Betting Strategy for Pro Leagues: Stick to What You Know

  • 7 months ago
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - If I give a play, I'll play it,
00:05 but I don't really, I don't play every game
00:08 of every league every night.
00:10 And as I stated, the Nashville Predators are a hockey team
00:15 that I don't have like some sort of great track record with.
00:19 And I hate to say it because they play a lot
00:23 when we're on the air in the late night hours,
00:25 but the Vegas Golden Knights, if I bet on them, they lose.
00:27 If I bet against them, they win the Stanley Cup.
00:30 So they're one of these teams where I'm like,
00:33 you know, I don't win a lot when I play their games.
00:37 And Dave Malensky, the late great Dave Malensky,
00:40 may he rest in peace, a great guy,
00:42 but also one of the smartest people I knew
00:44 and smartest handicappers.
00:46 There's Nikolai Jokic at the Colorado Avalanche,
00:49 Vancouver Canuck game.
00:50 But he told me, he goes, you know what the big,
00:54 big mistake people make is they think they know everything.
00:59 And he basically said, he goes, it's impossible to know
01:02 everything about every college football team.
01:05 But he goes, people will pretend they do.
01:07 And he goes, it's impossible.
01:08 He goes, there's 128 teams and there's 90 kids
01:11 to 100 kids on each team.
01:12 He goes, how are you possibly gonna know the inner workings
01:15 of 130 teams?
01:17 He goes, focus on the conference or the teams
01:20 that you know well and stick with it.
01:23 And don't like dance with things that you don't know
01:26 so well.
01:27 And these leagues are big leagues, man.
01:28 You got 32 teams, 30 teams in these pro leagues and stuff.
01:32 You're not gonna be great with all of them,
01:35 except which ones that you do know
01:37 and hammer the hell out of it.
01:39 And except which ones, you know what?
01:42 I don't win when I bet on that team.
01:44 I know I'm wrong with that team.
01:46 I don't have a good feel for that team.
01:49 And everybody's gonna have a different list.
01:52 For me, I'll go over some of them, but Vegas.
01:55 And like I said, the two Vegas teams, you and LV, man.
01:59 (upbeat music)
02:01 [MUSIC]
