New Architectural Salvage Yard opens in Bridgnorth.

  • 5 months ago
Meet Claire at her at Unique Architectural Salvage 24, a new Bridgnorth business, with fantastic unusal finds for the garden and home. Unique by name unique by nature...well have you seen a 12 feet long stone Buddha for the garden before. Take a look at ther showroom.
00:00 So we're here at Unique Architectural Salvage 24 as in 2024 because it's a new business.
00:08 Claire, it's your baby. It is. And who's your friend? This is the Budda. Before they slaughtered the Budda,
00:19 they put him in this position and this is how he died. No way. It's crazy big isn't it?
00:27 I mean, what are we looking at? Is it 10 foot? 12 foot? 12 foot and the height is 3 foot 5.
00:34 Yeah, I mean, this is typical of what you've got here isn't it? It's not your run of the mill stuff.
00:41 Do you know what I mean? If you're looking for something a bit special. He's really special.
00:45 I don't know if we'll be able to find another one like this. No. Well, where's he? He's travelled hasn't he?
00:50 He's come from... We had him out of an auction. Yeah. My husband bought him out of an auction
00:56 and we had to get a lorry to bring him back. Yeah. But hopefully he can stay here quite a lot longer.
01:05 Well, that's the thing isn't it? You fall in love with these items and then you think, oh, I suppose I've got to pay some bills and sell him.
01:11 But if we just walk around a little bit, you've got a lovely fountain just over here.
01:16 What's the story with this one, Claire? This is David Slayin Goliath and it's a water fountain
01:24 where the water comes out of the backpack here. Yeah. He's quite old. Yeah.
01:32 But he's just a nice piece for the garden, if you want a statement. He is isn't he?
01:39 And then let's take another look. Go on, keep leading us on. So we've got that.
01:42 We've got stoneware. We've got a giant fish here. You've got ironware. Yes.
01:50 We've got a carved stone of the lion. Yeah.
01:58 The carob on the top, which he's taming. It's a lovely thing.
02:05 Almost takes me back to Ghostbusters, that.
02:11 And a nice mushroom there. A patio set. So this stuff really, you're sourcing from all over the country
02:19 and then bringing it here to Shropshire. All over. And you were local, actually, you were a Shropshire girl yourself.
02:25 I'm from Albrighton. And you were in the hairdressing game, weren't you? So it's a bit of a different gig.
02:31 Yes, I had a salon in Albrighton for 28 years. Yeah.
02:37 And was it always a passion, kind of, the architectural bits and, you know, gardens, interior design, that kind of thing?
02:44 I've always found it interesting. And my husband's always been into the demolition and had sales every year, end of the year.
02:51 And I always found that quite interesting as well. But, you know, it's a hobby and I really enjoy it.
02:58 Yeah. And just lead us through. You've got some fantastic chimney pots. Just show us some.
03:03 Really quite different, aren't they? Did you say they come from Scotland, these two at the end?
03:07 These two at the end are from a house in Scotland, a big Corjian house. There was four of them, but these are the only two that's left.
03:15 They're great things, aren't they? Just a little bit different.
03:18 And lovely to, you know, you put a plant pot in and have a nice plant shoot, you know, or, believe it or not,
03:25 what we can see underneath the giant urns here, these were Victorian chimney pots.
03:30 Victorian chimney pots. And we put the urns on the top.
03:33 Great, so it can be used as a plinth, you know, quite versatile, aren't they, really, those?
03:37 Right, shall we take a look inside as well? Yeah, OK.
03:40 So we're just inside now. And when are you going to be open then, Claire?
03:49 We open on Saturday, on the 2nd of March, which is this Saturday coming.
03:53 We're doing 10 o'clock till 3. And we're going to do a few drinks and a little bit of food for all the customers that want to come in and have a look around.
04:02 Cool. And then it'll be Tuesdays, what days will you be open then?
04:06 Tuesday I'm open, 10 till 3. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 10 till 3.
04:11 Cool. And it's Bridge North, it's the side of the Hermitage, that kind of side there.
04:17 If people know where the old sports club used to be, and fitness club, it was there. Is it the Hive Works?
04:23 Hive Works. And it's on Grove Crescent. Cool.
04:26 So what's your garden like at home? Have you got quirky little knick-knacks? Can you fit a 12 foot bud in your garden at home?
04:33 Yeah, we have got a nice big garden. And we've got quite a lot of the architectural salvage stuff in and around the garden. It looks lovely.
04:43 Cool.
