El Maleficio Capitulo 79 Completo

  • 8 months ago
El Maleficio Capitulo 79 Completo
El Maleficio Capitulo 80 Completo
El Maleficio Capitulo 81 Completo
01:14 Me? Want to be the carrier?
01:17 No Enrique, we both know that's impossible.
01:20 So why are you offering the dagger?
01:23 It's not for me.
01:24 Then for whom? Answer me.
01:27 For Juan Montes Almazán.
01:28 I don't believe you.
01:30 Bael has told us that the boy is the successor.
01:33 Don't try to fool me Gerardo.
01:35 Enrique, I'm not fooling you.
01:37 You know very well that you're lying.
01:39 Think what you want.
01:40 I know that for you Bael's wishes are not important.
01:44 And you can't fool me either.
01:45 You should follow Bael's will.
01:48 Because not doing so will lead to your destruction.
02:13 What a miracle you're here Vicky.
02:15 What's wrong with you Vicky? We haven't heard from you.
02:19 You don't come, you don't answer our calls.
02:21 I couldn't.
02:23 Not even a message, right?
02:25 A voice note takes like two seconds.
02:28 Well, I didn't want to.
02:30 What's wrong Vicky?
02:33 Don't start with that you're like this because of Jorge.
02:35 Don't mention that name again.
02:39 Okay.
02:40 What did he do to you Vicky?
02:43 That no woman should suffer.
02:48 What?
02:50 That guy is a damn.
02:55 How is it possible?
02:56 If he looked so cute, so good.
03:00 I don't know Roberta.
03:02 But everything is being a nightmare.
03:05 Forgive me Vicky.
03:07 I think I had to see.
03:10 I said something that maybe made him see you in another way.
03:14 What are you talking about Clara?
03:17 I told him you were a virgin.
03:23 I don't want to see you again.
03:26 You destroyed my life Clara.
03:30 [Music]
03:33 Oh Gabriel.
03:45 Thank you for calling me back.
03:47 This is very important.
03:50 Look.
03:52 I know what I'm going to tell you.
03:54 It may sound like crazy, but...
03:58 There is something that your newspaper has to know.
04:03 It's about Jorge de Martino.
04:07 Enrique's son.
04:10 Hello.
04:20 He arrived?
04:22 No, I'll let you know when he is.
04:24 You just prepare your people.
04:26 Okay.
04:28 Do what you have to do.
04:30 The priest must suffer until his last breath.
04:39 Where is Cayetano?
04:44 Don't you come with him?
04:47 I couldn't bring him.
04:50 What?
04:51 Did you regret it?
04:55 I couldn't bring him.
04:58 My love.
05:15 I'm glad you're here.
05:19 I'm sorry it went wrong.
05:21 I thought I was in control of things for a long time, but...
05:25 No one can control what happens to us.
05:28 That's part of the beauty of life.
05:31 This was really extremely important.
05:35 You'll find a way to fix it.
05:38 Tell me, how is Vicky?
05:40 Bad.
05:41 She has no mood, she looks sad, she doesn't want anything, and she's not like that anymore.
05:46 Don't worry, I'll help you in everything I can.
05:50 There's something else.
05:52 What?
05:53 Strange things are happening in the house.
05:56 Don't be afraid.
05:57 I don't know what to do.
05:59 I've even thought, for Vicky's sake, that the best thing we can do is leave this house.
06:04 Do you know what the virus does?
06:17 It eats you.
06:20 It devours you from the inside.
06:22 I can't do what they ask me to do.
06:25 Cayetano has always been very good to me.
06:27 I can't.
06:29 You feel fear.
06:33 And we are going to devour it.
06:38 [Screaming]
06:41 I just want you to remember that this is your home and your children's.
07:02 Yes, but there are many things and I can't see Vicky bad.
07:06 I understand, but I don't think they'll get better if you leave here.
07:10 Besides, I want you by my side.
07:11 And I want you.
07:13 But it's just that...
07:14 Beatriz, I know it's not easy to be with someone like me.
07:19 But the first person who taught me that life can be beautiful is you.
07:23 And precisely because of what I feel for you, I'm not going to let anything happen to you.
07:30 I'm going to defend you from whatever and whoever.
07:34 I'm not going to lose you, Beatriz.
07:37 It's something I couldn't stand.
07:39 Gerardo, why didn't you tell me?
07:49 What?
07:50 Is it true that Juan Montes Almazán is the next carrier of Bael?
07:54 Tell me, is that true?
07:57 Who told you?
08:00 The teacher Dolores.
08:02 Yes?
08:04 She told you that?
08:05 Yes, that's right.
08:06 She's been preparing the boy for a long time to be the next successor.
08:10 Oh Jorge, Jorge.
08:13 I'm very surprised that you still believe everything they tell you.
08:17 And no, the reality is that Dolores has many plans.
08:23 And she wants much more power within the organization.
08:27 That's all.
08:28 So it's not true?
08:29 No, of course not.
08:32 It's obvious that Bael would never choose a child to take on such important tasks.
08:36 Yes, it doesn't make sense.
08:38 Don't say that.
08:42 I trust that everything will find its place because God is with us.
08:46 And if God wasn't?
08:52 Why do you say it like that?
08:53 Because sometimes the darkness is too big.
08:56 But God is everywhere, even in the darkness, in silence.
09:02 And I know you're not a believer.
09:05 And my children are having doubts about their faith.
09:09 I would like to ask you not to say something like that in front of them.
09:13 Yes, you have my word.
09:14 We are going through the most difficult crisis of our lives.
09:18 And that's why I want to strengthen our values, our union as a family.
09:24 You know you count on me.
09:26 Thank you.
09:30 Part of what I want to do is strengthen Juanito's faith.
09:33 That's why I want to help him with the catechism.
09:36 I'll see you later, okay?
09:39 Everything will be fine.
09:40 So everything is ready for me to be the next bearer?
09:55 I'm afraid to tell you that things are not that easy.
09:59 Why?
10:00 You have to be stronger than ever.
10:03 Think about every decision.
10:06 And you can't regret it.
10:09 Your father will put you through all kinds of obstacles.
10:13 Why?
10:14 Because of what you did to Vicky.
10:17 But don't worry.
10:19 Don't worry that you did the right thing.
10:22 It was to please Abael.
10:25 And you can never sweat that.
10:28 Never.
10:29 The right thing is that I'm the new bearer and I'm the head of the organization.
10:34 I totally agree with you.
10:39 Mostly thanks to me, my father achieved everything he has.
10:44 Yes, the problem is that he has always been very arrogant.
10:48 And his selfishness does not let him realize that what he has, he owes it to Abael and the organization that has supported him all the time.
10:57 He's so blind that he feels that...
10:59 You know what?
11:00 I'm not going to make the same mistakes as him.
11:04 I'm going to do much better.
11:06 And that's why you're going to get much further.
11:10 So be it.
11:12 Hello?
11:18 Gerardo, something just happened to Eduardo and I need your help.
11:24 [Music]
11:31 My God, I can't stop thinking about Eduardo.
11:36 There must be a way for him to come back, but I don't know how to find him.
11:43 Help me. Guide me.
11:47 Father Cayetano.
11:50 How are you, daughter?
11:53 It's a pleasure to see you.
11:54 Good afternoon, Juan.
11:56 Are we ready to start?
11:58 Well, I'll leave you alone so you don't interrupt.
12:01 Sit down, Juan.
12:03 Well, I'm very happy to have you here because what I'm going to teach you is very important to you.
12:12 We're going to talk about joy, forgiveness, love.
12:16 My mom is watching us. If she wants, she can leave.
12:22 But it's very important that you know about all the love, protection that God is willing to give you.
12:29 I only came because my mom asked me to. And I don't think you can teach me much.
12:34 Juan, you need to realize that everything they've told you at school is a lie.
12:43 No, Father.
12:44 Teacher Dolores has opened my eyes to the truth.
12:48 I know that in that place they worship an evil and very dark being.
12:55 Could he be wrong? That being is the most powerful thing that exists.
13:00 All they've done is deceive you. Listen to me. That being is dangerous.
13:08 No. I met him face to face and I can tell you that he's incredible.
13:14 [The next day]
13:16 Enrique, we need to talk.
13:21 What's up, Julia?
13:22 The situation in the organization is very difficult.
13:24 What do you mean?
13:25 Jorge is still holding his own meetings and calling the members he wants to tell them that he will be the new leader.
13:32 It can't be.
13:34 I'm on your side and I don't understand what your son is winning.
13:37 What happens is that Jorge is wrong.
13:39 The bad thing is that he is convincing some members.
13:41 What?
13:43 I've tried to keep things quiet, but since Beatriz arrived, he feels that you are more distracted with her.
13:49 Those are the words of the damn Gerardo.
13:53 But Jorge will listen to me and I will not allow him this kind of thing.
13:57 He will be my son, but I will stop him.
13:59 No, Enrique. It's the truth.
14:01 The first thing you have to do is accept it to face the problem well.
14:05 Because Beatriz came to destroy everything you had.
14:08 Everything we had.
14:10 Please, don't keep doing that.
14:12 Look, Jorge is causing a division between the children of Bael.
14:17 But for me you are the only leader.
14:19 I respect you and I will always be with you.
14:22 But don't be fooled, because we already know what is really going on.
14:26 If you keep denying it, you're just giving Jorge the reason.
14:35 Juan, that evil being always presents himself by deceiving people.
14:41 He told me he was a friend of my dad.
14:43 We were talking for a long time.
14:46 Yes, because he knows he is stupid, weak.
14:49 But all he wants is for you to fall into temptation.
14:53 Look, Father, you don't understand anything.
14:56 You think that being makes you feel strong, but in reality it makes you weaker.
15:03 Have we finished class?
15:05 Juan, your teachers are deceiving you.
15:09 They are keeping you away from the people who love you, from your family.
15:13 No, Father.
15:15 The teachers only look for the best for me.
15:18 And they have brought me closer to my best friend, Enrique de Martino.
15:22 I know you admire him.
15:24 And surely he seems like a very powerful man to you, but...
15:28 Before meeting your mother, let me tell you that he was very different.
15:34 How?
15:36 He was a man who had many things, but...
15:40 He had nothing.
15:42 With a lot of money, but a big emptiness in his heart.
15:47 He was not happy.
15:49 He could not be calm.
15:51 Even his children abandoned him.
15:53 He had no love.
15:55 You don't want that for your life, do you?
15:58 You want to be happy.
16:02 And also see Vicky and your mother happy.
16:07 You don't have to suffer.
16:09 What I'm going to do is get Jorge and Gerardo out of the organization.
16:14 You can't do that.
16:16 Of course I can.
16:17 I'm the bearer of Bael.
16:19 And that couple thinks they know more than me.
16:22 There is no scripture or vision that exceeds living with him every damn day.
16:27 Calm down, please, Enrique.
16:29 What do you think? That you can go against my orders?
16:32 I'm going to show you it's not like that.
16:34 So, is it true that the next bearer is going to be the boy?
16:40 That is Bael's will.
16:42 But he is not ready and that's why I'm not going to do the ceremony.
16:45 Now I understand everything.
16:47 But on the way you felt something for Beatriz.
16:51 I knew you would never turn your back on us.
16:54 Well, you're going to have to get the traitors out.
16:57 They broke our trust.
16:59 You don't deserve something like that.
17:01 Thanks for telling me.
17:04 Always.
17:05 Rosario, come please.
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53:51 Juanito, are you okay?
54:01 What's wrong?
54:04 You're scared.
54:07 Remember that fear makes you stronger.
54:10 You just have to face it.
54:12 Juan, don't say that, please.
54:14 It's okay.
54:16 Come with me.
54:18 I'll take care of you.
54:20 No one will hurt you again, I swear.
54:22 Thank you, Juan.
54:25 [Music]
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54:32 It can't be.
54:35 It can't be, my God.
54:38 How is it possible that Enrique did something like this?
54:44 Someone with so much power also has to be very perverse.
54:51 [Music]
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55:00 You're just getting to know Enrique.
55:04 And there's a hidden part that he doesn't show everyone.
55:07 [Music]
55:10 With all your light,
55:15 you're the only one who can make him understand
55:18 that the greatest force in the world
55:22 is love.
55:25 The only one you have to respect above all is Abael, man.
55:29 Shut up, Jorge!
55:32 He's a demon.
55:34 He's a demon.
55:36 How did I not realize it?
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