• last year
Pada tahun 2024, berbagai sektor bisnis dihadapkan pada tantangan serius, termasuk dampak kondisi geopolitik global, perlambatan ekonomi Tiongkok, serta kenaikan suku bunga oleh The Fed yang mempengaruhi rantai pasok dan kinerja fiskal perusahaan. Salah satu sektor yang turut terdampak adalah industri kesehatan, yang juga dianggap memiliki potensi besar.

Meskipun dihadapkan pada berbagai tantangan, PT Prodia Widyahusada Tbk (PRDA), mengidentifikasi peluang signifikan untuk perkembangan layanan kesehatan diagnostik di Indonesia.

Lantas, apa saja langkah Prodia dalam menghadapi tantangan dan peluang bisnis di tengah gejolak ekonomi global tahun ini? Saksikan Perbincangan seru Prisa Sombo Datu Bersama Dewi Muliaty – Direktur Utama PT Prodia Widyahusada Tbk di Women’s Talk.


00:00 [Music]
00:20 Hi, Pemirsa!
00:21 I'm so happy to see you again, Prisos Omodato.
00:24 I'm now in the central laboratory of Prodia
00:28 because we will discuss with the leader, Mrs. Dewi Mulyati.
00:33 Are you curious?
00:34 Follow me on Women's Talk IDX channel.
00:38 [Music]
00:46 Throughout 2024, various business sectors are faced with serious challenges,
00:52 including the impact of global geopolitical conditions,
00:55 the slowdown of China's economy, and the rise of the Bunga Devet tribe, which is losing its value.
01:01 Even in the country, the White NC attitude of the investor candidate is fueled by national political events
01:08 which all affect the company's income chain and fiscal performance,
01:12 including the health industry sector, which is considered to have great potential.
01:17 Meanwhile, the adaptation of technology, digital transformation,
01:21 and the fulfillment of complex health needs continue to be the main driving force in Indonesia's health development.
01:27 Despite being faced with various challenges,
01:30 PT Prodia Widia Husada TBK continues to identify significant opportunities
01:35 for the development of diagnostic health services in Indonesia.
01:38 In addition, the PRDA's code-based committee has also prepared several business strategies
01:44 to maintain positive energy that has been achieved in 2023
01:49 while prioritizing business practical implementation and advancing sustainable values,
01:55 especially in increasing the health standards of the Indonesian people
01:59 through the innovation offered by the investor.
02:02 So, what are the steps of Prodia in facing the challenges and business opportunities
02:09 in the midst of this year's global economic downturn?
02:11 Watch the discussion with the Director-General of PT Prodia Widia Husada TBK,
02:17 Dewi Mulyati, only on Women's Talk.
02:20 And Mrs. Mirza, right now I'm in the room accompanied by the leaders of
02:29 one of the largest clinical laboratories in Indonesia,
02:32 namely Prodia Widia Husada.
02:34 There is Mrs. Dewi Mulyati, President Director of Prodia,
02:38 who has also listed in the stock market with the PRDA code.
02:42 How are you, Mrs?
02:43 I'm fine. Thank you.
02:44 Thank you so much for giving me time to chat.
02:48 Mrs, maybe we should talk about Prodia first.
02:52 It's been 50 or 51 years, right?
02:55 50 years, last year, and later in May, 51 years.
02:59 51 years.
03:00 What is the achievement that you feel most about entering this 51 years?
03:07 Yes, of course, from the development of the company itself, it is very different.
03:12 The company's growth, then what we get from the profit,
03:21 of course we can develop it again for innovation,
03:24 innovation further ahead.
03:27 And we, since the IPO, have developed a laboratory,
03:33 which we call the Next Generation Lab,
03:36 which of course supports the Precision Medicine era,
03:39 or in Indonesian, precision medicine.
03:42 Which contains preventive medicine, predictive, and also personalized medicine.
03:50 So now, medical treatment or health care is often involved
03:57 in every person involved for the personal health interest.
04:03 Okay, what do you mean by involving, what was the question?
04:08 Yes, involving everyone personally.
04:12 So usually, the drug or treatment is often equalized for everyone.
04:21 And it turns out that in the Precision Medicine era,
04:23 which is supported by the current genomic technology,
04:28 it can be set individually.
04:34 The response of the drug, the response of the food, the response to food,
04:39 it is different for each person.
04:41 Maybe to understand more, like me, Muya and Jumung,
04:46 some of the viewers at home, what is the example like?
04:49 For example, in general, if we have a cold or fever,
05:00 we usually take medicine, fever medicine, or hot medicine,
05:05 three times one, for example, and with a certain brand or certain generic medicine.
05:12 But actually, the DNA of each person is different in responding to the drug.
05:20 So in the future, in the Precision Medicine era,
05:23 everyone will be treated differently, whether it is the type of medicine or the dose.
05:30 Especially with difficult diseases, such as cancer or rare diseases.
05:37 And even heart disease, for example,
05:40 which often after there is a treatment or other treatment,
05:44 it needs, for example, blood thinners.
05:47 It should also be different for everyone.
05:51 According to how the DNA responds to the drug.
05:55 Okay, will it be more complicated later?
06:00 Maybe for the patient herself, it's more expensive, or what is it like?
06:04 If we start something new, it's always complicated.
06:09 Because it's a change, adaptation to change.
06:14 But actually, in the future, this will make the treatment more efficient and effective.
06:24 Because the drug is not given massively, but the effectiveness is low, for example.
06:32 So if she doesn't need the drug, she will feel the side effects, even though it doesn't cure.
06:40 For example, in cancer or blood thinners,
06:46 it only has a side effect, but it's not effective for the body.
06:55 So what she buys is expensive, right?
06:59 But when she uses an effective drug, what she buys is cheaper and does not waste money.
07:08 So it will affect the health economy.
07:12 So it's cheaper at first, but you know right away, it's more expensive at first, but you know right away.
07:17 The point is, rather than going around, why doesn't it cure?
07:21 Right, and now to find out if this drug is effective according to our DNA,
07:26 we have to check it first.
07:27 Okay.
07:28 DNA or genomics testing.
07:30 Then we know, oh, it turns out that our DNA responds to this drug like this.
07:36 So if it doesn't respond, we have to find another drug that responds.
07:40 When was it targeted, ma'am?
07:42 Is it in Prodia?
07:43 It's already there.
07:44 Already there?
07:45 Already there in Prodia.
07:46 But introducing this kind of thing is not easy.
07:50 Because, one, it's still a little different from the conventional treatment that is currently underway.
08:00 Second, of course, there is a higher cost.
08:03 I'm sure with technology that will be more advanced and the desire to test more,
08:12 usually if the volume increases, the price will also adjust.
08:17 Okay, it will change itself later, because this is still a drug.
08:21 Besides that, ma'am, are there any other challenges that are felt from the technology?
08:26 Maybe the technology is coming or other things in the country that need to be improved?
08:31 Because health issues are also something that is very important in the future.
08:36 Yes, before going there, I will explain first.
08:39 For women, what is interesting is also called skin and hair genomics.
08:43 Okay, what is it, ma'am?
08:45 So skin and hair genomics will actually see our DNA pattern respond.
08:55 For example, for beauty care or aesthetics, not all can respond to one cosmetic product in the same way.
09:05 Why does one person use one cosmetic product effectively, so good, why not the others?
09:11 Or also if it's towards skin diseases and diseases related to scalp or hair, there are also differences.
09:21 So that the doctor can treat it based on the DNA specification that is indeed tested or the treatment is also more there.
09:30 Now there are many aesthetic clinics that use skin and hair genomics and it is also already in Prodia.
09:36 Already in Prodia, yes.
09:37 If earlier the question was about the challenge of technology, technology in the health lab is interesting.
09:45 Because this health lab is developing very fast in terms of technology.
09:53 The science and technology are developing very fast and of course this is also being responded by many business enthusiasts.
10:05 To open labs, if you see, there are many new labs or new hospitals with labs.
10:12 But the challenge is that this new technology can not only be operated without the ability of the operator.
10:23 Oh, that's the challenge, technology is there, but where is the operator?
10:27 Because we still buy technology in Indonesia.
10:30 So if there is capital, it can definitely be bought.
10:36 But how to operate these tools or instruments, this technology becomes a service, translated into service, it is not easy.
10:50 Well, this knowledge is the homework, right?
10:52 Right, because in Indonesia itself, the study program to implement technology like this, it can be said that there are not many or very limited.
11:05 Well, this is still a big challenge.
11:07 But later we will discuss further, the news is that you have been joining with Prodia for 36 years,
11:17 it is said that it started from the beginning, it turns out from the beginning, this can be a tip for leadership, this can be an inspiration, Mrs. Irsa.
11:25 Later we will discuss further, we will talk first.
11:28 Mrs. Irsa, don't go anywhere, stay with us, we will be back in Women's Talks in a moment.
11:33 [Music]
11:43 Thank you, Mrs. Irsa, we will still talk with Mrs. Dewi Mulyati, President Director of Prodia Widia Husada
11:49 or the one in the Indonesian Embassy with the PRDA share code.
11:53 Mrs. How many branches or clinics have you had this year from Prodia?
12:01 Until the end of 2023, we have 152 branches throughout Indonesia.
12:08 But the total number of outlets is 295 outlets, because we also have several doctor's clinics and several hospital labs that are operated.
12:22 So in total 295 in 34 provinces.
12:27 Okay, do you have any plans to expand to the Indonesian Embassy?
12:32 Yes, we will just follow the development and how the government will make this Indonesian Embassy bigger.
12:43 Of course we will also contribute.
12:48 Okay, Mrs. Dewi, if you look at Prodia so far, it has been listed in the Indonesian Embassy,
12:57 able to last 50 years with various kinds of dynamics,
13:00 then also become the largest private clinic laboratory in Indonesia,
13:07 what kind of behavior does it maintain?
13:11 Is it easy enough to remember the need for a clinic laboratory that is still high in Indonesia with a large number of residents?
13:17 What is it like?
13:19 In my opinion, the most important thing is human capital.
13:23 So Prodia is very concerned about the quality of human resources,
13:29 and of course we continue to carry out our mission, which is to diagnose better.
13:34 So when we develop an innovation, whether it's a new test, new services, digital transformation,
13:42 everything is oriented to this mission.
13:44 And we have a vision to be the next generation lab that supports the next generation of medicine that I just explained.
13:53 Of course, this must be supported by a capable human resource.
14:00 And Prodia has given a lot of scholarships to its employees,
14:05 now in Prodia there are about 40 PhDs, doctors, and also a master's degree of about 70 people,
14:14 so it's like an academic, actually.
14:18 Outside PT Prodia Widia Ustada TBK, we also have a sister company,
14:22 so overall, there are about 60 doctors in the biomedical field in Prodia,
14:32 and the master of science is probably more than 80.
14:36 That's the most important thing in my opinion.
14:38 So every continuous improvement we do, innovation we do,
14:44 of course must be supported by a good human resource.
14:48 And don't forget the strength of Prodia is in high-performing teams, so a strong and resilient team.
14:53 Okay, so the team is the key.
14:56 Without a team, you can't get to this position now, right?
15:00 You said earlier that we have a scholarship program.
15:02 You also said in the first segment that we can buy a technology,
15:08 but what is the operator like?
15:11 Is the team that joined the scholarship program,
15:14 do they study in Indonesia or abroad?
15:17 Because usually those who know technology are from abroad,
15:20 like Next, we hope Indonesia will also join.
15:22 How is it, ma'am?
15:24 It's a combination, ma'am, both domestic and foreign.
15:27 But it doesn't reduce the domestic one,
15:30 because even in the domestic, we will still provide support
15:35 for example, an improvement in the ability of a course abroad,
15:39 or a workshop, or a conference.
15:42 So a lot of Prodia teams,
15:45 every year we will definitely send for a workshop or conference
15:49 for the skill upgrading and knowledge.
15:54 The team earlier, what is important?
15:57 You said that if we talk about the current health industry,
16:00 the current one, which is following the development,
16:02 like what you said about the innovation earlier.
16:05 Okay, ma'am, 50 years Prodia has operated in Indonesia,
16:10 supporting the health sector.
16:12 At first you joined, do you remember what year?
16:15 Still in 1987.
16:18 You said in Bandung, right?
16:19 Was it still a nursing home?
16:22 In Bandung, it was already a branch of Bandung,
16:26 the second floor above it was the central office of Bandung, we call it.
16:32 There was no central office in Jakarta before.
16:34 Well, recently, because Mr. Andi has a vision to develop
16:39 all over Indonesia, to become the best and largest lab,
16:42 it started to operate in Jakarta.
16:45 Well, I was in Bandung at that time,
16:47 Mr. Andi's student,
16:49 he hadn't graduated, he had actually graduated from S1 Pharmacy,
16:52 but he was studying as an apothecary,
16:54 he was offered to be an assistant manager,
16:58 even though he was a broker,
16:59 I didn't know why he was in that position.
17:02 Because it was still very empty,
17:05 to fill the development of Prodia.
17:08 There was no Jakarta center, it was just going to be formed.
17:14 When I was accepted and waiting for me to graduate as an apothecary,
17:18 I was a broker in Prodia,
17:20 then I moved to Jakarta.
17:24 This is where my parents' house was.
17:26 This building is actually this one.
17:28 Oh, this one, ma'am?
17:29 This one.
17:30 Looking from here, it's actually a building, right?
17:32 This was my parents' house on Kramat Raya Street.
17:35 In the old days, the Dutch house had a name,
17:38 there was a name, Irene.
17:40 This is my parents' house here.
17:41 Okay, and it's developing like this, ma'am.
17:44 Okay, you've been in Prodia for 36 years.
17:47 More than half of your age,
17:50 Prodia is 51 years old,
17:52 you're already 36 years old,
17:53 even though you've been through a lot of levels in Prodia.
17:56 Have you ever thought of trying something else?
18:00 Or what?
18:01 How to overcome,
18:03 is there any boredom in the position,
18:06 not position,
18:07 more to the same company.
18:08 To one company.
18:09 Yes, we will discuss later,
18:10 because maybe many have a problem like that.
18:13 Stay with us,
18:15 Mimir Sadie, Women's Talk, IDX Channel.
18:17 Thank you, Mimir Sadie, for being with us again,
18:29 still with Ibu Dewi.
18:31 Ibu Dewi, this year,
18:33 what is the target of Prodia,
18:36 then the hopes of the management?
18:39 Yes, we certainly want to continue to grow,
18:43 and this year,
18:46 actually since 2 years ago,
18:49 I invited my friends in Prodia,
18:51 this is the Prodia team,
18:52 to also care about the environment.
18:55 Besides we also run
18:57 good corporate governance,
18:59 we also want to invite,
19:02 care about the environment,
19:04 and also social.
19:06 So we try to apply ESG,
19:10 Environmental, Social, and Governance.
19:13 How important is that for the company's energy?
19:15 Very important,
19:16 because even investors now see,
19:20 how far this company is,
19:22 pay attention to the ESG aspect.
19:24 Actually, there are many things
19:26 that we have done in this ESG aspect,
19:28 but we haven't stated it yet.
19:30 Well, this time,
19:32 starting this year,
19:33 we will clarify and also implement,
19:36 some additional things.
19:38 For example?
19:39 For example, for example,
19:41 we actually already manage the costs,
19:44 from the results of the labor process in the laboratory.
19:48 The costs must be processed.
19:50 Yes, and we always have to,
19:53 and have met all the requirements,
19:58 because if not, it's related to the permit.
20:00 The permit will not be given,
20:03 if it doesn't meet those requirements.
20:04 Well, we consider this aspect,
20:08 as a normal thing,
20:10 because this aspect must be carried out.
20:12 It turns out, there is an environmental aspect,
20:14 which contributes to sustainability,
20:18 the continuity of the company,
20:19 the continuity of life, environment, and so on.
20:23 There are many other aspects,
20:25 for example,
20:26 the attention to the workforce in us,
20:30 gender equality.
20:32 In Prodia, it just so happens,
20:34 about 75% to 80% are women.
20:38 Okay.
20:39 So, it's the opposite of the others.
20:41 So, which one is the gender equality?
20:43 So, how to increase the gender equality?
20:47 If we talk about gender equality,
20:51 which is often a reference to female leadership,
20:55 in Prodia, it doesn't apply.
20:57 There are many female leaders here,
20:59 even the BOD is four women and one man.
21:02 So, I think this is because
21:06 those who are interested in the health field,
21:10 there are many women.
21:11 So, the graduates,
21:13 when we need workers,
21:20 or human resources,
21:22 there are more women.
21:24 Okay.
21:25 Of course, for the company's performance,
21:28 we will continue to develop digital-based services.
21:32 Digital-based services will help our community or customers
21:38 to access it more easily and quickly,
21:41 and more efficiently in time.
21:43 There are many promotions there,
21:45 so it's also in terms of cost.
21:48 Prodia is also a national reference.
21:51 So, if you and the team have the opportunity
21:56 to see our lab in this building,
22:00 this is a national reference lab from all over Indonesia.
22:04 So, we operate as a hub and spoke model.
22:07 So, the branches do routine checks,
22:13 but special checks are sent to Jakarta in this building.
22:18 Other labs, hospitals, or clinics,
22:23 there are also many that refer to Prodia.
22:26 So, we have a vision to be the largest national reference.
22:30 And if allowed or regulated by the government,
22:35 we also want to be a reference from abroad.
22:37 Amen. Hopefully, that can be achieved soon.
22:40 My question earlier,
22:41 you have been working with Prodia for 36 years,
22:44 from the warehouse,
22:45 and now you are the President Director.
22:48 Aren't you bored?
22:49 Oh, that.
22:50 What do you usually do?
22:53 Well, I like to study,
22:59 and I have many opportunities to study here.
23:01 Then, in this field of science,
23:05 especially when I joined Prodia,
23:07 the reference source
23:12 at that time, there was no massive internet.
23:17 It was very difficult.
23:19 So, when I joined Prodia,
23:22 I was very lucky to be able to shop for books or references.
23:31 You can see the books in your room.
23:34 If you want to see in our library,
23:38 there are more than 40 international journals,
23:42 of course, related to health laboratory science.
23:45 We are a sponsor,
23:48 so many doctors and clients,
23:50 if they want to study,
23:51 they use this facility.
23:53 The luxury of being able to read and refer to the international,
23:59 that makes me enjoy it.
24:05 So, in Prodia, there are also high-performing teams for the FAH.
24:15 And from here, the strong teamwork,
24:21 this is also a good family element.
24:25 So, the friendship in Prodia,
24:27 which can be felt,
24:29 makes us engage here.
24:32 If we look at the demographic of employees in Prodia,
24:37 there are many with 5-10 years of experience.
24:42 So, there are many factors that make Prodia interesting,
24:47 a place to study,
24:49 a place to have a career.
24:51 Maybe, what needs to be emphasized is,
24:54 if the career is stuck there,
24:56 there is something wrong with us,
24:58 or our place, right?
25:00 Okay.
25:01 Good luck to Prodia, Ibu Dewi, and the team.
25:05 There are still many things we want to go through,
25:07 we go around in Prodia's office,
25:08 unfortunately, when we are limited.
25:10 Hopefully, this can be an inspiration reference
25:12 for the Women's Talk audience,
25:14 wherever it is, for career, life, business, and so on.
25:18 Thank you, Ibu Dewi.
25:19 Thank you.
25:20 See you again.
25:21 And the Women's Talk audience,
25:22 this time with me, Prisa Sombodato.
25:24 See you in the next episode.
25:26 And thank you.
25:28 See you again.
25:29 Bye.
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