Gaza: nouveaux pourparlers sur une trêve, la situation humanitaire empire

  • 7 months ago
Une délégation israélienne est à Paris samedi pour tenter de débloquer les pourparlers sur une trêve avec le Hamas dans la bande de Gaza, où plus de 100 Palestiniens ont été tués au cours de la nuit selon les autorités locales.
L'info en continu
Infos, news & actualités - L'information internationale en direct.
00:00 An Israeli delegation is in Paris on Saturday to try to unlock the talks on a truce with
00:04 Hamas in the Gaza Strip, where more than 100 Palestinians were killed overnight according
00:09 to local authorities.
00:10 While the conflict shows no sign of response 20 weeks after its outbreak, the plan of
00:15 the post-war Gaza presented by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been widely
00:20 criticized, including by the American ally.
00:22 The humanitarian situation continues to worsen on Palestinian territory where the Humanitarian
00:28 Aid Agency, OSHA, has put on guard on Saturday against a mass famine threat due to insufficient
00:33 water and food supply.
00:35 "Look, we're fighting for rice," he said to the AFP Ahmad Atef Safi, queuing to
00:41 get food in Jabalia in the north.
00:44 "We are in a famine war."
00:47 Israeli military operations killed at least 103 people overnight, the Hamas Ministry of
00:52 Health announced on Saturday.
00:54 A delegation led by the Mossad chief of foreign intelligence, David Barnea, arrived
01:00 the day before in Paris in the hope of unlocking talks in view of a new truce, according to
01:04 an Israeli official.
01:06 Mr. Barnea met in Paris at the end of January his American and Egyptian counterparts and
01:11 the Qatari Prime Minister to discuss a new agreement.
01:14 According to a source from Hamas, the plan then provided for a six-week break in the
01:19 fighting and the release of 200 to 300 Palestinian prisoners in exchange for 35 to 40 hostages
01:24 held by Hamas.
