韩国医疗罢工潮加剧 超过9200医生辞职

  • 7 months ago
八点最热报 | 从前天星期二开始,韩国医疗界爆发了集体罢工潮,让韩国医疗前线陷入一片混乱。截至昨晚10点,已经有超过9200名的实习以及住院医生,向院方递交了辞职申请,占了韩国100家医院医生总人数的71.2%,对此,韩国保健福祉部向其中的6000多名实习医生下达了复工令,要求他们重返工作岗位,不过,按照目前的情况,他们的复工的机率。除了前线医生罢工,韩国还有超过1万医学院学生申请休学。(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Re.com website.
00:04 Starting from the day before yesterday, Monday, the Korean medical industry has exploded into a collective strike.
00:10 The medical front line in Korea is still in chaos.
00:13 As of 10 o'clock last night, more than 9,200 interns and hospital doctors have submitted resignation applications to the hospital.
00:20 71.2% of the total number of doctors in 100 hospitals in Korea.
00:25 The Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare has issued a resumption order to more than 6,000 interns.
00:30 They are required to return to their jobs.
00:32 But according to the current situation, the chances of resumption are very low.
00:36 In addition to the strike of frontline doctors, more than 10,000 medical school students in Korea have applied for a leave of absence.
00:42 The Korean resignation wave continues to burn.
00:44 Due to the lack of medical personnel, many hospitals had no choice but to cancel some operations.
00:49 Among them, Seoul Hospital canceled half of the operations.
00:52 According to the news from the Medical Victim Report Center,
00:56 until 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon, the center received a total of 149 complaints about canceling the clinic in one area and postponing the operation.
01:06 Although facing a crisis in the lack of medical personnel, the Korean government still refuses to give up.
01:11 It even issued a warning that doctors who refuse to resume work will be sued.
01:15 The Korean government also considered early approval of the investigation of doctors who led the collective action.
01:24 The Korean government will never compromise.
01:27 As the Korean medical industry's strike became more and more intense, local hospitals were also affected.
01:33 Due to the large number of doctors leaving their jobs, some hospitals were forced to postpone and cancel appointments for patients.
01:39 In the end, patients had to turn to other hospitals for treatment.
01:43 I'm a middle patient, and I'm in my third stage of cancer.
01:47 I'm very anxious and I'm losing hope.
01:51 It was complicated, so I didn't have time to sit down.
01:54 I was waiting in the waiting room.
01:56 There are places that move patients to this side, but they don't get the treatment.
02:00 Seeing the increasing number of strikes, the Korean authorities also made a tough response.
02:04 Warning doctors to return to their jobs.
02:07 If they still refuse, the authorities will formally sue them.
02:11 The government has issued a work release order to doctors who have resigned or left the medical field.
02:18 If collective medical refusal continues, we will conduct a strict investigation according to the regulations of the medical law.
02:26 Despite the government's work release order,
02:29 we will conduct a formal investigation into individuals who do not return to the medical field and those who lead illegal activities.
02:47 As for Korean Prime Minister Han Doo-joo, he softened his attitude and called on interns to stop working.
02:52 He said the government will open the door and welcome them to talk to the authorities.
02:56 At the same time, he also revealed that the government will launch emergency medical tests to do its best to reduce the damage to patients.
03:03 I sincerely appeal to all of you.
03:08 Please stop collective action immediately and return to the patient.
03:13 It is not explained by any reason to turn away urgent patients.
03:20 The government will open all the windows of conversation and wait for you.
03:24 Thank you.
03:27 [Music]
03:31 [Music]
