• last year
Foodies Alex Guarnaschelli, Jordin Sparks, Jamika Pessoa, and Daphne Oz investigate what really makes a better-for-you bacon. Then, they put the latest bacon products — from soda to turkey bacon to meat-free options — to the ultimate taste test.
00:00 Oh, just for you, the Dr. Oz special, a bacon soda.
00:05 What?
00:06 (audience cheering)
00:07 All right, pass it down.
00:09 Are you kidding me?
00:10 It actually says bacon soda.
00:12 That is so crazy.
00:13 Are you kidding me?
00:13 I chose this special for you.
00:15 I'll stay mindful later.
00:16 No, no.
00:17 Take the pass.
00:18 All right, what do we think?
00:21 Okay, why though?
00:25 This is a no, this is a firm no from me.
00:27 This should be outlawed, oh my gosh, no.
00:29 Never do that.
00:30 Alex.
00:31 Never.
00:32 She doesn't sell the Dr. Oz.
00:32 She just found a--
00:34 I actually wanna be the bright bulb
00:38 on this Christmas tree right now
00:40 and say that this soda has a silver lining.
00:42 It kind of is like a cream soda.
00:44 Kind of.
00:45 Kind of.
00:46 No.
00:47 Kind of.
00:48 No.
00:49 Like a cleaning detergent aftertaste.
00:50 Same but liquid smoke cream soda.
00:53 All right.
00:54 I'd try.
00:55 I'm not a buyer, I'm not a buyer on this one.
00:55 That's okay because lucky for us,
00:57 we're in this bacon boom
00:58 where everything is bacon.
01:00 It feels like yes, this soda,
01:01 but there are also healthier bacons popping up
01:04 and the big question is,
01:05 could they be as good as the real thing?
01:07 We wanna put this to the test.
01:09 I know Alex, you have some strong opinions
01:11 about where bacon belongs.
01:12 Big opinions, tall opinions.
01:14 I just don't wanna be here
01:15 and not have you guys know how I feel.
01:17 I know, I know.
01:18 Be honest with us.
01:19 I like to be really clear and say it with food.
01:21 Okay, food is love and bacon is just
01:24 at the heart of the conversation.
01:25 The heart.
01:26 I like that.
01:27 I like how you got that in there.
01:29 This Valentine's Day, say it with bacon.
01:31 Say it with bacon.
01:32 Exactly, exactly.
01:33 All right, so you're gonna try to sell us
01:34 some other things 'cause I am a serious purist
01:36 when it comes to bacon.
01:38 I actually, as you can see,
01:41 I'm a little bit with you.
01:42 I feel like the classic bacon,
01:43 it is salty, it is fatty, it is crispy,
01:46 it's versatile, it is delicious just like this,
01:48 but we don't want you guys to have any food fear
01:51 so today we are gonna go hog wild.
01:54 A nice one.
01:55 Okay, nice one.
01:55 (audience applauding)
01:59 In all honesty, because I do love the real thing.
02:01 Pass the bacon.
02:02 My question for you is, of these healthier options,
02:04 I feel like a lot of people will go on the menu
02:06 and they'll order the turkey bacon,
02:07 they'll make that choice thinking
02:08 they're doing something really good for themselves.
02:10 My question is, is turkey bacon worth it?
02:13 Is it worth passing that bad boy up?
02:15 Just to get Alex's happiest worth of it, yes.
02:17 We'll do a turkey bacon, pork bacon,
02:19 head to head comparison.
02:20 Pork bacon, right, basically,
02:22 you got the pork belly, right?
02:23 You smoke it, you don't put the witch's lips in it,
02:25 you smoke it on top of the wood chips.
02:26 Then you gotta cure it.
02:27 You can cure it with either the sodium nitrate
02:29 or celery powder, they both sort of do the same thing,
02:31 one's not better than the other that we can tell.
02:33 And then you add a little sugar to it,
02:34 they actually put some of that.
02:35 Turkey bacon, right, is dark and light meat,
02:38 you get a little bit of both,
02:39 then you spice it up, right,
02:41 in order to make it taste like bacon,
02:42 and then you press it into a form that looks like this,
02:45 after you've added a little bit of liquid smoke to it,
02:47 'cause it won't actually taste quite the same.
02:48 Well, don't skip that.
02:49 The pork belly.
02:50 Oh.
02:51 But they can go with wood chips
02:52 or with liquid smoke is what they use in the turkey bacon,
02:55 so it's a little bit more synthetic.
02:57 Like the--
02:58 Yeah, I'm sorry, I only say that because they gotta add salt
03:00 in order to make it taste right.
03:02 So it's more processed, and we don't like processed food,
03:04 so bacon is the answer.
03:05 Yeah.
03:06 But--
03:07 (audience cheering)
03:08 Oh, time out.
03:09 Before we jump to that conclusion,
03:11 for a one ounce serving,
03:12 which roughly for the size of slices
03:14 that you guys would normally eat,
03:15 is about one strip of bacon.
03:17 This is not one ounce.
03:19 This is like one gram.
03:20 Okay, but this is an ounce.
03:21 That's an ounce, actually.
03:22 It's a little bit larger, but listen.
03:24 So these, you compare them head to head,
03:25 25 less calories per turkey bacon strip.
03:28 So my vote is if you think they both taste fine to you,
03:32 have a turkey bacon.
03:33 If you prefer the original pork bacon, I'd go with that,
03:36 which is what I personally like to do,
03:37 and in our family, we're pork people.
03:39 (audience cheering)
03:40 Wow.
03:41 Okay, wait, so to clarify,
03:43 there are fewer calories in the turkey bacon,
03:46 but it's also more processed.
03:48 More salt.
03:49 More salt.
03:49 More sodium.
03:50 So in theory, you would choose the one that makes you happier.
03:52 No, it's not.
03:53 I'm not knowing these things.
03:54 So my dad says we are pork people,
03:56 and I have to say, I think my dad, me,
03:58 and my brother Oliver would all choose the regular bacon,
04:00 but my mother and my sisters are vegetarians,
04:03 so we have like seitan bacon and all kinds of fun little,
04:07 there are other non-meat alternatives also,
04:09 but this show's kind of full
04:12 of all those non-meat alternatives,
04:13 and the real thing too, guys, don't worry.
04:15 The internet is blowing up with these new solutions
04:18 to the how do we get a healthier bacon problem.
04:20 People are really focused on this
04:22 because bacon is, I think, America's most beloved food.
04:25 Fakin' are these fake bacons made from veggies.
04:28 We have a few different options out here
04:29 for all of us to try.
04:31 So we have an eggplant version there,
04:33 and also, like, mushroom bacon.
04:36 So an eggplant bacon.
04:38 Eggplant fakin'.
04:39 You don't get any.
04:40 (laughing)
04:41 I'm on punishment.
04:42 Look how crispy this is.
04:43 Can you see this?
04:44 Wow.
04:45 That's really good.
04:46 (audience applauding)
04:47 I'm not mad at this at all, this is good.
04:48 It's pretty good.
04:48 I kind of feel like I'm cheating on pork bacon
04:50 by eating this fakin'.
04:52 I'm having a fair on that.
04:52 Yeah, but it's nice to date around,
04:53 you know what I mean?
04:54 I got options.
04:55 There we go.
04:56 (audience applauding)
04:57 I got options.
04:58 I actually like this.
04:59 I thought I was gonna be skeptical about this,
05:01 but I feel like we're giving this the taste test,
05:03 and we're all coming out on the side of it.
05:04 I like it.
05:05 It's not bad.
05:06 I like what it looks like, bacon.
05:07 These don't look like bacon, although I love mushrooms.
05:09 Yeah.
05:10 Those are just sauteed mushrooms,
05:11 but this is, I could go with this and call it bacon.
05:13 That's a good buy.
05:14 Do you wanna see how we made this bacon,
05:15 this true bacon?
05:16 Yeah.
05:17 (audience applauding)
05:18 It tastes great.
05:19 I feel like it tastes good.
05:20 Mm, I like the eggplant, too.
05:21 Give me a plate of this.
05:23 (upbeat music)
05:33 I liked it.
05:58 I can eat a plate of this, I think.
06:01 And you have one more to show us,
06:02 Jordan, what's happening.
06:03 I have one more fake in here,
06:04 and you'll never guess the ingredient
06:07 or what it's made out of.
06:08 Everybody's taking these.
06:09 When you say you'll never guess,
06:10 I immediately wanna know.
06:11 I need to.
06:12 So take a piece.
06:13 Okay, let's analyze.
06:14 Let's analyze.
06:15 Let's analyze.
06:16 Potato, maybe?
06:17 Oh no, oh wait, it's coming to me.
06:18 Hold on.
06:19 It's like you know it is.
06:20 It's good.
06:21 It's transparent.
06:22 Potato.
06:23 Any guesses, any guesses?
06:24 Wait, wait, wait, wait.
06:26 Chicken skin?
06:28 Any more guesses?
06:28 It feels like a skin.
06:30 It tastes like chicken skin.
06:31 But it's seasoned really well.
06:32 Bananas?
06:33 You ready for the reveal?
06:34 What?
06:35 Like a plantain or something?
06:37 No!
06:38 Are you ready?
06:39 Yeah.
06:40 Okay, this is what this is.
06:41 What is that?
06:43 Excuse me?
06:43 Is it written on here?
06:44 It's rice paper.
06:45 No.
06:46 Rice paper?
06:47 Rice paper bacon.
06:48 (audience cheering)
06:50 Are you serious?
06:51 I mean, if you put me here for three days
06:54 in a room with this, I would never.
06:56 I would've never guessed.
06:56 I would never guess.
06:57 They cut it like this?
06:59 They cut it with a scissor, I guess.
07:01 Now you realize how much of the bacon is the spices.
07:04 Oh my goodness, this is really good.
07:06 This is shockingly good.
07:07 It's really good.
07:08 This I really like.
07:09 I'm really agree with you.
07:10 Nice spices.
07:11 If you told me this was chicken skin, I'd believe you.
07:13 That's how good rice paper bacon is.
07:13 It's got a chicken skin vibe.
07:15 Thank you for watching.
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