'আমার ভাইয়ের রক্তে রাঙানো'... International Mother Language Day পালনের কারণ জানেন?

  • 7 months ago
প্রতি বছর, ২১ ফেব্রুয়ারি আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবস পালন করা হয়। এই বছর, এই বিশেষ দিনটি বুধবার পড়েছে। কলকাতায় পালিত হল আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবস


00:00 The language is the backbone of the animal society.
00:03 Language is the most beautiful and most compatible way to communicate with the world.
00:10 India is a symbol of the world's linguistic and cultural diversity
00:14 around the world and around the various languages.
00:18 Every year, on 21 February, International International Language Day is celebrated.
00:23 This year, this special day is Wednesday.
00:25 On 21 February, 1992, the movement to make Bangla a government language
00:30 begins with the participation of four students.
00:34 On November, 1999, the International Mother Language Day is celebrated
00:38 at UNESCO General Assembly, which was known as the general day of the inter-ethnic union.
00:46 On February 21, 1992, the International Mother Language Day is celebrated
00:56 by the UNESCO Language Movement for the Cultural, Science and Education of the World.
01:05 From that, every year, the day is celebrated with various activities and events around the world.
01:13 International Mother Language Day was also held in Kolkata.
01:17 On this day, the Bangladesh Embassy was attended by the High Commissioner of the Bangladesh Embassy, Indali Elias.
01:26 Among them were special people.
01:28 First of all, I would like to wish everyone a very happy International Mother Language Day.
01:33 The question you have now, if I say in this context,
01:36 when UNESCO was established in 1990, Bangladesh was established.
01:41 Today is International Mother Language Day.
01:44 You must know that Bangladesh has done a lot to celebrate this day.
01:50 The efforts of UNESCO and the Bangladesh Embassy in Paris were possible
01:55 because of the efforts of the Bangladesh government.
01:58 The question you have is how much has been achieved.
02:01 I would say that Bangladesh has achieved a lot.
02:05 The Bangladesh government has done a lot to preserve the language and its language.
02:13 We have established an International Mother Language Institute in Bangladesh.
02:20 It is a very active and active institution in Bangladesh.
02:24 Through this, we are discussing the language and not only the Bangladesh language,
02:28 but all the languages that are there, we are doing everything to preserve them.
02:34 We want to make sure that the Bangladesh language is preserved.
02:40 The reason why you will say that the Bangladesh language and the mother language should be preserved,
02:47 I think we are doing everything in Bangladesh.
02:50 An international mother language day was celebrated in a grand manner through a celebration.
02:58 Bureau Report, One India, Bangla.
