砂拉越一连两天哀悼降半旗 泰益马目病逝享年87岁

  • 7 months ago
八点最热报 | 曾经掌管砂拉越长达33年,刚刚卸任砂拉越元首的泰益马目今早病逝,享年87岁。砂拉越政府宣布,即日起进入两天的哀悼期,当地所有娱乐活动都必须展延,同时州内的砂拉越旗也需要降半旗,以示悼念。泰益马目的遗体今天中午已经运回砂拉越。 (主播:萧慧敏)


00:00 Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:04 Taiyi Mamu, who has been in charge of the Salar Moon for 33 years and has just been appointed as the head of the Salar Moon,
00:10 passed away this morning at the age of 87.
00:13 The government of the Salar Moon announced that the mourning period for two days will start from today.
00:17 All local entertainment activities must be postponed.
00:20 At the same time, the Salar Moon flag in the state also needs to be lowered to commemorate the ceremony.
00:24 The remains of Taiyi Mamu have also been transported back to the Salar Moon this noon.
00:29 The remains of Taiyi Mamu, the former head of the Salar Moon,
00:32 were transported to the National Qingzhen Temple this morning for a funeral prayer ceremony.
00:36 You can see Taiyi Mamu's wife Lajia Gudi at the scene.
00:39 She looked at her husband's coffin and cried.
00:43 After the ceremony, Taiyi Mamu's coffin was covered with the flag of the Dama.
00:47 Eight military personnel and officials left the Qingzhen Temple and were sent to Shubang Airport in Xuezhou.
00:51 They were ready to be transported back to the Salar Moon.
00:54 At Shubang Airport in Xuezhou, Prime Minister An Hua and Minister Yi Zhong also came to pay their last respects to Taiyi Mamu.
01:00 Vice Prime Minister Fadila, who came from the Tubao Party,
01:03 recalled the little things he and Taiyi Mamu shared in common.
01:07 I was chosen by the government.
01:10 There are many lessons and messages that we want to teach our people in Sarawak
01:14 and also to fight for our country
01:17 so that it can be a developed country where people can live in harmony.
01:23 (END)
01:27 (VIDEO END)
