Borak Borak Berisi Nizam Jentik-Jentik & Friends ( ARTEH) EP 3

  • 7 months ago
Borak Borak Berisi Nizam Jentik-Jentik & Friends ( ARTEH) EP 3
Podcast yang sempoi Nizam Jentik-Jentik bersama tetamu yang lucu.

Saksikan UBI SUPERSTAR LIVE S2 siaran langsung, setiap Khamis jam 9.00 malam hanya di Astro Warna (ch107) atau stim di Astro GO.

ASTRO BAHARU. TAK MACAM DULU. Raikan saat-saat bersama keluarga dengan Astro Baharu. Strim Ubi Superstar Live S2 On Demand bila-bila masa dengan Astro Ultra Box.

#AstroBaharu #TakMacamDulu #UBISuperstarlive #MasaBersama #MerapatkanKita


00:00 You don't even know what your King Kong is
00:04 Huh?
00:05 You don't have budget for a cassette player?
00:08 Assalamualaikum, today with me in Boraporasi
00:12 Has and Dewa!
00:15 Thank you
00:17 Has and Dewa from Zuzuzu
00:20 No, no, no
00:22 Zuzuzu is you
00:23 This is Ate
00:25 No, Zuzuzu and Ate went to the same semi-final
00:28 You didn't go to the final, right?
00:30 I've been to the final
00:32 You're saying you've been to the final?
00:36 When?
00:37 I've just won the final
00:40 But you and I both didn't go to Japan, right?
00:44 Thank you Has and Ate
00:49 I really like Has and Dewa, I'm sorry
00:53 Your names are so difficult to pronounce
00:57 What does that mean?
00:59 It's like people say Has and Dewa, but it's Ate
01:03 Just give me a simple name
01:05 That's the simplest, Has and Dewa
01:08 See?
01:09 One word
01:10 Okay, Has and Dewa
01:12 I'm not that simple, Nizam Jentik-Jentik
01:15 I'm doing it because it's a commercial name
01:17 What commercial?
01:18 Until now, it's one of the top names
01:21 Where are the other artists with animal names?
01:24 If the Ministry of Health comes, they'll sue us
01:27 It's only 500, Seko
01:30 Has and Dewa, I've been reading your TikTok
01:36 I read the comments, and every post has a comment
01:40 Are you Mr. Oz's son?
01:42 Actually, I'm not that confused
01:47 I'm Mr. Oz's son
01:49 Like him
01:51 He's like a kid
01:53 But he's Mr. Oz's son
01:55 Yes, he's like that
01:56 He's a kid
01:57 My wife's name is Ben Muhammad Yusuf
02:03 He's also Ben Muhammad Yusuf
02:04 Our father's name is Muhammad Yusuf bin Abdul Hamid
02:09 Muhammad Yusuf?
02:11 My father's name is Muhammad Yusuf too?
02:13 Seriously?
02:14 That means we're...
02:16 Yusuf's son?
02:17 No, Malaysian artist
02:22 Dewa, Has
02:24 We have social media now
02:26 People want to take photos of us
02:29 They want to take photos with their phones
02:31 But we didn't have that back then
02:33 So, when you went out with your parents
02:35 What did people say?
02:37 People said...
02:38 Back then, we didn't have cameras
02:40 Back then, we only had TV
02:44 Back then...
02:47 I panicked
02:51 How can I be a guest of Ubi?
02:53 I can't even play like this
02:54 Oh, you didn't have a briefing
02:56 You should've told us earlier
02:57 This is spontaneous
02:59 Back then, people would ask for a signature
03:03 It's like...
03:07 Like a land officer
03:09 They would sign it
03:11 Did you sign it or your father?
03:13 Our father
03:15 We wouldn't sign it
03:17 Okay, Mr. Oz's achievement
03:19 You just won the competition
03:23 Maharaja Laut Mega
03:25 Did you give him any help?
03:30 No
03:32 You're smart
03:34 I didn't hear anything
03:36 So, did you help him?
03:38 Not really
03:40 It was more like a sharing
03:43 Because he was a guest back then
03:45 It was the 80s and 90s
03:48 When he was in the 2000s
03:51 He didn't know what was going on
03:54 You should've just held it
03:58 Freddie Mercury?
04:00 We have a brain tent here
04:04 You didn't have a budget?
04:07 Okay, never mind
04:11 We'll take a break
04:16 You haven't stopped talking
04:19 You helped your father
04:22 You won the competition
04:24 I don't like it
04:26 You helped him
04:29 You shared it
04:31 So that your father can be a champion
04:34 Maharaja Laut Mega
04:35 This year, if God's will
04:37 There will be a musical
04:39 This is the time
04:41 You will prove that you can win the second place
04:44 What's with the second place?
04:46 It's enough
04:49 We're the target, we're the producer
04:51 Where do you want to put Keio?
04:55 Where do you want to put Nizam J?
05:00 Where do you want to put Rosa?
05:05 Where do you want to put our love for Keio?
05:11 What?
05:13 You're ruining Keio's image
05:15 Talking to this group of gods is a waste of time
05:20 This is a group of gods
05:23 This is a group of gods
05:25 We'll see if you guys are going to play bad dad jokes with me
05:30 We'll see you later
05:32 Dad joke?
05:34 Our dad jokes?
05:36 That's our father
05:38 That's far
05:40 We'll see you later
05:42 I'm tired of throwing this
05:44 Today we're going to play bad dad jokes
05:53 In the segment, talking to each other
05:57 Why are you so serious?
05:59 I'm serious, this is a bad dad joke
06:01 Are you ready?
06:03 We'll give the chance to Has to go first
06:06 Why?
06:07 When we scratch our nose
06:11 We scratch and then we pinch
06:13 What?
06:15 Like that, you guys do it right?
06:17 Scratch, pinch, scratch
06:19 Why do we scratch and then pinch?
06:21 Because it's not a bubble
06:24 If it's a bubble, we'll swallow it
06:26 What's the answer?
06:28 The answer?
06:30 Because I'm a small kid
06:32 When I grow up, I won't be able to scratch
06:35 I'll be a big kid
06:37 I won't be able to pinch
06:39 Because he's a small kid
06:41 Who's nose will be scratched?
06:43 If you share the answer, you'll get a lot of points
06:49 Because he's a big kid
06:51 That's right, because he's a small kid
06:53 It's dangerous to scratch your nose
06:55 It's dangerous
06:57 I'm starting to get a nosebleed
06:59 Okay, one
07:01 In a lot of fruits
07:03 What fruit smells like durian?
07:07 What?
07:09 What fruit?
07:11 You must have got it
07:13 Answer
07:15 There must be a trick
07:17 You don't know?
07:19 I can't tell you
07:21 You can't tell us
07:23 You can't answer that
07:27 What's the answer?
07:29 Answer it
07:31 You didn't hear it?
07:33 Durian
07:35 Correct
07:37 Luckily, he didn't help the elders
07:41 If you had scratched the third one, you wouldn't have got it
07:45 Okay, round two
07:49 What's the difference between a normal durian and a Serati durian?
07:53 A normal durian
07:55 You can buy it from a department store
07:57 The Serati durian is from a department store
07:59 But the Serati durian is made from a fruit
08:01 Wrong
08:03 Wrong?
08:05 A normal durian has a stem
08:07 But a Serati durian
08:09 Has wings
08:11 Serati
08:13 That's what you said
08:15 Seriously
08:17 Before
08:21 Before this foot goes
08:23 He said it's a dead joke
08:27 It's not a dead joke
08:29 Our father never made a joke like that
08:31 That's why I never become a champion
08:33 Lastly, you have to be honest
08:37 If not, we'll delete all of your videos
08:39 He and I are the only ones who made a joke like that
08:41 Okay, I'll be honest
08:45 Among many
08:47 Don't touch it
08:49 It's dangerous
08:51 You have a history
08:53 Among many animals
08:55 What animal is its mother a cat?
08:57 A cat?
08:59 Okay, see you in the next video
09:05 Thank you
09:07 Thank you
09:09 To Haz and Dewa
09:11 For making a joke about its mother
09:13 Must be a cat
09:15 You made it three times
09:17 A cat
09:19 If you ask a stupid question
09:21 You're a stupid
09:23 Thank you
09:25 Thank you
09:27 I hope you'll continue your legacy
09:29 God willing
09:31 I hope you'll continue your legacy
09:33 My mother is a stupid
09:37 Thank you
09:39 The winner is me
09:41 You're welcome
09:43 Thank you
09:45 So, we have to win?
09:47 No, we can't
09:49 No
09:51 We're just a guest
09:53 The winner is Kumpulan Ate
09:55 We can't do that
09:57 We're just a guest
09:59 No, we can't do that
10:01 The winner is Dewa
10:03 What?
10:05 The winner is Brazil
10:07 No, we can't do that
10:09 Don't do that
10:11 Don't do that
10:13 Don't do that
10:15 Don't do that
