• last year
Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) Jawa Timur mengingatkan pembersihan alat peraga kampanye (APK) di ruang publik selama masa tenang merupakan tanggung jawab dari masing-masing peserta Pemilu.
00:00 The KPU General Election Commission, in memory of the cleaning up of the campaign equipment in the public space, is responsible for each of the candidates' general election.
00:14 The KPU Chairman, East Java, Hyrule Anam, in Surabaya, explained that the 2024 election stage started at 00.00 West Indonesian time today, February 11-13 has entered the quiet period.
00:28 During the quiet period, the candidates are not allowed to campaign in any form to give the candidates a chance to consider who will be elected.
00:38 Therefore, the equipment that was previously built in the public space during the election campaign must be cleaned up.
00:44 So today we start, so it can be until tomorrow, it can be until Wednesday, it can be until the 13th. So our target is before the 14th, hopefully all the campaign equipment is completely clean.
01:01 Although the cleaning up of the campaign equipment is responsible for each of the candidates, the KPU together with the Kampung Pemilu Bawaslu, as well as the relevant stakeholders including the Police of the Kingdom of Papua, the Police of the Province, the Regency, the City, and the Villages and Villages are obliged to arrange it.
01:21 In principle, there is no sanction for the candidates who do not clean up the campaign equipment from the public space during the quiet period.
01:29 Even the candidates whose campaign equipment is cleaned by the officers are allowed to take it to the office of the Bawaslu or Satpol PP.
01:37 From Surabaya, East Java, Hanif Nasrullah, Antara News Agency, reported.
01:43 Thank you.
01:45 Thank you.
