El Maleficio Capitulo 73 Completo
El Maleficio Capitulo 74 Completo
El Maleficio Capitulo 73 Completo
El Maleficio Capitulo 74 Completo
El Maleficio Capitulo 73 Completo
Short filmTranscript
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00:53 But you know what? I'm not afraid of you anymore.
00:56 Because God and the Archangels are by my side,
00:59 and I will never be alone or unprotected.
01:02 And Beatriz has enough love to achieve what no one has ever been able to do before.
01:07 I promise you, Father. I promise you that I will regain what I can from the subjects of Bael.
01:12 I don't want you to expose yourself! That mission is mine!
01:15 But you're not alone in this, Father!
01:17 You supported me when I needed you the most. You gave me back my faith, my life.
01:23 And from now on, I'm going to do everything to make my father give up on Bael.
01:28 Gerardo, after what happened,
01:43 Yes?
01:44 I'm sure Bael expects great things from me, and I'm not going to let him down.
01:49 Well, but that's how it should be, right?
01:53 I think it's time to make another sacrifice.
01:58 You must be careful. Sacrifices to our Father should not be taken lightly.
02:05 I'm not going to make any kind of sacrifice.
02:08 And what are you going to offer?
02:11 I'm going to offer the virginity of a woman in love.
02:15 Of a woman who is good and pure.
02:18 Good, good, good, good. But this time you have to think about the consequences, huh?
02:23 Vicky blindly believes in me.
02:26 My gift to Bael will be to break the soul of an innocent being.
02:30 That way he will continue to favor me.
02:32 Oh, this is a very bad night, aunt.
02:39 I see that, my daughter. What happened?
02:42 That ghost appeared again.
02:45 What?
02:46 Oh, that can't be, Beatriz.
02:49 First I dreamed that Juanito was approaching.
02:52 I woke up and saw her. She stopped at the door and I followed her to the library.
02:56 How, how did you follow her?
03:00 Oh, I don't know how to explain it to you. It was as if she called me.
03:04 I could swear she said my name.
03:06 And she wrote in a notebook.
03:09 Oh, no, no, Beatriz. Please, for God's sake.
03:14 That can't be.
03:17 Look, you're worrying me a lot.
03:20 I'm telling you the truth.
03:22 Something strange is happening in this house.
03:26 Please, my dear, look. Come, don't say that.
03:30 All of this is absurd.
03:32 Aunt, listen to me, I swear, I swear.
03:36 No, my dear. Think a little.
03:39 It's just stress, your nerves.
03:44 And I don't understand why you're stressing yourself living the way you're living.
03:48 I can't believe you're telling me that.
03:50 Well, I'm telling you.
03:52 What happened to you yesterday? Why did you disappear?
03:59 Sorry, I went with Jorge.
04:01 Where to?
04:02 Well, he invited me to go to his favorite restaurant.
04:05 Oh, no, no, no. Tell me everything, Vicky.
04:07 No, I can't tell you.
04:08 Why not?
04:10 We're your best friends, right?
04:12 Well, okay, but I swear you won't tell anyone.
04:15 Oh, God, no, Victoria.
04:16 Well, Jorge and I kissed again yesterday.
04:21 Shut up. Shut up, please.
04:24 But you don't know how incredible it was.
04:26 And now what's going to happen?
04:28 Well, I don't know.
04:29 What do you mean you don't know? Are they dating or what?
04:31 Well, more or less.
04:33 So?
04:34 Well, I don't know. We're not talking about that.
04:36 We're going little by little because we want to keep it a secret so he doesn't have any problems.
04:41 No, Vicky. It's a shame they're hiding you.
04:43 Well, they already know how my mom is.
04:45 Well, you're right. I don't think she agrees.
04:48 Well, you're going to have to tell her sometime.
04:51 Because if not, only Jorge is going to have fun with you and it's not going to happen from there.
04:54 No, that's not going to happen, Clara. You don't know everything he told me yesterday.
04:58 Victoria, come here. Tell me everything.
05:01 I can't help but recognize the enormous effort you've made in your preparation.
05:07 Thank you. It's been the most important thing for me.
05:10 Bael made your call through Raul.
05:13 Yes, I know.
05:14 Notice that in all my years studying Ibael's will, I had never seen anything like it.
05:23 It must be the great pleasure he feels towards me.
05:26 Or it could be something else.
05:28 Like what?
05:29 I don't know. I don't know yet.
05:32 Everything that's happened challenges what we know about Bael.
05:37 Are you sure?
05:38 Yes. Especially because there's a clear distance between your father and Bael.
05:44 Well, then what should I do?
05:46 We're experimenting with something completely new.
05:50 I don't even know what could be the best.
05:54 Well, you're right. I have to make a great sacrifice.
05:58 I can feel that Bael will listen to me.
06:01 Captain, can I come in?
06:11 Yes, of course. Come in, please.
06:13 Thank you.
06:14 I need to talk to you.
06:18 Yes, Mariana, please sit down.
06:20 Thank you.
06:21 What happened?
06:22 It's about Adrian. He's very upset about what happened to Joel.
06:26 I saw him yesterday and he started shouting things in public.
06:29 Things that could be compromising.
06:31 And the last thing I want is problems with the organization.
06:35 Don't worry, he won't have any.
06:37 Well, I don't know what to do with him anymore.
06:40 Please do something.
06:42 I have to tell Gerardo about this.
06:45 And he'll decide what to do.
06:47 I thought he knew how the organization worked.
06:52 That we supported each other and that everyone has to see for themselves.
06:56 Yes, of course. That's right.
06:57 But suddenly he started proposing a serious relationship.
07:01 He separated from his wife for me. And now this.
07:04 I don't think he knew what to do with all that came to him.
07:07 It was too many changes for him.
07:09 It could be.
07:12 But it's not my business.
07:14 Because this could end up in a very serious problem.
07:17 Aunt, do you feel better?
07:21 Oh yes, but ...
07:24 Oh, daughter, I almost have a heart attack.
07:27 I told you.
07:28 I told you something strange was going on in this house.
07:30 No, no, no, no.
07:32 If you hadn't told me all those strange things,
07:36 I wouldn't have been so scared with that dove.
07:40 Oh, my daughter.
07:43 I've told you so many times.
07:47 It's just your suggestion.
07:49 No, aunt. I know it's not.
07:51 Well, what are you going to do?
07:54 And don't tell Enrique anything, please.
07:58 I don't know, you're going to sound, I don't know how to tell you, ridiculous.
08:04 And more with the problems they've been bringing lately.
08:10 No, aunt. Enrique will understand me.
08:12 And fortunately we already talked and clarified our differences.
08:16 Does that mean they've reconciled?
08:20 Yes.
08:22 Hi Enrique, I've been very worried about you.
08:25 How is Raul?
08:27 It's getting better very quickly.
08:29 I'm very happy that you are finally with your two children again.
08:33 Thank you.
08:34 He's not going to leave anymore?
08:35 I don't know, it's too soon.
08:37 Too soon to know.
08:39 Raul has changed a lot.
08:41 I would love to see him in the organization.
08:43 And how are you with Beatriz?
08:46 That's not something you care about.
08:48 Why are you like this?
08:50 I know she has her place, but you can't deny that I've earned mine too.
08:54 Julia, no, no, I don't want you to keep provoking Beatriz.
08:57 I'm not provoking her.
08:59 If she feels insecure, sorry, but it's not my problem.
09:02 Besides, I have to see for Bael, for what he needs.
09:05 But don't deny the will of our Lord.
09:08 You forget that I know what I'm doing, right?
09:10 It seems that you don't, and it's all for her.
09:12 But I'm not going to let you condemn yourself to eternity in hell because of her.
09:17 I'm not going to allow it.
09:18 Since Carlos is not here, we have double the work.
09:30 Let's see.
09:31 Don't mention that traitor to me.
09:33 Yes, yes, but the important thing is that he is already paying for what he did, right?
09:36 And I don't forget.
09:38 Not that, nor what you did for me.
09:41 That's why you have earned a higher place in the organization.
09:46 Are you serious?
09:49 Fernando, the time has come for you to change your bracelet.
09:53 Oh yeah? And? What do I have to do?
09:56 With everything you've shown, dear friend,
10:01 you just need my father's approval and an oath.
10:07 An oath?
10:08 Yes.
10:09 A very special one that you will never be able to break.
10:13 Hey, it looks like he loves football, right?
10:25 Yes, he is fascinated.
10:27 How is he doing at school?
10:30 Well, he is very happy, although I don't understand the goal very much.
10:35 Well, it's just that it's a different school.
10:38 Why?
10:39 Well, let's say I don't agree with what they say there.
10:43 In fact, I could even tell you that it's difficult to get out of your head what they teach you in that place.
10:49 You went too.
10:50 Yes, just for a while, but I never liked it.
10:53 And why?
10:55 Well, because in that school they just want to get a part of you that you don't want to know.
11:01 Raul, you're worrying me.
11:04 Look, I know that Juan is a good boy.
11:06 If you can, tell your mom to change him from school.
11:09 Damn, it's difficult.
11:11 He is very happy in that school because in the previous one they were very bad.
11:15 So I don't think I can convince him.
11:17 Besides, your dad managed to get in and I think that's why he makes him more special.
11:32 I believe in one almighty God, creator of heaven and earth.
11:38 Father!
11:39 Father Cayetano.
11:41 Beatriz, what happened to you?
11:43 Father, I'm very scared.
11:45 What's going on? Come, sit down.
11:47 That woman, Nora, keeps scaring me.
11:50 Or she and many other things, I'm sure they want to drive me away.
11:54 Beatriz, when Raul was here, he told me that his mother took her life.
12:00 And the souls that do something like that are left in grief.
12:03 Yes, but why are you scaring me, father?
12:05 I've also asked for Nora's soul, but she must be distressed by her children.
12:11 Yes, well, what can I do?
12:13 Daughter, are you sure Enrique loves you?
12:18 Totally.
12:19 Did he tell you?
12:21 Yes.
12:23 Just once.
12:24 Oh, father, it's a man who finds it hard to speak of what he feels.
12:27 That's because his life was filled with shadows when he lost his children's mother.
12:32 And I believe that you, with all your light,
12:36 you are the only one who can make him understand
12:39 that the greatest force in the world is love.
12:45 I believe that all the pain that surrounded Enrique de Martino's life
12:50 led him closer to darkness.
12:53 Look, daughter, there may be many things that want to separate them,
12:56 but the love you have for him is greater.
12:59 Yes, father.
13:00 Yes, because I have had the opportunity to meet the real Enrique.
13:05 And that's why I didn't hesitate to give him my heart.
13:08 God knows why he does things.
13:10 Sometimes he puts us in the way of people to help them,
13:14 accompany them or save them.
13:17 Yes, I feel that Enrique has helped me in many ways.
13:20 I'm sure that you are the one who changed his life.
13:27 So, no matter what happens, daughter, don't lose faith.
13:33 I imagine that my father had taken him to that school.
13:38 He always tries to control everything, but it's not right.
13:41 Raul, can I ask you something?
13:43 Yes, of course.
13:45 What's wrong with your father?
13:47 Look, he always teaches you what you want to see.
13:52 He is understanding, kind.
13:55 He can even be very funny.
13:57 Yes, exactly, he's always like that.
13:59 Yes, because he wants to be seen.
14:02 To gain his trust.
14:04 But my father has a very dark side.
14:07 Well, all fathers have it.
14:09 You see how they say that my mother is a love,
14:11 and I can't understand why she is so hard on me.
14:13 No, she just wants to protect you.
14:15 Maybe the same thing happens with your father, don't you think?
14:18 No, I'm sure it doesn't.
14:20 Look, Vicky, just promise me that you will tell your mother
14:25 that I changed Juan from school, okay?
14:27 I would like to, but right now I'm not getting along with her.
14:30 Well, but they will fix their things.
14:32 And when that happens, please tell her.
14:35 Yes, okay.
14:37 Vicky, promise me.
14:40 It's very important.
14:42 Yes, yes, I promise.
14:44 And if at any time you worry about something,
14:48 you know you can rely on Raul.
14:50 I never imagined that Raul would be one of those seminarists.
14:53 He has suffered a lot.
14:55 That's why I know very well what has happened to his family for years.
14:59 But Raul wants to make a very different path from his father.
15:03 Poor children, Father.
15:05 I can already imagine the suffering of having lost his mother, and more so.
15:09 For everyone there is a new opportunity.
15:13 You are light.
15:15 Oh, Father, thank you.
15:17 It's the truth, daughter.
15:19 You know what?
15:22 I'm going to talk more with Raul
15:24 to understand Enrique a little more.
15:27 Love is a fight of every day.
15:30 Enrique was the first to fight for me.
15:33 Only you have to fight against his fears and his past.
15:37 But I'm sure you're going to change his life.
15:41 Oh, well, for his sake and that of my family, I know we can get through it together.
15:47 Beatriz...
15:50 There's one more thing I'd like to tell you.
15:55 Yes, Father, of course.
15:57 What were you doing?
15:59 Secretly with that boy.
16:03 Don't even think I didn't see you.
16:05 Oh, Aunt, I wasn't secretly.
16:07 He just told me that Juan's school was so good.
16:10 Well, he doesn't have to be giving his opinion.
16:13 Well, that's what I say, that no one has to get involved in Juanita's education.
16:16 But you see...
16:18 Look, I don't know why you say it in that tone, but it's true.
16:23 Well, yes, that's why. I was just giving my opinion.
16:26 Look, my love, I would like to ask you one thing.
16:31 You shouldn't listen to what that boy tells you.
16:36 And why not?
16:37 Oh, well, I don't know, my daughter, but...
16:40 How... how can I tell you?
16:42 It doesn't give me... it doesn't give me a good feeling.
16:45 Let's see, Raul is very good.
16:47 You see, he was even with Father Cayetano.
16:49 Ah, but for some reason he's not anymore.
16:52 And he came here as he came.
16:54 Everything he tells me sounds so... so mysterious.
17:01 Look, I don't know, I don't know what's wrong with him, but I don't like it.
17:06 But what I want to ask you before your mother arrives...
17:12 Is that you try to be better with her.
17:16 Aunt, don't ask me that because I can't.
17:18 It's just that, look, you have her very stressed, very nervous.
17:25 And now it turns out that she sees things that aren't.
17:29 Well, it's all my mother's fault.
17:32 But you can try.
17:36 Yes, my love, you have to be more patient.
17:40 No, with her I've reached my limit.
17:43 Raul told me about that school. They are very demanding.
17:49 Oh, Father, Juanito is doing very well.
17:52 It's just that, well, I'm worried about the kind of ideas they might instill in your son.
17:57 Look, in his previous school we had a lot of problems, Father.
18:01 Here he has new friends, I see him excited, happy.
18:06 Is there anything else that worries you?
18:10 Well, I only know what Raul told me, that they are very materialistic, that they promote disproportionate competition.
18:20 I'm a friend of some religious women who have schools with values more in line with yours.
18:26 They promote that the family is united, love for the neighbor.
18:30 Oh, Father, I'm very sorry that Raul has gone wrong in that school.
18:34 But I can't change Juanito, he's happy.
18:37 And yes, yes, there have been things that have caught my attention.
18:41 But I trust that my son will grow up with the values ​​I have instilled in him.
18:45 Okay, daughter.
18:46 Thanks for listening to me as always, Father.
18:49 And why did you call us, son?
18:51 Fernando has shown me his loyalty and it is time for him to pass to the next level.
18:56 I know I have to consult him with you for the ritual.
18:59 After what happened with Carlos, Fernando showed that we can trust him fully.
19:04 Do you think you can stand the truth?
19:07 Yes, he is my right hand, he will do everything I tell him.
19:10 Let's see, let's see, let's see.
19:11 One thing is that he is your friend and another thing is that he can understand all this.
19:17 Especially after the disappointments we have had with Joel, with Guillermo.
19:21 But Enrique, those were mistakes.
19:23 Exactly, mistakes.
19:24 If you were attentive to what you have to do, none of this would have happened.
19:29 What did I tell you?
19:31 That I don't care about the number of people.
19:33 What I care about is that you can trust them.
19:37 Sir, with all due respect, I think it's not time to argue.
19:41 If Jorge thinks Fernando is ready, I wouldn't have any problem.
19:47 [Music]
19:50 Bonito.
20:00 Juan, answer me.
20:04 I don't want to.
20:06 And now you, what's wrong with you?
20:08 They told me I can't talk to you anymore.
20:12 What? Who told you that?
20:15 Don't bring me pain.
20:16 Let's see, let's see, let's see. And why shouldn't you talk to me?
20:20 Let me go.
20:22 No, no, no, let's see, come, come, come, tell me.
20:24 She told me you're bad.
20:29 Me? Did she tell you that?
20:31 Yes.
20:33 Let's see, what else, what else did she tell you?
20:35 I'm not going to tell you anything.
20:37 Juan, Juan, let's see, let's see.
20:39 You can be calm with me, okay?
20:41 I'm not going to hurt you.
20:43 And don't believe what they tell you because it's not true.
20:45 No?
20:47 No, of course not.
20:48 Give me my word.
20:51 She also told me not to believe anything you say.
20:57 My love, but how long did it take you? You were already worried about me.
21:04 I stayed talking about many things with the father.
21:07 Hello, my love.
21:08 How did school go?
21:09 Fine, I'm going to my room, see you, aunt. Thanks for the talk.
21:13 Vicky, come here.
21:15 What do you need?
21:16 I understand that you are still angry, but I will not allow you that attitude.
21:20 What attitude?
21:21 This one.
21:22 To evade me.
21:23 To be all the time on the defensive and I'm already getting tired.
21:26 And you think I'm not tired of doing things right and that it's useless?
21:30 What are you talking about?
21:31 Just that, mom.
21:32 That it was useless that all these years you have been a good daughter.
21:35 That Naya has been good at school, that she always helps you take care of Juan.
21:38 Anyway, I don't deserve anything good.
21:40 That's not true, Victoria.
21:41 Of course I recognize that you are a good daughter,
21:44 but that's not why I'm going to allow you to be thrown in a car like this.
21:47 See? There's no point in talking.
21:49 Vicky, don't go.
21:50 Let me, mom.
21:51 Victoria!
21:52 Oh, I told you, my love.
21:58 No, I couldn't be so strict with her.
22:03 [♪♪♪]
22:07 Beatriz doesn't want to change schools, Juanito.
22:10 I'm going to talk to the Vatican people,
22:13 to see if they have information about that place.
22:15 I'm worried that there are more schools like this in the world.
22:19 Nothing would surprise me from those people anymore, really.
22:22 Juan is a noble child.
22:24 Well, none of those students deserve to be manipulated that way.
22:29 Just like Mondragon fell.
22:31 We're going to close that place.
22:33 But how? How?
22:35 Eduardo.
22:36 What? What's wrong with you?
22:38 I only hear good intentions,
22:40 but those people are capable of coming in right now and killing us.
22:43 Eduardo, this is the house of God.
22:46 We are safe.
22:48 No, no, no, no, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but you haven't seen what I've seen.
22:51 I've seen much worse things, Father.
22:53 And while you believe in God and the cross,
22:56 you must have the courage to ward off the forces of evil.
23:03 Here, I give you this crucifix.
23:06 Thank you, Father.
23:09 The cardinal is right, Eduardo.
23:13 You have nothing to fear.
23:16 Not now!
23:32 Sorry.
23:33 Bad time?
23:34 No, no, no, no, sorry.
23:36 I just wanted to invite you out tonight.
23:38 I mean, if you can, and if you want, of course.
23:40 No, I do want to, but I don't think my mom will let me.
23:43 Oh, come on.
23:44 Are you still angry?
23:45 Yes.
23:46 Well, if you'll allow me, I think it's time to let you go a little.
23:51 I mean, you always listen to your mom, which is very good.
23:53 But there are times for everything, and maybe you can take the opportunity today.
24:00 Well, I don't want to be late, I don't want you to think I fell asleep and left without anyone noticing.
24:05 Okay.
24:06 No.
24:07 I like it this way.
24:12 Congratulations.
24:23 Now you know everything that supports the organization.
24:26 Thank you very much, Mr. DeMartino.
24:28 You deserve it.
24:30 You've proven to be a loyal person.
24:32 Well, I'll leave you. I'm going home.
24:34 No, no.
24:35 It can't be.
24:42 Ever since Beatriz is in her life, she only thinks about leaving with her.
24:46 Why does she do it?
24:48 Because she's losing her balance.
24:50 Well, congratulations.
24:53 Thank you.
24:54 Welcome.
24:55 Thank you.
24:56 That's precisely why I want to continue offering her, Isabel.
24:59 Good.
25:00 Those are the right steps.
25:02 And today I'm going to make a unique offering.
25:06 Jorge, I'm ready.
25:20 Shit.
25:21 I'll go get you. Wait for me outside the house.
25:31 Yes.
25:32 [music]
25:35 Hello, Father.
25:50 I couldn't convince Beatriz to get Juan out of that school.
25:53 No, it can't be.
25:55 I did everything I could, but she says that Juan is very happy in that place.
25:59 And if I tell her the whole truth, I'll only take him away from your father.
26:03 Father, if we want Bael to weaken, Beatriz has to stay by his side.
26:07 That's right.
26:08 My God.
26:09 I'm very worried about the kind of demonic doctrine those children are giving him.
26:15 Father, those teachers work for Bael.
26:18 Yes, I know.
26:20 I don't want Juan to end up like Jorge.
26:22 I already gave Neri all the information.
26:25 Surely something can be done.
26:27 Please, Father.
26:29 My brother has done horrible things in the name of that being.
26:32 Captain.
26:38 Tell me.
26:40 I need to ask you something very important.
26:43 I'm listening.
26:44 Do you remember that time you confiscated all the materials from Dr. Lara?
26:49 The psychiatrist, yes, I remember.
26:51 Good.
26:52 I need you to give me all the recordings you found.
26:56 Very well, I have some copies.
26:58 I need them in Nora's sessions.
27:00 I'll give them to you.
27:02 We're going to make Beatriz get them.
27:04 As you wish, Gerardo.
27:06 Enrique's wife will find out what really happened to Nora.
27:10 Let's see if she still wants to stay by his side.
27:14 And the teacher keeps saying that I'm the best student she's ever had.
27:25 That's great, honey. I'm very happy.
27:27 Mom, you look worried.
27:29 Why?
27:30 It's because of Vicky.
27:31 She's still mad about the car, right?
27:34 Yes.
27:35 She hasn't answered me in a while since I gave her goodnight kisses.
27:38 Are you also mad at Enrique?
27:40 No, honey.
27:41 Are you sure?
27:43 Mom, I don't want you and Enrique to fight and not want to be together anymore.
27:48 No, that's not going to happen.
27:50 I was very hurt by losing my dad.
27:54 I wouldn't want to feel the same way.
27:56 No, honey. Don't say that.
27:59 Good night.
28:01 Enrique!
28:02 What happened?
28:03 I was just about to say goodbye to you.
28:07 I told my mom that I don't want you to fight and I don't want you to ever leave our lives.
28:11 That's not going to happen, Juan. You'll see.
28:13 Right?
28:14 I'm sorry.
28:15 Jorge.
28:39 What?
28:40 What is this place?
28:42 This is the most valuable thing my father has.
28:45 You're kidding, right?
28:47 No, Vicky.
28:48 When my dad has to achieve something impossible,
28:52 or just think clearly,
28:54 he comes to this place.
28:56 Well, what are we doing here?
28:59 Well, since I met you, you told me you wanted to meet me
29:04 and you told me how much you waited to be close to me.
29:08 Well, I realized how special you are.
29:11 I knew you weren't like the others.
29:14 That's why I wanted to bring you to a place no one knows about.
29:18 And here's the real power of my family.
29:23 Look.
29:25 Thanks to him, we have so much power.
29:32 Is he someone from your family?
29:35 Something like that.
29:36 Juan.
29:38 I toast to you
29:50 and to all the secrets that will unite us forever.
29:57 Cheers.
30:00 And to all the secrets that will unite us forever.
30:04 Cheers.
30:09 Cheers.
30:15 To Juan.
30:23 To Juan.
30:24 To Juan.
30:32 To Juan.
30:33 Beatriz.
31:01 Beatriz, can you please tell me what's wrong?
31:03 Enrique.
31:06 Look, you've been like this since yesterday.
31:10 The presence I saw last night was Nora's.
31:15 She took me to the library and I saw a picture of her there.
31:18 Are you sure?
31:20 Yes, I swear.
31:21 I didn't want to tell you because I don't want you to think I'm crazy.
31:24 But it's the truth.
31:26 And then she wrote like in Juanito's notebooks.
31:30 She just put "Juche" on me.
31:32 I don't know if her spirit feels threatened in any way.
31:38 You have nothing to do with it.
31:42 I don't know how to deal with something like this.
31:44 I understand.
31:46 But I also want you to know that nothing will separate me from you.
31:52 [♪♪♪]
31:55 No, Jorge, we can't go.
32:04 Why?
32:06 Look, don't take this the wrong way, but I don't like this place.
32:08 Vicky, you're part of the family now.
32:10 And this place is very important to me.
32:13 Look, I'm feeling a little sick.
32:15 My head hurts a lot.
32:16 I'm a little dizzy.
32:18 No.
32:19 We're staying here.
32:21 No.
32:22 Jorge, please let me go. You're hurting me.
32:25 Jorge, you're hurting me.
32:27 That's what you wanted, right?
32:29 No, not you, not my neighbor.
32:31 Jorge, let me go.
32:33 Listen to me.
32:35 Love doesn't exist.
32:37 It's just suffering.
32:38 No, no, let me go, Jorge.
32:40 Jorge, I'm sorry, I'm feeling sick.
32:42 It's okay.
32:43 What are you going to do to me?
32:44 Calm down.
32:45 Jorge, take me home.
32:46 No, Jorge, please, don't do this.
32:50 Don't do this.
32:51 Jorge, let me go.
32:53 I want to go home.
32:55 Please.
32:57 No.
32:58 Please.
32:59 No, Jorge, please let me go.
33:01 I'm sorry.
33:02 I give you this pure soul
33:11 so you can realize everything
33:14 I can do for you.
33:18 I want your suffering to be an offering to you.
33:21 The truth is that it's hard for me to believe
33:37 that Nora can manifest herself like this.
33:39 I'm telling you the truth.
33:41 In fact, I spoke to Father Cayetano.
33:43 He told me that his soul may be grieving
33:45 for having taken his life.
33:47 Beatriz, please, you know I don't believe in those things.
33:50 But it's true.
33:51 Let's see, what if we go to church?
33:54 I don't know, or...
33:56 Why don't you talk to her in silence?
33:59 Tell her something.
34:01 Something that will calm her down,
34:03 that will give her peace.
34:06 [suspenseful music]
34:09 [suspenseful music]
34:11 [suspenseful music]
34:16 Eduardo, come closer.
34:22 No.
34:25 We tell you to come because we know you want to come.
34:28 No, no, no, never.
34:29 Don't try to stop him, Inevitable.
34:32 Shut up, shut up!
34:33 You don't belong here anymore.
34:36 The only person who will help you is right in front of you.
34:39 You're going to reject her.
34:40 [suspenseful music]
34:43 [suspenseful music]
34:46 [suspenseful music]
34:49 [suspenseful music]
34:52 [suspenseful music]
34:54 Sooner or later you will return.
34:57 [laughing]
35:00 [laughing]
35:05 [speaking in Spanish]
35:07 [speaking in Spanish]
35:10 [speaking in Spanish]
35:13 [speaking in Spanish]
35:16 [speaking in Spanish]
35:19 [suspenseful music]
35:22 Eduardo, what's wrong?
35:25 The teachers from that school were here yesterday.
35:28 Are you sure?
35:29 I swear, they were there.
35:30 They came to pick me up.
35:32 I told you, nothing will happen to you here.
35:34 How can you be so sure of that?
35:36 Eduardo, please don't let fear take over you.
35:41 Please realize.
35:44 Nobody can protect us.
35:45 You put us in the hands of those people who are very dangerous.
35:48 Okay, okay, okay.
35:49 Even if something terrible happens to us.
35:51 We are working for the good of all those people
35:55 who are under the control of that demon.
35:57 Think of all those kids from school.
35:59 It would be very selfish of us not to do anything.
36:02 I don't agree.
36:04 Okay, fine.
36:06 If you don't want to help me, I won't respect it.
36:09 It's too late, Cayetano.
36:11 Even if you leave everything for peace,
36:13 those people know too much about us.
36:15 [suspenseful music]
36:22 [groaning]
36:25 How did I get here?
36:31 [groaning]
36:33 What happened to me?
36:48 I can't breathe.
36:54 Oh my God.
37:00 [suspenseful music]
37:02 [crying]
37:08 Oh my God, what happened to me?
37:11 His Holiness reviewed the list of the most important members of the organization.
37:16 And he's going to help us?
37:18 Yes.
37:19 He has contact with all the most important leaders in the world.
37:22 And he's going to ask for support.
37:24 It's good to know that we still have someone to count on.
37:27 The most important thing is the evidence against those people
37:30 so that we can bring the entire organization down.
37:33 I have all my faith in you, Fabio.
37:37 Where are you going?
37:39 I just want to walk a little. I need to think clearly.
37:43 I'm very worried about Eduardo.
37:47 Why?
37:48 He's very scared.
37:50 Eduardo is selfish.
37:52 He only thinks about himself, his safety, not to expose himself.
37:56 Without realizing that all the people in danger
37:59 have never given themselves up to the fight against Bael.
38:02 We're going to pray more for him.
38:03 Because fear is a very bad advisor.
38:05 Well, if he has grown up by your side, I'm sure you will know how to deal with all this.
38:11 [knocking]
38:15 Vicky?
38:16 Honey, you're not ready yet.
38:21 It was hard for me to wake up because I slept very badly.
38:26 Vicky?
38:27 What's wrong?
38:30 No, nothing. I had a very bad night and I was a little late.
38:35 Are you sure?
38:37 Yes. Yes, I think I won't have time to have breakfast.
38:40 I'm going to buy something at the university.
38:42 Okay. Don't be late.
38:44 Yes, yes, I'm coming, I'm coming.
38:46 [music]
39:11 Maestra.
39:12 Hello Gerardo, what a pleasure to have you here.
39:15 Yes, I came to see you to ask you for something very special.
39:19 Yes, yes, whatever you need.
39:20 Sit down, please.
39:21 I've been studying several sources, reviewing some very old texts.
39:26 I came to a very important conclusion.
39:29 Tell me.
39:30 We have to find the Bael dagger.
39:35 If it is real, it has been missing for a long time.
39:39 Yes, but maybe there is a way to find it.
39:41 For that I need your help.
39:44 I never expected something so big and of course it will be a pleasure to do it together.
39:49 Perfect.
39:50 Jorge, it's good to see you.
39:57 Hello Vicky.
39:59 I'm going out, I don't have much time.
40:02 Yes, I just want to ask you something quickly.
40:05 Tell me.
40:06 What happened last night?
40:08 What do you mean, what happened?
40:10 Well, the truth is that I remember you came to pick me up.
40:15 We got to a very strange place and I don't remember anything else.
40:20 Jorge, tell me.
40:24 You and I...
40:27 Well, it's a shame you don't remember.
40:30 Because last night it seemed like you were enjoying it a lot.
40:33 [Dramatic music]
40:45 But Dolores is not just any teacher, dad, and you know it.
40:48 She does terrible things to people.
40:50 Congratulations, Jorge.
40:52 Every time you become someone else, you can be a perfect Bael bearer.
40:57 Vicky, are you feeling okay?
41:02 What's wrong? You're worrying me.
41:04 (dramatic music)