star in the sky.
00:53:08 [music]
00:53:14 Onward, onward.
00:53:17 We don't want to miss the fireworks, do we?
00:53:21 [laughing]
00:53:25 [fireworks]
00:53:34 Oh, I forgot my parasol.
00:53:40 How many times I got to tell you, make notes for yourself.
00:53:45 Yes, Mama.
00:53:47 [music]
00:54:01 And now, presenting one of our star attractions,
00:54:08 Frosty the Snowman and family in a sensational spellbinding exhibition
00:54:17 of world championship belly-wrapping.
00:54:22 [cheering]
00:54:27 Now meet the folks.
00:54:30 [music]
00:54:34 As I always say, the family that slides together abides together.
00:54:39 You don't always say that, Frosty.
00:54:42 Stick to the script, Daddy.
00:54:44 If Santa don't get here soon, we'll be sticking to everything.
00:54:48 Come on.
00:54:51 [music]
00:55:03 Hey, I've been waiting for you over by the office wagon.
00:55:07 Come on, Rudolph.
00:55:10 That's my warning cue.
00:55:12 Look, as soon as I'm done, I'll meet you by the wagon.
00:55:15 I promise.
00:55:18 That's my buddy.
00:55:21 [laughing]
00:55:23 Lights, please.
00:55:26 Bring out the pop machine, boys.
00:55:30 [music]
00:55:42 Are you ready, Rudolph?
00:55:45 I am ready.
00:55:47 Then lights on, Rudolph.
00:55:50 Lights on.
00:55:52 [music]
00:56:01 He's burned off the fog.
00:56:04 Let's hear it for Rudolph.
00:56:06 [cheering]
00:56:14 He'll be back, folks.
00:56:16 He'll be back.
00:56:18 [music]
00:56:21 His act is over quick.
00:56:23 Here's the rest of the disguise.
00:56:25 Just think, me, Sam Spangles, a policeman.
00:56:31 [laughing]
00:56:34 Here he comes.
00:56:35 Hide.
00:56:40 Good old buddy.
00:56:41 Now, turn it on.
00:56:43 [music]
00:56:48 She said it's under the table here.
00:56:51 What are you looking for?
00:56:53 She said it was a little leather suitcase.
00:56:55 Oh, there it is.
00:56:56 Gee, thanks, old buddy.
00:56:59 Oh, I hurt myself.
00:57:03 Just taking a little fall like that?
00:57:06 I twisted my nose, my neck or something.
00:57:10 Now I can't pick up that suitcase.
00:57:12 Buddy, would you do it for me?
00:57:15 Well, sure.
00:57:17 All this fuss over a little suitcase.
00:57:20 What's inside?
00:57:21 Well, she didn't say.
00:57:23 Just pick it up and give it to the cop waiting on the corner.
00:57:27 Okay, but--
00:57:30 Hey, this bag is filled with money.
00:57:33 The knight's receipts.
00:57:35 Oh, that's why she wants to give it to the cop.
00:57:40 So he can take it to the bank and make a knight deposit.
00:57:44 Well, okay.
00:57:50 [applause]
00:57:52 And now for our grand Christmas in July finale.
00:57:56 [music]
00:58:03 I heard the bells on Christmas Day.
00:58:09 Their old familiar carols play.
00:58:15 And wild and sweet the words repeat.
00:58:21 A peace on earth goodwill to men.
00:58:29 [music]
00:58:33 Whether July or December, Christmas lives in our hearts.
00:58:38 But it's up at the North Pole, remember, where Christmas always starts.
00:58:45 [music]
00:58:57 Where are my elves?
00:59:00 Oh, hark!
00:59:02 Here they come now.
00:59:09 Elephants?
00:59:10 I thought the midgets were going to play the elves.
00:59:13 Nah, they want to play the polar bears.
00:59:16 Actors.
00:59:19 Very good, elves.
00:59:21 But I have an idea of what will bring all of us lots of cheer.
00:59:26 So just to please all the girls and the boys,
00:59:31 why don't we have a parade of a toy?
00:59:34 [music]
01:00:00 [applause]
01:00:15 And now to make us all feel jolly, my very best toy, a dancing doll.
01:00:23 [applause]
01:00:26 Rockin' around the Christmas tree at the Christmas party hop.
01:00:32 Mistletoe hung where you can see every couple tries to stop.
01:00:38 Rockin' around the Christmas tree at the Christmas spirit ring.
01:00:44 Later we'll have some pumpkin pie and we'll do some caroling.
01:00:50 You will get a sentimental feeling when you hear voices singing,
01:00:58 "Let's be jolly, deck the halls with boughs of holly."
01:01:02 Rockin' around the Christmas tree, have a happy holiday.
01:01:08 Everyone dancing merrily in the new old-fashioned way.
01:01:14 You will get a sentimental feeling when you hear voices singing,
01:01:22 "Let's be jolly, deck the halls with boughs of holly."
01:01:26 Rockin' around the Christmas tree, have a happy holiday.
01:01:32 Everyone dancing merrily in the new old-fashioned way.
01:01:42 [applause]
01:01:51 Oh, thank you, me fine lad.
01:01:54 Well, off to the bank.
01:02:01 Where were you, Rudolph?
01:02:03 Frosty, something funny is going on.
01:02:06 I don't think it's so funny.
01:02:08 I'm just about ready to give up hope.
01:02:11 Oh, I don't mean that.
01:02:13 Here's your star.
01:02:16 Oh, Frosty, Santa gave his word.
01:02:19 He'll be here before the fireworks are over.
01:02:23 I don't know.
01:02:26 You ever see a policeman wearing a helmet?
01:02:30 No, but then I never look for one either.
01:02:34 Sure I'm not too heavy?
01:02:36 No, but you're kind of chilly.
01:02:41 [music]
01:02:52 Well, that's the show, folks.
01:02:55 A little corny, but expensive.
01:02:58 Be sure to hang around outside for our free 4th of July fireworks display.
01:03:04 And come back again next year.
01:03:07 [music]
01:03:12 You hear that, Rudolph?
01:03:14 Time for the fireworks.
01:03:16 I heard, Frosty.
01:03:18 I just don't understand.
01:03:21 And all that business with Scratcher.
01:03:24 Something's real wrong here.
01:03:26 Come on, Daddy, Uncle Rudolph.
01:03:28 Don't want to miss the fireworks.
01:03:31 Miss them?
01:03:32 I'd like to stop them.
01:03:34 Why do you want to stop them, Daddy?
01:03:36 Aren't you patriotic?
01:03:38 Sure I'm patriotic.
01:03:40 Oh.
01:03:41 My only regret is I only have but one life to melt for my country.
01:03:46 Wait a minute, Frosty.
01:03:48 What you just said.
01:03:50 Maybe we can stop the fireworks.
01:03:53 Yeah.
01:03:54 Let's find out who's setting them off.
01:03:56 You go this way.
01:03:57 I'll go that.
01:04:07 [gasp]
01:04:09 Mrs. Lorraine, you've got to help me.
01:04:12 Anything, Frosty.
01:04:13 You just name it.
01:04:14 Stop the fireworks.
01:04:16 You named the wrong one.
01:04:18 I can't stop them.
01:04:20 Once the main fuse is lit, they keep going.
01:04:23 Even if a cloudburst poured down on top of them.
01:04:31 Why do you want them stopped?
01:04:33 Well, I got a funny kind of feeling.
01:04:36 About fireworks?
01:04:38 No.
01:04:39 About melting.
01:04:40 How many are there?
01:04:42 Exactly 100.
01:04:45 That's number three.
01:04:47 I'm counting.
01:04:48 I'm counting.
01:04:51 Which one's number 100?
01:04:53 Right over there.
01:04:55 That's my number, all right.
01:04:57 And when my number goes up, my number is up.
01:05:01 And where's Santa?
01:05:08 Still no sign of it letting up, Mama.
01:05:11 I'm afraid we're going to be too late to save Frosty.
01:05:15 It's not your fault, Papa.
01:05:18 All we can do is keep going.
01:05:21 Faster!
01:05:29 That's number 72.
01:05:31 Daddy, why are you so worried about the pretty fireworks?
01:05:35 Children, you must be very brave.
01:05:39 Oh, gee.
01:05:40 Why'd I get everybody into this mess?
01:05:46 74.
01:05:48 We promised to be brave, Mommy.
01:05:51 I'm very proud of you.
01:05:57 75.
01:05:59 Oh, Frosty.
01:06:02 There, there, honey.
01:06:04 I just want you to know that I'm sure glad I married you.
01:06:07 I am, too, love.
01:06:10 You are everything I've always wanted more than anything.
01:06:19 And if there's any doubt, well, now you know.
01:06:28 76.
01:06:30 Boy, I remember when I can only count to four.
01:06:34 Good old days.
01:06:44 [laughing]
01:06:46 Now to go down and put out Rudolph's light of good.
01:06:55 Hey, we've been robbed.
01:06:58 I went to get the money to give to Officer Kelly here, and it's gone.
01:07:03 He's the policeman it was supposed to go to?
01:07:06 Well, yeah.
01:07:07 Why?
01:07:08 Didn't you send Scratcher to fetch it?
01:07:10 Me?
01:07:11 Let a rouse about reindeer handle the loot?
01:07:14 I ain't that daffy.
01:07:16 Oh, wow.
01:07:18 Hey, what do you know about this, Blinky?
01:07:24 91.
01:07:26 Daddy, Mommy, look.
01:07:28 It's Santa.
01:07:30 Frosty, it's the sleigh.
01:07:32 Huh?
01:07:33 Oh, boy.
01:07:37 Wait a minute.
01:07:38 It's a sleigh, all right, but it's not Santa.
01:07:42 [thunder]
01:07:45 [music]
01:07:57 Oh, how I've waited for this moment.
01:08:03 [thunder]
01:08:06 93.
01:08:08 Sir, sir.
01:08:10 My name is Winterbolt, King Winterbolt.
01:08:15 A king?
01:08:17 Gee.
01:08:18 Your, your majesty, Santa never showed up.
01:08:22 Yes, I know.
01:08:24 Frosty's time is almost over.
01:08:26 Just seven more fireworks.
01:08:28 [thunder]
01:08:31 Correction, six.
01:08:33 That was number 94.
01:08:36 You've just got to make those amulets last a little longer.
01:08:40 Maybe even a lot longer.
01:08:42 Of course, of course, my dear friend.
01:08:46 You hear that, Frosty?
01:08:48 Oh, wow.
01:08:49 Wait till I tell the wife and the kids.
01:08:52 One moment.
01:08:54 Huh?
01:08:55 [thunder]
01:08:57 95.
01:08:59 Oh, we don't have to bother keeping count anymore.
01:09:03 Oh, yes, you do.
01:09:05 What do you mean?
01:09:06 I will make the amulets power last, Rudolph.
01:09:10 Only so long as your nose remains extinguished.
01:09:15 My nose is not extinguished.
01:09:18 Really?
01:09:19 Try to light it.
01:09:21 [thunder]
01:09:23 96.
01:09:25 Go ahead, Rudolph.
01:09:27 I'm trying.
01:09:29 I'm trying real hard.
01:09:33 [grunting]
01:09:36 [laughing]
01:09:39 [sniffing]
01:09:44 Rudolph, what's wrong?
01:09:47 It won't light up.
01:09:50 What did you do to it, Winterbolt?
01:09:53 I didn't do a thing.
01:09:55 You did it to yourself.
01:09:57 You used your nose for an evil purpose.
01:10:01 You robbed the money from the box office wagon
01:10:04 and gave it to one Sam Spangles.
01:10:10 Sorry, sucker.
01:10:13 I don't understand.
01:10:15 They tricked me, Frosty.
01:10:19 Well, I'm going to set things straight.
01:10:22 I'll tell everybody what really happened.
01:10:25 No, you won't.
01:10:26 I warn you, if you clear your name to save your nose,
01:10:31 the Frosties all will melt.
01:10:34 Admit your guilt, and I will allow them to remain frozen.
01:10:39 [thunder]
01:10:41 97.
01:10:43 [thunder]
01:10:44 98.
01:10:45 Only two more.
01:10:46 What do you say, Rudolph?
01:10:49 OK, I won't tell anybody the truth.
01:10:53 I'll take the blame and let my nose go out.
01:10:57 [thunder]
01:10:59 99.
01:11:01 But you just can't let your nose go out forever, Rudolph.
01:11:06 I don't have any choice, Frosty.
01:11:09 Come on.
01:11:10 We only have one firework left.
01:11:13 [laughing]
01:11:16 Only one more.
01:11:18 Where is Frosty?
01:11:20 Hey, what's going on here?
01:11:22 Miss Lorraine, I-- I stole that money.
01:11:26 What?
01:11:27 Uncle Rudolph?
01:11:29 I don't believe it.
01:11:31 No, he-- he-- I mean, I can explain.
01:11:34 No, Frosty, don't.
01:11:37 I stole the money, ma'am, and I gave it to Sam Spangles.
01:11:41 Spangles?
01:11:43 That means he takes over the show.
01:11:45 Rudolph, what got into you?
01:11:48 I can't explain.
01:11:52 [thunder]
01:11:54 100.
01:11:56 Oh, Frosty.
01:11:58 Relax, Crystal.
01:12:00 We aren't going to melt.
01:12:01 See?
01:12:02 Why-- why, you're right.
01:12:06 Mommy, we're saved.
01:12:08 Oh, Daddy, we're not going to melt.
01:12:11 Congratulations.
01:12:13 Now you don't have to worry.
01:12:15 I'm sorry, Rudolph, but I don't want the twins associating
01:12:19 with a dishonest reindeer.
01:12:21 Uh, Uncle Rudolph, why'd you do it?
01:12:26 No, wait.
01:12:27 You don't understand.
01:12:28 Frosty, you must never tell them that I didn't do it.
01:12:33 But, Rudolph--
01:12:34 Never.
01:12:36 What's more important, a silly old red nose
01:12:39 or the lives of my best friend and his family?
01:12:42 Oh, Rudolph, what can I say?
01:12:45 You sure are a friend.
01:12:47 Hey, that funny little mark on your hook,
01:12:51 the star inside the snowflake, it's gone.
01:12:56 Yes, I know.
01:12:59 [cheering]
01:13:00 That's the one, Uncle.
01:13:01 We finished.
01:13:02 [cheering]
01:13:05 Come, you're the number one reindeer of the north now.
01:13:10 You bet.
01:13:11 Away!
01:13:15 Away!
01:13:16 So long.
01:13:23 OK, creeps, there's going to be some changes around here.
01:13:30 You don't own the show yet?
01:13:32 Wanna bet?
01:13:34 Who's gonna pay to see Rudolph the unlit reindeer
01:13:39 with the very nothing nose?
01:13:42 [laughing]
01:13:44 I can't wait till tomorrow night.
01:13:46 [booing]
01:13:53 I'm sorry, but I can still do my jumps.
01:13:58 [booing]
01:14:01 We want our money back!
01:14:03 We want our money back!
01:14:05 We want our money back!
01:14:07 We want our money back!
01:14:09 We want our money back!
01:14:11 We want our money back!
01:14:13 Rudolph.
01:14:17 How can you even speak to him after what he did to my mother?
01:14:20 But there must be some reason.
01:14:23 We're all friends.
01:14:25 You can tell me, Rudolph.
01:14:27 There's nothing to tell.
01:14:29 I gave my money and gave it to Sam Spangles.
01:14:32 But Rudolph, just-- just let me be, Milton.
01:14:37 You heard him.
01:14:38 Let's go, Milton.
01:14:40 Goodbye, Rudolph.
01:14:43 Goodbye for good.
01:14:46 [music playing]
01:14:54 (SINGING) No bed of roses.
01:14:59 That's how life seems to be.
01:15:03 No bed of roses.
01:15:08 No easy way for me.
01:15:12 You wear my star glow.
01:15:16 But now you're gone.
01:15:20 No bed of roses.
01:15:26 But left each storm.
01:15:30 Go on without me.
01:15:35 But if you change your mind, one thing about me,
01:15:44 I won't be hard to find.
01:15:48 I know that life can be a bed of roses for you and me.
01:16:01 There must be something I can do alone
01:16:13 that wouldn't hurt the family.
01:16:15 Maybe I could give Winterbolt something in exchange.
01:16:19 But what do I have that he'd want?
01:16:22 [laughs]
01:16:24 What, indeed?
01:16:26 His corncob pipe?
01:16:28 He does have something.
01:16:30 I don't know.
01:16:31 He might have something.
01:16:33 Why not ask the genie?
01:16:36 Frosty the Snowman has his own magic,
01:16:40 which could prove quite valuable.
01:16:45 Really?
01:16:46 Tell me, what is it?
01:16:48 His hat.
01:16:49 Let me show you, old master.
01:16:52 Frosty the Snowman was a jolly, happy soul
01:17:02 with a corncob pipe and a button nose
01:17:06 and two eyes made out of coal.
01:17:10 Frosty the Snowman is a fairy tale, they say.
01:17:16 He was made of snow, but the children know
01:17:19 how he came to life one day.
01:17:23 There must have been some magic in that old silk hat they found.
01:17:29 For when they placed it on his head,
01:17:33 he began to dance around.
01:17:36 Oh, Frosty the Snowman was alive as he could be.
01:17:43 And the children say he could laugh and play just the same
01:17:48 as you and me.
01:17:59 I think if you had that hat
01:18:03 and could find the secret of its magic,
01:18:07 you could duplicate it over and over again, old master.
01:18:14 Why, you could bring an army of snowmen to life.
01:18:24 [drumming]
01:18:28 And Frosty, the only one who knows the true secret
01:18:39 of Rudolph's nose, would be lifeless.
01:18:45 Yes, and I would be safe.
01:18:48 But what could I give Frosty for his hat?
01:18:52 Lie to him, my master.
01:18:55 Deceive him.
01:18:57 Tell him you have the power to restore
01:19:01 the Borealis Light to Rudolph's nose.
01:19:06 The light.
01:19:08 [laughing]
01:19:11 Of course, of course.
01:19:15 Gee, I'd do anything.
01:19:20 Anything to help Rudolph.
01:19:24 I know what to do.
01:19:35 Faster, faster!
01:19:40 Back to the circus lot.
01:19:43 More fireworks?
01:19:49 Rudolph.
01:19:52 That voice! I remember!
01:19:55 I am no more.
01:19:58 But my love, in the form of the northern lights,
01:20:02 watches over thee.
01:20:05 Oh, what am I gonna do?
01:20:08 Have no fear when you defend the helpless.
01:20:12 I don't understand.
01:20:14 Be brave.
01:20:17 Be very brave.
01:20:20 And the star in the snowflake will return.
01:20:24 You mean there's a chance my nose will light up again?
01:20:29 Be brave.
01:20:32 Be very brave.
01:20:36 No! Don't go!
01:20:41 Alone again.
01:20:47 Rudolph, is that you up there on the beach?
01:20:51 What now?
01:20:53 Out here, in the water.
01:20:56 Big Ben, the clockwork whale.
01:21:00 Remember me? I worked for Father Time.
01:21:03 Sure I remember. What are you doing here?
01:21:06 Strange as things. Like I was led to you.
01:21:10 I was under the water, following the glow of the northern lights.
01:21:14 Came up to get a good look, and there you were.
01:21:18 Oh, Ben. I've got problems.
01:21:21 Well, little fella, you tell 'em to me.
01:21:24 I got a big shoulder to rest your head on.
01:21:27 And it's wet already, so a few tears won't hurt.
01:21:31 So you want to give me your hat, eh?
01:21:34 Only if you can turn Rudolph's nose back on.
01:21:38 Why, of course I can.
01:21:41 What did you say?
01:21:44 It's hardly worth it.
01:21:46 It is to me.
01:21:48 This hat is what keeps me all living.
01:21:51 Without it...
01:21:53 Oh, very well. I'll make the trade.
01:21:57 Would you say goodbye to Crystal, Millie, and Chilly for me?
01:22:02 Especially Crystal.
01:22:05 Oh, Crystal, if only we could be together one more time.
01:22:09 But that's impossible.
01:22:12 So I hope you'll remember all the good times.
01:22:16 Now and then, will you think of me?
01:22:25 Not, I hope, as a memory.
01:22:33 I'll always love you as I've always loved you, wherever you may be.
01:22:49 In my heart there's a golden glow.
01:22:57 You alone keep it shining so.
01:23:05 Parting brings sorrow, but maybe tomorrow
01:23:13 with love we'll meet again.
01:23:22 If only now and then.
01:23:41 And that's the whole story, Big Ben.
01:23:44 Oh, that's terrible.
01:23:46 Rudolph, you gotta get your nose back.
01:23:49 I can't. If I tell the truth, that means Frosty has to melt.
01:23:54 Not necessarily. No time to explain.
01:23:57 I gotta swim like thunder.
01:24:03 Where are you going?
01:24:05 To South America!
01:24:10 South America?
01:24:14 Now, give me your hat.
01:24:27 What's going on here?
01:24:29 The poor frozen fool gave me his hat when I promised to return your nose.
01:24:36 You know you can't do that.
01:24:38 Yes, I know, but he didn't.
01:24:44 Okay, Winterbolt, you asked for it.
01:24:48 You've got to catch me first.
01:25:01 Frosty? Frosty? Frosty? Where are you?
01:25:09 Oh, no!
01:25:13 No!
01:25:15 Don't look, children.
01:25:28 Come on out from there. I know where you're hiding.
01:25:32 Come and get me.
01:25:34 Okay, I will.
01:25:42 Surprise!
01:25:45 Surprise!
01:26:08 You don't frighten me.
01:26:10 The hat is mine. Try and get it.
01:26:22 Hey!
01:26:24 Oh, no! No! It's impossible!
01:26:29 It's like Lady Borea said.
01:26:36 It's back for good.
01:26:43 I warn you! I warn you! I will not be defeated!
01:26:59 Oh, Daddy.
01:27:01 But, but, can't he get another hat, Mommy?
01:27:05 Children remember him as he was.
01:27:09 Poor, roly-poly little son of a gun.
01:27:13 All right, all you jerks.
01:27:15 Clear out of here.
01:27:17 Show's mine now.
01:27:19 Not so fast.
01:27:21 Huh?
01:27:24 Hey, you got your beak back.
01:27:27 That's not all we've got back.
01:27:29 Go ahead, Officer.
01:27:31 Here's your money, Mrs. Lurayne.
01:27:34 Rudolph was strict into taking it.
01:27:36 He's innocent as a newborn babe.
01:27:39 Well, I'll be blasted.
01:27:42 One other thing.
01:27:45 Rudolph risked his life to get this back.
01:27:49 For you, sir.
01:27:58 Happy birthday.
01:28:02 Hooray!
01:28:04 What are we celebrating?
01:28:06 You!
01:28:08 Oh, good idea.
01:28:13 Here's your dough. The circus is still mine.
01:28:17 I'll be taking that.
01:28:19 Why?
01:28:21 You won't be needing it in jail.
01:28:24 Oh, Rudolph.
01:28:26 We're so sorry for the way we acted.
01:28:29 What can we do to make it up?
01:28:31 It wasn't your fault.
01:28:34 Gee, thanks, Rudolph.
01:28:37 Thank you.
01:28:38 You gave everything you had for me.
01:28:40 Well, didn't you give everything for me?
01:28:43 I mean, us misfits gotta stick together.
01:28:46 Put it there, pal.
01:28:49 Hooray!
01:28:53 We're a couple of misfits.
01:28:55 We're a couple of misfits.
01:28:58 What's the matter with misfits?
01:29:00 That's where we fit in.
01:29:02 We're not daffy and dilly.
01:29:05 Don't go around with a nilly.
01:29:07 Seems to us kind of silly that we don't fit in.
01:29:12 We may be different from the rest.
01:29:16 Who decides the test of what is really best?
01:29:21 We're a couple of misfits.
01:29:23 Not a couple of nitwits.
01:29:26 What's the matter with misfits?
01:29:28 That's where we fit in.
01:29:33 Why am I such a misfit?
01:29:35 I am not just a nitwit.
01:29:37 I'm a deer of a reindeer.
01:29:40 Why don't I fit in?
01:29:42 Why am I such a misfit?
01:29:44 I am not just a nitwit.
01:29:47 There's no man like a snowman.
01:29:49 Why don't I fit in?
01:29:51 We may be different from the rest.
01:29:56 Who decides the test of what is really best?
01:30:01 We're a couple of misfits.
01:30:03 Not a couple of nitwits.
01:30:05 What's the matter with misfits?
01:30:08 That's where we fit in.
01:30:10 That's where we fit in.
01:30:14 Nilly!
01:30:15 Not so fast.
01:30:24 I still have my scepter.
01:30:27 Destruction to you all.
01:30:30 This one looks like my job.
01:30:33 But Mama, there are only blanks in those guns.
01:30:36 Yeah, but the guns are made of iron.
01:30:42 No.
01:30:43 No!
01:30:45 My-- my powers are gone.
01:30:48 When the scepter dies, I go too.
01:30:52 I turn-- I turn-- turn!
01:30:56 I turn into a tree.
01:31:04 [gasps]
01:31:06 Wow!
01:31:08 What an exit!
01:31:10 Mama, the storm's gone.
01:31:19 Like a miracle.
01:31:23 Now we can be to the shore in a few minutes.
01:31:26 Up!
01:31:27 Up!
01:31:28 Down to where you are!
01:31:30 Well, our troubles are over.
01:31:39 Kind of dull, huh?
01:31:40 Well, I'm glad all Winterbolt's powers are gone.
01:31:43 Me too.
01:31:45 Hey, wait a minute.
01:31:47 What is it, Blinky?
01:31:49 If all his powers are gone, that means those amulets are no good either.
01:31:55 Frosty!
01:31:56 Crystal!
01:31:57 Lainie, what happened?
01:32:05 Well, the sun came out, and-- and they just-- just-- look!
01:32:13 [music playing]
01:32:17 Oh, gee whiz.
01:32:20 Oh, after all we went through, I should have realized.
01:32:27 It's too late now.
01:32:29 When Frosty melts, nothing can help except a magic December wind to unmelt him.
01:32:35 And this is July!
01:32:37 Yeah.
01:32:38 Well, where are we going to find a Christmas wind in July?
01:32:43 Right here.
01:32:44 And I brought Jack Frost with me.
01:32:51 Hey, Rudolph!
01:32:53 How'd you do it, Ben?
01:32:54 Had to go all the way to South America.
01:32:57 That's where winter goes in July.
01:32:59 [laughs]
01:33:01 Jack Frost, do your stuff.
01:33:06 I've got to aim real carefully, or I'll give colds to all the kids on the beach.
01:33:13 Well, here goes.
01:33:15 Happy birthday!
01:33:28 Yay!
01:33:30 Come on, gang.
01:33:32 Let's dig them up.
01:33:34 We can't keep that cold breath on them, Jack.
01:33:37 Look!
01:33:38 Great jumping geraniums!
01:33:45 Santa Claus is finally coming to town!
01:33:48 Papa, we'd better get going before Jack runs out of breath.
01:33:59 I'll stick with the show, sir, until they're out of debt.
01:34:03 They should be out of debt real soon.
01:34:06 [laughs]
01:34:08 I gave Lily some of my magic corn feed.
01:34:13 The kind that makes animals fly.
01:34:16 Wow!
01:34:17 A circus by the sea is one thing, but a flying circus by the sea--
01:34:23 Daddy, Daddy, can we stay and see it?
01:34:28 Oh, Frosty, could they?
01:34:30 No deal.
01:34:32 Enough's enough.
01:34:34 [laughs]
01:34:38 Then let's get going.
01:34:41 Away!
01:34:42 Gee, I kind of miss not being with Santa.
01:35:00 Hey, you want to lead something through the sky?
01:35:03 You got it.
01:35:04 What?
01:35:05 Forget the sleigh.
01:35:07 It's time for the flying circus parade, with you right up front.
01:35:12 OK.
01:35:13 Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer had a very shiny nose.
01:35:25 And if you ever saw it, you would even say it glows.
01:35:32 All of the other reindeer used to laugh and call him names.
01:35:38 They never let poor Rudolph join in any reindeer games.
01:35:45 Then one foggy Christmas Eve, Santa came to say,
01:35:52 Rudolph, with your nose so bright, won't you guide my sleigh tonight?
01:35:58 Then how the reindeer loved him as they shouted out with glee,
01:36:05 Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, you'll go down in history!
01:36:17 [music playing]
01:36:21 [music playing]
01:36:24 [music playing]
01:36:27 [music playing]
01:36:30 [music playing]
01:36:33 [music playing]
01:36:36 [music playing]
01:36:39 [music playing]
01:36:42 [music playing]
01:36:45 [music playing]
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01:37:21 [BLANK_AUDIO]
