慕尤丁涉及SPANCO官车弊案? 阿占巴基: 我没说过!

  • 8 months ago
八点最热报 | 反贪会主席阿占巴基早前提到,所有参与过政府官车管理特许经营权公司Spanco合约颁发的人,都会被传召协助调查,其中包括时任的首相和财政部长。对此,前首相慕尤丁前天就对号入座,发文告严正否认他在担任首相期间,参与了政府向Spanco公司颁发45亿令吉的官车合约。来到今天,阿占巴基在出席活动的时候就澄清,反贪会从来没有发表过任何声明,指慕尤丁在Spanco公司的案件中,涉及不当的行为。(主播:梁宝仪)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:04 The chairman of the Hong Kong Union Committee, Azzan Bazi, mentioned earlier that all those who have participated in the issuance of the government-controlled special management rights company SPANCO contract will be transferred to assist in the investigation, including the current prime minister and the finance minister.
00:18 The former prime minister, Mu Youding, signed the contract the day before yesterday, and issued a statement denying that he participated in the government-controlled contract issuance of SPANCO's 45-cent-a-year-old car during his tenure as prime minister.
00:30 In addition, he also mentioned in the statement that the current malicious accusations against him are widely spread on social media and social platforms, but there is no detailed description of how he participated in the case.
00:46 Regarding this matter, Azzan Bazi clarified during his attendance at the event today that the Hong Kong Union Committee has never issued any statement that Mu Youding is involved in the SPANCO case.
00:58 He emphasized that if necessary during the investigation, the Hong Kong Union Committee will call for Mu Youding's questioning.
01:05 Regarding the issue of SPANCO's government-controlled contract, Azzan Bazi said at the opening ceremony of the Hong Kong Union Committee's office today that he had issued a general statement and had never contacted Mu Youding, the former prime minister, about the related company cases.
01:22 Therefore, he questioned Mu Youding's intention of denying the case by issuing a statement.
01:27 I only issued a statement when asked if he would be called. I said I did not deny the case, but I was dependent on my investigators.
01:37 I did not make any assumptions. It was a normal thing to do when we issued a statement about the possibility of the case.
01:50 In addition, Azzan Bazi revealed that the Malaysian Police Force had already applied to the International Criminal Investigation Organization in October last year to issue a red warrant to Mu Youding's son-in-law Adelan and his lawyer Mansor Shah.
02:00 However, there is no news yet.
02:03 I have not received any information yet. We will contact Interpol.
02:07 We are waiting for him to return. We need people to be present to accuse him in court.
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