Drew Friedman: Vermeer of the Borscht Belt | movie | 2024 | Official Clip

  • 7 months ago
For years, artist Drew Friedman has chronicled a strange, alternate universe populated by forgotten Hollywood stars, old | dG1fUWdSTVZoeE1Qenc
00:00 [ Music ]
00:19 >> This is Lou Jacoby, who was a comedian, comedic actor,
00:24 dramatic actor, who's from Canada.
00:26 He has a special place in my heart because I actually own his archives.
00:32 I own all his belongings.
00:33 It was like, it's a complicated story, but somebody traded me all his archives,
00:38 boxes and boxes of his belongings, photographs, scrapbooks, et cetera, for a piece of art.
00:44 A folder of Lou Jacoby publicity photos as an old man and as a middle-aged guy,
00:54 posed with a cane, doubles, doubles of the same photo.
00:59 In some cases, over and over and over, publicity photos of Lou Jacoby.
01:05 Here's scenes from his shows he was in, The Sunshine Boys.
01:11 Here's a show from the '50s in Britain with Deanna Doors, more of that.
01:16 He played in Guys and Dolls, played the stubby K-roll.
01:22 There he is in Norman Is That You, Broadway show, which I saw him in in 1970,
01:27 and I loved him in that.
01:29 This is interesting.
01:30 This is from 1925, and it appears to be the first program from a show he was in.
01:36 And he must have been a kid, I'm guessing 10 or 11 years old.
01:40 Mr. Louis Jacoby.
01:42 He played Mordecai in this show called The Princess Theater in Toronto.
01:47 The show is called The Rabbi and the Priest.
01:49 And this program still exists, it's in horrible shape, but it's still together.
01:54 And it was just in there, in the belongings with everything else.
01:58 I love Lou Jacoby.
02:00 One of the reasons I love him is because he always seemed really wearsome.
02:05 Like he has been through life and he hasn't accomplished that much.
02:08 His character, anyway.
02:09 He hasn't accomplished that much, but he's got heartburn, you know.
02:13 Still he's got heartburn.
02:15 [music]
02:19 [music]
02:21 [ambient traffic noise]
02:25 [ambient traffic noise]
02:32 [silence]
