• last year
Komisi pemilihan Umum (KPU) Sulawesi Selatan (Sulsel) menggelar Rapat pleno terbuka rekapitulasi suara tingkat Provinsi pada pemilu 2024, di Kota Makassar, pada Minggu (3/3).
00:00 [Voice of the Regional Elections Committee]
00:05 The Regional Elections Committee of South Sulawesi held a plenary meeting to open the recapitulation of the voice of the provincial level
00:11 at the 2024 elections in Makassar on Wednesday, March 3.
00:16 The results of the recapitulation of the voice of the provincial level lasted for one week,
00:20 starting from March 3 to March 10, 2024.
00:24 Head of the Regional Elections Committee, Sulcel Hasbulah, said that until now there are 12 municipalities that have submitted the results of the recapitulation
00:32 and hope that other municipalities will immediately complete the recapitulation at the level of each municipality before March 10.
00:39 Many have finished last night and are resting before everyone left for Makassar.
00:47 Because the time for the presentation is not the same.
00:54 If from the schedule that was agreed last night, if I'm not mistaken,
01:00 the first one to deliver was the Citra Regency.
01:08 Regarding the obstacles, the coordinator of the technical division of the presidential candidate, Ahmad Adi Widjaya, said
01:14 that there are different dynamics in each region.
01:17 The recapitulation process at the level of the city's regency is also imagined with corrections at the level of the district.
01:23 That's part of the accountability mechanism.
01:27 We maintain the purity of the people's voice that is passed through the TPS on the 14th of February.
01:34 So the total is now 12?
01:36 There are 12 who have delivered per hour.
01:41 So 8 first?
01:43 Yes, last night 8, today there are 4.
01:48 Ahmad ensures that all regions will complete the recapitulation on March 5,
01:53 as the 2017 law in article 413 ensures the implementation of the provincial level recapitulation
02:01 for 25 days after each election, which means ending on March 10.
02:07 From Makassar, South Sulawesi, Sintia Krishna, Berita Antara News Agency, reported.
02:13 Thank you.
02:14 .
