Pros and cons of celebrating a leap year birthday

  • 7 months ago
The leap year day only comes around once every four years, with the extra February day needed to synchronise the calendar year with earth's orbit of the sun.
00:00 Dongara man Bill Kearns has reached a milestone a little later than most of us.
00:07 It's his 21st birthday.
00:10 21 today and I haven't caught a cray.
00:13 But tomorrow's another day.
00:15 But age can be deceiving.
00:18 His real birthday only comes up every four years.
00:21 I was a bit upset because other kids were having theirs every year, you know,
00:27 what's going on here and then as I got to grow older
00:30 and then my mother explained to me what was happening and I got to accept it.
00:35 At 21, Bill still loves getting out on the water.
00:39 These days with the help from his mates.
00:42 It's blowing a little bit outside so we're going in the harbour to do a bit of crabbing.
00:47 Now I'm just recreational fishing with a couple of pots to catch a few crays
00:52 because I accidentally didn't know it but while I was doing all this I fell in love with the sea
00:57 and the sea's got the salt waters in my veins.
01:00 The proof is in the pudding.
01:02 You're going to wait but there it is.
01:04 There's our first crab.
01:06 Over the years he's gathered a few tips and tricks on how to stay young.
01:10 I'd rather be out here doing something in the daytime than sitting home
01:14 looking at the bricks and the wall.
01:16 I noticed there's 21 on the card so I'd rather stick with that, I feel younger already.
01:22 Good.
01:23 Turns out the leap year birthday isn't so bad after all.
