• last year
#Meta's Sunil Abraham talks about the measures the company is taking to safeguard its users from #AI - led misinformation.

Watch him in conversation with Rishabh Bhatnagar.

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00:00 We're here at the sixth global AI leadership AI for India
00:04 Event by Asucham. I'm joined here by Sunil Abraham. He's the public policy director at Meta
00:11 Thanks so much Sunil for taking time out
00:14 I'd like to ask you what Meta is doing to sort of protect its users from AI and also AI led
00:21 misinformation
00:24 So I'll speak
00:26 Briefly about the various things Meta does on its own platform
00:30 When it comes to the risks
00:33 Associated with
00:37 Generative AI content
00:40 to begin with
00:42 When it comes to our own models
00:44 we have taken a
00:47 commitment to introduce
00:49 watermarks on a voluntary basis
00:53 Some of these AI tools are not available in India today, but when they are made available, they will be made available with these watermarks
01:00 The second change that happened last year and we have begun enforcement of that policy
01:07 from this year onwards is a change to a disclosure requirement specifically for political ads and
01:15 Also for ads around social causes what we require is that if there is any
01:22 digital
01:24 manipulation of the
01:26 Content associated with those ads then the advertisers have to make a voluntary disclosure
01:31 finally
01:33 especially for
01:35 Deceptive generative AI content circulating on whatsapp. We have worked with MCA
01:43 Which is leading consortium of fact-checkers and
01:50 We have upgraded the whatsapp tip line and now the fact-checkers
01:56 Manning
01:58 That tip line are able to also assess whether a particular piece of reported content
02:04 Has been generated or is
02:08 manipulated in any way
02:10 Sunil that was about Meta. You're also an active part of the asso champ
02:17 What is the industry the tech industry in India, especially big tech in India doing to sort of protect its users from AI?
02:24 So not just in India, but also
02:27 globally
02:29 corporations such as Meta
02:31 use
02:33 industry associations trade bodies
02:35 self-regulatory organizations to voluntarily impose certain standards upon ourselves
02:43 The best example of this is from the munity security munich security conference
02:49 We have entered into a tech accord with a variety of other global
02:54 companies
02:57 Part of the accord is a commitment
02:59 to develop
03:02 open source and also proprietary detection
03:06 capabilities
03:08 to find if
03:10 Deceptive generative AI content is being used in an election context
03:15 So that is one example of industry
03:18 Self-regulation there are many other examples such as the work that is happening the partnership
03:26 for AI and also
03:29 standards emerging metadata standards such as IPTC where meta also
03:36 Participates
03:38 (dramatic music)
03:41 (music)
