Ukraine: Enquête sur fuite grave dans armée allemande

  • 6 months ago
Olaf Scholz a promis samedi une enquête "très approfondie" après la diffusion en Russie d'échanges présumés entre plusieurs officiers allemands sur des livraisons d'armes à l'Ukraine, au contenu extrêmement embarrassant pour Berlin.
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00:00 Olaf Scholz promised a very in-depth investigation on Saturday, after the broadcast in Russia
00:04 of the alleged exchange between several German officers on arms deliveries to Ukraine, with
00:09 extremely embarrassing content for Berlin.
00:12 The information published on the subject constitutes a very serious affair and is the reason why
00:17 it is now the subject of a very thorough, very in-depth and very rapid investigation,
00:22 the German Chancellor said on the occasion of a visit to Rome.
00:25 The Ministry of Defence has specified and examined whether communications related to the Air
00:31 Force are subject to investigation.
00:32 Military counter-espionage, BAMAD, has taken all necessary measures, has indicated to the
00:38 AFP a spokesperson from the Ministry of Defence.
00:41 The controversy emerged after the broadcast, Friday in Russia on social networks, of what
00:47 has all the appearances of the recording of a conversation between German officers
00:51 at the round of the video conference.
00:52 The editor-in-chief of the Russian state channel RT, Margarita Simonian, published this file
00:59 more than half an hour, presenting it as an exchange dated February 19.
01:03 Torpedo missiles.
01:05 In this conversation, which the AFP listened to, the participants speak in particular of
01:10 the hypothesis of the delivery to Kiev of long-range torpedo missiles, German-made,
01:16 of what would be necessary to allow the Ukrainian forces to use them and their
01:20 eventual impact.
01:21 Experts questioned by the German weekly Der Spiegel have judged the file authentic.
01:27 The participants particularly mention the hypothesis of a strike targeting the Crimean bridge
01:31 connecting the Kerch Peninsula and Russian territory, one of them underlining that it
01:35 would take between 10 and 20 missiles to come to an end.
01:38 The Crimean Peninsula was annexed in 2014 by Moscow.
01:43 If the exchanges, which seem to be preparatory to a briefing for the German government,
01:48 had to turn out to be authentic, they would put Berlin in a difficult situation.
01:52 Because Germany officially refuses all deliveries of torpedo missiles, yet claims
01:58 high and strong by Kiev, for fear of a war escalation.
02:02 These machines have a range of more than 500 km.
02:05 In the recording, the participants also mention the details of the deliveries and the use
02:10 of long-range Scalp missiles by France and Great Britain to Ukraine.
02:15 This part of the file is one of the most embarrassing for Berlin because it reveals
02:19 secrets of allied countries.
02:20 Olaf Scholz has already recently aroused irritation in Great Britain for having claimed that
02:26 the British and the French were helping Ukrainian soldiers to handle these missiles.
02:30 Enemies sworn.
02:32 If this story is verified, it would be highly problematic to declare the president of the
02:38 German parliamentary commission for the control of secret services, Konstantin Von Notz,
02:42 to the RND group's newspaper.
02:44 On the Russian side, the head of diplomacy, Sergei Lavrov, on a visit to Turkey, wanted
02:50 to see in this case the illustration that the war camp in Europe is still very, very
02:54 gold.
02:55 The number two of the Russian Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, judged on his Telegram account
03:01 that "our rivals of always, the Germans, have become our sworn enemies."
03:05 Many responsible to Berlin see it, they, an operation from Moscow to weigh in the
03:11 German debate on arms deliveries to Ukraine.
03:14 The conversation was drowned out by Russia at this precise moment with a very particular
03:19 objective, that of killing in the egg the debate in Germany around the delivery of
03:23 Taurus missiles to Kiev, a defense question expert from the main opposition party
03:28 CDU, conservative, Roderich Kiesewetter on the ZDF channel.
03:33 For his counterpart and Liberal Party FDP, member of the governmental coalition, Marie-Agnès
03:39 Strach-Zimmermann, the intention of Moscow is obvious, intimidate the Chancellor so that
03:44 he does not return on his line of refusal of delivery of Taurus, as said to the group
03:48 of press Funk.
